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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1906)
WILL NOT RETURN SEQUEL TO ACTOR'S ELOPEMENT WITH PENDLETON OISL. Bride is 15 Years of Age and Sajs Mother Wanted Her to Lead Life of Shame. Clifford R. La Grande, an actor and a member of . the tronp which gave a bum production of "The Con vict's Daughter" in Athena recently, figures in au elopement and marriage with Eleu JtloCabe, a 15 year old Pendleton girl. The couple went to Walla Walla where they were mar ried. The mother followed and the Evening Bulletin of the garden city says: Behind the whole episode of the elopement are tales of efforts ou the part of the girl's mother to lead her into a life of shame which she de clared she did not want to lead. With tears streaming down her cheeks she pleaded with Sheriff Painter for the release of Piqaette, who testified to her age when the mar riage license was secured stating that she wished to take the whole blame in the matter. The bride is but a little over 15 years of age and very pretty attracting attention wherever she is seen. Speaking of the influence from which she strove to free herself by marriage Mrs. Lb Grande said : "Mamma wanted me to stay with her and lead a life that I did not care to lead. She knows I am young and attractive and would be au attraction in the kind of a house .she wants me to live in. I do not want to do it and will not go back under those condi tions. ) I love Clifford and will do all I can to m like him a true and loving wife." Minnie Reynolds, mother of Mrs. Le Grande, came to Walla Walla from Pendleton last night and is endeavor ing to get her daughter to return to Pendleton. Minnie Reynolds seemed undecided what to do this morning and said that if she oonld do nothing with ber daughter she would not prosecute Louis Piquette, the witness who swore to the age of the girl. "My girl ran off with this actor," said Mrs. Reynolds this morniug. '"They have only been acquainted three weeks and he influeuoed her into leaving by telling her bow nice it is to be on the stage. She does not kuow any thing about the stage. She is only a few months over 15 and I want her to come back to me. I was go ing to send lior to St. Mary's Academy iu Portland until she was of age and then she oonld do as she wauled to. "Sbe is willing to come home but she wants to bring ber husband with ber, but I won't do that because that would be two to support. He says lie will support ber, but I do not be lieve him. I know ootots. . He was stranded iu Pendleton about three weeks ago and met Mary.- The first thing I knew they came here and were married. He wants to take her to Spokane If I cannot get her to come back I will not do anything with Piquette, because I do not want to harm him. "Mary had her head filled with ideas about the stage by Le Grande, and wanted to be an aotress. Sbe has boon reading books about heroes and whenLe Grande came along, he prov ed tcr be Ijer ideal. I am going to boo on attorney about it and see what can be done to bring her baok." For Sale. The desirable pieoe of real estate on Main street known as tho Cardeu property is now offered for sale. For price, apply to Charles Horrid, Ath eua, Oregon. ff JC In ri to llnweM TTIIh CmtcurelH. Camly Cutluirt l euro fomnlimtlon forevur. Jfio.pjio. ir fx 0. 0, (nil, (IriiRKintHrofiiwt money. At Athena The Frazer Theatre Co. In Repertoire. Special Scenic Effects and Powerful Plays. Thursday, "The Black Hand" friday, "The Man of Mystery" Saturday evening's play will be announced later. Popular Prices, 25, 35 and 50 cents. For Sale. One Bolt Brothers' Side Bill Jr., combined harvester with 11 foot head er. This machine is as good as new, having out only 400 aores. Will sell for $1100. For further particulars call on or address Johu C. : Walter, Athena, Ore. POLITICAL DATES. Datei or Important Kventa to Be Ob served Darin Campaign. The following political information which has been compiled from state ments and decisions of the attorney general will be highly important aud useful to the voters of Oregon during the coming campaign, owing to the confusion resulting fiom the passage of the direct primary law now in effect.' The registration book for primary elections which are now open, will close at 5 o'clock April 10. Registration books closed for the general election May 15. County clerks must give notice of primary election not later than March 21. ' Last day for filing . petitions for placing names on ballots for state, congressional and district offices, March 80. Last day for filing petitions' for county offices, April i. Date of primary nominating elec tions, April 20. Canvassing votes for primary elec tions for state offices, May 5. Last day for filing initiative peti tions, February 8. Last day for filing pamphlets for opposing measures, February 5. Dumber of signatures necessary to initiate laws and amendments, 7189. Last day for filing certificates of nomination for state officers by assem bly of electors, April 19. ; Last day for filing nominating petitions for state offices, May 4. Last day for filing certificates of nomination for county officers by assembly of electors, May 4. Last day for filing petitions for county officers, May 19. General election, June 4. All Americans, young or old, ought to know that February 22nd was Washington's birthday. And every school boy knows the story of George Washington, bis hatchet and the cherry tree. He is one man at least who has the enviable reputation of hav ing never told a falsehood. The per sonal life and great deeds ot this famous man ere well known to the greater majority of American citizens. But, however, it may be news to some to learn that the father of bis oontry wore artificial teeth. Yes, such was the case, aud they were among the great commanders most prized earthly possessions. He realized the import ance of having satisfactory mastica tors no doubt from the standpoint of health, one of the most important things pertaining to our residence on this earth. You may wish to emulate this great man in this respect, and have an artificial set of teeth that you will also prize highly, after they are once in your possession. Or you may wish to conform more to the now prevailing and up to date ideas of having deoayed or otherwise affeot ed uatural teeth filled, orowned, or otherwise operated on so they can be permanently retained, thereby being a needed benefit aud a source of satis faction. Teeth, extracted and filled by my new original painless method. Dr. Sponogle, Surgeon Dentist, Athe na, Oregon. , Onera House SEE LAST CHANCE FREEDOM FOR TOT TOT AND COLUMBIA GEORGE VANISHES United States Supreme Court Denies Application of Umatilla In dian Murderers. The United States supreme court at Washington has denied the applica tion for writs of habeas corpus made by Columbia George and Toy Toy of Oregon, serving life sentences for murder in the federal prison at Mo Neil's Island, Washington. The peti tioners alleged that the state of Ore gon was without jurisdiction in this case. About four years ago a relative of Columbia George and Toy Toy, on the Umatilla reservation, was taken sick and died. George and Toy Toy poison ed the witch doctor who attended him. When the two men were tried in the state court their defense was that cribal tradition permitted them to take the life of the witcb doctor under the circumstances. An appeal from the death sentence was taken to the United States court ou the legal ground that the state court had no jurisdiction in the pre raises; that the trial and con vio tion ot Columbia George and Toy Toy was illegal. The appeal was sustained, and their case was retried before the late Judge Bellinger in Portland. A second time the two Indians were found guilty and were sentenced to the penitentiary. It is contended by the attorneys for the Indians that the federal court bad no jurisdiction in the premises; that the Indians on the Umatilla reserva tion became state wards when the al lottment of lands in severalty was made. Had the supreme court decided that the government had no jurisdiction over crimes committed on reservations where allotments iu severalty have been made to the Indians, holding that the culprits should be tried and convicted in the state courts, it would have meant that hundreds of them now serving sentences in federal, state and county penal institutions through out the United States are illegally re strained. Assessing Eeal Estate. The assessment of this county began Tuesday under direction of County Assessor Strain. All real estate will be assessed at one third its value, to cor respond with the present assessment of railroad property, which has been fixed at 10,000 per mile one third its assumed ' value. To change the ratio between the listing of railroad property and the realty holdings of private individuals would be provoca tive of much confusion and possibly of litigation 'For this reason Mr. Strain will use every effort to preserve the equity betweeu corporate aud private interests. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Candidate for Treasurer. To the voters of Umatilla county : I hereby announce myself as a republi can candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to decision of the primary election. Respectfully, G. W. Bradley, N Athena, Oregon. F. H. Shoemaker for Recorder. To the voters of Umatilla county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for the office ot recorder, subject to the will of the voters in the direot primary election. Fred H. Shoemaker. Pendleton. For Sheriff. To the voters of Umatilla county : I hereby announce myself as a re publican candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the wish of the voters in the direct primary election. E. J. Sommerville. For Sheriff. I hereby announce my candidacy for the demooratio nomination for sheriff of Umatilla oounty subject to the will of the voters ta the direct primary election April 20. T. D. Taylor. Sotice. Complaints have been made to me regarding the - placing of debris, manure, etc., on the county road near the bridge below Athena, and I here by warn all persons to desist from the practice. Anyone caught dumping debris at this place, will be dealt with according to law. Heury Schmitt, Supervisor Road District No. 9. Doctor ara Puiiled. The remarkable recovery of Kenneth Mclver, of Vauceboro, Me., is the subject of much interest to the medi cal fraterrity and a' wide circle of friends. He says of his case: "Ow ing to severe inflammation of the throat and congestion of the lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say it saved my life." Cures the worst coughs aud colds, bron chitis, tousilitis, weak luugs, hoars ness aud la grippe. Guaranteed at McBride's drug store. 60o aud 1. Trial bottle free. . FOR COUGHS THE FOR THROAT CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, 111., writes: "I paid out over $160 to local phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of thla bne bottle I was entirely cured." Mm 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottles Frti Another of our Trade Winners; Don't forget the Name . . . C. A. BARRETT & CO., WW III I' SORE THROAT: , f I L VHHWl '-K i iXCINBlfT COXSVHPT1QN 1 1 f ji I U f .1 fo SSi awd uksui orris . f 1 a f ' "I f ! I IlliVSk' Mr '4' II' im ., p -, yilll l !lj!SV i V," : . - . l...i"ll..'"i WW I' Pi PJiiiiX- DMolna.low.U&A. I (l'l IM" i UNEaUAUDN - echini JUh 11:1 AS A . -VJ ir X tooTwitciMbw4Co,iaBii I III DDPWKTTTVFrw ; -" A 1 1 i j ir;4iii.,,r- ttTi m w' wwa Jim mi 1 1 1, 1 1 1 i 1 1 III llll 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 g WI ! T CV. UICKEST-CUR WONDER WORKER .. ECINC'S luncs C3SUSU3PTBW sold mo nco::::.Ei;nED by THE PALACE DRUG STORE EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. FOR COLDS Arm J J Athena, Oregon 5EQUALLED1 i PtEASANT if inn ap"ip"r m CHILDRE1 mm