HILL GEMCISI North Bank Line Wins Com plete Victory. JUDGE ITOEDIE'S DECISION Holds That the Columbia Valley or 'Harriman Railway Is Not Build ing In Good Faith. only ia those counties where the work will conflict with tbe Portland & Seattle. Unless the Portland & Seattle work iti annihilated, declared Jndge Mo Credie, tbe Columbia Valley will never be able to connect up the grad ing it ia now doing go as to be able to make continuous grade of iti proposed surveys. This work, the court points out, was began after the commence ment of the suits for condemnation by tbe Hill road. HUNT REFUTES CHARGE. Hill won over Harriman when Judge W. W. McCredie, of the Superior Court of Washington, decidod that the Portland & Seattle Railway had tbe right to condemn across the pro perty of the Columbia Valley Railroad along the north bank of the Columbia river, says the Oregonian. Tbe de cision is a sweeping one, and carries with it the settlement of an impor tant question in tbe struggle between tbo two roads. Both have fought for tbe narrow strip along tbe river's edge whereon a arilway can be built Both have been at work building grades preparatory , to laying rails. Boti olaimod certain points ot con flict, the Columbia Valley by deed from tbe former owners, and tbe Port land & Seattle by virtue of condemna tion suits across tbe property of tbe ri val corporation. By a decision al lowing tbe right, if sustained by tbe higher courts of Washington, appar ently uo barrior can be raised in tbe puth of Hill that will prevent him from following the surveyors down the Wusbiugton shore of tbo river. The decision anuouuoes that in case tbe Columbia Valley desires to build a railroad down tbo north bank, the court will extend tbe road full protec tion by allowing it to build a roadbed and track over tbe right of way paral lel with tbe Portland & Seattle track surveyed, without compelling tbe Harriman road to recondemu, provid ing the Columbia Valley determines to build aud does build wit bin a reas onable time. If tbe opposing road to tbe Hill lino fails to build, then the Portland & Seattle is to have the full right of way for its own purpose. Judge MeCredie bases his deoision ou tbe alleged lack of good faith of the Columbia Valley, which is the de fendant in the suit. He sets forth that the Harriman road does not furnish a single witness to swear to its intention to build the road, while the powers be hind the Columbia Valley are silent. It leaves it for tbe court trom the evi douoo submitted to infer its good faith , to build the proposod railroad. Its only witness, Secretary Rands, swore on that point that he did not know whether the Columbia Valley intended to build. His knowledgo was confined to a resolution passed by tbe board of directors in Apiil of tbis year, which directed construction of tbe roud. Judgo McCredie goes on iu his de cision to say: "It appears tbat tbe l'ortlund & Seattle bus constructed large portions of its road across tbe public domain aud along much of the loute selected by the Columbia Valley under the act of 1875. " It also ap pears that no estimates of the cost of tbe construction of tbo Columbia Val ley have ever been submitted to tbe trusteos and uo contracts liuvo been let for tbo proposod construction. "From these facts aud evidouce ou many minor points the court is uu ublo to find that the Columbia Valley intends to use aud will use tbe land sought to be appropriated for railroad purposes aud is unable to find that said road now or ever will coustruot tbo proposed road. "It appears that the contemplated use for whiob the laud ia sought to be appropriated by the plaintiff is a pub lio use aud the publio interest requires tbo prosecution of such outerpriso aud tbe laud is required and ueoessary for tbo purposo proposod by tbe petitioner." Iu his opinion, Judgo McCredie goes into the history of the making or tne oiigiual survey by tho Ilarrimau in terests and upon which tho Columbia Valley road has been laid out. I he court holds that such a line as survey ed by George VV. Hunt in 1800 was suoh a oue as mapped out by a line wbioh makes cost of construction a uriinuiy rather than a secondary con sideration, wherdus today the railroad places cost iu tho baokgrouud. Judgo McCredie suys that from the evidouce produced, tbo liuo of the Columbia Valley is crooked and mil or curves, many ot which are of high degreo of ouivuturo. It would be impractio able, if not impossible, for a modern road to ooustruct this line of railway. Tho O. It. & N., which the court stutos is the guidiug hand of the Col umbia Valley, has spent hnudieds ot thousands of dollars iu eliminating from its liue ou the south bauk of tho rivor curves of tbe same character as appear iu tho location of tbe Columbia Valley. Tho oourt holds that whilo tbe Harriuiau line holds titlo to a small portiou of the right of way from Keunewick to Vancouver, aud has ex pended therefor, about 16,000, the Portland & Seattle has acquired prao tioally all of its rights of way and has paid for the same over 500,000. Up to tho first of May tho court fouud that the Hill liue had expeuded over 3,000,000 fur contraction along its eutire line, while tho Hurrimau road is said to be worfeiug a small crew Produces Attorney's Letter to Show No Offence Was Committed. Mayor Gilbert Hunt, of Walla Walla, makes reply to tho "eoxers" that be, through the Gilbert Hunt company, has been furnishing sup plies to the city in violation of law and his oatb. Three years ago tbe same question was raised, when May or Hunt produood an opinion from J. L. Sharpstein, one clause reading: "The statutes referred to by the papers claiming illegality of these transactions has no application what ever to any city otber than a city of third class, viz : A city having less than 10,000 inhabitants and incorpor ated under the general law of the state of Washington. Tbo city of Walla Walla is incorporated and working under a separate charter and there is no provision iu said charter or in any law of the state of Wasbingtou which prohibits any offioial in such a city from futuishiug supplies or doing work for the city." Demand For Fans. The extreme hot weather has made a domand for eleotrio fans. Tbe Preston-Par ton Milling Co. has placed an order for a number of ceiling fans and when they arrive it is thought the supply will be sufficient for tho season. Foley's Honey and Tar forchlldren.safe.sure. No opiates. HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. WWWVA Deadly Surpent Bitei. are as common in India as are stom ach and liver disorders with us For the latter however.tbere is a sure rem edy : Electrio Bitters; the great reetor ativo medicine, of which S.A. Brown, of Baunettsville, S. C, says: "They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with despepsia and chronically torpid liver." Elec trio Bitters cure chills and fever, ma laria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by Wm. McBride, drug gist Price 50c. Leave your orders for Mountain strawberries gooseberries and currants with Ely and Soott Death From Lockjaw. never follows an injury dressed with Buckleu's Arnica Salve. Its antisep tic and healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Cbas. Oswald, mer chant, of Rensselaersville, W. Y., writes: "It cured Setb Burch, of this place, of the ugliest sore on bis neck I ever saw." Cures outs, wounds, burns and sores. 25o at Wm. Mo Bride's, druggist A new liue of Leghorn aud sailor hats has arrived at Mrs. Miller's. For Sale. Tho O. C. Beck place near the school house is oflerod for sale. Good house, two and one-balf lots for sale cheap. A span of. good work horses will be taken in trade. O. C. Beck, Athena. A Lirely Tumle with that old enemy of the race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious troublejwith stom aob, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 25o at McBride's. Keep the little one healthy and nappy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollisterx's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. 85o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer ug store. Dr Notice- j Sealed bids are invited by the County Court of Umatilla County Oregon. to be filed with the County Clerk of said county on or before tbe 6th day of July 1006, at 10 o'clock a, m. for two bridges to be constructed acrpss Wild Horse creek near Athena, Oregon. Oue is to be constructed at a point known as theHarve Caton cross ing, the other to be constructed at a point known as the Frank Mansfield crosisug. Said bridges to be con structed according to plans aud speci fications furnished by the County Clerk upon application. The County Court reserves tbe right to reject any and all bids. - . Dated this 20th day of June, 1906. Frank Saliusr, County Clerk. ESTABLISHED 1865 2 Preston-Parton Milling Go. : MTV Flour is made in Athena, by Athena labor, in the latest and best equipped mill in the west, of the best selected Bluestem wheat grown any " where. Patronize home industry. Your grocer sella American Beauty for per Sack Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers 5 Waitsburg, Wash. - - - Athena, Oregon 5 Famous Clydesdale Stallion Will make the season as follows: Monday and Tues day at Waterman Station; Wednesday at A. B. Mc Ewen's; Thursday at Whiteman's farm, Gerking Flat; Balance of week at King Bros. Barn, Athena. -Star of Kansas- was bred by Senator Gregs of Seneca, Kansas, and was foalded April 9, 1900; sired bv Carinichael, 7915; dam, Kansas Bell, S725. Color solid black with star in fore head; weight 1750; has good action and fine speed for a draft horse, and has exceptionally good disposition. TERMS: $20.00 insurance, payable when mare is known to be in foal. In case of sale or removal of mare fees become due at once. SANFORD STONE, Manager. A. B. McEWEN. Owner. Bargains at Pendleton's . Big Store Where it Pays to Trade i Star of Kansas 9669 Dry Goods Store. Children's 15o black ribbed hose at per pair ' ' -. - ' 10c Women's 20o black Hose, at per pair - '- .15o Women's 1.50 black sateen Un derskirts at each - $1.00 Women's $1.25 white Shirt Waists, at each - 95o Women's $5.' Dress Skirts at each - - $3.75 Women's $4.50 Wash Suits, Lin en, at - $2.25 Women's 50o Muslin Drawers, at each - 35o Women's 75o Girdle Corsets, at eaoh . . . , 50o 12o white Embroidery, 4 to 8 inches wide, at yard 8c 12o figured Lawns for waists or dresses, handsome pat terns, yard - lOo 20o white Indian Linens at per yard ...... l5o 50o white mercerized Silk Waist ings, at yard - 35o Send for samples. Men's Clothing Store Men's best $10.00 Suits in grey, brown and black mixtures, any size; we can fit you at per suit - $7.50 Men's best $12.50 Suits, extra well made, tailor finish, all sizes; black, navy's or mix . tnres, at per suit - $10.00 Men's best $15 and $16.50 Suits, handsome tailor made suits, hand Banished, positively the best bargain ever offered, at per Suit - $12.60 Men's 75o Underwear, at 50o Medium or light weight; extra well made. Men's $1.25 dress Shirts at each - - - - . $1.00 New patents in soft or stiff bosoms. The biggest and best stock of Men's and Boys' clothing, Eats and Furnishings here at a saving. Shoe Store Women's $2.00 Shoes, in me dium or heavy weight, at per pair - - - $1.50 Women's $3.00 vici kid, patent tips, extension or turn soles, at per pair - - $2.50 Children '8 $1.65 School Shoes, sizes 10 to 2, in box calf or kid, per pair - $1.25 Extra good $3.25 Misses' Shoes, in viol kid, sizes 11 H to 2, per pair - - $1.75 Misses' Oxfords at - - - $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Ladies' Oxfords at - -- $2.60, $3.00, $3.50 Men's best $3.25 Shoes in all shapes and widths, at - $3.50 Men's ' $2.50 work Shoes, the best wearing shoes made, and in any width, at - $1.75 Men's Oxfords at $3.00, $1.00, $1.50 Boys' Oxfords at - - $2.00, $2.50. $3.00 SAVE YOUR COUPONS; they are given free with each 10c purchase. Over $700 inbeautiful presents given to our customers last month. Come and see what you will receive, absolutely free, by saving our cupons. v N. B.We have made arrangements with Burns Bros., Pendleton's leading Pho tographers, to supply our many customesr with photos 4 at greatly reduced prices. This arrangement is for a short time only. For particulars write or inquire at the store where it pays to trade. THE PEOPL E'S WA REHOUSE PENDLETON, OREGON FLOURI FLOUR1 FLOURI Snow Drift Per Sack $i oo cash : This Celebrated Flour is made from the choicest Blue Stem Wheat grown in the Northwest. SOLD BY THE ; PACIFIC COAST ELEVATOR COMPANY David Williams Agent,- - - . - i . Athena, Oregon. Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in FoBt Building, Athena, Oregon NOW IS THE TIME - V eroaft e I or flarvest We carry a full and complete line of the following sup plies Axes Hose, Suction , Rope Axel Grease Hammers Ranges Anyils Iron, Bar Rules Bolts Iron, Sheet S s Babbitt i , Lace, Leather Stoves Bits Lanterns Shoes, Horse Brushes, Horse Nuts Saws Curry Combs Needles Scythes Chain Halter Nails .. Snaths Chain, Butt Oil, Castor steel ChaiD,CoiI Oil, Cylinder Screwplates Cutlery, Table Oil. Black Screws Cutlery, Pocket oil Hard . . un, nara Screw Drivers Co1 Oil cups c . Cold Chisels oilers . Speed Indicators Drills PaHs Tank Pumps Enameled Ware Packings Tinware Forks Punches Tacks Files Pipe Vises Forges Pulleys. Brake Valves Gauge Glasses Pulleys, Hay Fork Water Bags Graphite Pye rs Washers Goggles Rivets Whips And Our Prices Are as Low as Are Named By cAnyone - Call and See Us When in 'Pendleton'" 1U o amf :& rat Phone, Main 21 - - - - 211 E. Court St PENDLETON, OREGON -