Press Paragraphs Austin Foss spent Sunday in Walla Walla. W. A. Johnson of Pendleton, is In tbe city today. Attorney Sam D. Peterson spent Sunday in Atbena. W. C. Howard of Milton, is regis tered at tbe St Nichols. Mrs. Masterson left Saturday for a visit with friends at Astoria. George Bidenour was in town Sat urday night from Walla Walla. Johnny Adams was op from the ranch for a few hours yesterday. Governor Chamberlain has designa ted Monday, September 3, as Labor , Day. y, Walter Judy has accepted tLe posi tion as salesman for the firm of Ely & Scott Mr. and Mrs. Victor McDonald have returned to their home in Walla Walla. Mrs. Wm. Tompkins is borne from tbe farm, where she baa spent tbe past month. J( Miss Velma WilkiDson and Miss Oeoile Boyd drove over to Weston Fri day evening. -Fm B. Aldrioh, city editor of tbe ," Pendleton East Oregonian, spent Sun day in Atbena. ,.,-... Miss Ethel Garfield of Walla Walla, ''spent Sunday at tbe borne of Mrs. Jackson Nelson. Mrs. Damou, of Cunningham, Wash, is a guest this week of her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Dobie. Francis Murray of Walla Walla, well known in Atbena, spent Sunday with friends in this city. , Miss Gene Anderson, of Peudletoiv spent Saturday and Sunday 'in Atbena with Rev. aud Mrs. Evans. Wm. Mosgrove, who is conducting a general merchandise store at Waits burg, was in town yesterday, Mrs. Lillio Miller, the milliner, has the very latest styles in street bats. They are modish and up to date. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Robinson and daughter Bessie departed this morning for their home in Richland, Washing ton. Rev. Humbert, of Eugene, was in the oity tbe past week, and Sunday evening preaobod iu tbe Christian oburob. XT Miss Gladys Bush left Sunday even- ' iog for a visit with her aunt, "Mrs. Hardiu Manstleld, at Joseph, Wallowa county. yf, Glon Baling, the craokerjaok type sotting machine operator, is again in his old position in the mechanical de partment of tbe Press. ,f Hon. T. Q. Hailey is in the city 'from Salem. Mr. Huiley is hete to look after bis reservation wheat crop, which is being harvested. KPhotographer Danuer has an excel lent picture of tbe demolished sufe, which was recently burglarized at tbe O. R. & N. depot iu this city. The Weston oity council will make arrHUgemeuts whereby the channel of Pine creek will be straightened above aud below the Mam street bridge. Mr. aud Mrs. Marion Walkor, of Tuooma, are iu tbe oity, beiug guests at the u. A. Barrett borne. Mrs. Walker is tbe only sister of Mrs. Bar rett. Vltfrs. A. A. Foas and sister, Miss Claude Gholson, who are visiting frieuds iu Walla Walla, are with a parvy iu me niouuuuns ior a ,weoa a i j 11... . , outing. Tho uouditiou of Charles Butts, of tho Mosgrove Mercantile Co., is im proving satisfactorily, and his physi cian states that he will be up iu a few days. A special meeting of the Woodmen of tbe Woild is called for tomorrow eveuiug. Geuoral Organizer F. R, Petitt, will meet with tbo membors of tho local Camp. a .Mrs. G. W. Bradley is today making bur last sbipmeut ot household goods to Pendleton, where in the future, with her husband, County Treasurer Bradley, she will be at home. Mrs. Richard Morrisou was iu the oity yeiteiduy from her home east ot Westou. She was accompanied by Mrs. U. W. Bradley, who spent tbe pan ween NMitw Ed ulate witl pnet week at tbe Mortisou borne. Edythe MoBride will matrio- with tbe student body at tbe O. A. O. at Corvallis tbe coming year. There are a number of Atbena young pooplo atteudiug this college. K$ Our Jim Mnloney nas returned to Pendleton from a buutiug trip iu tho John Day country. Jim was the ouly member of the party who was success ful iu killing a deer while ou the trip. V W, J. Wilkiusou, who hod his leg iadly frantnred soma days ago iu a i una way aooideut, is improving as fast as could be expected. He is still iu Dr. Casbatt'a sanitarium at Wee- tou. Lauranoe Lieualleu was ia town yesterday foi a few hours. Lanrauoe has beu iu tbe harvest field for sev- leal weeks and has the cutest, curliest hirsute growth imaginable. Oh (gills, you ought to see him. R. O. Hawks was in town from Peudletou Sunday. Mr. Hawks, who is now employed in thof W. S. Byers flour mill in Pendleton, form erly resided in Athena and was prin cipal of tbe publio schools here. ) "Jinks" Taylor and Henry Barrett contemplate a trip to Blaok mountain on a cattle hunting expedition. Both have cattle on the range, and on a re cent ride Mr. Barrett was successful in bringing out only two head of beef stock. A ''chug chug" car whisked through town early Monday moraine aud tbe sonorous toot toot of its fog born sounded like tbe mad warnings of an enraged Spanish bull. The red devil i carried four passengers and was bound for tbe garden city. Tbe law firm of Peterson & Peterson has been retained to defend Charles Sams and two sons, who are to be tried at Weston on the charge of as saulting B. F. Walden. Sentiment runs high against tbe Sams family at Weston. F. F. Humiston, proprietor of the Weston Fair Store, was in the oity Saturday. While here- he placed a large contract for advertising space with tbe Press. The first installment of tbe advertising matter appears in today's Press, on tbe third page. The Athena Mercantile Co. has brought suit against Joseph F. Stone in Justice Chamberlain's court to secure payment of a promissory note of 1232.65 with interest from Feb. 10, 1902, less a payment of $80. Will M. Peterson is attorney for plaintiffs. k V Miss Velma Wilkinson will resign oer position as manager or me iouhi telephone exchange on September 1. Her plaoe with the telephone company will be taken by Miss May Gross. Miss Wilkinson will teach school in the Wbitemau district northwest of town. Robert Thurri has been arjDointed administrator of the estate of his brother. John Tharp, deceased. Tbe estate consists of stock, a small sum of money and a homestead uear Nolin, tbisoounty, on which there is 75 acres of plowed land, fencing and ovfaer im provements. East Oregoniau : O. C. Turner and S. O. Turuer, heirs of tbe late Sam uel Turner of Weston, have appealed to thf circuit court from a decision of the probate allowing a final report from the administrator of the estate. Tbe final report was filed and allowed during the term of County Judge Bean. Haider brothers' steam threshing outfit is the objeot of considerable interest among tbreshermen bnd wheatraisers of this vicinity. The owners of this machine have a new tangled contraption of their own manufacture that saves a great deal of labor to man aud horse. Tbe grain is transferred from tbe nets to the cyl inder ot the separator by a coutriv anoe operated by steam power, entire ly doing away with derrick team and hoedown men. A certain individual, whose name it is unnecessary to mention, was per emptorily ' aud bodily fired from the premises of a well known aud highly respectable lancber, west of town, Sauday, while tbe said individual was trespassing, with tbe object of hunting. It is said that iu the por tion of the field where tbe hunter was summarily ejected, there was not "cover" sufficient for a snowbird to secrete itself, but a herd of cattle was browsing near by. It is supposed here that the farmer did not propose to take any chances ou having his stock per forated with bird shot. The Bummer beaion. The O. R. & N. will sell round trip tickets to North Beaoh points, Ilwaoo to Nahoatla, inolusive and to Seaside and Clatsop Beaoh, from Athena for $13.00. Dates of sale June 15, to August 25, inolusive. Final return limit Septompber 30. Church ol Christ. Sorvinoa nvnrv r,nriVa rinv. Hi I lift sohool at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11; Y. P. S. Ci R at 7 n. ni. ureaohins at 8. p. m. Prayer meeting on Wed nesday evemug at 8. Tbe publio is invited to attend all of these services. V. E. Hoveu, Minister. An Alarming Situation frequently results from noglect of olog god bowels and torpid liver, until consumption becomes chronic. This oonditiou is unknown to those who uso Dr. King's New Life Pilla; the beet and geutlest regulator of Stomach and bowels. Guaranteed by Wm, Mo Brido, drugRist Price 25o. For Sale. Having disposed of my business iu Athena, I offer at a sacrifice my house bold goods, which are all new. I will also sell house aud lot. Bruoe Wallace. Pay Up. Having disposed of my drug busi uoss in Athena, all persons knowing themselves to be iudebted to me are expected to call at once and settle. Bruoe Wallace. If you are iu the market for pro vsious aud harvest supplies, you can save money by having Dupuia & Co., Westou grocers, figure on your order. tf Lost or Stolen A bay cay use mare, reached mane, branded with circle C ou right thigh, hua sear ou nose, about 5 or 6 years old. 10 reward. Billy Robiusou, Westou. To Or Ctoaattpstlon Forevet, fake Cuscaretg Candy Catfcurt io. Mo or So. C. V. lull to cure. oruifHi.u nttmu muuu Items in Brief. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse'a. Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy's. Sea tbe fine cut glass for sale by C A. Eirrett & Co. 'a. Tour horses will get fat if you use a Deering mower. Tbe latest novels are to be found at McBride's Palace drugstore. Green Trading Stamps at tbe Mos grove Mercantile Company. Ask your neighbor what kind of a mower he has. Its a Deering. , t For your laundry, call up Parker & Lane's barber shop, 'phone 31. v Can't we show yon some of ou Rogers silverware? C. A. BarrettJ& Co. ' - Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured bams. Tbey are delicious. We still have tbe famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co,- Orange Sherbut at tbe Pioneer Drug Store Sunday. f The latest drink, "Yakohama," at the Pioneer Drug Store. Ely & Scott have received a large consignment of Butter Creek honey. Farmers that are in need of ranoh hands, should call on Craghead & Hays. Rural telephone connection in office. ' 4t. Death. From Lockjaw- never follows an injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antisep tic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Cbas. Oswald, mer chant, of Rensselaersville, N. Y., writes: "It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on bis neck I ever saw." Cures cuts, wounds, burns and sores. 26o at Wm. Mo Bride's, druggist A Lively '1 uie with that old enemy of tbe race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious troublejwith stom ach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 25o at McBride's. Following the Flag. . When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Phillippines, health was the most important consideration. ' Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary ber geant.U S. A. .Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: I was two years in Cu ba and two years in the Phillippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which kept me in perfect health And now,, in .New-Hampshire, wfr-find that it is tbe best medicine in tbe world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases." Guar anteed by Wm. McBride, druggist. Price 50o and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. KeeD the little one healthy and nappy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentlo, healing remedies. Hollisterx's Rooky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy aud strong. 35c Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - - Atbena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered.' Office ouTbird Street. Atbena. Oregor F. H. COOLIDGE Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Chains, and Rings. Special agent for j ! 3 WW ,' Hamilton Railroad Watches. Prompt Attention Given to Repairing. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE H&RRYM'BRiDE, MANAGER Bert Stock and Rtgs in the City. Competent Drivers. Stock Boarded by the Day, Week Qr Month at Reasonable Rate. NORTH SIDE STRIEI. ATHENA. ORE 1 Take the Wo & (Bo m O In Connection With the PACIFIC IELJB. -For- Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, and all other Points East THE BEST TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN SLEEPERS DINING CARS Time Table: No. 11 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arrive 9 :40 a. m. No. 12 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, depart 9:55 a. m. For further information apply to FRED KERSHAW, Agent; Atbena, Oregon. Or to S. B. CALDERHEAD, G. F. & P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash. LOWEST RATES Oregon Snoip LINE sa Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining eha'.r cars, seats free, to tbe east daily irom Pendleton. tragi , ABBIVK lUl SCHEDULES IPAEI Dally. ATHENA, ORE. Dally. - -' - - Walla Walla, Day ton, Poraeroy, Lew i . Iston, Colfax, Pull- . ... 9-42a. m man, Moscow, the " Couer d'Alene dls- trlct, Spokane and all points north. : ' Mixed, Walla War- 12:30 p m to Pendleton. : ., - : ' Fast Mall for Pen- dleton, LaQrande. - Baker City, and all points eist via Hun ; tington, Ore., Also for L'matilUvHepp p IB-. ner.--ThB Dalles, 4:53-p. m Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley . Points, California, Tacoma, Seattle, all . Sound Points. Mixed, Pendleton 7:05 pm to Walla Walla J. 8. Doble Agent, Aihera Mosgrove lercantile Go. We are Giving Away the Green Trading Stamps These Stamps represent a substantial piscount, we are giving them absolutely free. No express or freight charges on any of the premiums. If you have not already procured a book, get one at once and commence saving your stamps. ress doods Department , In going through our Dress Goods department we find that we have accumu lated an enormous lot of Remnants which we shall place on sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, at ridiculously low prices. They will consist of all grades from the cheapest to the highest grades of fabrics, and anyone wishing childrens' school dresses can buy any of the above far below regular prices, in fact, buy the very best grades at little more than trash would cost if cut off the piece. Childrens' and Misses' School Shoes. Navy Calf in sizes 8 1-2 to 11 - $1.10 Navy Calf in sizes 1 1 1-2 to 13 1-2 1.35 Navy Calf in sizes 1 to 2 - - 1.50 Misses Low Heel Utz C& Dun Vici Kid, double soles, new and stylish lasts. 2 12 to 5 - $2.50 per pair We have just received a large shipment of LADIES' VICI KID patent leather Tip Plannet shoes. These goods are the regular $2.25 quality. As an ad vertisement for our larger shoe department, we arc now selling them at $1-75 per pair. A great opportunity to procure the best pair of winter shoe ever sold at the price. losg SOUTII SIDE MAIN J. L, Elam's Bank ' WALLA WALLA WASH. Capital Stock - $100,000 Statement, Jane 28th. - 1906- - RESOURCES Loans and discounts - $258,766.04 Furniture and fixtures - - 2,676.00 Casb ou band and due from other banks - - 122,29.12 $122,735.16 LIABLIITIES Capital stock paid in - $100,000.00 Undivided pioflts - - 6,004.76 Deposit - - - 277,739.40 $383,735.16 J. L. Elara.Pres. W.H.Steen.Vioe-Pres. H. H. Marshall, Cashier Comparative Statemeont of Growth Deposits Deo. 28, 1903 $70,099.90 Deposits June 28, 1904 9 9,96 8.00 Deposits June 28, 1905 1 7 6 ,73 0.4 0 Deposits Jane 28, 1908 2 76,730.40 FLOUR.I FLOURI FLOURI Slo-w IDxviift Per Saols: $1.00 CASH This Celebrated Flour is made from the choicest Blue Stem Wheat grown in the Northwest. SOLD BY THE PACIFIC COAST ELEVATOR COMPANY David Williams Agent,- - - . - - - Athena, Oregon I ES3y.5ED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Go. Aft mem Flour is made in Athena, by AtheDa labor, in the latest and Lest equipped mill in the west, ot the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sells American Beauty for I $1.00 Merchant Millers S k Waitsburg, Wash. - rove lercantile Go. ST. If there is no Piano in tbe house, one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of tbe BEST PIANOS shown in our rooms. These instru mentfare the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled sor sweetness and richness of tone. " STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash and Grain Buyers j - - Athena, Oregon 2 BEAUTY Celebrated Childrens' and Misses Fine Vici Kid Shoes, Pattent Leather Tips, Single ... . or Double Soles .... Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 - - - $1.25 Sizes 11 1-2 to 13 1-2 - - - 1.35 Sizes 1 to 2 - - - - 1.50 New line of Childrens' and Misses Fast Black Hose, regular 15c grades, sizes 6 to 8 1-2 - 10c per pair 9 to 10 - 12 l-2c per pair AT II EN A, OREGON m