The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 21, 1906, Image 1

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Fall Goods Arriving Daily
A 4 J J 4
Ladies' and Children's
In great variety at prices
to suit all
A &
in profusion
i wmm sm
Agent for Butterick's Patterns.
!: First
of Athena
CAPITAL STOCK... $50,000
SURPLUS, .... 17,500
We do Strictly a Commercial Business. We Solicit
the Accounts ot Individuals, Firms f
and Corporations.
H. O, ADAMS, President,
T, J, KIRK, Vice President,
F. 8. Le GROW.XJashier,
I. M. KEMP, Ass't. Cashier.
t V . " i
Good Groceries, Coffee and Tea
In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The
difficulty is not great, but it s exceedingly difficult to build well
without these 3 things. We have highest grade goods in every line
Each Article the Acme of Perfection
Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion.
RE&EMBER Our prices are always consistent with quality.
H". C. ADAMS, T. J. KIRK, F. S.
Sidetracked at Thorn Hollow-
By Indian Police.
Major Edwards' Indian Police Found
in the Bight Place at the
Wrong Time.
Charles Gay and Bert Cartano, two
of the best boys that nver lived, were
arrested on the reservation Wednes
day afternoon for a misdemeanor
which anyone, even an editor, who
goes fishing, is liable to be cangbt np
The boys were headed for the
Thompson plaoe, bat went across the
reservation via Thorn hollow, for the
reason that their rig had no brake,
and they could not descend Ryan
At Thoru Hollow station they met
with friends, and while in the act of
drinking a bottle of beer, Ed. Bedford
and two Indian policemen happening
to be in the right place at the wrong
time, came npou the party and placed
the two Athena men nnder arrest.
They were taken to Pendleton by
the Indian agent, Major Edwards, ap
peared before Commissioner Hailey,
and were bonnd over in the sum of
100 eaob to appeer before the federal
court in Portland. J. W. Maloney
and Lester Swaggart went on their
bonds and last night Mr. Cartano and
Mr. Gay left for Portland to settle
the case.
Stop Green Stamps.
One of the most important acts of
the Pendleton council last nveninir.
says the Tribnne, was the passage of
an ordinance wnicn will compel all
green stamps or premium stamp com
panies to pay a yearly license of $300
before they will be permitted to dis
tribute their stamps amoug the mer
chants of the city. This is a direct
blow at the green s'.amp company
which is now operating in that city
and was passed at the instanoe of the
County Fair Rates.
For the Union county fair at La
Grande, Sept. 25 to 29 inclnsive, aud
for the Baker county fair at Baker
City, Sept. 19 to 27 inclusive, the O.
R. & N. will sell round trip tickets
from Athena at one aud one-third
fare rate.
Peering Giant
Alfalfa Mowers
& CO,, Athena
Athena, Oregon.
Feud in Pine Valley Endi in Horrible
Murder of Wm. Moody.
One of the bitterest feuds ever
known in Eastern Oregon has euded
in the horrible murder of William
Moody,' a pioneer of Pine valley,
Baker county, and one of tbe most
promiueut stookmen of that part ot
the state. After murdering Moody
some unknown fiend mutilated bis
body In a most cruel and dastardly
The Oregon Daily Journal's Baker
City correspondent says of the affuir:
One of tbe foulest murders ever
committed in Baker county was done
Saturday night, when some unknown
person shot and killed William
Moody, a prominent ranoher of Pine
valley,aboat 60 miles from this placs.
Tbe slayer bad shown his fiendish
cruelty in bis . work. He ponnded tbe
dead man's head to a pulp with a
club ot the but of a gun, aud left the
body lying in the brush less than a
quarter of a mile from Piue. .
Tbe body was discovered by a small
boy, tbe authorities were notified and
a seared for the murderer, was im
mediately .'started. There is no
known direct cause for the murder,
but surmises are heard on every side.
Between the Moody family and the
neighbors there has been trouble for
years. The dead man was married
twice aud separated both times from
his wife. His brother, Henry Moody,
aged 40 years, was acquitted last week
of a statutory charge preferred by the
father of a 14 year old girl of Pine.
Tbe feeling in the neighborhood was
dangerous at tbe time and violence
was threatened if Moody should be
When the body of William Moody
was found tbe eyes bad been gouged
out, the nose and lips were out off,
and other marks of fiendish hatred
were made.
Mystery still shrouds the foul mur
der, the most shocking crime in the
annals of Baker county, After a
day's investigation the coroner's in
quest failed to give a siugle clew that
suggested more than a simple possibil
ity. Unless family troubles caused it
no one can explain tbe awful deed of
the assassin.
Moody was found ou a trail leading
from Pinetown aud the Portland Trad -iug
company's store to bis ranch, a
quarter of a mile through a thicket.
Wben Moody left the Portland Trad
ing company's store for bis borne the
assassiu was waiting for bim and
when the viotim got within a few feet
shot him dead and iu a freuzy of de
monical rage mutilated the body mos
It was not nntil Sunday evening
that the body was found. The man
bad been dead 15 hours. Tbe mur
derer had escaped. With bim be car
ried Moody's eyes. If tbe authorities
can locate Moody's brotber-iu-law,
nanyd Cole, be will be held to tell
Vftfat he knows about tbe crime. Cole
mistreated bis wife and tbe Moodys
interfered for their' sister, Willam
Moody, tbe dead man, being especial
ly stern in demanding justice for her.'
Cole was ejected from the farm up
on which he bad lived, aud tbe wife
went back to Her brothers. It was on
this farm that Moody was killed.
Cole has not been seen since, and tbe
authorities will bold him for question
ing if he is found. He is said to have
threatened the Moody family.
Athena Man Who is Being: Advanced
by Kerr-Gifford Co.
Frank Rogers, who several years
ago, conducted the grain bdsiuess for
Kerr-Gifford Co. in Athena, has been
traasfered from Garfield, Wash., to
Pendleton, and will have supervision
of tbe company's grain business in
this county.
Tbe many friends of Mr. Rogers in
Atbena will be pleased to learn of bis
advancement by tbe company in the
employment of which he has been for
serveral years. He is a thorough
business man aud has tbe qualifica
tions to attain the highest positiou
offered in his business line.
Wells Arrested.
As tbe result of tbe ftstio encounter
in tbe Shamrock saloon Tuesday nigbt
between Jobu bcunndt, the saloon
man and capitalist, and Will Wells.
of tbe Idle Hour saloon, Wells spent
Tuesday nigbt in jail and paid a fine
of 120 yesterday morning, while
Schmidt was a (ranged yesterday
afternoon, entered a plea of not guilty
and will be tried this morning at 10
o'clock, says the Trioune. Tbe flgbt.
which was tbe terminus of a swearing
contest, was interrupted by tbo ap
pearance of Officer Waiters, who
brought tbe enoonnter to a close bo
fore it could be determined who was
tbe winner of tbo boat
After Signing; Bond Bo Friends There
to Greet Her.
Breathing prayers of thankfulness
and stoppiug to look at the flowers and
shrubs; holding her head high that
she might more freely drink in great
draughts of tbe pnre air of a golrious
September day, Mrs. Emma L. Wat
sou, convicted of conspiring to .de
fraud tbe United States out of its
publio lands, walked this morning
from the county jail in company with
Deputy United States Marshal Ker
rigan to tbe federal court building,
where she sigued a reoognizauce
bond acd shortly after went out into
the sunshine a free woman, says the
For nearly three months . Mis. Wat
son has been confined iu the county
jail, where she was delivered by her
bondsmeu, who feared that she might
run away from the government
authorities iu case ber testimony
might be wanted iu subsequent laud
fraud oases. Wbeu she emeged from
tbe jail she was nattily attired iu a
light grey plaid traveling suit Her
stylish millinery was hiddeu by a
heavy pink automobile veil, which
was also drawn about her face, par
tially hiding it from view. Although
the veil and the rouge wbiob she used
completely covered her face and
cheeks, they were not sufficient to
bide all traces of tbe prison pullor
which she gained in her confinement
in the county hostile.
' After the formality of signing the
bond bad been gone through with,
Mrs. Watson left tbe federal building
unaooompanied. Mot a friend was
there to greet ber except a number of
newspaper men.
Trainer is Hurled in Air and Tramp
ed on By Animal.
Iu trainiug oue of bis famous stal
lions, Bud I)o Lie was nearly killed ou
bis big stock farm near Lawrence sta
tion, Califonruia, late Saturday after
noon by a horse which he had beeu
driving. For some time past Doble
has been having trouble with the ani
mal. One day last week while tbe
bone was being driven by the train
er about the farm he picked up a nail.
Doble extracted it, but iu doing so
caused. tbe horse great pain. At the
time tbe stallio'i showed dislike for
tbe driver, but Doble thought nothing
of the inoident.
Saturday the animal made no dis
play of temper until an opportune
time offered itself. Doble wanted to
rearrange the oheok rein, aud walked
by tbe side of the horse until near his
head. As he stood there he was sud
denly pounced upon and felled to tbe
ground. a Tbeu tbe stallion reaobed
down and picked np the prostrate
trainer in his teeth, shaking bim vio
lently. He hurled Doble to one side
and then deliberately knelt ou tbe
body.placing bis knees on the trainer's
chest and side. Several men from tbe
stable rushed over and beat tbe ani
mal off and carried tbe injured train
er home. Doble has several ribs
broken and sustained a number of bad
to use oTforIai dunes
0 B- & N. Will Attempt to Remove
8erious Obstruction.
For years tbe O. R. & K. company
bas tried to find some way in which
the blowing saud of tbe Columbia
river might be confined and at last tbe
company will expermient with crude
oil. Tbe Portland Oregonian says of
tbe intended innovtaion :
After years of labor and thousands
of dollars spent in trying to keep tbe
Eastern Oregon sands from encroach
ing on the tracks and hindering tbe
operation of trains, tbe O. R. & N.
system, it is thought, bas at last bit
upon tbe right expedient. What is
asserted to be a certain remedy is the
sprinkling of tbe sand dunes near tbe
track with crude oil. It is said this
treatment will bind tbe shifting sand
piles as nothing else can and will
prevent loose saud from blowing over
tbe dunes treated with oil as the dry
particles will stiick to the oiled sur
face. Experiments with oil as a
means of keeping tbe shifting sands of
tbe Comlubia off tbe tracks may be
made by tbe officials of tbe road in a
short time.
Ever since tbe O. R. & N. tracks
were fltst laid along tbe Columbia the
operatiug department of the road has
had an unceasing battle with saud.
It was no ordinary problem the beads
of tbe system bad to grapple with for
the white, feathery particles, whirled
about by the wind, have often proved
more troublesome than drifting snow.
Armed today tb very latest in
Crushed Turns at Mrs. Lillio Miller's.
Governor Chamberlain Will
Speak on Irrigation Day ;
Preston-Farton Milling Company Made
Shipment of Mill Product
The following program has beeu
arranged by the directors of the
Thir,d Eastern Oregon Distriot Agri
cultural Society for the first annual
fair to be held in Pendletou next
Monday, Morrow County Day.
Tuesday, Irrigation Day.
Wednesday, Woodmen of the World.
Thursday, Eastern Umatilla Couuty
Friday, Western Umatilla County
Saturday, Third Eastern Oregon
Dsitiiot Agricultural Society aud
Mardra Gra and Grand Carnival day
and night.
Interest of tbe people of the east
end of the county will probably cen
ter on Irrigation day, wbioh is Tues
day, and Thursday, which is Eastern
Umatilla couuty day. Governor
Chamberlain will, ba tbe principal
speaker at the irrigation day exercises,
Tuesday, the program for which is ou
an elaborate scale.
The Preston-Partou Milling com
pany shipped the Athena exhibit to
Pendleton yesterday. It consists of
tbe very finest samples of wheat grown
m tbe Atbena district; Athenian and
American Beauty flour in sacks and
dozens of cartoons of the world fa
mous Atbena Wbeat Flakes, the great
breakfast food.
Tbe exbibt will be arranged by Mr.'
York Dell, who left for Pendletou this
morning for that purpose.
Tbe space allotted for tbe Atbeua
exhibit iu the'pavilion is a corner
10x10 feet iu dimensions. Twenty-six
sacks of wbeat will be tbe foundation
for tbe display. On this novel foun
dation wiU rest a square platform on
wbioh will be arranged iu as artistic
ally a manner as possible, tbo flour
and cereal exhibit built up in pyramid
form. At each corner of tbe founda
tion will stand an open sack of wbeat.
iu wbiob will be plaoed a placard
reading, "Acheua Wbeat 60 Bushels
per Aore." Other placards bearing
tbe words, "Atbena, the Granary of
tbe Inland Empire," "Atbeua, the
Hume of the Prestou-Purtou Milling
Company," eto, will be placed in con
spicuous places iu tbe booth.
After Back Taxes.
Umatilla couuty is going to mako
an effort to colleot all delinquent
taxes especially on persoual property.
In following out this campaign Clark
Nelsou, of Weston, has been appoint
ed as a special clerk to hunt up tbo
delinquent tax list aud put it in shape
to handle. He will begin his duties
October 1 aud will plaoe all delin
quent realty tax in a single book, go
ing back in tbe records for tbe past 15
years. Persoual taxes will bo check
ed up for the past six yeurs.
Rjew.rd of $25.
I will pay $25 reward for informa
tion leading to tbe recovery of a ,
French Coolie pup oue yoar old.wbich
disapperaed from tbe R. E. Stewart
farm on tbe evening of September 8.
Color, dark on back, light streaks ou
sides, white on breast; had on collar.
Coat of bair long and shaggy, bushy
tail. Address, O. II. LING,
Pay Up t Once.
The firm of Wortbiugtou & Thomp
son, grocers, has been dissolved by
mutual consent, and all persons in
debted are expected to come forward
at once and settle. This may mean
you. If so call at once.
H. O. Worthingtoo,
Geo. Thompson.
At Public Auction.
Mrs. Kate Brook ner will dispose of
ber household goods at public auction
at her home in Atbena Saturday,
September 22, at 2 o'clock p. m. Mrs.
Brooknor bas secured the services of
Auctioneer F. G. Lucas. Tbe house
hold goods are in good condition.
Death From Lockjaw.
never follows an ininrv lrusmi1 with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antisep
tic and healing properties prevent
blood poisoning. Cbas. Oswald, mer
chant, of Rensselaersville, N. Y..
writes: "It nrfl Nth lini-Mi nf
this place, of tbe ugliest sore on bU
uein t ever saw. - cares cuts, wonnns,
burns and sores. 25c at wm. Mc-
Brido's, druggist.