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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1906)
! Press Paragraphs Alex McRea is over from Walla Walla. ' Austin Fobs drove over to Helix this morning. Charles Gerking was in Peudleton yesterday. Hod. T. J. Kirk was in Pendleton Wednesday. G. A. Drysdale, of Walla Walla, is in town today. MoBride keeps a fall stock of school books and supplies. Frank Beale was in town yesterday from his Pine oreek ranch. Attorney John McConrt, of Pendle ton, was in town yesterday. The latest novels are to be found at McBride's Palace drugstore. For your laundry, call up Parker . & Lane's barber shop, 'phone 81. Miss Lucy Jenkins is studying pho tography at Danner's gallery. Win. Bogartb, of Culdesao, Idaho, arrived in the city Wednesday. Beu Dupuis. Weston's popular gro oeryman, was in town yesterday. The Hon. Henry Herrold, mayor of Hillsdale, was in the city Tuesday. A cabinet photo of your baby free at Danner's photograph gallery, Athe na. . Bert Cartauo was in Walla Walla Tuesday evening and Wednesday fore noon. TheMcCowell Co. presented "Ole Oleson" at the Athena-' opera house last night. "Pink" Harbor, the well known brick man of Weston, was in the city yesterday. Just received, latest styles in belts, shirtwaist sets, back and side combs, at Manasse's. Arnold Sheurmau, subscription so licitor for the Pendleton Tribune, was in town yesterday. I have used Cleveland's Baking Powder and think it is the best made. Mrs. Letha King, Athena, Ore. Charles Gay will move his family into the residenoe on Jefferson street recently vacated by Mrs. Burden. D. H. Preston left last evening for Portland and the Sound cities where he will dispose of flour and mill pro ducts. . - ; ' .; Sirs. McKay, of Walla Walla, and her daughter, Miss Bessie, are visiting at the Gholson and Winsbip homes in this city. ; ' . The ladies of the M. E. Aid society will give an entertainment at the opera house, March 22. Watch for program. - Mrs. George Bannister baa been seriously ill sinoe moving to the farm near town. She is reported better at . present however. L. Thuot is prepared to do conorete work and well diggiug. Orders left at Ed. Manasse's store will receive prompt attention. I have used Cleveland's Bakiog Powder for some time, and it has always proved satisfactory. Mrs. Watt, Athena, Ore. . Mrs. Lillie Miller announces the arrival of a large stock of street hats. Her millinery opening took place Friday and Saturday. Mrs. James Woodruff and little daughter,. Ethel, are spending the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins. Nj Duucan Molntyre. who has been in 'the Walla Walla hospital for some time, is in town today. He will re turn to the hospital in a few days. t D. D. Lewis, who was arrested on the charge of being implicated in the holdup at Echo, has been bound over to the circuit court in the sum of . $1000. , Remember that during the months of March and Arjril von can tret a cibinot photo of your baby free of cnarge at uanner a puutu guneiy, Athena. C. C. Hutchinson, superintendent of . thn Oreerm Land & Water Co... has purchased the Irrigon Irrigator of A, A. Bennett, who will seek a location elsewhere. K Tonight the annual ball of the Athena Are department takes place at the Athena" opera house. A large number of tickets have been sold, and the fire boys eipect a good attendance. The ladies of the M. E. church Aid ' Bfinifitv will eive an entertainment at the onera house next Thursday even ing. March 22. The urogram for the entertainmnt will appear in Tuesday's Press. - 'Jinks" Taylor ia the owner of an fcritinnallv Una saddle Dorse, a re cent purchase made by him at Hepp ner. Yesterday Mr. Taylor gave bim a "work out" on the breaks of the Umatilla and he "made good. At the Christian church Sunday morning the sermon subject will be, 'Th Mission of the Church to the World" In the evening the pastor will eiva a lesson from the life of Christ, illustrated by the stereopticon, The stock and fixtures of the Star saloon was sold yesterday at ref eree'i sale. The stock brought $100 and was bid in by Bo.bchild Bros., of Portland. The Beta Brewing Co., of Walla Walla, bid f 100 for the fix tures and John McConrt's bid of $5 was accepted for the notes and ac counts. Acoording to Major Edwards leases are now being made as announced would be done last week. Bnt a few applicants are summoned eaoh day, and it will be some time before the entire number of applications can be disposed of. Xjhe members of the Adams K. ot P. lodge tendered Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ferguson a farewell party at the I. O. O. F. hall in that city Wednesday evening. Mr. Derguson expects to leave in a few days for Helix, where he will issue a weekly paper. A motion for a new trial bas been granted C. H. Walters, the Weston saloon man who was found guilty of selling liqour to minors, as the judge finds that there was an error made. District Attorney Phelps states that the case will be tried at an early date. The water pipes in the Press office were found to be frozen this morning, and when the devil thawed them out by blowing bis breath on tbem, a leak was discovered. With the assist ance of - City Marshal Gholson and 'John" Dobson7" the presses were put in operation shortly after noon. Licenses to wed were issued this week to Thomas W. Hewitt and Emma C. Starla ; Sebastian Williams and Ina Newlin, and to Fertiof - W. Enbysk and Elma Planting, all of this county. The latter couple were married in Pendleton by Eev. G. W. Bigby. Chas. Gay has purchased the Ath ena oakery irom unaries Jtsrotnerton. He took possession this morning. Mr. Gay will make some improvements in the building, such as changing the oven, taking out the partition and constructing a work room in the rear of the building. It was learned by 'phone from Walla Walla Wednesday afternoon that H. C. Adams had been taken to the hos pital as a result of a fall on the streets of that city. Inquiry confirmed the truth of the report. It is learned that while Mr. Adams' injuries are not of a serious nature he was considerably aken up by the fall. A pleasant party was enjoyed by the tang friends of Miss Grace Johnson at her home jnst east of town last Friday nigth. A large number from town and the country were present and a jolly time was spent with games, some of them being original and most entertaining. A delicious lunch was served - the guests by the hostess. Section foreman Thomas of the W. & C. R. was quite seriously in jured Tuesday while coming into town on the handcar. A track wrenoh slipped off the front of the- ear. -One end struck against a tie and the other on the end of the oar. The car then left the rails, throwing Thomas to the ground. The wheels passed over his back, bruising him considerably. As soon as che weather will permit, work on the new Jball grounds will commence, and the diamond will be pushed to completion as soon as pos sible, to permit of practicing. Man ager Cartano and the board of direc tors are receiving letters every day from players who want to become members of the Yellow Kid team. Walla Walla's crack team will have the honor of opening the season with the Yellow Kids on the Athena grounds. There will be two games here Saturday, April 7, and Sunday, Annl 8. when the baseball season in Athena will be auspiciously opened. A grand ball for the benefit of the Yellow Kid fund will take place at the Athena opera house on Saturday evening, April 7. . 8ale of Indian Lands, The following wheat lands upon the Umatilla Indian Reservation will be sold March 80, 1906: W of S. W. i Sec. 12, Tp. 2, N. R. 83 E. W. M., belonging to At-la-loy. - . N. E. yx of S. W. M of Sec 5, Tp. 3, E. W. M., belonging to Charles Mo- Whirk. I represent the owners, and shall be glad to confer with prospective pur chasers as to terms and methods of sale. Stephen A. Lowell, Peudleton, Ore. For Bale- The desirable piece of real estate on Main street known as the Carden property is now offered for 6ale. For price, apply to Charles Norris, Ath ena, Oregon. tf I wish to announce to the public that I have opened a Jewelry Store at McBride's drug store and will carry a complete line of Watches, Ciocits, Jewelry, and Optical Goods. F.H.Coolidge Watchmaker and Jeweler. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty Torture By 8Ygs. "Speakiug of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of the kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Cusbing, Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three Dottles of which completely cured me." Cures liver complaint, dyspep sia, blood disorders and Malaria,' and restores the weak and nervous to ro bust health. Guaranteed by Wm. McBride, drnggist. Price 60c Keep the little one healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Holliaterx's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. 85o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. ;V A Lively Tussle : with that old enemy of the race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious troublewith stom ach, liver and bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tbey perfect ly regulate these organs, without paiu or discomfort. 25o at MoBride's. Certificates of Deposit Are the best form of short-time investments. These certificates such as are issued by . J. L. ELAM'S BANK are made payable on demand with interest at 3 per cent and will be cashed any time without notice, ' or we will issue you a time certi ficate bearing 4 per cent interest payable any desired date. THE DIFFERENCE When you put a man to work , You pay the man. When you put your money to work Your money pays you. ' ' ' Make ALL your money Work ALL the time. J;L, Elam's Bank WALLA WALLA WASH. If there is no Piano lu the house, one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown in our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled for sweetness and richness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, 23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash. Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon J. D. PLA.MONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OfHco in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Tblrd Street, Athena. Oregor 9 'if LV3 V Oregon Ssioit line J5ia umm Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY rhronirh Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car (tally to Kansas vnyj inrougn minima tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining chair cars, scats free, to the east dally iroiu Pendleton. - f to" M mi It 1 . I t . Woi ARRIVE TIMS SCHEDULES IEI"AKT Daily. ATHENA, ORE. Dally- " Walla Walla, Day ton, Pomeroy, Lew iston, Colfax, Pull- ... 9:12 a. m. n. Moscow, the Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and all points north. Mixed Walla Wal- 12:30 p m la to Pendleton. Fast Mail tor Pen dleton, LaOrande, Baker City, and all points e ist via H un tlngton, Ore., "Also for t'matl llaJHepp 4:53 p in ner, The Dalles, 4:53 p. m Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, California, Tacoma, Heat lie, all Bonnd Points. Mixed, Pendleton 7:03 pm to Walla Walla , W. Smith Agent. AUieos Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox k McEw'en's. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. s ' j Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy's. U See the fine out glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Cc's. Try a Flor do Corona W hite House Grocery. cigar at the Cragbead & Hays have some bar gains in business chances. Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured bams. They are delicious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is tine. At Worthington & Thompson's. A delicious dessert-Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. We stifl have the famous Coles air tight headers. C. A. Barrett & Co. "Autocrat" stationery, the best kind at McBride's. Can't we show Rogers silverware? you some of our C. A. Barrett & Co. , - ; You should see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co. "s. - In the spring time you renovate your house Why not your body? Ilollister'i Rocky Mountain Tea drives out imparities, cleanses and enriches the blood and purifies the entire sys tem.', 35c Pioneer drug store. Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. Over 600 ladies' neck arrangements, a sample line, no two alike, atoue-balf price Call at Manasse's. Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Smile in the morning, smile at noon, Take Rocky Mountaiu Tea at night. Pioneer drug store f '. For Sale. O. G.' Chamberlain, the real estate dealer, Offers for sale : One dwelling and three lots, $1100. One house, barn and three lots, 1800. . A good cottage, outbuildings and onelot,i$1000 One dwelling, barn and three lots and other choice city and farm prop erty, a- " A mountain farm of 166 acres, orchard and good buildings. Several good pieoes of alfalfa land near Pendleton. A Sclentiflo Wander. icientino wonder. Tbet cures that stand to its credit make Buoklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. j-It cured E. R. Mulford,. lecturer for trie patrons of husbandry, WBM8,bj3.P?ii Pa,., of a distressing "case of Piles. ItTreaTsTheworst burns, sores, boils, ulorea, cuts, wounds, chilblains, and salt rbeum. Only 25o at the Palace drug store. Are requested Groceries IL.U . : V m The Place where you find the Best of Everything m wmm irarnimrammm mw mm mxm it? it COHSUMERS g A simple rule to make life a joy is to drink a cup of that elegant Coffee I "W 1 When shopping do not forget that can be obtained. For iWH Cash ' f i. Z Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and ITE i?jiuiuiuiuiiuuiaiaiiiiiiiuiaiiiiaiu;iuaiiiiuiiiiuiiijuii ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Go. Our Bailey Mill Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait . Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers "Waitsburg, Wash. DOHSTT BEAD THIS I fT1a.. von n fa intrAtBrl in wenrinff pBnpRRr,Y FITTED GLASSES. If your glacses are too young for you brine them in and I will put proper reasonable. Children's lens in your frames very All work guaranteed. worka specialty. E. U HITEMAN WTO km omie P to Eat the one to call and examine our Big line and Provisions and get our prices. Sri 7 WW that "99" is the best Co (Tee sale only at the EKlOUSEi Grocery 3g high grade Canned Goods a specialte ! i i Athena, Oregon PmMH (writ konntl Tfclca will h tU to rMi Ihll pM itrtiMl f 14 ineltM ttmm tb ,M lth MM And MOlottl ftlM WW to tbte to mi II vtlh Mob Mtltlr If Uftbl u do M jouf tjm m 4!Min Ml llumldbmtmiiiMMWtMtlitna. WbwIlM dpi broom Hied from fMdlaf crwwlnf . n If too Itiur, Idok btarrod tad na tontbor, It I war fatdttN tioc thai iIuom n DMibd Tb, InM Mid In tbo obMp food, f M. anti dptuil? nd bm immHbutly formed ,arfuoa. Contlnwd mm ml UwM tmnt l?EM, will mutt in poomro Injury from tbo Muuut tudja dfB mnm OMBBBdil I to wpnlj U4 dolotu U lb kuo." Graduate und Male Ucensrd Optician. Of lice, next door to Ht. Nichols tfainplo UooniH. Fa' esooiir of est Market rnvirfl" iyLL