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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1906)
ANINDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Twioe-a-Wkek Tuesday ahd Fbidat F.B. BOYU, PuBLISHKR. Entered e second-class matter, March 1, MUJ, at the poitofflce at Athena, Oregon Under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879 Subscription Hatci t i r r, lo advanoi ' . . 12.00 Single copies In wrappers, 5c, Advertising Kotaa; (ocai reading notices, nratlniertton.lOcper ne. Bvntnunsequent Insertion. 5c. i Drnmnnlcatlons should be addressed to l. I'KKHH AtnenaOregon ATHENA, ORE., OCTOBER.. 19, 1906 The vitals of tbe United States' crack war vessels are declaied (o be filled with boiler tabes that wore re jeotod by tbe government inspectois, acoordiug to charges against Pittsburg concerns. Tbe United States govern ment, through tbe department of justice, is investigating charges that defective boiler fines were supplied by tbe Shelby Steel Tube company for the new warships Maine, Colorado, Georgia and Pennsylvania; that gov ernment stamps were stolen and nsed to get defective fines past the inspect ors, and that cars, after being sealed by tbe government, were broken open and defective tabes added to complete shipments. Tbe warships directly in volved in the charges, and which cost 14,5O5,000 are the new battle ships Maine and Georgia, and tbe armored cruisers Colorado and Penn sylvania. Not tbe man who owns the largest number of acres, and who, thereby keeps tbe largest number of bis fellow beings from owniug any land at all, but tbe man who puts whatever land he owns to the best possible use, is worthy of the homage of his fellows. Tbe farmer who by tbe use of intense cultivation, irrigation and "brains," draws an iuoome of $5000 a year from teu cares of giound and there are suoh farmers is worth twenty times us much to a community as be who gets a bure living off of one hundred acres. Tbe country will, by and by, it is hoped, abandon tbe false stand ard which makes the mere possession of muuy acres a token ot superiority, and award the pulm to tho man who gets tbe most out of an aero. Baker Democrat. Tho dispatches' tell us that Homer rfaveuport bud u porsouul interview with tbe sultan of Turkey. Ho was forbidden to make any piotares ot tbe sultau, but Davonport memorized the flaltiiii's features and muds sketches. Afterword Turkish spies discovoied iu some wuy that tbo cartoonist bad made skotohes and searched his bug gago, but they were disappointed for the wise artist hud bidden tbe draw ings iu a bale of hay. Tbe 'news bureaus do uot tell whether it was Weston mountain baled or Kansas red top, aud it is the first we ever knew of hay in Turkey. We hud supposed that Turkish stook was fed on beaus arid bread otusts from tbe royal tables of the sultau but then we uever was up iu - agricultural statistics litre Wood is. Sam Ouplinger was over from Wood's town yesterday, and with Do Do 05 Do Do Do Our Annual Nine Cent Sale a This year's Nine Cent Sale promises to be a bummer one ot tbe liveliest sules ot its kind we have ever held. Every department will be represented iu tbe Sale aud the offerings will bo greater than ever before. Watch our ad. 03 OS The Davis Alder o OS Do Do DC DC DC tC u OS pardonable pride displayed what was perhaps tbe largest cabbage head ever seen here. This bead of cabbage weighed actually 34 pounds, and while no measurement were taken, we feel safe in saying that it was con siderably larger than tbe bead of a certain individual wbicb was graphic ally described by an old lady at the county fair recently held in Pendle ton.. Tbe cabbage head differs ma terially in many respects from the other bead mentioned, and one re spect in particular, in that tbe cab bage bead has a core and tbe other head has not Tbe Pendleton Tribune calls atten tion to the unusual lack of talk about tbe election of a United States senator at tbe meeting of tbe legislature next winter. Come to think about it, the people are not talkiug about who will be tbe next senators, but tbeu, why should they, says tbe Heppner Gazette. Tbe matter was settled last Jane. Mr. Bourne and Mr. Mulkey will be elected on the first ballot. Tbe Ore gon lawmakers will be out of a job before the forty days limit. There are five miners who are can didates for congress under the Ameri can Federation of Labor plan for the entrance of trades onions into politics. Tdey are: W. B. Wilson national secretary-treasurer, of Blossburg, Pa. ; JobtS Walker, vice president of the Illinois district; T. D. Nichols, Scran ton, Pa., president of tbe first anthra cite district ; W. II. Dettry, Hazleton, Pa., president of tbe seventh anthra cite district, and Jobo Fabey, presi dent of tbe nioth anthracite district. Yellow fever has appeared in Ci enfuegos, and tbe U. S. forces were sent to other sections of tbe island. It never rains but it pours in tbe trop ics. Yellow Jack and rebellion will make tbe situation like unto what Sherman said war was. That South American threat to boycott tbe United States is a bit of Latin buncombe. The pig-tails of Chiua tried the game of boycott and failed. It is a trick of cowards, is a boycott. Word comes from Hawaii that tbere is a well defined scheme ou foot by tbe plantation owners to get laborers from Europe. Already a thousand Portuguese families are being imported by the sugar plauters' association. A judge has deoided that a woman need not tell her agn on a witness stand. This will be sadly disap pointing to tbe women who are not subpoenaed. Rojestvensky has resigned from the Russian navy. At least, he has re signed from the spot where .the navy would be if Russia had one. Howard Gould aud his wire are up to their eyes in domestic infelicity over connubial incompatibility, if you kuow what that is. They say rouoh of Senator Piatt's trouble with his yonug wife arises from her fondness for a pet dog. Shoot the dog. For Sale Good five room house and three lots on Hunt avenue, two blocks from mill. Has eleotrio lisrhta and water works, good cellar, good wood shed, picket fence aud shade trees. Prico 800. Will be sold on easy terms. For particulars iuuuire of Matt Johnson, Athena, Ore. Do Do DC Do Do Do 'Do a to o a o ee a . - Kascr Co. St., Walla Walla, Wash. Do DC Do Do Do Do Do Washington Chat Special Correspondence. Tbe president is looking forward to tbe changes that will soou take plaoe iu Lis official family. Before the close of congress there will be two vacanoies in tbe cabinet Secretary Shaw will retire on February 1st, at wbioh time be will have rounded out five years at tbe bead of tbe treasury department, and Attorney General Moody will retire a month earlier, it being bis desire to resume the praotice of law. Rumor has it that Moody is slated for the supreme court bench, but this is hardly likely, as much op position would probably arise from having two Massachusetts men serv ing as associate justices at the same time, Jnstioe Holmes of that state, being a member of tbe court Mr. Moody's retirement is entirely volun tary. The president has frequently asked him to reconsider his purpose and greatly regrets to see him go. It is almost certain that Ambassador to Russia Meyer will be appointed to one of tbe vacanoies, but just which be will secure appears to be unde termined. The second vaoanoy affords abundant opportunity for speculation, as yet no name has been mentioned that seems to stand the test From tbe plans of tbe- administra tion, tbe people of this country will not be required to pay a single' penny for tbe cost of intervention by the United States in tbe affairs of Cuba. Just as China paid tbe expenses of the American troops and ships iu quelling the Boxer uprisings in 1900, so will Cuba be compelled to pay out of her treasury an enormous sum for the folly wbioh made American inter vention necessary. The war depart ment has now given out the figures of tbe present cost as $25,000 per day and this figure will be materially ad vanced when Governor Magoon takes charge and relieves Secretary Taft The governor's salary has been fixed at $35,000 yearly, tbe same amount that the Cuban people paid to Presi dent Palma. Tbe new governor has power to snrreund himself with all kinds of high-priced officials or he may limit tbe number and the amount of salaries as he sees fit and Cuba will have no say whatever in fixing tbe prioe she must pay. On tbe basis of present plans for complete intervention, and following tbe precedent ot tbe Boxer uprising, it is now computed that Cuba will be required to pay $1,000,000 a month for the services being rendered by the United States. Ihe Jamestown Exposition will have a unique exhibition from the navy de partment A small sized basin, twenty feet long and ten feet wide, tilled with blue sea water and floating thirty eight warships in line of re view, is one of tbe surprises awaiting exposition visitors. The ships will be exact reproductions of those wbicb took part in tbe great naval parade at Oyster Bay and were reviewed by tbe president From each smoke stack will pour columns of black smoke, from tbe masts will fly tbe flags wbioh attire tbe navy's ships when tbey have on a holiday dress and from eaob gun will belch tiny shot s fired by smokeless powder. Every type of United States war snip will be seen, iron) tbe coiner to tbe battleship. Tbe work has already been started so tbere will be no pos sibility cf tbe heavy detail work pre venting its completion by tbe time tbe exposition opens. Tbe cost does not enter into tbe scheme at all. As much money will be spent as is necessary to complete the wonderful display in every detail. Secretary Wilson of tbe department of agriculture is highly gratified over the taot that 50,000,000 bushels ot Durum wheat will be threshed in this oonntry this year. He is pleased that this department took tbe step five years ago of introducing Durum wheat into the United States as the results have been beneficial to a great many farmers. This wheat is known as maoaroui wheat, because of its value iu the manufacture of macaroni. It is n bard spring wheat and cannot be raised in tbe winter but it is now pro posed to hybridize the wheat with tbe best winter wheat of this country. If this is successful, more farmers will take up the raising of Durum wheat Tbe macaroni business in tbe United States is on tbe increase and tbe de mand is for clean, American made goods of this nature in place of that imported from Italy. Several interest ing bulletins have beeu prepared on the subject by the department of agri culture, aud anyone desiring tbem should address a letter to the congress mau of their district.wbo will in turn write to tbe secretaiy of agriculture. Kow comes tbe announcement that the Panama oanal is to be built by contract. In a few days tbe commis sion appointed to investigate tbe sub ject will make public a statement set ting forth its reasous for favoring tbe contract system, and at that time a form of contract will be published showing exactly the sort, of document believed by the commissioners to be necessary for safe-guarding tbe work. It is kuowu tbat tbe president be lieves that the work can be doue more satisfactorily by contractors than by tbe government, aud in a leugtby con fereuoe vith Chairmau Shouts, tbe matter was discussed fully. Tts t'ur t.'ajia-.liikMi.ltMSi FnMvm VLe Ibisinrwlv I' Ibtthartlft Mm W If C C. C fail to cure, druwi&u refund mone Is Disease a Crime? Not very long tiro, a popular magazine published an editorial article In which ths writer asserted, In substance, that all cli sense should he regarded as criminal. Certain It Is, tbat much of the sickness and sufTr-rinrj of mankind lit due to the violation of certain of Nature's laws. But to suy that all sickness should be regarded as criminal, must appeal to every reasonable individual as radically wrong. It would he harsh, unsympathetic, cruel, yes criminal, to condemn the poor, wa:ik, over-worked housewife who sinks under the heavy load of household cares and burdens, and suffers from weak nesses, various, displacements of pelvic organs and other derangements peculiar to her sex. Frequent bearing of children, with its ex acting demand!) upon the system, coupled with the rare, woiiy and labor of rearing a large family, is often the cause of weak nesses, derangements and debility which are aggravated by. the many household cares, and the hard, and nerer-end lng work which the mother is called upon to perform. Dr. Pierce, the maker of that world-famed rem edy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and Ills Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription says that one of the greatest obstacles to the cure of this class of maladies Is the fact that the poor, over-worked housewife can not get the needed rest from her many household cares and lalwr to enable her to secure from the use of his "Prescription" Its full benefits. It Is a matter of frequent experience, be says, In his extensive practice in these cases, to meet with those In which his treatment falls by reason of the patient's Inability to abstain from hard work long enough to be cured. With those suffering from prolapsus, ante version and retroversion of the uterus or other displacement of the womanly organs, it is very necessary that, in addition to tak ing his "Favorite Prescription "they abstain from being very much, or for long periods, on their feet. All heavy lifting or straining of any kind should also be avoided. As much out-door air as possible, with moderate, light exercise Is also very important Let the patient oliserve these rules and the"Favor- .. Prescription" will do the rest. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser Is sent free jn receipt of stamps to pav expense of mailing onlu. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierco, liulTalo, N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound. If sick consult tho Doctor, free of cliarco by letter. All such communications aro held sacredly confidential. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Inviioratn and regulate stomach, liver and bowel. HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. If there ia no Piano in tbe house, one should be purchased or at least hired, And it should be one or toe BEST PIANOS shown iu our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled sor sweetness and richness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash To Cure Constipation FureTe. fake Cuscarets Cam'.y Cathartic. 10c or 25a C C. C. fail to cure, c) . uymsls refund mouev Foley's Kidney Cure makes Kidneys ana bladder right. FOR COUGHS THE FOR THROAT I l njk y a. u. rAnrvtn 111 flraplBW ir "J 'il T MR "off? jV. Jim L-JLj mmJ L Lm JA Li CHAS. EBY, SR, of Elizabeth, III., writes: "1 paid out over $150 to local phy sicians, who treated ma for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." Prfet 5Sc tssl SI.G3 ABSOLUTELY CUARAfJTEEPT Trial Bottles Frts W. McBRIDE, THE PALACE DRUG STORE, SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET -ATHENA. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon Foley's Honey and Tar tor No opiates. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE . HARRY M BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, ATHEAN, ORE First ational of Athena CAPITAL STOCK. - - - - $50,000 SURPLUS,.. 17,500 We do Strictly a Commercial Business. We Solicit the Accounts ot Individuals, Firms , and Corporations. OFFICERS H. C. ADAMS, President, , T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Asa't. Cashier. i ICvJ - - I - I i i nintrn i I - jwiuww Kn rasa. KTI tf W - II WW mm m m H m m us F-f HnMnN KW m THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. 1 50 Styles ""f u0?n Cnlrt h 111 Si.tlnn... Works, Camden. N.J. STEnSnQ.:lSTEEl PEN SO. 88 lohn St., New York. WONDER WORKER OR. KING'S LUPJCS SOLD IM nEGEEHiED BY BLACKSMITH AMD REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Propiictor. Shop West of King's Barn, AthrnM THE WRICHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE - COOD HORSES AND RICS. REASONABLE PR15 DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or uion I b Btableaon 2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, - - - Proprietor- DIRECTORS H. O. ADAMS. T. J. KIRK, F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. CITY MEAT MARKET C. H. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pui rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fwh find oysters in season. Give us a trial. Everything Firm Clan Ho t'e r n and ITp-tu -date SIDE MAIM STREfcT AfHENA STEEL PENS FOR GOLDS AND Bank