ikm jxt$$ AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Twiok-a-Week T0E8DAT and Fbidat F.B.Boyd, Publishfb. Entered as econd-claas matter, March 1, lmu, at the poitofflee at Atbena. Oregon Uuderan Act 01 Congress of March 8, 1870 Subaarlptlen Hatai t r year, In ad vane 12.00 Single copies in wrappers, 6c, Advertising ftati t Local reading notice, Oratlnsertion.lOcper at. Kachiubieqaentliuertlon.Se. II communications ihonld beaddrewwd to I PKRH8 AthenaUregon ATHENA, ORE., SEPT. 14, 1906 If a mau contracts to marry a woman at a time when she is still tbe legal wife of another and, after tbe woman obtains a divorce, conducts himself in a way to show that be is engaged to marry her, the oontraot is binding, according to a decision of the supreme court in the case of Jennie Lea man, appellant, against Alexander Thompson from Suohomish county, Washington. Thompson tried to get out of it on tbe ground tbat when be contracted to marry ber, she was the legal wife of another and bence she had no right to make such a contract The supreme court says it is trne that saob a contract is void, but where a man, after tbe woman obtains a di vorce and is in a position legally to make a oontraot, says things and con ducts himself in a manner to show that he is under contract to marry, be will not be allowed to get ont of it on tbe ground that tbe original contract was void. We notice several papers are mak ing a big talk about f nrnishing their subscribers with a fnnny supplement free and tbe extra expense required to do 10. Any paper- can get these so called supplements tbat cares to use them, and without oue oent'.of expense, as they come express paid and there is no charges for tbe supplement By casting your optics over the advretis ing columns of one of these sheets yon will observe that they are gotten out in the interests of the mail order bouses and should therefore be tbe natural enemy of every paper tbat ex pects to be patronized by their home merobauts. There is probably not a paper in tbe state that did not receive a proposition from this firm, but we uotioe that those that did bite on it are letting go again. Tbe city of Walla Walla is not to lie effected by tbe general 25 per emit increase ordered in iusnrauce rates ull ovct tbnt state, oocurditiK to 11 coiu muuictiiion filed with tbe commercial club by the iusura'ioo committee. In stead a resurvey of the city will bo made and tbe city will be rerated. Tbe oouditious responsible for this concession ou the part oftheiusut anae companies are the new gravity water system, the installation of by drauts at the different street corners, the effioieut fire department and alarm system and tbe street improve ments. There are other cities and towns in the Northwest which have as good 6re protection as tbat afforded iu Walla Walla, but there has been no mention of retraing. What is Walla Walla's "pull" with the powera that be? Long marches in tbe infantry branch of tbe army as provided for in recent orders pertaining to annual camps of instruction are disapproved by Brig. Gen. William S. MoCaskey, commanding tbe southern division, in his annual report to the war depart ment ibe recent orders, he says, will have a decided and disastrous effect upon reinlistmenta. Are we to conjecture from tbe general's disap proval that tbe regular soldier does not need a "work out," at least onoe a year? With tbe rainy season at band the plight of tbe Palouse farmer, who yet has much grain to harvest, is indeed not to be envied. The famed Palous country, in which is situated tbe ban ner wheat producing county of the world, grows tbe grain all right, hut tbe great problem there is to save it after it is grown. Palouse farmers stand to loose enormously in event tbe weather does not settle iu the next few days. OREGON'S SHAME. Oregonian. Land Fraud Defendant Jones' fears were well founded. Informant Puter "started the ball a rolling." It would be unfair and improper to say that he "has landed us (them) all." One or two have been "landed" in jail. Some have been found guilty, and are under sentence to prison. Others are on trial, with results yet to be determined. Aud still others are on the waiting list, being under indict ment with their tnrn to come. Puter bas pulled tbe whole amazing edifice of fraud, perjury, corruption and con spiracy down on tbe heads of many important Oregon citizens, some of whom would have escaped with a whole skin and unblotted escutcheon but for his implacable desire for re venge, and others of whom may yet, of course, extrioate themselves. But at what tremendous cost I Pnter has told bis terrible story. In it there is much already known to many persons, and known to be trne; and there is also much that bas been suspected or believed, or has oeen within the knowledge of a few, bnt never before laid bare in all its detest able nakedness to the curious gaze of the uninformed public It is withal a connected and coherent narrative of tbe secret operations of the powerful and wicked political gang that for years dominated Oregon politios, using its great influence to steal with subtle falsehood and painstaking guile tbe patrimony of tbe people. Where toe money came from to support this dangerous political cable we now know. It came largely from specula tors in lands and from oorrupt bar gains with land thieves. It came throutrh the enniditv of tbe horde of petty swindlers who flourished around the edges of the select circle, and woo were williug to barter their honor for a few dollars or for a chance at a little political job. It came through tbe dishonest aud eager wilhuguoss of large corporation to contribute blcod inouey to the Oregon clique if their Uirnolnnd s'aiiliiiff and other sobrwe could ba promoted. It came from the ring's tkillf ul appeal to tbe avarice aud tnouoy-uongor of many otherwise hon est and roputable citizeus, who got politioal honors and a certain share of publio esteem aud consideration by their association with the dominant politioal maohiue, and who were, sooner or later, some of them, led into partnership in its "business" enter prise. The entire career of this whole outfit is tainted with just such decep tions, stratagems, deceits and swind les as Puter laid bare in his astounding and well-nigh incredible confession. Yet it is wholly credible, as all know who know anything of the course of Oregon politios for mauy years. opem PvnunrTY the best era rust r of merit. When the maker of a medicine, aoid tbrongh drnrwlsts for family takes his patients fully into his confidence by h""j and fearlessly publishing broad cast as well a on Its nettle wrp;or, a full lint of all Its ingredients Inylnln English, this action on his part is the bent possible evidence that ho is not afraltf to have the search light of inves tigation turned full upon his formula and that it will bear the fullest scrutiny and the most thorough Investigation. t)r. Pierce's favorite Prescription for the cure of the weaknesses, periodical pains and functional derangements of the or gans distinctly feminine, is the only medi cine put up for sale through druggists for woman's special use, the maker of which is not afraid to take his patients into his full confidence by such open and honest publicity. A glance at the published ingredients on each bottle wrapper, will show that it is made wholly from native, American, medicinal roots, that it contains no poi sonous or habit-forming drugs, no nar cotics and no alcohol pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength being used Instead of the commonly employed alco hol, both for extracting and preserving the activo medicinal properties found in the root of the American forest plants implored. It is the only medicine for women's pecular diseases, sold by drug gists, that does not contain a lurge per centage of alcohol, which is In the long run so harmful to woman's delicate, nerv ous svstem. Now, glycerine is perfectly harmless, and serves a valuable purpose by possessing intrinsic value all its own, and besides It enhances tho curative effect of the other Ingredients entering into the "Favorite Prescription." Homo of tho ablest medical writers and teachers endorse theso views and praise all the several ingredients of which "Fa vorite Prescription" is composed rec ommending them for the cure of the very same diseases for which this world famed medicine Is advised. No other medicine for women has any such pro fennkmnl endorsement worth more than any number of ordinary testimonials. If Interested, send name and address to Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his little book of extracts from the works of eminent medical writers and teachers, endorsing the several ingredients and telling just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. It's free for the asking. Our stock of furniture ia now without doubt the best showing in tbe Inland Empire. It is also tbe largest, and our claim is proven by the county records which show our stock to be twioe as large as any house furuishiug stock in Walla Walla. When our Mr. Kaser was east to Chicago aud other manufacturing centers in July be selected our fall stock from the real goods, aud not from drammers' "picture samples" as most rureohauts do. Iu this way be was able to choose only the very best and also set the f oatories' lowest prices. Then, too, all goods pur chased were assembled iu Cbioago aud shipped from there by tbe oar load thereby obtaining the lowest freight rates. Tbe next time you are in Walla Walla we waut yon to ooine in and let ua show yon tbrongh our store, whether yon inteud to buy or not, and should you need anything be fore you can come, mail us your order and it will bave tbe same careful attention as though yon came in person. Use Room THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12-14-18-18-90-22 Alder Street. WALLA WALLA, WASH Make -.- Your appointments Here ft 1C AAA ? IN A Purses and Premiums.. Six solid days of raoing from j October 1 to 6 inclusive. Under the auspices of the. Walla Walla County fair Association J Two barnesi events and at ( least three running races daily. PREMIUM SHOW OF FANCY LIVESTOCK Big Fruit Fair in coniieo- ( tion open day and night De- Caprio's famous baud gives ( concerts afternoon aud even , ing. ' Morpby sings to beat tbe ( band afternoon aud eveuiug. Reduced rates on all rail- ( roads. . T. H. BRENTS. Pres. t A. V. VANDE WATER, Sec. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE HARRY M'BRIDE, MANAGER Best Stock and Rigs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STREET, AMAH, ORE HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop. a . Shaving, Haircutting, '; Shampooing, Massage for Face aud Scalp. HOT BATHS. 8tMAiittli!iiltill A ViWaVVMSfllalslai53 V Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Foley's Money k Tsr for chlldrta,sMfe,sarc No opiates. Favorable Trains to the INLAND E PIRE'S TRADING CENTER Pendleton Merchants now have their fall goods in and are showing Larger Stocks than many cities of greater pretentions. This fact is noticable and commented on by traveling men all over the country. Six stores carry Ten stores carry Seven stores carry Thirteen " " Seven stores carry Four stores carry Four stores carry Five stores carry Four stores carry Six stores carry Three stores carry $250,000 worth of dry goods, etc. $215,000 worth of men's clothing and furnishing goods. $ 85,000 worth of hardware, stoves, etc. $ 75,003 worth of groceries, etc. $ 65,000 worth of furniture, carpets, etc. $ 35,000 worth of jewelry, etc. $ 32,000 worth of drugs and druggist's sundries. $ 31,000 worth of millinery and women's Furnishings. $ 30,000 worth of stationery, books and notions. $ 11,000 worth of crockery, glassware, etc. $ 10,000 worth of paints, wallpaper, etc. Aside from these we have numerous cigar stores, confectionery stores, meat markets, restaurants, hotels, etc. The proprietors of these various establishments assure the people of Athena and vicinity that they will receive the best attention in Pendleton and every inducement will be offered in the way of prices and accommo dations. The new passenger train gives all day in Pendleton, leaving cAthena at 8 a. m. and leaves Pendleton at 5:50 p. m. HERE'S TO YOU FOR BUSINESS AND BARGAINS BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION OF PENDLETON, OREGON It there is do Piano in tbe house, one should be purchased or at least hired. Aud it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown iu our rooms. These iustru nieuts are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled sor sweetness and richness of tone.' : STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Propiietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. Try The. TROY LAUNDRY For GOOD WORK HENRY K ENE, Agent; ATHENA; OREGON THE VRIGHT LIVERY AKD FEED STABLE . i F ) w0 cocd horses akd bigs. ka3sna8le pb1ces bbiki fumisho wkei desires. - - , Hurst boarded by tin day, week or month Stable on 2nd street, Boulh of Main street CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. fM.I Nothing too good for our-pat-' rons. We cut the test meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. PARKER &. LANE'S El Kv. rt thing Flii.1 CIhm - Mt l r rn Mild llp-tu - d i e SOUTH SIDE fi'AIN . ATHEN Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Impl ements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA, OREGON CC Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing. to to it's poor covering oower and wearing quality. After , the paint is applied it's too late to save. Start right and use The Sherwin-Williams Paint MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. It covers more surface,' spreads easier, and lasts longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed lead and oil CALL FOR I COLOR CARDS I Umatilla Lumber Yard J, F. Wright, ... Proprietor f