: J X n ..... , "'"' .: - ; , ..: , ,-. . i . , . ....... , .... H A ' Lt&W : ' W tomtom. A. Great; Array of 1 ideas Awaits Your Approval. In this Mammoth Stock is all that is Proper for fall Wear. Here's an enticing display of the new season's goods so big and bright and brisk that you'll think we're wonder workers when you come. But it was no magic wand that provoked this splendid array. . Only unceasing watchfulness, eternal vigilance, aud untiring toil in your behalf. It is our business to be forehanded freehanded freehanded. So many months ago, we were up and doing haunting the market places invading fashion centers study ing the style changes examining, criticizing, comparing and separating the real wheat from the chaff. Now they are here all the latest creations and newest conceits every thing a woman needs in Dress Goods, Goats, Fancy Goods, Corsets, Underwear for women and children; Hosiery, Shoes and Millinery. Then there is clothing here for men and boys Hats. Underwear and Shoes. We have a charming selection of Lace Curtains, Blankets, etc. etc We can promise you prices much lower than you expect. It is our business to see to that, too. The Feast of Fashion is Spread; it merely awaits your coming. MEN'S AND BOY S NEW FULL CLOTHING We handle the celebrated Kirschbaum Clothing and our fall line includes a great many neat patterns at prices ranging from $7.50 to $17 Boys' Suits come in long and short pants, single and double breasted, and . range in prices froir , . .'$1.25 to $9.50 EXTRA PANTS All sizes mid prices and many patterns ore shown in this department. We can save you money on your next extra pir of pants. We are colt' agents for the Royal Taylors of Chicago, the largest Made-to order House in .he world. It you want a tailored suit we can give you all that i.- nqnird, fit, style and workmanship guaranteed " Pay less and dress .better," FALL .SJOWiNG OF UNDERWEAR ipmvv -i ll I world $1. f,.r.-. , . . . . 85c Men's- Plush W"l, won h $1.25 per 'garment, f. r . ..... 100 MeiiV Grey Wo Med ribbed, worth $1.25 per g. rment, for .".1.00 Men's Genuine Demy All Wool ribbed Under wear, worth .$1.85 per garment, 1.50 Men's cotton flat with heavy wool fleece, worth 75c, per garment. . 50c Men's cotton ribbed with fleece, either in pink or blue, worth 75c per garment. .... . . . .50c Ladies' Combination Suits, seamless, worth 85c each . . . 65c Ladies' Combination Suits, glove fitting, worth .$1.25 each 1.00 Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, either in white or cream, worth 65c each 50c Ladies' Cashmere ribbed Vests and Pants, worth $1, each ...T....85c Ladies' non-shrinking wool ribbed Vests and Pants, worth if 2, each ........ ..... 1.65 Ladies' Camel Hair all wool Vests and Pants, worth $1.50, each . ..... ....... 1.25 Ladies' Cotton Underwear with extra heavy flefce, worth 50c each 30c Children's fine All Wool Camel Hair, all sizes, arid they start in size 20, each. 4-5c Children's cotton ribbed with fleece at the fol lowing low price: 15, 18, 20, 25, 30 cents. Misses' Combination Suits, Oneita style, for . .... 75cand60c "Rubens" Infant Shirts, all wool, each... 50c Nagareth Waists, all sizes, each 25c Men's heavy wool grey Hose, extra good value for " 25c Men's fine Tan all wool hose, medium heavy, for.... . 25c Men's heavy black wool hose. 25c Men's heavy natural wool hose . 25c Men's fine Cashmere black hose. ... 25: Men's Oxford Mixed hose, worth 20, fir. : . . I5c Ladies' black all wool hi.se, ribbed top, for 2fvC Children's all wool hoe, fine ribbed for . . .2sC Children's cotton hose with heavy fleece. . . . 15c Infant's all wool black hose. . . . : 18c Infant's fine ribbed hose, all colors, -25c LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. ETC. com 08 in greys of mauy patterua, very stylish, per yard only - - - 35c 25c Boulevard Serge, Fancy Plaids Bome very pretty designs t soo, so All-wool Albatross in all colors, per yard ,50o All wool Cashmeres, tbey come in black, white, red, blue, brown, Melrose green and taus, por yrad $1 75o, 65o and aa low aa 50o, ' All wool Gballiea, they come iu greens, blues, taus, greys and whitu, per yard, 63o. - QJi1i-iio in wn'te. black and all colors, rauging In price Cn. OlCllianS, . from 85o to ... . . ,. . 3UC All wool Panamas in black, brown grey, garnet, bine and tan at $1.20, TOo and 50o. - All wool serges in blacks, whites, reds, and browns, per yarrd $1.25, $1, 87o and 60c. Mohairs in black, bine and brown, also comes in blaob whites checks and fancy plaids, rungiug iu piioe from and white obeoka and many fancy weaves, per yard 85a. 125 V,B y.?td. t"f . . . " , ,n . nn , , , j , Broadcloths in black, ranging in price from $1.50 to OOo - Voiles m black, white and all colors, per yrad $1, ,0o A baudsonlo and complete line of waistiugs too uumer and 60c. ons to rueutiou in'detail. But a glance through the lino Brilliantiuea in all solid colors come iu black, aud will convluce yon" of its merit. NEW FULL SHOWINGS Ladies' and Children's New Fall Coats. In this department especially onr openiug prioes are unusually attractive. We are showing a beautiful assorment of the latest creations and the nobiest styles in coats. Every coat is different in design and the patterns extremely neat. Coats that yon would pay $18.00 and $20.00 for in Pendleton or Walla Walla, we are offering at the low price of See onr line of coats we are closing out at $9.75. Children's coats from 48o to $5.00. 12.50 ra Opesiiml in Milinery. We are showing in this department only the latest designs and at prioes considerably leas than the exolnsive millinery stores aak. It will pay you to call early and pnrohase or have laid aside, your choice. FALL SHOWING OF SHOES Peters' Diamond Special for Men and Women. . They come in Box -Calf and Vici, both BaL and Blncher; in English, Howard and Picadilly toes. No better shoe made. For men, $3.60. For Women, $3.00. . , ' " T . Onr Par Excellent for Meu and Women, come in waterproof Blncber, Vioi, Bal. and Bin, also Patent Colts. For men, $1.50 aud $5.00. For women, $3.60. Black Diamond for men, a rattling good shoe for $2.25. Sparkler This Shoo is shown in many styles and nothing better is made for women for $2.25. Black Diamond for Women, made both comfortable and durable, lor $1.85. In Children's Shoes we show a strong and well made lino at prices from 50o to $2.00. Overcoats for Men and Boys; latest styles, many patterns and prices far less than our com petitors ask. It will pay you to call oarly and inspect this line. Duck Coats for men and boys, ail sizes, and prices ranging from 3,75 to 08c Men's Mackinaws. very heavy and comfort-, able. We have them fo'r f 4 and $2.50 Men's Sweaters. We have a large line for men and boys, and this year we are able to give you a Sweater for $3 25 which sold laBt year for $3. Ask to see our line at 95c Dress and Working Shirts for men and bovs. Neat patterns and full made. Shirts worth $1.50 for i 1.25 Shirts worth $1.25 for 1.00 Shirts worth 65n for 50 Men's and boys Gloves and Mittens. A large lined of unlined, either dress or working Gloves , and Mittens, and your saving in this line will amount to considerable. Knit Shawls ar.d Fascinators in both white and black. Prices range $2.75 to 25C LADIES' FANCY GOODS A pretty showing of latest things in Ladies' Belts, Bsgs, lies, Belt Buckles, Hair Fins, Col lars, etc. NECKWEAR DEPARTMENT Immense showing of new fall designs in Ties. Regular $1 Tie for. .75C Regular 76c Tie for 50c Regular50c Tie for. Y.. ....... . . 35c BED COMFORTS $2.50 Comfort for '. .2.00 $3 Comfort for : 1.80 $1.50 Comfort for. . . . . 1.25 Wool Blankets ranging in price from $7 to 3.85 Cotton Blankets ranging from $1.70 to (8c LACE CURTAINS Our fall opening in Lace Curtains will please the most exacting buyer. Regular $5.00Curtain for .3.75 Regular $3.50 Curtain for 2.75 Regujar $2.00 Curtain for l.(8 Regular 75c Curtain for 50c Brown Muslin for. . . 4 Oc Extra heavy 36-in. Sheeting 10c Outing Klannelj, solid colors, also neat patterns, l2$c to 5c FLEECED lYAISTINCS New fall line from 15c to. . 10c Best English Cambric, worth 15c, for 12c Cambric Dress Lining?, all colors.. ...... 5c CHEVIOT SHIRTINGS Very heavy, I2c and 10c Black Sateen, both mercerized and unmercer- ized from 35c to 15c Sateens in all colors per yd 25c Towels, Turkish, Iluck and Catton, 25c to lOc Bed Spreads, new fall line from $3.25 to. .70c Table Linens, bleached and unbleached. IE WTi 13) Nortli Side Main St WESTON, OREGON. if J Y