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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1906)
Press Paragraphs Sweet cider at Ely & Scott's. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk were in Pendleton yesterday. Coolidge has a oboiee line of silver ware to select from. X Clayton Luna and wife are in tbe city from Umatilla. Frank Beale was in town this morn ing from his ranch on Fine creek. Jobn Hailey came op from Pendle toD yesterday, and spent tbe day in town. II. C. Cnrry, the eye sight special ist, is iu town today from Walla Walla. Miss Pansy Stewart and Miss Min nie Kinuear of Weston, were. in tbe city yesterday. Mrs. Jerry Swart and little daughter of Adams, visited relatives in Athena this week. Miss Winnie Geiss of Adams, a Whitman college student, is ill with malarial fever. -Oeorge Peebler was up from Pen dleton yesterday, visiting bis son John Q. Pee bier. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis of La Grande are iu the city, visiting at the borne of Mrs. A. M. Gillis. Miss Nellie Foss is the gnest of Pen dleton friends, and last night attended the Gillilan-McDaniel wedding. Just received by express at the Muuusse store, a fine line of tbe late new plaid belts, also new band bags. Charles MoAlvoy has purchased tbe Turner Bros, farm, consisting of 280 acres near Helix. Consideration 116,800. Jos. N. Soott was a passenger on last night's train for Pendleton whore be atteudod the Gillilan-McDaniel wedding. Sam Dunlap, erstwhile fruit ped dler, is in town today. Mr. Donlap is uow ou tbe load for a picture enlarg ing concern. Mrs. McBride will serve tea tomor row from 2 p. m. until late1 in tbe evening. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. v Will Dobsou, Millard Kelley and fThos. Gilkie left yesterday for tbe headwaters of the Grand Boude on a buuting trip. W. J. and John King will leave shortly for Hermiston, witb the inten tion of securing work on tbe govern ment irrigation canal. 14 Subjeots for next Lord's Day at the Churoh of Christ: Morning "Christ's Call to His Cburoh." Evebing "The Hebrew Passover." Win. McKeussie has purchased the old. Henry Pinkorton homestead east of town, consisting of 120 aores. The land brought $75 per acre. -I. Firo destroyed a large stack of al falfa hay for J. T. Liouallen, near Adunis a few nights ago. Tbe origin of tbe lire is blamed to hobos. Mrs. Peterson and baby son went ovor to Walla Walla where they will remain witb Mis. Peterson's parents until Mr. Peterson returns from Hot Luke. Mrs. D, H. Sanders is visiting her parents at Ailiugtou. She has been away for some time and may continue her visit for the balance ot tbe mouth. s Over ISO studeuts are now euiolled at the Eastern Oregon State Normal school at Weston. Several students are enrolled from tho state of Wash ington. Harry Turner of Wstou, who is attllutod witb a telon, aud who went to the Walla Walla hospital some time ago, guttered amputatiou of bis thumb. C. P. Strain, couuty assessor, came up horn Poudloton Tuesday evening lo hear the ud dross delivered here per tniuiug to state grange, by Mis. Clara H. Waldo. - For sale Oue half section of good wheat laud, summer fallowed, located Hvo miles from railway station. For information call ou Peobler & Cham berlain, Athena, Oregon. Mrs. I. M. Kemp arrived home Tuesday evening from a six weeks visit at Colton, Wash. She reports her mother recovered from hor illuess with typhoid fever. D. B. Jaimuu came up from Madras, crook couuty, Wednesday evouiug and left on last night's tiaiu for Port laud, where he goes to purchase goods tor the fall and winter trade. The Blue Mouutaiu Sawmill com- auy has sold 700,000 feet of lumber this season to the Tumalum Lumber uompauy, tho Urm whiob purobased the Gillis lumber yard iu this city. James D. Gillilau, jr., aud Miss Sybil Mo Daniel were united in mar riage at the borne ot tbe biide's par euts iu Poudloton last night. Tbe bride formerly resided iu Athena, aud is well known here. Mrs. Howe returned tbe first of the week from a visit to Waitsburg, ac companied by her oousiu, Mrs. EJlbtt, who is a recent arrival from Ireland. Mrs. Elliott is a sister of tbe Mos groves, and with her husband will locate at Waitsburg. T. O. Reed of Adams, has goue to Echo, where be has u oouttaot for work on tbe government ditch. . Char les Reed, formerly employed at Bod dy's meat market la Athena, has pur chased the Adams meat market, from his brother. Conductor Menziea and wife came over from Walla Walla last evening and went ont to the home of Milt Swaggart, where they will visit for several days. Mr. Menziea is bnt re cently out of tbe hospital, where he was operated on for appendicitis. Tbe Weston normal school football team plays tbe Walla Walla high school team a return game in tbe lat ter city tomorrow afternoon. The normal boys defeated Walla Walla in the game at Weston last Saturday. J. II. Kiiby and family have re turned to Adams from Condon, Gil liam couuty, where for the past two years they have resided on a farm. Mr. Kirby was not pleased with farm ing conditions in that part of tbe state and returns to Umatilla county witb tbe avowed purpose of remaining. Mabland Brook and Ruth Andrews, tbe eloping couple arrested at Milton - last week, were married at tbe court house yesterday by Judge Bean. The groom had been sentenced to serve a year in the penitentiary bnt was pa roled when the marriage took place. ' Hereafter Jai man's Fair Depart ment store will be closed on Sun days. Mr. Jarman said that no emergency olause was to be considered witb tbe statement that his store would be closed on Sunday, and that his plaoe of business would remain closed. YMr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald Kwill celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at their home In Walla Walla, Sunday. There is to be a family reunion ot tbe McDonald home on this occasion, and a number of relatives who reside in this vicinity will be present. J. E. Froome has ietnrned from Madras, Crook county, where with Mate Pinkerton he is interested in farming. Light crops were general in that section of the state this season, but Mr. ! Froome reports tbe settlers there to be in good spirits end firm In tbe belief (that another season will bring forth prosperity and plenty. Rev. Henry Dixson Jones, rector of the Church of tbe Redeemer, Episco pal, in Pendleton, was found dead in his bed at tbe residenoe of O. S. Jack son, iu Portland at 6:30 o'clock yes terday morning. Rev. and Mrs. Jones left their home in Pendleton last Monday to attend tbe reception teudered to Bishop Soaddings, tbe new Episcopal bishop of Oregon. Heart trouble was the caoee of deatb. rVkThe pupils of the Athena high i t school and 8tb grade have organized a literary society, wbioh is to be held at the sobool house eaoh alternate Fri day afternoon. Tbe officers elected were: Arnold Wood, Pres.; Avis Zerba, vice president; ManrioeHill, Sec. ; Herbert Manasse, Treas. Tbe name of the society is "The Athenian Literary Society," and today they hold their first meeting with a pro gram of recitations, readings aud de bates. Tbe East Oregooiau correspondent, writing from Adams, says: A num ber of youug boys in Adams, all of re spectable pareuts, ages ranging all tbe way form 13 to 16, will be brought up for trial in Athena Saturday for having entered a number of farm houses between here and Athena. Tbe boys have what they call a "hobo camp" ont of town a distance, and wbile they have stolen no great amount, tbey have been taking obick eus, eggs and supplies from houses to use for oookiug at the camp. Com plaints were soon lodged against them. Card of Thanks. We take this way of expressing our tbauks toward our neighbors aud friends for their kindness during tbe illness aud death of our baby. Mr. C. H. MoCullough and Family. Death From Lockjaw. never follows an injury dressed with Buckleu's Arnica Salve. Its antisep tic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Cbas. Oswald, mer cbaut, of Rensselaersville, N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Buroh, of this place, of the ugliest sore on bis neck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds, burns and sores. 2 Be at Win, Mo Bride's, druggist , Church oi Christ. Servioes every Lord's day. Bible school at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11; Y. P. S. C E. at 7 p. m. ; preaching at 8. p. m. Prayer meeting on Wed nesday eveuiug at 8. Tbe public is invited to atteud all of these servioes. V. E. Hoveu, Minister. Settle Up. ' Those kuowiug themselves to be in debted to Win. McBride, the druggist, are expected to call aud settle by Oc tober 15. Otherwise cost of collec tion may be added. Deadly 8erpent Bitei are as common iu India as are stom ach aud liver disorders with us. For tbe latter however.tbere is a sure rem edy : Electric Bitters; tbe great restor ative medicine, of which S.A. Brown, of Beuuettsville, S. G., says: "They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with despepsia and chronioally torpid liver." Elec tric Bitters cure chills aud fever, ma laria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles aud bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by Win. McBride? drug gist. Price 50o. Items in Brief. See the fine out glass for sale by C A. Barrett & Co. a. ' . Your horses will get fat if yon 'use a Deering mower. , The latest novels are to be found at McBride'a Palace drugstore. Green Trading Stamps at the Mos grove Mercantile Company. . . Ask your neighbor what kind of a mower he has. Its a Deering. TheHeney buggy is built for tbe western trade. C A. Barrett & Co. Onr runabouts are of the latest pat tern and standard stock. C. A. Bar rett & Co. The largest furniture and carpet store in Eastern Oregon is that of M. A. Rader, Pendleton. . ; - Largest stock, leadi ng styles, lowest prices at Pendleton's poular plaoe: U C Rader the furniture and carpet man. - " ; Your money back if not satisfied with the bargains found at, Rader's big Furniture and Carpet emporium at Pendleton. . s ' I Keep the little one healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollisterx's Rooky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. 85c Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. ALtvelylaMia with that old enemy of tbe race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious troublejwith stom ach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pajn or discomfort. 25c at McBride'a. Following: The flag. When our soldiers went to Cnba and tbe Phillippines, health was the most important consideration. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Ser, geant.U S. A., Rural Route 1, Concord. N. H., says: "I was two years in Co ba and two years in the Phillippines, and being subject to colds, I took. Dr. King's .New Discovery, for Consump tion, which kept me in perfect health And now, in New Hampshire,' we find that it is tbe best medicine in tbe world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases."; Guar anteed by Wm. McBride, druggist Price 50o and $1.00. v Trjal Jwtjtle free. ' i , Administrator's Notice to Creditors. In the Couuty Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. " In tbe matter 'of the estate of Jobn G. Tharp, deceased. -' '.',' ' Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that I, the under- . - -S ... J J signea, nave oeeu appointed uumiuia- y- tratbr of the estate of "JbhrGT Tharp, deceased; and all persons having claims against the said estate are' re quired to present them to me at" my place of business in Athena, Oregon, or at the office of my attorney, Will M. Peterson, with proper vouchers, within six months from the first date of this notice. ' : W Dated this tbe 11th day of Septem ber, A. D., 1906. v. t; Will M. Peterson, B. D. Tharp, . Atty. for Estate. Admr. S. F. Sharp ., i-.- : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all ' calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third (Street. Athena. Oregon , , PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneya-at-Law ,-,,, A1HENA, . - - - OREGON Two Kinds of Money IDLE and INDUSTRIOUS Ready money is idle if eartied iu the pocket, house or in a bank where it does not draw interest ' Beady money is indutrious when it earns a fair rate of interest all the time and yet available at any time. Our special . .. ' , ' DEMAND CERTI FIGATES solve this problem as they draw THREE per cent, affair rate of , in terest, and may be cashed at any time without notice. ; F. H. COOLIDGE Dealer in v Watches, Clocks, Chains, and Rings. Special agent for Hamilton Hailroad Watches. ,. Prompt Attention Given to Retiring. Take the . ' In Connection With th PACIFIC Hn'B. For Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, and all other Points East THE BEST TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN SLEEPERS DINING CARS Time Table: No. 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arrive 9 :40 a. m. No. 12 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, depart 9 :55 a. m. For further information apply to FRED KERSHAW, Agent, Athena, Oregon. Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD, G. F. & P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash. LOWEST RATES Oregon Stiotr LINE fisa Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping ears daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping ear dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free- reclining chair oars, seats free, to the east dally irom Pendleton. ARBIVB Daily. TIMK SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE, DEPART Dally. Walla Walla, Day ton, Poroeroy, Lew iston. Colfax. Pull 8:42 a. m. man. Moscow, the 9:42 a.m.. Couer d'Alene dis trict. Spokane and an points norm. Walla Walia- Pen dleton Special 8 a Fast Mall for Pen- H latAn f a tl M n rla Bauer city, and an poiniseisi viaiiun tlngton, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp ner, Tho Dalles, Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley 4:63 p. ra points. California. Tacoma, Seattle, all nouna roinis. Pendleton - Walla 6:30 pm Walla Special J. S. l'oble Agent, A i hem ' ' i irii MWiTiiiiiaiaiirif r mii losffiwe mercantile Co. w We are Giving Away the Celebrated . Green Trading Stamps ( : - These Stamps represent a substantial piscount, we are giving them absolutely 'free. No express or freight charges on any of the premiums. If you have not already procured a book, get one at once and commence saving your stamps! fS8 In going through our Dress Goods department we find that we have accumu lated an enormous lot of Remnants which we shall place on sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, at ridiculously low prices They will consist of all grades from the cheapest to the highest grades of fabrics, and anyone wishing childrens' school dresses can buy any of the above far below regular prices, in fact, buy the very best grades at little more than trash would cost if cut off the piece. ! ChlldrenS and MlSSeS Childrens' and Misses Fine Vici Kid o -L i ou Shoes, Pattent Leather Tips, Single bCnOOl MOeS. .... or Double Soles Navy Calf in sizes 8 1-2 to 11 - $1.10 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 - - - $1.25 Navy Calf in sizes 11 1-2 to 13 1-2 1.35 Sizes 11 1-2 to 13 1-2 - - - 1.35 Navy Calf in sizes 1 to 2 - - 1.50 Sizes 1 to 2 - - - - 1.50 Misses' Low Heel Utz C& Dun Vici Kid, New line of Childrens' and Misses Fast ; double soles, new and stylish lasts. Black Hose, regular 15c grades, sizes ! J o to 8 1-2 - 10c per pair 1:2 12 to 5 - $2.50 per pair 9 to 10 - - 12 l-2c per pair We have just received a large shipment of LADIES' VICI KID patent leather Tip Plannet shoes. These goods are the regular $2.25 quality. As an ad jyertisement for our larger shoe department, we are now selling them at $J5 per j pair. A great opportunity to procure the best pair of winter shoe ever sold at the price ' losgiwe Mercantile Co. soirxn side maint., SBtEEM -QiVEB Is recommended by tbe leading physicians as a Tonic and Stimulant for family use. Has been used in the hocpitals of the U. S. Army and Navy for the past fifty years on account of its purity. - - THE CORNER SALOON ATHENA, ORE. ROBT. GENEVA Y, Prop? Sole Agent. FLOURI FLOURI FLOURI Snow Brift Per Sao3s- . $1.00 CASH This Celebrated Flour is made from the choicest Blue Stem Wheat grown in tbe Northwest. SOLD BY THE PACIFIC COAST ELEVATOR COMPANY David Williams Agent,- - , ... Athena, Oregon ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Go. Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and Lest equipped mill in the west, -of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. it Cioocls P Sack Athena, Oregon epartmen ATIILNA, OREGON