GEE PAPER Purchases a Half Interest In Pendleton Tribune. HAS POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS It a Writer of Force and Ability, and Wat Editor of Salem States man Before Governor. Ex-Uovornor T. T. Qeer, undaunted , by bis defeat in the Republican pri maries last spring, is preparing t re enter tbe political field and tbere is strong reason to believe that be in tends to run for United States sonator in 1008. As tbe first step toward tbe furtherance of this ambition he has purchased a half interest iu tbe Pendleton Tribune and within a few days will take active charge of tbe conduct of the paper, says tbe Port land Journal. Geer was a newspaper man before he was governor, and for several years he was editor of tbe Salem Statesman. Ho knows full well tbe value of newspapersnpport in a politi cal campaign and there can be no doubt that if bis candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor in the primaries last spring bad bad tbe same publioity that was given to tbe candidacy of James Witbyoombe, Geer would have been the nominee. His defeat taught bim a lesson from whioh the ex-governor plainly pro poses to profit. With a newspaper of bis own at bis command, theie will be no lack of publioity when be re enters the politioal game. It is not likely that be will seek again to be come governor, for tbat would entail a wait of four long yoars. But he nas long been ambitious to go tc tbe United States senate, and tbe way may open in 1008, when the people will vote on the ohoioe of Fulton's suooessor. Ten months ago it was generally expeoted that Geer would be a Senatorial candidate this year, but stroug pleasure was brought to tear to induce him not to enter the raoo, aud be finally roluotantly con sented to seek instead a second term as governor. Many republicans be lieve that if he bad persisted iu his oiginal determination to run for son ator he would have been the people's nominee. Tberels a stroug sentiment iu favor of the propostiou that eastern Ore gon should have one of the two United States Senators. It is hardly likoly that a Portland man will be obosen in 1008 as this city will then be repre sented by Bourne. It is quite on the curds, thereforo, that the fight may narrow to Fulton and Geer, and in tbat event the latter will flud in his newspaper a vuluablo weapon. The negotiations for tbe puiohuso of u half iu tor out iu tho Tribune have boon pouding for severul months. While tho doul has nominally not been closed, there is no doubt tbut it will go through und wilhiu a few days Ueor will remove to eustem Orogou. Deadly Surpent Bites. nie as common in Iudia as are stom ach and liver disorders with us For tho latter however.thore is a sure rem edy : Eloctrio Ditters ; the great restor ativo medicine, of which S.A. Brown, of Bouuettsville, S. O., says: "They rostorod my wife to perfect health, aftor years of suffering with dospepsia und ohronioally torpid liver." Elec tric Bitters ouro chills und fever, ma laria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles aud bladder disorders. Sold ou guarantee by Wm. MoBride, drug gist Price BOo. WILL SHIP OREGON HORSES Honolulu Man Buys Animals'.and They Sail on Steamer Tomorrow. The establishment of a direct steamship liue between Portlaud port and tho Hawaiian islands already has directly benefitted the horse raisers of eastern Oregon, says the Journal. Tomorrow night tbe Mataou Naviga tion oonipany's stoamor Hilonian will sail from Portland for Honolulu aud ou the foiwurd dock will be 26 head of broken work horses that would likely have never left their native soil had it uot beeu tor the establishment of the new steamship line. Tbe horses are beiug shipped by James McCjueeu, a stock buyer of Huuolulu. Mr. MoQuoou is iu Port land today superiuteuding the build ing of the stalls for the horses ou tbe Hilonian aud be will be among the passeugers wheu the steamer pulls out tomorrow night He expects t re turn to Portlaud soon for more horses und will piobably also secure some cattle for tbe island plantations. "I have have buying horses for many years in Calfiornia and on Pugot sound." said Mr. McQueeu, "but now tbat Portland has a direct steamer liue to the islands I believe we cau do better here. Wo use mostly heavy work horses acd I have found plenty of thorn iu eustern Oregon at prioes that I consider fair. We import a great many animals aunually aud 1 will say that my first visit to Oregon resulted very satisfactorily. We bave been buying so long in California mar kets tbat they sort of look upon us as regular customers tbere, but of course we are not in tho business for charity or love and consequently will buy in tbe market most advantageous." An Alarming Situation. frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels and torpid liver, until consumption becomes chronic This oondition is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; tbe best and gentlest regulator of Stomach and bowels. Guaranteed by Wm. Mc Bride, druggist Price 25o. For Bale. The O. C. Beck place near tbe school house is oflered for sale. Good bouse, two and one-half lots for sale cheap. A span of good work horses will be taken in trade. O. C. Beck, Athena. If you are in the market for pro vsions and harvest supplies, you can save money by having Dupuis & Co., Weston grooors, figure on your order. tf Lost or Stolen A bay oayuse mare, roacbed mane, branded with circle G. on right thigh, has scar ou nose, about 5 or 6 years old. $10 reward. Billy Robinson, Weston. I have a pieoe of desirable property 25 foot front, oeuter of Main street, Athena, whioh I will trade for cattle. R. J. Boddy, Athena. BANNER SALVE tho moat healina salve in th world. FRANCHISE FOB TROLLEY LIME Two Lines Have Beceived Same Priv ileges Work Has Commenced. A Milton special says: Tbe Milton city council Wednesday night got it self together and granted a franchise to the Walla Walla Valley Traction Co. which allows tbe company tbe privilege of constructing a trolley line through its streets, tbe same being tbe long heralded Walla Walla project The franchise calls for the completion of the project within six months. . A force of men Wednesday morning began work at tbe Walla Walla end of the line, on the route surveyed and located some time ago. Tbe company needs more men now than can be se cured. Tbe Columbia & Walla Walla Traotion company was granted a fran chise by the same session of the coun cil, with a time limit of three years in whioh to complete their line. Their franchise allows them to build on the opposite side of the same streets as the former company mentioned. The W. W. V. T. Co. promises a 0 minute service from the first day their road is in operation, and also that it will extend to College Place from Walla Walla as soon as it is in operation elsewhere. To the Public I am now prepared to do cleaning, pressing and mending and wish a share of the patronage . Gentlemens' clothes a specialty. Prioes that are reasonable. Mrs. De Peatt. Athena to Walla Walla it TO ATTEND THE GREAT SALE OF The Davis-Kaser Ms Stack Attend this great sale, and when your purchase amounts to $50 or over we will refund your rail road fare for both ways. SALE STARTS At 9 A. M., WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, And Continues IP days The Largest Stock of House Furnishing Goods Between St. Paul and the Coast. Now At Your Mercy The Most Stupendous, Gigantic Sale Ever Seen in the West. A Genuine Bona Fide Sale With Nothing Reserved. All Must Go. The sale that will live longest in history. The MONEY-SAVING EVENT of your life. If you haven't received one of our Special Posters, drop us a card and we will mail you one at once. NATIONAL BROKERAGE & SALES GO. IN CHARGE Meaker Cochran, - Managers I No Other travel-book tells as much about the Great Northwest as does "WONDERLAND 1908" Its chapters deal with Puget Sound, the Columbia River, the Queniut Indians, the Bitterroot Range o Montana, the ' Yellowstone National Park SEND IT TO YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS There's nothing better as a guide to the splendid country between the Mississippi and the tide waters of the Pacifio. Send six cents for a copy, or send the sis cents with the address of the friend to whom "Wonderland 1908 is to be mailed, to . . . . M. CLELAND, Gen. Pass'gr Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Northern Pacific Railway Three Trains Daily in each direction between St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and Superior, and the GREAT PACIFIC NORTHWEST. r o nI Cures All Udney and i Bladder Diseases Foley's Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. If you notice any irregularities, commence taking Folefs Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady. A Merohant Cured After Having Given Up Hope. Foley & Co., Chicago. Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney aad Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous preparations without getting any relief and had given up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. After using one bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and Bladder trouble and have not fel! so well for the past .twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. James Smith, Bcntons Ferry, W. Va.' A Veteran of the Civil War Cared After Ten Tears of Suffering. R. A. Cray, J.P., of Oakville, Ind., writes: "Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so severe I could not move part of the time, I consulted the best medical skill available, but got no relief until FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me. I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me." Refuse Substitutes Two Size, BO Cents and $1.00 NOW IS THE TIME 0'P repare for Harvest We carry a full and complete line of the following sup plies Axes Hose, Suction Rope ' Axel Grease Hammers Ranges ' Anvils Iron, Bar Rules . - Bolts Iron, Sheet Snaps Babbitt Lace, Leather Stoves Bits Lanterns Shoes, Horse Brushes, Horse Nuts . Saws Curry Combs Needles .... Scythes Chain nalter Nails - Snaths Chain, Butt Oil, Castor Steel Chain, Coil " Oil, Cylinder Screwplates Cutlery, Table Oil. Black Screws Cutlery, Pocket Oil, Hard Screw Drivers ?fj. , Oilcups ,:.. Speed Indicators Cold Chisels Oilers Drills, Pails Tank Pumps Enameled Ware Packings Tinware Forks Punches Tacks Files Pipe Vises Forges Pulleys. Brake Valves Gauge Glasses Pulleys, Hay Fork Water Bags Graphite Pyers Washers Goggles, Rivets Whips And Our Prices Arc as fjpyr as Are Named By cAnyone - Call and See Us When If ',) 0 Phone, Main 21 - - - - 211 E, Court St, PENDLETON, OREGON