AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twick-a-Wbek Tdesdat akd Friday f. b. botd, publish kb. Entered aa necond-clMi matter, March 1, 1901, at the poitofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Actot Congress of March S, 1879. Subscription Hatca : 'r year, in advanct 12.00 Slngleooplei In wrappers, 6c. Advertising Kates t lmi reading notlcei, Ontlnaertlon.lOcper i. IC'totMabieqaant Insertion, 6e. All communications ihould be addressed to PKK3S Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MAY 1 . ,1906 It may be realized by purchasers of diamond tiaras and the like that styles in settipg change almost as frequently as in a woman's bat and every other year at least mast seo tbo precious dia meu rebuilt. This adds to original cost, for no self-respecting jeweler changes the setting of a costly piece of jewelry without adding a few stones to the first amount, thereby increasing its vulue. Of coarse famous crowns, With association attached, that have recently come into the possession of very rich Americans remain as first designed, for even au American shows some sentiment when it costs him a fortune to iudalge in rich historic jew els, bat otherwise diamond and pearl and omeruld tiaras aro constantly made over. Kussia is stealthy and tireless. Evon wbilo its armies were being defeated in Manchuria and its throne was shaken by revolt, it was secretly fast ening a firmer grip on the Chinese em pire. Tbe fact that Russia has a line of military posts across the northern part of tbe Chinese empire has been kept a secret from the world. It was rovualod by an indiscreet publication in a Russian provincial newspaper. Russia's purpose, beyoud the satisfac tion of its old lust for dominion, can not be determined. Wtmtover it is the powers interested iu maintaining China's territorial iutegrity are di rectly affected. Just why Fred Mulkey desired tbe election of United States Senator for a term not exoeoding 00 days is not ap parent, unless for advertising pur poses. It might help bis legal practice to be reooguized as Ex-Senator and be may have some hopes for the future. Ex-Seuutor Tubor of Colorado paid more than flOO.OOO for a sixty-day term and it cost MoCouuoll of Idaho all bis fortune for a term of equal duration. Besides tbo empty bouor Mulkey's victory seems most barren except that a man Bueing for divoroo might gain somo prestige by employ ing a United States Senator. The soieutist wbo have discovered that you can't disoover tbe soul with a microscope, is informed that ueithor can you discover uiiud, spooob nor love that way. Still he koops on us ing microscopes. Whatever view may be held of di voroo, tbcre is one feat aro of divorce trials which is repulsivo to all people of good feeling which it is u pity House Furnishings. The homo is it ready for spring? Curtains needed? Mattings? Rugs? Is there anything needed to brighteu up tbe home after winter, making it more iuvitiug aud comfortable, more pleasing to the eye? Our big department store is devoted entirely to such thiugs. It' is now one of tbe most interesting aud attractive plaoes in tbe city . Tbe stocks are large aud the assortments are niagnifloieut. The newest styles aud effects in home furuishiuga'of all kiuds are represented in their fullness. Artis tic decorations that is tbe theme. Different from the ordinary newer,, richer. A superb aud unusual display. But not alone in quality aud style do tbe many beautiful thing exoell. We further save you a good amouut iu tbo cost, aa our prices are always tbe most reasonable. We also pay tbe freight where bill for goods aruouuts to 10.00. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER Everything to Home. 12 14-16-18 20 22 Alder Street. WALLA WALLA, : WASH there is not some law to abolish, and that is in bringing little children into court as witnesses against aoensed parties. Such impressions then gained might never leave a child's mind and general public policy seems to be against the practice. The victory of Will S. Dauniway is overwhelming for State printer as be bas carried nearly every preoiuot in the State. This may be considered os stern rebuke to the "grafts" in tbe office. However it will be remember ed that Mr. Dunuiway's pledges for future reform are vague. Mr. Scott is tbe only candidate wbo is pledged to direot and simple honesty. Pres. Aitkin of tbe Oregon Com mercial Company and of the Hunting ton Bank, should have known that tbe Portland bankers never would consent to allow the f 1,000,000 of Oregon's surplus to bo deposited anywhere but in Portland. It becomes necessary once in a while to trim down these outside bankers and Mr. Aitkin "got bis." Tbe best mun at a wedding is Some times bard to pick out of course the bride may consider bim tbe bride groom, bat the maid of bouor would speak for tbe handsome usher, and tbe bride's mother for tbe tioh unole wbo gave tbe handsome gift, and the bride's little brother for tbe caterer, so there you are. A big snapping turtle bearing upon its back the iuitials of Daniel Web ster was caught in Buzzard's Bay a few days ago. Tms will no doubt be encouraging to people wbo seek to win fame by whittling their initials on everything that comes baudy for such a purpose. By tbe way, what did Gorky do with bis wife and children before be left Russia? Before tbe hysterical peo ple of this oouutry go crazy over him, they bad better find out whether the lady accompanying him is his wife or only an "understudy. " GKAltlN ITS LOGICAL C1I01CK. (Portland Journal) It is au appalling pioture whioh tbe Oregonian draws of tbe perils which would threaten the nation in the event that John M. Gearin should be returned to Washington for six years more as senator from Orogon. "The Demo cratic senator may at any time bave it within his power to deoide absolute ly tbe f Lite of any given Republican party aud thus himself defeat tbe whole purpose for whioh the Republi- ttn n Taff v ia m n intni n arl ' ia ha nlnnmv 't l MJ D 14J MJU bUAMUU ill VUV iUUUJ J f prediction of tbe Oregonian this morn- 1 lug, aud it prooeeds with a disquiBi tion on the "grave cousoquenoes of electing a Democratic senator and a Demooratio governor at a time when issues of profound momeut are to be decided by tbe nation." Tbe greatest issue now before the na tionj is the tariff. The Republican party is the exponent of the theory of high tariff, while one of tbe funda mental principles of the Dctnooartio party is tariff, for the revenue only. Senator Gearin stands with his party iu earnestly advocating a reduction of tbe oppressive duties uudor which I ho uutiou groans. Only three days ago, in au editorial discussing tbe proposal to remit all duties on building materials destined for San Francisco, tbe Oregonian made those statements: "The highest interests of all demaud aud' require that nobody should receive tbe special favor of 'protection' of government CO. Make Your Furnish the appointments Here special interests to receive such special favor and protection. The situation at San Francisco strips tbe pretense from tbe system. Why should 'pro tective' duties be suspended at San Francisco? Because tbe situation there shows and proves that the system is oppressive. But it, is not tbe earth quake and fire that makes it oppressive. It is oppressive through its own na ture and operation. Tbe system en ables one sort, class, set or description of citizen to make profits out of others. Hence our enormous and ever increas ing purse-proud aristooracy. Let tbe foreign materials, then into San Fran cisco free. Such a lesson it would be against the trust combination in our country, under cover of protection, which piles up fortunes for individuals and increases year by year the crop of millionaires and plutocrats." Holding these views, the one logioal course for the Oregonian is to support John M. Gearin for United States sen ator. Every one knows that if Senator Gearin bad it in his power to "decide the fate of the Republican policy" of a high protective tarifl, he would do his utmost, by his vote and bis in fluence to overthrow it PRINTER'S INK DID IT - Weston Leader. The result of a skilful and exten sive advertising are seen in the vic tory of Jonathan Bourne. It must be due to advertising since Jonathan has but little to recommend him to the discerning voter. His record is that of a political jug gler and oorruptionist. He bas bought votes and bribed legislators. These facts are not denied. They are excused on the ground that such methods were formerly essential in Oregon politics. The repeutaot sinner will be a saint hereafter, the leopard spotless, we have been told by apologists. Bourne is a sagacious "trimmer." When the f reo silver craze seized Ore gon he was for free silver the loudest, frothiest spouter of them all. Now that "Statement No. 1" is rogarded as the sole road to the nation's salva tion, with Oregon to point tbe way, he bas spent thousands of dollars in pro claiming himself as tbe champion of this doctrine. He bas made himself solid with tbe proletariat by arts known to the demagogue. Cake represents tbe conservative element in the repub lican party and Bourne the extremist verging almost into socialism. No Oregon Legislature would bave elected Bourne to the United States Senate. He could not have wheedled or bought bis seat at Salem. Yet-he is or will bo the "choice of the peo ple," since in all likelihood he will beat John M. Gearin in June. Mr. Gearin is a better, abler, stronger man, and a oredit to the state in Con gress, but will have to win over too many republican votes to defeat Bourne, whose boom is by no means a bubble, from all appearances. Printer's ink has accomplished won ders. Whether it bas power to make a statesman of a mountebank, remains to be seen. We hope so, for the sake of Oregon's good name, but. doubt its efficacy. Printer's ink cannot make a valuable specific of whiskey and opium or an allwool garment of a pieae of shoddy. For Sale. A second hand stove, al most as good as new ; large oven, six covers, nice reservoir. Apply at this offloe. For Sale. The desirable pieoe of real estate on Main street known as tbe Garden proporty is now offered for sale. For price, apply to Charles Norris, Ath ena, Oregon. . tf Repair Word Receives the most prompt and care ful attention when brought to us A high degree of skill obtaiued. by years of experience in the work, coupled with tbo use of the bent tools, enables us to turn out what is satisfactory to tbe most exacting customers. You bave tbe sutisfao tiou of kuowing that your property is safe in our hands, that no work, however complicated, is beyoud our skill, aud that our charges will be tbe lowest consistent with tbe best workmausbip. f. H. COOUDGE, Jeweler Athena, Oregon. HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. 1 Eminent Doctors Praise its Ingredients. Ve refer to that boon to weak, nervous, suffering women known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. T)r. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff of Tun I' clectic Medical IlBviEWsays of Unicorn root (helnhts DUilca) which Is one of the chief ingredients of tho "Fa vorite Prescription : - "A remedy which invariably acts a a uter ine Invitcorator makes, for normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive system. Tie continues "In Heloniaswe have a medica ment which more fully answers the above purposes than any other drug u ith which I am acquainted In tho treatment of diseases pe culiar to women it is seldom that a case Is seen which lws not present some Indication for this remedial went." Dr. Fyfe further says: "The followIiiK are among- the leading Indications for Helonlas (Unicom root). Pain or aching- In the back, with leucorrboea; atonic (weak) conditions of the reproductive organs of women, mental depression and Ir ritability, associated with chronic diseases of the reproductive organs of women, constant sensation of heat in the region of the kid neys; menorrliagla (Hooding), due to a weak ened condition of the reproductive system; amenorrhea (suppressed or absent monthly periods), arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive organ and antemic (thin blood) habit; dragging sensations In the extreme lower part of the abdomen." If more or less of the above symptoms are present, no invalid woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, one of the leading ingredi ents of which is Unicorn root, or Ilelonias. and the medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finley Elllngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It Is an important remedy In disorders of tho womb. In all catarrhal conditions and general enfeeblement, it Is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., lato of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to its general effects on the system, then to no medicine in we about which then it mteh general unanimity of nviniim. It Is univtrwllu regarded as the tonic useful in all debilitated states." Prof. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable in uterine hemorrhage, monor rhagia (flooding) and congestive dysmenor rhea (painful menstruation)." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all the above named In gredients and cures the diseases for which they aro recommended. -The COMMERCIAL LIVER?, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month ( KING BROTHERS Prrp THE PALACE DRUG STORE VM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as tbo doctor ordered nothing more, noihiog lesH and always exu.-tly right. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FE1C ST-'BLE COOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month B tables ou aud street, South of Main street i. F. Wright, ... Proprietor- ICILLthe COUCH and CURE tmi LUNGS w,TBJr.1Ung'i FoaGI 0NSUMPT10N Priea 0UGHS a4 60c $1.00 Fret Trial. IDS Surest and Quickest Cur for all THROAT and LTJNQ TROUB LES, or MONEY EACX. Cut flowers and Floral Decorations RUSH ORDERS WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. James Wait. Walla Walla Washington No. 9 South 2nd St. Phone, 327. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. YOUR MONEY BACK If you are not satisfied with FURNITURE AND CARPETS . WE SELL. . Largest stock in eastern Oregon. Make onr store yonr headquarters when in Pendleton Yours N. A. RADET?, . . . KB Undertaking Parlors in Connection. - i , Peebler & Chamberlain . Successors to tbe Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements J WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. ' I I' -Sj) " "Saving at the Spigot Wasting at the Bung" It covers more surface, longer than any other prepared paint, or hand-mixed , lead and oil. CALL I COLOR j Umatilla , Lumber Yard t THE i ST. NICHOLS HOTEL j X J. E. FROOME, prop. j imiy rirsi-ciass noiei in the City. Iff : TUP ST NinHdi X Ilk. Vl. IllVIIVkV Is the only one that can accomuiofialr commercial travelers. Can be teeomended for Us I'lenn and well ventilated rooms. Lor. Maih akdThibd, ATHnA,or. PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law ATHENA, - - - OREGON to please PENDLETON, OREGON. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Finh and oysters in season. Give us a trial. OREGON. KvrrytliliiK Kir, I CIhss M l e r it and Vp-tu - 1 I Si SOUTH SIDE . MAIH STREET ATHENA. I PARKER & LANE'S f-S - That's what buying poor paint means, faint may De iow priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to it's poor covering power and wearing quality. After the paint is applied it's too late to save. ; Start right and use The Sherwin-Wiluams Paint MADE TO PAINT BUILDINGS WITH, OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. spreads easier, and lasts FOR CARDS I t