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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1906)
Press Paragraphs McBride keeps a fall stock of school books and supplies. Mr. and Mis. J. M. Bash went down to Pendleton yesterday. - If ;6a want to save 25 oeuts per sack, read Scott & Ely's ad. The latest novels are to be found at McBride'a Palaoe drugstore. For your laundry, call up Parker & Lade's barber sbop, 'phone 81. T. J. Eirk was a business visitor at the Indian agency yesterday. Harry MoBride, Weston's popular liveryman, was in town yesterday. A cabinet pboto of your baby free at Dan tier's photograph gallery, Athe na. Mrs. F. B. Boyd and Mrs. H. O. Worthiugton drove over to Weston yesterday. Win. McBride is afflicted with rheu matism, but is able to be at his plaoe of business,; ' Mrs. Chas. Booher, who has been seriously ill for several weeks nast. is reported .bettor. - s-i Mr. and Mrs. .W. M. Robinson have moved into the Henry Keen cottage on Jefferson street. I have used Cleveland's Baking Powder and think it is the best made. Mrs. Letba King, Athena, Ore. Mr. G. D. Peebler of Peudleton, father of John Q. Peebler. was in the city a couple of days this week. The young ladies of Weston have organized a baseballjnine and are dil igently praoticing on the diamond. . Mr. finri MVfl QonrffA TCniiniufar nra moving to their farm adjoining town, where they will remain for a few months. Judge Lowell of Pendleton, has decided to euter the race for the re publican nomination forjJnited States Senator. .' L. Thnot is prepared to do "Tjoncrete work and well digging. Orders left at Ed. Manasse's store will receive prompt attention. I have used Cleveland's Baking Powder for some time, and it has always proved satisfactory. Mrs. Watt, Athena, Ore. Mrs. Lillie Miller announces the arrival of a large stock of street hats. Her millinery opening! will "lie liepct Friday and Saturday. ; : Remember that daring the months of Maroh and April you can get a cabinet photo of your baby free of charge at Danner's photo gallery, Athena. . . ' The Bridges Conoert company is meeting with success during their weeks engagement . here. A class has been organized for instruction in voice culture. - Willis Bosh has retnrned from a trip to Adams county, where he went with the intention of purchasing land. He contemplates going back in the near future. - . . V Tonight the Rathbone Sisters will imve a grand revival in their lodge hall. A number of new members will . be admitted and more are to follow at the next meeting. Mrs. A. J. Willaby was a Pendleton visitor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Willaby are preparing to move to their farm near town next Monday to attend to the spring work. The Preston-Parton company's miil which has been closed down for sever al days, resumed operation last even ing. The mill is now working on a large flour order for the oriental trade. Mrs. P. E. Golbern is ill at her home on Fifth street Mrs. Golbern has been in delicate health for several mouths past, and this week has been afflicted with a slight congestion of the lungs. XRoy Tompkins, who recently grada ted fiom the business department of the Waiisburg academy is now at home. He will return to Waitsburg shortly to participate in the graduat ing exercises of the academy. , ' -. - ' - A large number of Weston peopl have gone into the chicken business oo an extensive scale and have invest ed in incubators. The first batching is now in brooders and the prospects - for a big chicken business for our suburban sister seem to be bright V L. J. Robinson this morning sold his ' residence property at the corner of Third and Adams streets, to John Q. Peebler, for $1100. Mr. Robinson and family will remove to Richland, Wash. , to reside and Mr. Peebler will take possession of his new home at once. Tuesday night at 8 p. m. in the Christian chnrch the Bridges Concert company, assisted by class of 40, will give their closing concert Admission 25c Program consists of solos, quar tettes, duets and elooutionary num bers that will be pleasing to alL . C. C Snyder, of Brownsville, .who as here for several days endeavoring to purchase a confectionery store, left last evening foe his home without making a deaL x Mr. Snyder is a ball player and lovers of the game would have been pleased to see him make bis home here. Mrs. Lillie Miller has rented the building in Weston formerly occupied "... by Mrs. Fletcher's millinery store and will establish a millinery business in that city. Miss Jdinnie Taylor will have charge of the store, and Mrs. Miller will make weekly trips to Wes ton, spending Wednesday of each week there. Through the generosity of Hon. T. J. Eirk, the committee on grounds for base ball use has been fortunate in se curing a much better location than the plaoe heretofore used for the purpose. An effort was made to secure grounds from Ben Ogle, but be refused. Mr. Eirk has kindly consented to allow the use of a portion of his pasture land in the north part of town to be used for ball grounds. , Not only the business men who have contributed liberally to the support of the team, bnt the eu tire community, . appreciate- . Mr. Kirk's action in the matter, particu larly so when it said that Ogle ref used an offer of $100 for use of the ground wanted of him for the purpose. H. T. Booth, the insurance man is in town today. Mr. Booth came up from Pendleton this morning. He is one of the many who are vigorously kicking at the inconvenience, annoy ance and disappointment that confronts passengers leaving Pendleton on the Spokane train. When the main line train is late the time for the Spokane train leaving Pendleton as placarded in the Pendleton hotels is misleading, according to Mr. Booth's statements. The result is that people intending to leave on the Spokane train most either camp at the depot, or run the risk of being left . b"Uuole Jack" Crigler was over from his home near Milton Wednes day.' MrV Crigler is enjoying excel lent health and is quite hale and hearty for a man of his age. He has been having trouble with a colony of beavers, which dammed up the stream running through his farm to such an extent that a portion of the land was overflowed and badly damaged.yAp- ple and other fruit trees have bden cut down and destroyed by busy beavers and nsed by them . in their dam mak ing operations. )Dan Prendergast sent hia teams, wagons and farming implements to his Ritzville farm this week in oharge of Frank O'Harra and Ralph Kinnear, and with his family will detmrt for their new home next Monday morning. Jl ue in partnership with Mrs. Anna O'Harra, has invested in seveial hundreds of acres in the Ritzville oountry. Mrs. O'Harra will reside in Walla Walla, where she has purchased property. ' J. W. Jenkins will arrive home to morrow, from Jjufur, where he has held a series of meetings for the past two weeks, and will, hold the -regular servioes in his home pulpit at the Christian church next Sunday. Mr. Jenkins has been ill while away, being unable part of the time to hold ser vices. He will leave his meeting in charge of Rev. Billington, who will continue in Dufur for a time. ' A fair sized audience attended the performance given by the ; Frazer Theatre company at the opera house last evening. "A Southern Rose" was the title of last night's play and the company presented it in a creditable manner. Tonight the . piece staged will be "The Man of Mystery." . Dr. T. N. Snow, the pioneer physi cian and apothecary of Baker City died yesterday at the age of 72 years. His illness was brief, although he had been in feeble health for some time. County Assessor D. B. MoEnight has issued an open letter to the people of Linu County, annouoing his in tention to assess all property in the oounty at its full value. - Rev. Ellis, the Baptist minister, on account of ill health, was compelled to return home from Helix, where he has been conducting a series of meet ings. Mrs. Burden is preparing to move to Pendleton, where she will reside. ' 8ale of Indian Lands. . The following wheat lands upon the Umatilla Indian Reservation will be sold March 80, 1906: W 4 of S. W. i Sec 12, Tp. 2, N. R. 33 E. W. M., belonging to. At-la-loy. . ' . -N. E. H of S. W. K of Sec. 5, Tp. 8, E. W. M., belonging to Charles Mo jVbirk. .. . I represent the owners, and shall be glad to confer with prospective pur chasers as to terms and methods of sale. ' Stephen A. Lowell, Pendleton, Ore. r" -. '' ".' I wish to announce to the publio that I have opened a Jewelry Store at McBride's ding store f and will carry a complete line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Optical Goods. ....... F. H. Coolidge Watchmaker and Jeweler. Fine. Watch Repairing a Specialty Us Torture By Savage. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the inteuse suffering I endured for three, months from inflammation of the kidneys," says W. M. Sherman, of Cashing, Me. VNothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three Dottles of which completely cured me." Cures liver complaint, dyspep sia, blood disorders and Malaria, and restores the weak and nervous to ro bust health, i Onaranteed by; Wm. McBride, druggist Price 50c. Keep the little one- healthy and happy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollisterx's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them healthy and strong. - 85o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer Drug store. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, con stipation, often ends in appendicitis. To avoid all serious tronble with stom ach, liver and bowels, " take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without paiu or discomfort. 2fio at McBride's. Certificates . ; of Deposit Are the best form of short-time investments. These certificates such as are issued by,.- ? J. L. EL AMI'S BANK are made payable on .demand with interest at 3 per cent and will be cashed any time without notice, orjwe will issue yoa a time certi ficate bearing 4 per cent interest payable any desired date. tHE DIFFERENCE ' When you put a man to work You pay the man. When yon put your money to work Your money pays you. Make ALL your money Work ALL the time. - J, L, Elam's Bank WALLA WALLA WASH. If there is no Piano iu the house, one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of. the - BEST PIANOS V shown in our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexoelled for sweetness and richness of tone. - STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, 23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash. Dr. A. B. Stone, ' PIIYSlCIANJt SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon J. D. PLAMONDON . PHYSICIAN . AND SURGEON, Office in ; . ; Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon ,S. F. Sharp Physician and surgeon Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. Calls promptly answered. Office on Tblrd 8 tree t. Athena. Oregor .: V Oregon SnoprLiNE UMlQIiPACMC TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Xbrongh Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City; tbrongh Pullman tourist sleeping cam, penmnally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha'.r cars, seats free, to the eaat dally lrom Peudleton. - AKKIV fill SCHXOUI.E8 JKPABT Dally. ATHENA, ORE. Dally- Walla Walla, Day- 1 too, Ponieroy, Lew Iston, Colfax, Pull- 0 ... a. m. man, Moseow, the ":" m' Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane and all points north. . " ' Mixed Walla Wal- 12:30 pro la to Pendleton. " Fast Mall Tor Pen- ; dleton, IaCirande, Baker City, and all pointseist via Hun tineton, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Henp-i-M p m ner. The Dalles, 4:53 p. m Portland, Astoria, ' Willamette Valley Points,. California. . . : ' Tacoma. Seattle, all Hound Points. Mixed, Pendleton 7:03 pm toWulla Walla M. W. Smith Agaut, Aihena Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cos & McEwen's. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy's. ..' See the fine cut glass for sale by C A. Barrett & Co. 'a. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the V hite House Grocery. Craghead & Hays have some bar gains in business chances. ' Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cared hams. 5 Tbey are delicious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is flue. At Wgrthington & Thompson's. A delicious dessert-Washington Pie. Qet it at the Prendergast Bakery. We still have the famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. "Autocrat" stationery, the best kind at McBride's. Can't we show you some of our Rogers silverware? C. A. Barrett & Co. Yon should see the . flue line of buggies' and hacks at O. A. Barrc't & Co.'s. ' , I In the spring time you renovate your house. Why not your body? Hollis tor's Rocky Mountain Tea drives out imparities, cleanses and enriches the blood and purifies the eutire sys tem. 85c. Pioneer drag store. Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthiug ton & Thompson's. Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements, a sample line, no two alike, at one-half price. . Call at Manasse's. Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Smile in the morning, smile at noon, Take Rooky Mountain Tea at night ' Pioneer drug store. f , For Sale. O. G. Chamberlain, the real estate dealer, offers for sale: . One dwelling and three lots, $1100. One house, barn and three lots, $800.' A good, cottage, outbuildings and one lot. $1000. ; One dwelling, barn and three lots and other choice city and farm prop erty. ; . A mountain farm of 166 acres, orchard and good buildings. ' Several good pieces of alfalfa laud A 8clentlflo Wander. '" The cares that "stand to its credit make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lecturer for the-patrons of husbandry, Waynesbord, Pa., - of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst burns, . gores, boils, nlcres, cuts, wounds, chilblains, and salt rheum. Only 26o at the Palace drug store. . nm www sa .-in. 11 111 - 'J Are requested to call and .examine our Big line of Groceries and Provisions and get our prices. The Place where you find the Best of Everything 00 g A simple rule to make life a joy is g When shopping do not forget that "99" is the best Coffee 25 g that cau be obtained. For sale only at the US WiITE HOUSE! p . Cash Grocery l Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a epecialte Z2 iciiia a ESTABLISHED 1865 : Preston-Parton Milling Go. I Our Barley lUlj Is Now Running. We can roll I your Barley while you Wait 1 Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers S f Waitsburg, Wash. XJOIST'T IRIEID THIS I Unless you are intereRtetl in wearing PKOFEIU, JUTTED UIjASSKS. If your glapBPH are too young for you bring them in and I will put proper lena in your frames very rensonablo. All work guaranteed. Children's work a specialty. E T T T l n w iv it T (Iraduute Mid Mate Licensed Optlclim. Of . . Av. n 1 1 XV lVl V 1 tlco, next door to Kt. Nlcliols t-amplo Uooin. M -the in' tte Mwlitt NSUMERS'f to drink a cup of that elegant Coffee US " CW 1 Athena, Oregon "Pmmi fttviai hmI vtolra vffl to Ata to maA thl flrtal with mod Moanttlr, If nubU U do ao mi hm im t 14 inohM from tttdcyaa vltb wm Bad wmlort Im vul M ftbU Inould hut tmmodiata ttf 10a. Wow Ilia yi bMoms ttrtd froa or towing, or it in wu m nnrm ana ran ORvmtr, if ai lira thai f Iimm an dmiML The lenwt told In th ihND mod auat dpntttf and oav Impcrfa-tly formad lurlktM, Continued dm Imki Uumi will mult tn potittT Injury Iron Uw Mnauul wmm u MiwMtouw m nwr tteMKU to dwelt1 wml at Best mil 3