The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 19, 1906, Image 3

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    Press Paragraphs
The Deering rakes are just as good
as tbeir mowers.
Elgiu lost In the game with La
Grande Sunday, by a score of 3 to 1.
Miss Maud Gholson is convalescing
after a two weeks' severe illness. '
Your horses will get fat if yon use
a Deering mower.
VvTom Johnson is located at Ehyolite
Ts'evada, and hereafter the Press will
reach him twioe a week.
Ask your neighbor what kind of a
mower he has. Its a Deering.
Mr. Byron Wilson of Walla Walla,
was a Sunday guest of his friends in
Athena. ,
Millard Hall, known to the boys as
"Dogtakeit", was in town Saturday
sizing np the horses. '
Mr. and Mrs. Victor McDonald,
of Walla Walla, are visiting relatives
in Athena and vioinity.
"'Mrs. Donald MeEinnon and daugh
ter, Jeannette, leave tomorrow on a
visit to relatives in Alberta.
Good uatnred Sim Chilly and Clark
Nelson came over from Weston Satur
day, and took in the horse show.
W. D. Chamberlain, who has boon
iu Portlaud for several days is ex
pected home tomorrow.
All who are indebted to Mrs. Lillie
Miller are requested to call and settle
tbeir accounts in fall by Jnly 1. it.
-Mrs. P. B. Colbern has been very ill
again, at her home on Fifth street
She is slowly improving at present.
Weston has decided to hold the
Pioneer picuio in connection with a
harvest festival some time daring the
coming fall.
Frank Coolidge, the jeweler, will
leave today for Portland on business.
He will be out of town for a couple of
weeks at least
Farmers that are in need of ranch
hands, should call on Craghead &
Hays. Rural telephone connection
in office. 4t.
E. Ll Hiteman left on the noon train
for Echo, where he will remain for
several days for the purpose of treat
ing refraotion of the eyes.
f-Uiee Mabel Tompkins returned' last
evening from a"two weeks' visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo
Vollmer, in Waitsburg, Wash.
3 Mrs. George Bannister aocompanied
Mrs. H. MoArthur to Dayton, Vasb.,
yesterday morning, where they go to
visit a sister, Mrs. .Minnie Leonard. "
Mrs. Archer Bowles, of Walla
Walla, was a guest of her daugther,
Mrs. F. S. LeGiow, a few days : this
week, returning home this morning.
"4" A. M. Gillis, A. B. McEwen and
William Tompkins returned yesterday
from Portland, where they attended
the sessions of the Masonic grand
lodge. ,
Harry Kosenzweig is down from the
Franklin connty ranch to remain a
few days. He is accotnpauied by Miss
es Elsa Rosenzweig aud Minnie Nay
lor, .
rnBert Warren is uain on the roll of
Press readers. Burt, iu bis migrations
wandeied trow tbefoid, but uow that
be is settled down "for keeps," he
ppd'so wat8 bowe news.
Q. A, Barrett & Co, baa just re
ceived a carload of binders, mowers
uud rakes tbat were delayed by the
flood aud are now in shape to fill
tbe orders they have on band.
The Pendleton woolen mills will
begin operations in a few days with a
force ot about 20 men, Tbe scouring
mills have been running several weeks
with a force of 80 men.
The seoond examination in eighth
grade questions was held last week in
wbioh thirty pupils participated.
Twenty-five passed successfully, in
cluding Irma Weir, Willie McLean
and Lela Stamper, of Athena.
-AS. A. Malouey is reported seriously
ill at tbe borne of his son James, in
Pendleton. Mx. Maloney has a host of
friends in Athena, where he resided
for many years, who hope for his recovery.
Charlev Brown is renovating and
repairing bis house on 3rd street,
preparatory to the occupancy of him
self and wife daring tbe summer.
Mr. Brown will remain until after
harvest, when with other Athena peo
tila thev will aeain return to their
homes in California.
On exhibition at Miller's furniture
store are some very artistic oil paint
intra from the brush of Mm Katie Mo
Ewen. Miss McEwen is a student at
St Joseph's Aoademy in Pendleton,
and among her studies is that of
painting. From her work it is an
pusv matter to ludcre that she has re
markable talent in this line.
William Willaby sr. and Fred
Knowlton left this morning for the
home of Mr. Knowlton 's parents at
Newport, Wash. Uncle Bill will also
visit in Spokane before returning
home. Fred may also return and re
sume his position in the First National
Rnnfc. thonch he has not deciaea De
finitely as to what be will do.
A petition, contesting tbe last will
and testament of Mrs. Cynthia Turner,
deceased, will be filed in the circuit
court today. Tbe contestants, Alvin
F. Turner, Horace B. Turner, Ida A.
Clark, and Harry E. Turner, are rep-
street Last eveniug a ball went
whizzing through a plate glass win
dow in tbe front of tbe Post building
and tbe offender bag so far failed to
call and settle the damage. Unless he
does so at once there is liable to be a
bunch of trouble for him.
What might have terminated in a
serious runaway, oocurred Sunday,
shortly afternoon at the Taylor home
in tbe south part of town. Joe Scott,
his father and Mrs. D. Taylor were in
a carriage when through a disarrange
ment in the reins, tbe team became
unmanageable, Mr. Soott running
tbe team around a cirole several times
before W. H. H. Scott succeeded in
grasping the bits, stopping the horses
and preventing further damage. In
alighting from the carriage, Mrs.
Taylor sustained a severe sprain in
her ankle. .
resented in the case by Peterson &
Peterson of this city and Carter, Raley
& Raley of Pendleton. Tbe petition
is voluminous, containing 14 pages of
type-written matter, among the alleg
ations being that Oliver C. Turner
exercised undue influence over Cyn
thia A. Turner, whereby the contest
ants were defrauded out of a sum
aggregating about $13,000.
J. S. Dobie has received notioe of
his appointment as agent for the O. R
& N. Co. in Athena. Mr. Dobie, until
tbe appointment was made, was work
ing "extra." The selection of Mr.
Dobie as agent here meets with favor
and approval on the part of tbe Ath
ena business men, for he is recognized
as a competent and obliging offioial.
A meeting of tbe Spanish-Amerioan
war veterans has been called for next
Thursday night at the law office of W.
F. Crowe in Walla Walla, when ar
rangements fot the banquet and re
union to be given on the night of June
23 will be perfected. A number of
veterans of tbe Spanish war reside in
this county, and have been invited to
attend the rennion at Walla Walla.
The practioe of playing
Main street has become a
in the estimation of Wm.
and other property
ball on
owners on tbe
Weston News Itemi.
Weston Leader.
Mrs. H. B. Nelson aocompanied
Mrs. Wells to the lattor's homestead
iu Franklin connty, near Eltopia,
Wash., for a visit
Miss Luella B. Craigen, teacher in
the Weston pnblio school, has gone to
her homestead in the Cold Springs
con u try to reside during vacation.
A son was born Friday, June 8,
J 906, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mclntyre,
at their fine larm borne nortn or Wes
ton. Mr. "Mclntyre" is "overjoyed,
having remarked to Dr. Cashatt that
he now had a boy a piece for his re
spective farms in Umatilla county and
Alberta province.
Tbe father of Mrs. John Runyon,
residing on Wildborse mountain, sus
tained a fracture of the shoulder blade
Monday in a singular accident He
was trying to lead a frisky and vigor
ous oalf when the animal indulged in
an aorobatio stunt whioh the old gen
tleman was perforce compelled to join.
His feet were jerked from under him
and be stood npou bis head. , As be
lacked training, tbe broken bone resulted.
Keep the little one bealtby and
nappy. Tbeir tender, sensitive bodies
require geusle, healing remedies.
Hollisterx's Rocky Mountain Tea will
keep them healthy and strong. 35c
Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store.
Items in Brief.
At The
Pendleton Steam
Boy a Teutsob Hat, $3.
Best on earth the Teutsch hat.
Buy a Samson at Cor & McEwen 's.
$3 pays for one of the celebrated
Teutsoh hats.
MoBride keeps a full stock of school
books and supplies.
New Shirt Waists just arrived at
Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R.
J. Boddy's.
See the fine cut glass for sale by C
A. Barrett & Co. 's.
The latest novels are to be found at
McBride's Palaoe drugstore.
Green Trading Stamps at tbe Mos
grove Mercantile Company.
For your laundry, call np Parker &
Lane's barber shop, 'phone 31.,
Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the
White House Grocery,
Lee Teutsch has a most complete
line of high grade shoes in Pendleton.
Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured
hams. They are delicious.
Tbat Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Worthington .Thompson's.
A delicious dessert--Washington Pie.
Get it at the Prendergast Bakery.
We still have the famous Coles air
tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co.
"Autocrat" stationery, the best
kind at McBride's.
yon some of our
C. A. Barrett &
Can't we show
Rogers silverware?
Yon should see the fine line of
buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett &
You get the celebrated Green Trading
Stamps absolutely free at Mosgrove
Mercantile Co.
For Sale A second band 3-piece
bedroom suite, on reasonable terms.
A bargain. Apply to Mrs Kosenzweig.
L. Thnot is prepared to do concrete
work and well digging. Orders left
at Ed. Manasse's store will receive
prompt attention.
' Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. , Get it at Worthing
ton & Thompson's.
Over 600 ladies' neck arrangements,
a sample line, no two alike, at one-half
price. Call at Manasse's.
Three little rules we all should keep,
To make life happy and bright,
Smile in tbe morning, smile at noon,
; Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night
Pioneer drug store.
Following The Flag.
When onr soldiers went to Cuba
and the Philippines, health was the
most important consideration. Willis
T. Morgan, retired Commissary Ser
geant. U S. A., Rural Route 1, Concord,
N. H., says: "I was two years in Cu
ba and two years in the Philippines,
and being subject to colds, I took Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, which kept me in perfect health
And now, in New Hampshire, wo find
that it is tbe best medicine in tbe
world for coughs, colds, bronchial
troubles aud all leng diseases." Guar
anteed by Wm. McBride, druggist
Price EOo and $1.00. Trial bottle
.Barber Shop.
Shaving, Uaircutting,
Shampooing, Massage
for Face and Scalp.
Shop North Side Main
Street, Athena, Ore.
For Sale Two good milch cows
Inquiry of J. S. Ross, ou Wildborse.
Au elegant assortment of children's
Easter bats at Mrs. Lillie Millers.
Don't wait uutil thev are picked over.
When yon deposit your money In
this bank, whether on a Checking
account paying 2 per cent, or on a
time certificate or Savings aoconnt
paying 4 per cent; it is seoured by
tbe entire capital of tbe bank, amount
ing to one hundred thousand dollars,
and tbe conservative management and
sound business policy of tbis bank is
a further guarantee of the absolute
safety of all funds deposited with it.
Our Motto: Absolute safety first;
Liberality next.
J, L, Elam's Bank
5 awwwgranu U1STKIBU.TION OF'w
j The Famous American Beauty Rose
OUR reputation as purveyors of the
right goods at the right prices
can not be questioned. It is our
constant aim and study to merit your
patronage by making it to your inter
est to deal with us. We have con
tracted with the largest manufacturers
of Silverware in the United States to
furnish us with a large quantity of Sil
ver Sets, which we intend to distribute
among our cash customers as an appre
ciation of their cash trade and as an
advertisement for our store.
IT is only; necessary to make pur
chases from any or all departments
of our business to the extent of $25.00,
on and after this date, and upon the
presentation of cash sales checks or
slips to theabove amount, you are en
titled to a set of the Silverware upon
payment of $3.25, to cover cost of
freight, packing and express charges
only. Absolute satisfaction is guaran
teed or money cheerfully refunded.
Office in
Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to all
calls, both night and day.
Calli promptly answered. Office on Tblrd
Street, Athena. Oregor
It may be nothing serious, aud probably is not, but wouldn't it be worth
something to you to have those unpleasant sensations removed? I oau do it for
you, accurately, and at small cost. Step in some day. The examination will
cost yon nothing and may be of great value to you.
Graduate and IS tat e Llceiined Optlcffcn. Of
fine, next dour to til. Nichols (Sample LtootuH
If there is no Piano in tbe house,
one should be purchased or at least
hired. And it should be one of tbe
shown in our rooms. These instru
ments are the perfection of mechan
ical workmanship and are nnexoelled
for sweetness and richness of tone.
23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash.
E are now giving away, ABSOL
UTELY FREE the Celebrated
Green Trading Stamps. These
Stamps are redeemable in ornamental
and useful articles such as Dishes, Glass
ware, Silverware, Furniture, Pictures,
Stereoscopes, etc. We now have a large
assortment of these articles on hand,
with more in transit, and there will be
no delay in making delivery of the arti
cle you select, when you have "saved
up" the necessary amount of stamps.
We have always felt that the Cash
Customer was entitled to some extra
consideration, and after due thought on
the subject, have decided that the above
arrangement will be a satisfactory so
lution of the problem. The Premiums
which we give away ABSOLUTELY
FREE represent a very substantial dis
count on your purchases. Therefore,
call at once and obtain a Stamp Book
and Catalogue containing list of articles
and giving amount of Stamps necessary
to secure same.
M oserove Mercantile Co.