AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twice-a-Week Tuesday and Friday F.B. Boyd, Publisher. Entered as necon d-class matter, March 1, 1901, at the poatofflce at Atbeoa, Oregon, tinder an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription Hat..: IVr year. In advanot S2.U0 Siogieooples in Advertising Hates: Local reading notices, flrst Insertion, 10c per ne. Etohsabsequent insertion, 5c. A.11 oommnnloatloni should be addressed to i PKK99 Athena, Oregon ATHENA, APRIL 6, 190G There appears to be grave uecd of a complete overhanliog of our national laws covering the disposal of the lands which belong to the whole people. Setting altogether aside the criminal and quasi-criminal laud operations which under Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock's preslent investigations and prosecutions have already resulted disastrous to some of those implicated, a glance at oonditious revealed in publicly reported faots and figures in dicates the necessity for aineuding the laws. The people are all equally own ers of these lauds and it is to their in terest tbut when they pass out of pub lic ownership it shall be, primarily, for the purpose of being devoted to the making of homes and adding to the productive power of the nation. It is a commonplace ' truth that we have beeu too muoh in the habit of re garding the pnblio stock of lands as inexhaustible. It is beginning to ap pear that the end is within sight. The report submitted to oougress a day or two ago by Mr. Pierce, assist ant seorotary of state, in regard to the wrongdoings of a number of proinin out Amerioan consuls, presents a pio ture of the consular service that is de cidedly unpleasant to the citizens of this country. It shows more than any amount of verbal argument the necessity of thoroughly reforming the sorvioe aud of keeping a very watchful eye npou it. " The United States suffers in the entimation of foreigners by the misdeeds of its representatives. Mormons from Utah are establishing a great oolouy in Chihuahua, Mexioo, where they cau practioe their belief without interference from the govern went. As any sect may practice its belief iu the United States without governmental interference so long as the laws of the land are not violated, the inference is that these emigrat ing Mormons cling to their idol of polygamy. The Russian government's assur ance tbut ample protection is to bo nfforded to the Jews in that disordered country is apt to cause a sardonic auiilo. That the Russian government should be desirous of dealiug fairly with the Jews, or able to do so if it bad the intention, is so foreign to the experience of the past that nobody will look seriously upon the present declaration. Col. Wood will be the guest of the Press mnu Saturday aud Sunday. This may sou'iu to many to be out of aicnaEK We Make It Pay You Trade With Us Pay iu dollars and cents. Paj iu satisfaction with the goods them selves. If you are not satisOed with auythiug yon have bought here after you have taken it home, we want you to bring or send it back aud we will make it satisfactory with you. We aim to please and our suocess so fur shows that we are doing it. This year we have put forth special effort to make it a pleasure for you to trade with us. This year our stocks are largor and comprisod of better assortments thau were everv before carriod by any merchant iu this vioinity. We buy in carload loats, get quautity prioos, save freight by shipping iu onrload lots, our reut is low compared with ront paid by smaller Arms carrying small socks and doing a small busiucss, and mark our goods with a small profit so as to make it pay you to trade here. We know you would rather buy where you have the largest liue to ohooso from and get tho best possible prices, so we waut you to give us a ohauoe to show you our ability to please. Whether it be a niuobiue needle or a complete outfit, your orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. When goods ordered amount to 10 or more we pay the freight. Use THE DAVIS - Everything to Home. 12 14-16-18 20-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, :- WM5U. the ordinary, but when yon reflect due consideration prompts yon to re alize that a certain amount of courte sy is due even the lower species of the human family, hence our con decension to appear in pnblio with Wood. Nothing receives favorable com ment from the stranger or visitor so quickly as a clean town. Athena can be made a clean town if every citizen will do his part towards making it so. Let everyone clean and . beautify their own premises aud the general appearance of things will even startle the natives. The hazers must go, and the sooner they go the better it will be for every body but the hazers. It will not make much difference to the world what happens to them after they are put out. If Mars has merely a network of canals, and no railways, automobiles or flying machines, it is absurd to claim a superior civilization for the people of that planet. The Fish Commission is trying to decide whether the German carp is a curse or a benefit. Depends, we im agine, whether you are oating them or selling them., The clerk of the Chioago Juvenile Court says girls are worse than boys. He will probably admit, too, that if there were no women crime would at length die out OUR SCHOOLS THEN AND NOW . Portland Oregonian. A novel but quite effective test of the methods and results of teao'aing in our common schools of today and those of sixty years ago has recently been made. In an old garret in Springfield, Mass., a set of examina tion papers used iu the ninth grade of the schools of that city in October, 1861, were found. Upon these the pnpils secured at that time an average of 40.6 in spelling and 29.4 in arith metic. The test consisted in giving these identical papers to the pupils of a similar grade in other schools. The results showed a marked inoTease in the profloiency of pupils. At Great Falls, Montana, for example, an aver age of 60.4 was scored on these papers iu spelling, aud 79.5 in arith metic Of the competing pupils, 41 scored 100 iu the latter branch. The contrast between this result and that obtained at Springfield sixty year ago is striking. Still, whon wo come to compare the methods of teaching at that time with present methods; to compare the text-books used iu schools and to consider the helpfulness of the publio libraries that are adjunots of school work in every town of a few thousand inhabit ants iu thego days, the difference is by no means surprising. It would, in deed, be strange if the science of pedgogios had not advanced with the growth iu every other direotion in three fifths of a century. The sohool house of that era, as it lives iu de scription aud still to some extent in memory, bears little resemblanoe to tho sohoolbouses of the present. It had theu, as it has now, a roof, four walls and a floor. Thero the simi larity between the two ceases. Ameri can school books of sixty years ago wore written in the same language in which thoso of the preseut are writ ten; thou, as now, they iuclndod the lessons of industry and patieuoe, but here the similarity between them ends. Teaohers ot the olden times were fitly desoribed as "brisk wield ersofthe biroh and rule;" now the birch is a forbiddou element of teach ing and the "rule" applies strictly to technical matters. Siuoe nothing in the world remains stationary, thin movement iu publio to KASER CO. Make Your Furnish the appointments Here school equipment and methods is the natural one. Growth describes a for ward and not a retrograde movement, and the advance iu our school meth ods and results is the thiug logically expected. There is no evidence that the pupils in the Springfield schools sixty years ago werenot as studious and as bright as are those in the schools of the present to whom this test of relative proficiency was given. The difference is in opportunity, in equipment and in methods. If the better showing had not been made by the pupils of the public schools of the present, then iudeed would we have had cause to doubt the efficiency of what is called our modern school system. EGYPT AND THE PHILIPPINES. Baltimore News. While the British administration in Egypt cannot point to such costly and elaborate efforts to spread popu lar education as we are making in the Philippines, it is creating a state of affairs well calculated to make the people content. Through the atten tion given to the development of the material resouroes of the country, the average crop has beeu doubled in the last 16 years, while at the same time taxation has been reduced. These are results that -the people can appreciate without any instruction in civics or inouloation of new political ideas. They are confronted by the solid fact that the value of all landed property is now from five to seven fold what it used to be before just and economical government was established. We are going quite the other way iu the Philippines. We are doing our best to educate the people and to inspire them with political ambitions and at the same time we are repre senting the industrial development of the couutry by our tariff policy. We eduoate them into discontent with old conditions aud at the same time deny them the opportunities of edn oational advancement. The intellect of the country, instead of being at tracted to its material advancement by creating of new opportunities, is turned to political agitation. What can be expected from such a policy bnt a chronio spirit of revolt against Amerioan rule? POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Representative. To the republicans of Umatilla county: I hereby announce that I will be a oandidate before the republi can primaries for nomination as mem ber of the legislature from Umatilla oouoty, and I respectfully ask the support of all members of the party. Athena, Ore., March 14, 1906. C. A. Barrett. Candidate for Treasurer. To the voters of Umatilla county : I horeby announce myself as a republi can candidate for the offioe of County Treasurer, subject to decision of the primary election. Respectfully, d. W. Bradley, Athena, Oregon. F. H. Shoemaker for Eecorder. I X0 lue vuioiB ui uumLiiia uuuuij x 1 . I'T J, At- . nereuy announce my cancuaacy ior me republican nomiuatiou for the offloe ot reoorder, subject to the will of the voters iu the direot primary election. Fred H. Shoemaker. Pendleton. For Sheriff. To the voters of Umatilla couuty : I .hereby announce myself as a re publican candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the wish of the voters iu the direct primary eleotion. E. J. Sommerville. For Sheriff. I ' hereby announce my caudidacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff of Umatilla county subject to the will of the voters ta the direot pr imary eleotion April 20. T. D. Taylor. For State Senator. I hereby auuounce myself a candi dal e for state senator from Umatilla county; subject to the pleasuro of the suffragists. Geo. W. Proebstel. For State Senator I hereby announce my candidacy for the state senate, subject to tho votes of republicans under tho direct primary law. T. J. Kirk. For Sale. The desirable pieoe of real estate on JJaiu stroet known as the Curdcri property is now offored for sale. For pricu, apply to Charles Norris, Ath ena, Oregon. tf The Skillful of Jewelry YOU have oftou heard it said that really right repairing was a lost art that the average mending doue nowadays was a bungle. Those who bring their jewelry here to-be repaired will find nnusual facilities and un surpassed skill. Nor is that all. Whou the work is finished we subject it to a rigid inspection to make sure that it is right. Your search for faults will be fruitless. Prices as low as the work is good. f. H. COOLIDGE, Jeweler , Atheini, Oivgou. READ AND YOU WILL LEARN That ths leading medical writers and teachers of all the utrvi'ral schools of practice endorse and recommend, in the strongest ti-rma possible. v;c!i ami every injsrediiMit cntrins into the composition of Dr. I'iiTcc's (joldi'ii Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, and all catarrhal diseuws of whatever region, namo or nature. It Is also a specific remedy for all snch chronic or long stand ing cases of ca tarrhal a flec tions and tlK'ir resultants, us hronchial, throat and Inns diseases (except consunip tion)accompanicd with severe coughs. It is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for lingering, or chronic cases it Is especially efficacious in producing per fect cures. It contains Slack Clierrybark, Guidon Seal root, JSloodroot. Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root all of which are highly praised as remedies for ill tho above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers as Prof. Itartliolow, of Jefferson Med. Col lege; Prof. Hare, of tho Univ. of Pa.; Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. l., of Ben nett Med. College, Chicago ; Prof. John King, M. D.. late of Cincinnati ; Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D.. late of Cincin nati ; Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. D., of Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and scores of others equally eminent in their several schools of practice. The "Golden Medical Discovery " Is the only medicine put up for salo through druggists for like purposes, that has any such profenHUmal endorsement worth more than any number of ordinary testi monials. Open publicity of its formula on tho bottle wrapper is the best possible guaranty of its merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poison ous or harmful agents and no alcohol chemically pure, triple-refined glycerine being used instead. Glycerine Is entirely unobjectionable and besides is a most useful Ingredient in the cure of all stom ach as well as bronchial, throat and lung affections. There is the highest medical authority for its use in all such cases. The "Discovery "Is a concentrated glyc eric extract or native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing its ingre dients mailed free on request. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. L. M'LACIILAN PLASTERING AND CEMENT WORK, CISTERN BUILDER Leave orders at Gillis' Lumber Yard. Satisfaction. Guaranteed. Boston Dental Parlors DOES ALL KINDS OF GOLD WORK Walla Walla, Washington. THE PA ACE DRUGSTORE W.M. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as the' doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and always exactly right. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE COGD HORSES AND Ri ".3. READABLE PRICES DRIVER MRNKriED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded lv the day, week or mouth MtuMfs on ''nd gtrii t. South of Main street J. r. Wright, - - - Proprietor- ) - If You WANT CASH For Your REAL ESTATE YOU CAN GET IT. t No matter where your property is located or what it is, I have the ability and the facilities to Bell your property. , That is why I have the largest Real Estate business in Walla Walla tday. Why not put your property among the number that will be listed and sold as a result of my advertising? I will not only sell it, sometime, but be able to sell it quick ly. I am a specialist in quick sales. If you want to buy any kindof afarmt home or business in any part of the country, tell me yonr requirements. I guarantee to till them promptly and satisfactorily. Audy T. Cope, Walla Walla. MM Cut flowers and Floral Decorations RUSH ORDERS WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION James Wait, Walla Walla Washington No. 9 South 2nd St. Phone, 327. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. COMMERCIAL LIVERl, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day. Week or Month KING BROTHERS Pre p Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. . .,. a - it i. . '" ' v -'. ! .. . ' . -iter fi -y t Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber.. Shingles, Sash. Doors, Paints, Oils, -Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper. Brick, etc. Special inducements ou orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL : t J. E. KKOOME, prop.' X I nr. Only First-class Hotel in the City. m I THE ST. NICHOLS J Is the only one thai can accommootf p commercial travelers. Can betecomended lor IU clean and well ventilated room. Cob. Main and Third, Atiixna, or. PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law i A1HENA, OREGON A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care or and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop. ; Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. OREGON. PARKER & LAKE'S P Kverythtng Flrt Clax - Mo cl rn and Up-to - il x I SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET ATHENA. I' . . .. (1 l : t LIST YOUR TROPERTY WITH ME.