The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 17, 1906, Image 4

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Old Oregon Central Grant Goes
to Caoitalists.
Purchasers Spend $750,000 to Exploit
Wilderness of State From
Cascades Co Idaho.
Tho "ownership of almost oue-hou-diodth
of the state of Oregon waa
changed Tuesday. After extended
'negotiations the greater portion of the
land included in tho Oregon Central
Military road grant was transferred
fro ai the California & Oregon Land
company, jot which the Booth-Kelly
Lumber company is a large owner, to
u syndicate composed of eastern and
California capitalists.
Approximately 500,000 aores are in
eluded in the sale and the oousidera
tion involved Is about $760,000.
Tho principal purchasers of this
great tract are the Hunter Laud com
pany of Minneapolis, Miun., and
Richard Sykes, a capitalist of Santa
Barbara, Cal. Associated with them
are the W. B. S. Trimble company of
Jamestown, N. D., and Andrew E.
Johnson, vice president ol tbe Hunter
Lund company, and President A. E.
Johnsou of tbe Land and Steamship
Tbe tract sold is a strip of land run
ning from the Cascade lorest reserve
to the Oregon-Idaho boundary, a dis
tuuee of approximately 825 miles. It
has a width of twelve miles.
The only portion excluded from the
sule is a strip about 25 miles long,
running through the Klamath Indian
reservation. Tbe purchase of the tract
is declared to be the initiative step in
un extensive colonization project.
Two Portland Men Electrocuted After
Beceiving Gift.
On a Thursday in July, a Portland
girl gave a red rose to a man she
loved; in the afternoon ' of 'the same
day, tho man wus electrocuted.
On Thursday last, the same girl
gavo another man, whom she had
come to lovo, a red rose, and Monday,
the man, Wallace Sherrod, was elec
trocuted, says the Journal. '
VVitb a heart that is torn and bleed
ing from sorrow and mourning for the
huppiucss of which she dreamed,
Margaret Burger, makes Irequout
visits to the morgue, where lies tbe
roiunius of Wallaoe Sberod, said to
have been her affianced, who was sud
donly killed by a live wire at Third
and Morrison streets.
Ponuliatly unfortunate are tho ex
porieuoos of the girl, about whose love
n Hair there seems to hover a weird
aud trngio fatality. Loving and bo
loved by Jaok Lockwood and be
trthed to him, it is said, she was left
to mourn bis sudden death, which oo
cmrad ou July 18.Ho was electrocuted
while at work at tho top of a pole at
Union avenue and Ash streets.
At Ifinley's chapel she attended the
funeral services over the remains of
tho sweetheart who had been taken
from her, aud Sherrod, who Was a
friend of the docoased, also attended.
It was at the services, it is said, that
the beroavod girl met Sherrod.
He was kind and consoling aud com
forting to her, and the friendship
which followed ripened into love.
They were together frequently aud
friends are said to have beeu preparing
to congratulate the apparently happy
couple in view of the approaching
Ttioy were droamiug of a future hap
piness when the accident occurred at
Third and Morrisou streets. Sherrod
wnsjsloctrocatcd while at work at the
top of a pole. The rerunins were re
moved to Fiulor's and there the young
woman goes to view them aud weep
bitterly at the fate which has pursued
her and those she loved.
A peculiar coincidence in connection
with the fatal love of this JNiobo of
Portland, is a red rose incideut that
bus twice beeu duplicated. During
the early purt of the day on which
Jack Lockwood was killed, he walked
home with her. Aa thoy weut uloug
the sidowalk they passed a lawn, uear
the edge of whioh was a rosebush.
From it the girl plucked a red rose and
gave it to her sweetheart.
"Keep this till you see me again, and
bo sure aud call me up this evening,"
she suid in partiug.
His death oooured that afternoon aud
she waited long beside the tclephoue,
not understanding why it did not
ring. .. ' ' '
Lust Thursday Walter Sherrod walk
ed homo with her. They passed aloug
the same street aud the same rosebush.
She stooped aud plucked a roso which
she gave to him. "Keep this till you
see me again, aud be suie aud call me
up this evening," she said iu paitiug.
She smiled when she went to re
spond to the jingling of tho telephone
bell that evening aud she asked him if
he still had the red rose. Ho replied
hu had. '
Ou the followiug day ho also met
bia death by electrocution.
Osborne With Spokane.
The Spokane team in the North
west League has been falling down tbe
percentage column, mainly because
ot the poor wrok of tbe pitching staff.
Manager Ferris has dispensed with the
servioes of Samuels and Dunn, and
bas signed "Jop"Osborne and Maoholz.
Osborne was one of the best pitchers
on tbe staff of tbe Yellow Kids this
season. He is tbe third member of
the Athena team to go into fast com
pany this year, Butler and Shea being
with Tacoma.
Huge Bond Filed.
Tbe largest bond ever written for a
school official in Umatilla county, was
tiled by H. C. Bickers, newly elected
clerk of Pendleton district No. 16,
with Superintendent Frank K. Welles.
Tbe bond is for $50,000 and was ac
cepted at tbe mooting of tbe sohool
board. It was also aocepted and
plaoed ou file in the office of tbe
County Superintendent.
Church of Christ.
Servioes every Lord's day. Bible
sohool at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11;
Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. ; preaching
at 8. p. m. Prayer meeting on Wed
nesday evening at 8. The publio is
invited to atteud all of these services.
V. E. Hoven, Minister.
If you are in the market for pro
v sions and harvest supplies, you can
save money by having Dupuis & Co.,
Weston grocers, figure on your order.
. tf
Farmers that are in need of ranoh
hands, should oall on Craghead &
Hays. Rural telephone connection
in offioe. 4t.
Deadly Surpent Bites,
are as common in India as are stom
ach and liver disorders with us For
tbe latter however.there is a sure rem
edy: Electrio Bitters; the great restor
ative medicine, of whioh S.A. Brown,
of Bennettsville, S. C, says: "They
res'ored my wife to perfect health,
af tor years of suffering with despepsia
and chronically torpid liver." Elec
tric Bitters cure chills and fever, ma
laria, biliousness, lame back, kidney
troubles and bladder disorders. Sold
on guarantee by Wm. McBiide, drug
gist. Proei 60c.
An Alarming Situation.
frequently results from neglect of clog
ged bowels and torpid liver, until
consumption becomes chronic. This
condition is unknown to those who use
Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best
and gentlest regulator of Stomach and
bowels. Guaranteed by Wm. Mo
Bride, druggist. Price 25o.
The Summer Season.
The O. R. & N. will sell round trip
tiokets to North Beach points, Ilwaoo
to Nahoatla, inolusive and to Seaside
and Clatsop Beach, from Athena for
$13.00. Dates of sale June 16, to
August 25, inclusive. Final return
limit Septempber 80.
To the Public.
I am now prepared to do cleaning,
pressing and mending and wish a
share of the patronage . Gentlemens'
clothes a specialty. Prioes that are
Mrs. De Peatt.
I have a piece of desirable property
25 foot front, oeuter of Main street,
Athena, which Ijwilljtrade for cattle.
R. J. Boddy, Athena.
Athena to Walla Walla
The Davis-Kaser Co's Stock
Attend this great sale, and when
your purchase amounts to $50 or
over we will refund your rail road
fare for both ways.
SiYJlii R5 l iVlC'l S5 AT V iV. 1VX.,
And Continues lO Days
The Largest Stock ot House Furnishing Goods
Between St. Paul and the Coast.
Now At Your Mercy
The Most Stupendous, Gigantic Sale
Ever Seen in the West. A Genuine
Bona Fide Sale With Nothing
Reserved. All Must Go.
The sale that will live longest in history. The
MONEY-SAVING EVENT of your life.
If you haven't received one of our Special Posters,
drop us a card and we will mail you one at once.
Meaker Cochran, - Managers
No Other travel-book tells as much about the Great Northwest aa does
Its chapters deal with Puget Sound, the Columbia River,
the Queniut Indians, the Bitterroot Range 01 Montana, the
Yellowstone National Park. , . .
' There's nothing better as a guide to the splendid country
between the Mississippi and the tide waters of the Pacific
Send six cents for a Copy, or send the six cents with the
address of the friend to whom "Wonderland 1906" is to be
mailed, to . ... . . . ...
M. CLELAND, Gen. Pass'gr Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
Northern Pacific Railway
Three Trains Daily in each direction between St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Duluth and Superior, and the
, , .'. t j .
hn foi nn nnn
U U U I U U;U L.
All Kidney and
Bladder Discasos
Foley. s Kidney Cure will positively cure any case of
Kidney, or Bladder disease that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. No medicine can do more.
If you notice any irregularities, commence taking
Foley s Kidney Cure at once and avoid a fatal malady.
A Merchant Cured After Having Given Up Hope.
Foley & Co., Chicago.
Gentlemen: I was afflicted with Kidney and
Bladder trouble for six years and had tried numerous
preparations without getting any relief and had given
up hope of ever being cured when FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE was recommended to me. After using one
bottle I could feel the effect of it, and after taking
six fifty-cent bottles, I was cured of Kidney and
Bladder trouble and have not felt so well for the past
twenty years and I owe it to FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE. James Smith, Bentons Ferry, W. Va.
A Veteran of the Civil War Cured Aftar Ten Tear
of Suffering.
R. A. Cray, J;P., of Oakville, Ind., writes:
"Most of the time for ten years I was confined to my
bed with some disease of the kidneys. It was so
severe I could not move part of the time. I consulted
the best medical skill available, but got no relief until
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE was recommended to me.
I am grateful to be able to say that it entirely cured me."
Refuse Substitutes
Two Sizes, 50 Cento and S1.00
l-TP irtv jC- "fine-' - i;ir'-
We carry a full and complete line of the following sup-
Axes ' Hose, Suction Rope
Axel Grease Hammers Ranges
Anyils Iron, Bar Rules
Bolts Iron, Sheet Snaps
Babbitt Lace, Leather Stoves
Bits Lanterns Shoes, Horse
Brushes, Horse Nuts Saws .
Curry Combs Needles Scythes
Chain Halter Nails Snaths
Chain, Butt Oil, Castor Steel
Chain, Gil" Oil, Cylinder Screwplates
t y , Uu, oiacK - Screws
Cutlery, Pocket oil, Hard Screw Drivers
Coal Oil cups at a- .
Cold Chisels oilers Speed Indicators '
Drills . Pails Tank Pumps
Enameled Ware Packipgs Tinware
Forks Punches Tacks '
Files Pipe Vises
Forges Pulleys. Brake Valves
Gauge Glasses . Pulleys, Hay Fork Water Bags
Graphite Pyers ' Washers
Goggles Rivets Whips
And Our Prices Are as Low as Are Named By tlnyone - Call and See LTs When
Phone, Main 21 - 211 E. Court St