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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1906)
1 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twiok-a-Wekk Tuesday and Friday f. b. boyd, poblibheb. Entered as second-class matter, March 1, 1901, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Act ot Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription Kates l 1'er year, in advance 12.00 Blngleooplea In wrappers, 6o. Advertising Loral reading notices, nrstlnsertlon, 10c per ne. Eiohiuoseqnent Insertion, flc. All communications should be addreised to PRE38 Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MARCH 16, 1906 It is with pleasure that tbe Press makes tbe announcement that Sheriff T. D. Taylor has consented to be come tbe democratic candidate for sheriff. Under ordinary circum stances and conditions the Press is op posed to third term administration in connty offices, but in this instance cirenmstanoes have transpired with in tbe knowledge of eveiy voter in tbe connty iu such magnitude that all will welcome the chance to vote for "Till" again. (While in the throes of tbe worst storm in years, and the mercury clustering in a lump about tbe zero mark, comes word that William Scott, proprietor of the summer . resort known as Hidaway Springs, has de cided to celebrate on July 4tb, with an old fashioned barbaoue. Thus do thoughts of summer mingle with the hoary frosts of winter as we stroke the icicles from oar whiskers. Speaking of needed legislation on the subject of pure food, a writer iu the Medioal Summary exclaims: "When you think of the vast sums spent every year for engines for tbe destruction of life, don't you wonder that it should be so hard to get either money or legislation for the saving of life?" Aud still the house committee decided in favor of blended whisky! Seuator Allison is 77 years old and has ably served tbe state of Iowa as a uatioual lawmaker for 43 years. That is a woudorful reoord. The senior senator has beon a oareful, con servative and conscientious legislator aud leader in political life. It was these qualities that helped to make bim a safe and popular leador. The Iowa legislature has boon no oused of paying too much attention to politios and too little to legislation. Perhaps the accusation is in a meas ure justified, and yet that body of lawmakers bas euaoted a u umber of good laws. The orookednoss of fac tional jolitiea has militated against satisfactory results. Athena people have been approach ed by newspaper subscription solici tors with all kinds of inducements, but there was one in town this week with a new one up his sleeve. . He was lieaid to make the statement that the "paper will be stopped when the time is up I" Thousands of anthracite minors have gone back to Hungary aud Po Fellow Bee Keepers We are doing an exoellout busiuess on Bee Supplies, but we are not satisfied. We do not think that all of our friends know that we carry bee suppiles. We want to got better acquainted with you. The manu facturer of Bee keeper's Supplies is reduoed to such a science that the largo manufacturer can furnish goods of superior quality aud workanship n a prico that leuves little or no opportunity to make auytbiug at at home aud save by it. Hives and wooden material of all kiuds are out out ia large quantities ou special maohinory, at low cost. This material is then shipped at a low rate of freight "knocked down." By buyiug in large quantities, as we do, we are ablo to secure a reduction which eu ables us to offer the most of these goods at mauufaotnrers prices. If you have not been a oustomer heretofore, a trial order will convince you that it will be to your iuterest to become our regular customer. Do not wait until you need the goods befor you advise us about what you expect to neod, but lot us know your probable needs now bo that we will be sure to have the goods on hand when yon need them. Wheu goods ordered amouut to 110.00 or more we pay the freight ; Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the , Home. 12 14 16-18 20-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. land in anticipation of an inevitable strike. When they come back tbey will be less disgruntled. It takes Europe to make Americans patriotic. Mississippi wants ns U know what snowstorms are like. WHY GIRLS GO TO COLLEGE. Philadelphia North American. A mother who took a bouse in sight of the campus of one of the large coeducational universities of ', tbe Middle West, where ber daughter bad entered as a student, writes to the Independent to tell of tbe distractions of the college sororities. The picture is one of strenuousneas that seems to surpass even that of the "f rats. " According to the inter-fraternity contract tbe mother speaks of these college sisterhoods as fraternities "spiking" and "rushiug" were lim ited to ten days. It appears that "spiking" and "rushing" are terms covering all methods of competition among tbe fraternities for desirable members. Tbe articles of war were framed with a view to reduoiug tbe rather alarmingly large expense of landing new sisters. The following list of the daughter's entertainments during the ten days of tbe "rushing" season is taken from her diary: Tuesday morning Alpha Gamma girls called to take me to sign up ; they invited me to drive again in the afternoon. Weduesday afternoon A luncheon party at Mrs. F 's, a Sigma alum nus. Thursday morning Drove with tbe Sigmas during cbapel period. Thursday evening Big Gamma dance, at which all the fraternity men were present. Friday night Sigma dance. ' Saturday morning A number of Gamma girls called. Saturday afternoon Gamma reoep tion to tbe resident alumni and fresh men girls being "rushed." Saturday evening Dance given by tbe Delta Nus men's fraternity to which many of the freshmen being "rushed" were invited. Sunday morning Drove with the Sigmas. Monday afternoon Sigmas called. Tuesday afternoon Sigma reoep tion to alumni ' and girls in the "rush". Tuesday evening Gamma dinner party to the girls they are "rushing". Weduesday afternoon The formal invitations to join their societies were sent out simultaneously at 3 o'clock by all the fraternities. Ellen the daughter finally put on the Sigma colors, but it appears that the mother's sigh of relief was pre mature. That very day the neophyte was invited to an informal dan 36 to celebrate the Sigma victory, and her mother was surprised by the first evidence of sorority influence. It was an appeal on Ellen's part for some thing to wear, a thing before unheard of in that family. The next day there was an invita tion from one of Ellen's fraternity sis ters to assist her at tbe first of a series of small card parties which she was to give to her favorite men's fraternities. At the end of two weeks tbe social pace seemed to be increas ing in speed rather than diminishing. There were football games, big formal dances of men's and womeu's fraterni ties, celebrations for newly won mem bers, and "spreads" by the "spikes" themselves. At the end of the fifth week tbe mother couldn't see that Ellen bad had any time for study, aud the girl had lost five pounds- undor the sooial pressure. It was Ellen's father who solved tbe problem by making an unalterable rule that one evening a week was all that was to be devoted to dances, and that 12 o'clock was the dead line in the matter of time. Ellen thought sho faced sooail ostraoism under tbe rule, but ber fra ternity sisters made allowances for necessity aud voted her father a Make Your appointments Here 'brute." Incidentally tbe mother relates an illuminating incident of bow a fra ternity member boasted of having voted six times for a brother who was a candidate for a certain university honor. Tbe gang method was justi fied on the score that it was necessary to keep a "barb" presumably later for barbarian, or plebeian out of tbe position, and the "barbs" outnumber ed the fraternity members six to one. "WHEKK'S CASEY?" Now, whin th' line is formin' up to march St. Patiick's day An' wan is here, an' wan is there, an all are in th' way, An' no one seems to know at all th' way th' line sbud be An' there's no shape nor sthyle to it as far as ye can see, Phwy, thin, phwile they are tangled up an' thwisted all about Ye'U hear some wan 'way down th' line let out his v'ice an'sbout: "Where's Casey?" An' thin phwy, thin well, Casey comes an' gives a few commands An' tells tbini how to set their feet an' how to dhrop tbeir hands, An' how to throw their shoulders baok, an' how to sbtand in line An' here tbey be as' sbtrraight as shtraight an' lukkin fine as fine I Thin, nixt, they want th' line o' . . march they don't know where to go An' some wan 'way up to the head is sure to want to know: ... "Where's Casey?" So Casey goes up to th' bead an' tells thim what's th' route, Wid manny plain directions to remove ' th' slightest doubt ; An' thin the band begins to play, an' off tbey step in time An' man, I want to say to ye th' sight av thim's sublime. But first ye know they're mixed again, wan half wud go this way An' wan go that an thin some wan will order "Haiti" an' say: "Where's Casey"? An' tbin of coorse 'tis Casey comes an' shtraightens thim again, An' shtands an' beats th' time f 'r all th' first-rate marohin' men, An, so they go along th' march t'roo people givin' cheers, Wid bands a playin' tunes that seem to fairly shplit yer ears. An' thin, a spaobe is to be made it isn't hard to tell That some wan knows the man to call, an'teu or fifteen yell: "Where's Casey?" Yis, as ye say, if it were not for Casey's hand an' mind Th' lads that march St Patrick's day would march like men that's blind ; An' if be didn't make tbe speech 'twud be a wasted day. I t'ank ye kindly, sir if ye insist I'll take th' same. Yer health 1 How's that? Why, cer tainly I'm glad to give my name. I'm Casey. W. B. Nesbit All Americans, young or old, ought to know that February 22nd was Washington's birthday. And every sohool boy knows the story of George Washington, bis hatchet and the cherry tree. He is one man at least who has the enviable reputationof hav ing never told a falsehood. The per sonal life and great deeds ot this famous man are well known to tbe greater majority of American citizens. But, howover, it may be news to some to learn that the father of bis contry wore aitiflcial teeth. Yes, such was the case, and they were among the great oommanders most prized earthly possessions. He realized tbe import ance of having satisfactory mastica ters no doubt from tbe standpoint of health, one of tbe most important things pertaining to our residence on this earth. You may wish to emulate this great man in this respect, and have an artificial set of teeth that you will also prize highly, after they are once in your possession. Or you may wish to conform more to the now prevailing aud up to date ideas of having decayed or otherwise affect ed natural teeth filled, crowned, or otherwise operated on so they can be permanently retained, thereby being a needed benefit and a source of satis faction. Teeth extracted and filled by my new original painless method. Dr. Spouogle, Surgeon Dentist, Athe na, Oregon. Public Notice. Notice Is hereby given that we will apply to the mayor and common council of the City ot Athena, Oregon, at a meeting: thereof to be held ou the mini day ot March, IM06, for a license to seli spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one quart, said ltquora to be sold only in a building situated on lot T, in block No. 3, of said city. Mrs. J. H. SUM ACo. Pated, Feb. 10, MM. Applicants, To I'ur. Constipation Furerer. Take Oisoarets CauU Cuthartic. 10c or St it C C. C. (ail to cure. drusxNts return! mooes. Foley's Honey aj Tar forchildrea,safc,sure. No opiates. - Over-Burdened Women. Many a man sees his wife bond and tag at burdens that strain the back and the heart alike, without any idea of the outrage. Children follow in too quick succession to allow tbe nether time to recuperate. The womanly organs become displaced, there are debilitating, disagree ablo drains, with the added pain of In flamed or ulcerated parts. In this condi tion the woman bravely tries to carry nor household load, afraid to take the rest she needs lest a meal will be late. No wonder she is pale, weak, wretched, surly of temper and snappish of tongue. Sho would be false to nature If she were any thing else. No persons need help so much as the class of whom this woman is the typo. And for such women no help Is so sure, so wonderful, as that given by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It re stores all the womanly organs to perfect health. It establishes regularity in their functions. It restores the strained and shattered nervous system. It clears up the complexion, rounds out the form and makes life a daily happiness. "Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol or whisky. It Is tho best medicine for women. Nothing can be "just as good" is the best. Tell the dealer so If he odors i substitute. "I wrote to yon in 1903, about my case," writes Mrs. Ella W. Robblnson, of Nuttree, Vs. "Was then In a bad condition, and your reply was that 1 probably Inherited the trouble from my mother, and you prescribed l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. About that time I had an attack of fever and was sick for quite a while, ao failed to set your 'Prescription.' In December following was married and then my husband bought me two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Before I becran to take it I had bearing-down Xalns at monthly periods, also dizzy spells, fter 1 had taken one bottle I felt tetter and had no more pains. After taking the second bottle felt better than ever in my life, and In September gave birth to a twelve-pound baby girl. I am very thankful for your good medicine, and shall tell my friends what it did for me, and shall recommend It to all who are afflicted. We think it the best medi cine In the world." Not only the Original but the KJ best Little Liver Pills, first put VcAe UP over 40 years ago, by old Dr. B. V. Pierce, have been lunch Imitated but never equaled, as thou sands attest They're purely vegetable, being made up of concentrated and refined medicinal principles, extracted from the roots of American plants. Do not gnpa. One or two for Btomach corrective, three or four for cathartic. L. M'LACIILAN PLASTERING AND CEMENT WORK, CISTERN BUILDER Leave orders at Gillis' Lumber Yard. . Satisfaction Guaranteed. Boston Dental Parlors DOES ALL KINDS OF GOLD WORK Walla Walla, Washington. THE PALACE DRUG STORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as tbe doctor ordered nothingjnore, nothing less and always exactly right. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE GOOD HORSES AND Ri ?S. REAJCNABlE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. T, Wright, - - - Proprietor- If You WANT CASH For Your REAL ESTATE YOU CAN GET IT. No matter where yonr property is located or what it is, I have the ability and the facilities to sell your property. That ia why I have the largest Real Estate business in Walla Walla today. Why not put your property among tbe number that will be listed and sold as a result of my advertising? I will not only sell it, sometime, but be able to sell it quick ly. I am a specialist in quick sales. If you want to bny any kind of a farm, home or business in any part of tbe country, tell me your requirements. I guarantee to fill them promptly and satisfactorily. Audy T. Cope, Walla WTalla. Cut flowers and Floral Decorations RUSH ORDERS WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. James Wait, Walla Walla Washington No. 9 South 2nd St. Phone, 327. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. -The 3) i COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Prrp Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. ' PARKER fSw4----. $r & LANE'S JUL II L;-;::-.' ' JTiJ- X 'Upr- j ' !f;D Everything; Flo-I ' . . ! ' -'J-J- , J" Class - Huilrrn ' J' and Up-t..-da e -0 SOUTH SICE MAIN BfM x STREET mm- Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper. Brick, etc. Special inducements ou orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Hosly n Coal, Puge t Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION 1 THE I ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I J. E. FROOME, prop. I I Iff W rt . , ,1,1 ? uniy rirsi-ciass iioiei in the City. : "' : THE ST. NICHOLS J la the only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. 1 Can be t Cornell ded for IU clean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Main an i Third, atbkna, or. PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorn eys-at-Law A1HENA, OREGON A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Fhone 13 for Express and Baggage. HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop . Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. a Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters . in season. Give us a trial. - OREGON. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ME. rrrrrrrVrrFrrrrrrArVVVVVyVVyV