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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1906)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, Twiok-a-Week Tuesday akd Friday f. B. BOTD, PDBMSHBB. Entered as secon d.class matter, March 1, 1901, at tb. postofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Actoi Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription Kates' ,er rear. In advance 12.00 Singleooples In wrappers, 6c. m : Adv.rtlslng Kates ! Lorai reading notices, first Insertion, 106 per ne. IS tnh subsequent Insertion, 6c. ' ' All communications should be addressed to i PrtJJSS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, MARCH. 9, 1906 1 The American farmer, not to be out d do by the crowned heads of Enrope, was not behind in making wedding presents to Alioe and Nick. The ad vance guard of these bncolio wedding gifts reaohed the. White House about February 1st, and consisted of turnips, just plain every day turnips, bnt the biggest ever produced on an American .farm. . These mammoth affairs , regular "Colonel Sellers Fruit," were shipped directly to the blushing bride by a toiler on the sacred soil of Kan sas, who declared with pathetic fer vor that the proud farmers of this Country should not be outdone by a lot of foreign jewelers. So whatever fate may betide, it seems certain that Mr. and Mrs. Lougsworth will have a col lar full of the homely bnt not to be despised turqip. But this was not all. Shortly after the momentous intelli gence reached the president that there were ou the way from Sontb Dakota a sample of potatoes, each one of which was large enough to feed six portions. So if the bridal couple do not make their evening parties too lurge it wlil 'be possible to appoase their hnncer bv the economical exnnnriirnre c - 1 of only one or two of these huge tubers, such as only South Dakota knows how to raise. , Another wostoru state, not to be outdone in this gener ous rivalry, started toward the capital 11 Hhinmnnk nf -nnmnkiiiH wliloh nrn calculated to make tho eyes of the pie-loving Roosevelt children glisten with delight'." This invoice of puinp- Kius is eupugn to iurmsu pies to Alice aud Nicholas and a large contingent of visitors until the next crop conies uu 411 ituu nuuiuiuL. viu virgiuiu, luu, whoso boast is that she never tires, barreled up a lot of her choioest apples for the dalootatiou of tba uewly es tablished household. - Tho cold storage . system if honestly managed, is a great advant age both to .producers and consumors, bnt is often manipulated for dishonest purposes, lu Chioago tho state board of health discovered Ave million pounds of poultry which had been stored undressed aud hold so long that it beoanio unfit for food. Neverthe less, it is placed on' tho market aud sold extensively. Whenever you visit Chicago you are liable to run up against some of this diseased poultry evon on the tables of the leading hotels. A damage suit, recently in stituted at Pittsburg, hus disclosed a great scandal of the same kind. It appears that great quantities of poul- ' try put in cold storage last spring When You Walla next time try trading at Davis-Kaser store. It's right .uoxt to the post oftloo, aud evurybtiug that you may possibly want iu the house furnishing line is to be had there. Spriug goods are arriving every day aud the stock that will be carried the coming season will greatly exceed any pre vious assortment. Without adoubt you will now Hud here as good col lection of huosohold goods as it is possible to find anywhere iu the Inland Empire. It's tho place to make headquarters. A resting room, a read ing room, a comfoit place, with all conveniences, is there for you. You are uuder no obligtitious at all wheu you uso these rooms. You are per fectly welcome. We pay the freight where purchases amount to f 10.00. Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the , Home. 12 14-16-18 20-22 WALLA WALLA, and summer have been used all winter to furnish the principal hotels and restaurants. It is charged that gome of this poultry has been kept in stor age for flf tyone months and It goea without saying that such stuff would make very dry picking if not actually The impression one "gets from the course of the pure food legislation in the senate is that the chief opposition to it is inspired by the adulterators of food, and those who print lies on the labels concerning the real charac ter of th'e foods they place on the markets. The pure food bill would interfere, no doubt, with their rascal ly business. Instead of labeling a certain article of meroandise "olive oil," for example, they would be re quired to label it cottonseed oiL Much of the "honey" now offered for sale would have to be called glucose. Some of the "jams" and "jellies" now spread abroad would need to be called heaven knows what Farmers have no objection to any dealer selling oleo, but they insist that be should label it oleo and not batter. There wonld be a terrible comotion among so-called food manufacturers and many other people if the law should insist that they describe on the labels all the ingredients which enter in to their compounds. In Missouri lecturers are being sent to the country school houses in vaiious parts of the state to speak to the child ren and parents upon practical prob lems of farming. Usually two leo tnres are given at each 'place, one in the afternoon and one at nigh. In many places 75 to 100 farmers attend the meetings, often going miles over muddy country roads. This move ment is meeting with much approval and exciting much enthusiasm in agricultural families, which would seem to indicate that it would be a good thing to try in other states. The twentieth century requires thorough ly trained farmers to meet its demands and these can only be obtained by commencing with the youth of the land aud keeping up the instruction throughout their whole life. They have found a Dew use for com: When you lick your stamps now re; member that it is not gum arabic that you are coming in contact with, but a new substance discovered by the Illinois experiment ' station and ex tracted from the kernels of corn. This sfyould add;' if possible, to the already supreme potentate who rules over the com belt with such glory for himself and such benefits for bis millions of subjects. ' ' ' ' ' diseased. Evideutly, some stringent legislation aud the light of publicity j are needed in connection with the cold storage business which directly or indirectly affeots the health of millions of people. You cannot swear in your vote on primary day. If you Want to vote you must register. STARTING OF A STATESMAN Amerioau Farmer. A glanoe at the books of biography will disclose the fact that many of our most eminent publio men started life as farm boys. The list includes sever al presidents, many governors, count loss congressmen, generals, captains of industry and all those usually de scribed as men of action. Lincoln passed through this hopper, so did Uarflold, so did Andrew Johnson, and so also General Jackson himself. Come to Walla Make Your lappomtments Alder Street, WASH. Here Everybody may not understand just what it means by being a farm boy, but it is safe to say that nobody who ever passed through the experience is likely to forget it. The typical boy of the pioneer period, from whom so. many of our national celebrities evo luted, was a character whose career embraced much both of comio and the tragic. He slept in a garret or on a trundlebed in a corner devoted to miscellaneous rubbish. He was always the earliest riser, no matter bow un godly the hour. His daily routine, beginning before daylight and termin ating -when he dropped half dead with weariness into his lowly cot at 8 in the evening, may be thus summar ized: Beginning at daylight with milking the cows, before brekafast he had fed the stock and chopped an arm f ul of wood ; during the day when not at work in the field or the clear ing, he kept up repairs on the barn and farming implements of the place. He patched the harness of the horses, half -soled the shoes of the family, did the bog killing at Christmas time, pickled the bams and smoked them, made the sausage and souse, watched the ash hopper and boiled the soap, and on Saturday nights helped Annt Hanna darn stockings for the family. To the farm boy in the olden .times fell most of the business of packing eggs, butter, feathers, beeswax, gin seng, mink and ooon skins which constituted the legal tender of the neighborhood at that day and get ting all these things ready to be sent to market. Hard as this life was and often ao companied by deprivation and cruel ties, when the employer was of the etmgy and hardhearted class, it seems to have constituted a dicipline of the most valuable kind. It is a law of our being that we rise through strug gle to efficiency. These boys, thus hardened to all kinds of work and to endurance equal to that of the anoient Spartan, contitured the embryo which bad in it the making of heroes. Se vere as it was, viewed from the boy's standpoint at the time, all men who went through it looked back with complacency upon the experience as invaluable to their future success in life. There are still thousands of farm boys, but just what extent modern improvements have contribut ed to the amelioration of their condi tion it would be difficult to say. It is probable that the maroh of progress has not touched the farm boy to any appreciable extent, and that be re mains substantially much like his pioneer progenitor. At any rate, there can be little doubt that in the lot are the makings of many more success ful men of affairs. The child of luxury, as is well known, seldom amounts to anything. He either dies i n infancy or perishes in early man hood, with a diseased liver. Ail the chances are against him, for the hard est of all fortunes to fight is that of being born with a silver spoon in yonr mouth. It seems to be the natural law that success in the world awaits those only who traveled the - rocky road of trial and tribulation in their earner years.. JNotning trial comes easily is worth having, and none enjoy the so-oalli d good things in life except tbose who have reaohed them by the painful process of self denial and re peated sacrifice. SCORINtJ FOREIONIZED AMERICANS Walla Walla Bulletin. Archbishop Ireland addressing 15, 000 people iu Convention hall, Kansas City, gave a sensational turn to his oration by the remarks: "While we seek to Americanize immigrants may it not be well to guard some Ameri cans against being f oreignized ; they are not good Americans exoept, inas much as they draw their gold from America, who colonize the so-called American quarters in the capitols of Europe." This being a novel idea the noted ecclesiastic deserves the oredit due to originality. But we doubt that the remark is more than an oratorical effect. Who can stop Americans from choosing any place on the sur face of the globe for their residence? The oolouies referred to are generally made up of art students, whose aim is merely professional. Without being disloyal to the Amerioau flog one can admit that in matters of art Europe is still iu the lead and if our young uieu wish to get their ideas from that source, all the better for American artl There is, however, another class of Amerioaus who crowd into Vienna, Paris and Berlin and we have no doubt that the archbishop had these in mind when he spoke of Americans foreign ized. This class consists of million aire's daughters married to titled fools, of superannuated or retired insurance presidents, of sports aud spendthrifts not in touch with our democracy, of the aristocratic riff raff, so to speak, which has become a byword to every American commuuity these have aroused the archbishop's indignation. 1 Of course, we like to keep the gold aud ship the human appendix to Europe or Borneo, but since we can't keep the money without this ballast, we wave our handkerchiefs from the j Hoboken pier and bid them "Bon j Voyage!" ' " I Public Notice. Notice is hereby riven that we will apply to the mayor and common council of the City ot Atnena, urrton, at a merlins mereoi vo oe held on the 'Attn day ot Marrh. 1906. fbra license to seli spirituous, malt and vinous liquors In less quantities than one quart, said liquors to be sold only In biilkltnn situated on lot 7, In block No. 5, of said city. Mrs. j. ti. siani 1.0. Oaled, Keb. 16. ISKW. AiuHcnts. Foley's Honey mad Tar forchiidrca,s&fe,surc Ho opiates. dan She ju. Them t jP5 . Many a tioor 'mother who feels that those she holds most pre cious are gradu ally slipping away from her over the terrible precipice of disease, would be thank ful to know what Doctor Pierce's wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" has done to restore thousands of weak and wasted chil dren to complete, rounded, rosy, healthy, activity and life. Fire years ago this last fall I was taken down with a fever and was very bad for several months," writes Mrs. Henrietta Bell, of Diamond. Ohio. Bbe continues: "Finally recovered from the fever, then my lungs became very bad. The doctor said I had consumption, and that he had done all be could for roe, and he did not think that I could irot well. My ease was a very danger ous one. Became very weak, had night sweats, also a very bad cough, night and day. At times would spit blood. I felt as though my time on earth would be short. Requested my hnsband to get me a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and perhaps It would help me. Before I had taken one bottle my cough was almost gone. The next to disappear were the night-sweats. I am almost sure that If It had not been for your medicine I would not have been here to-day." If mothers will only write to Dr. Pierce concerning the ailments of their family he will send them sound and valuable advice In a plain sealed envelope, and without any charge whatever. Ills remarkably wine experience has qualified him to deal with diseases which bailie the local prac titioner. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con- ftlpation. One little "Pellet" Is a gentla axatlvo. and two a mild cathartic L. M'LACIILAN PLASTERING AND CEMENT WORK, CISTERN BUILDER Leave orders at Gillis' Lumber Yard. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Boston Dental Parlors DOES ALL KINDS OF GOLD WORK Walla Walla, Washington. THE PALACE DRUG STORE VM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but bow about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as the doctor .ordered nothing more, nothing less and always exactly right. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE C000 HORSES AKD RI1S. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN OESIREO- Horses boarded ly the day, week or mouth 8table8on2nd street, South of Main street J. r. Wright, ... Proprietor- -If You- WANT CASH For Your j REAL ESTATE YOU CAN GET IT. No matter where your property is located or what it is, I have the ability and the facilities to sell your property. That is why I have the largest Real Estate business in Walla Walla today. Why not put yonr property among the number that will be listed and sold as a result of my advertising? I will not only sell it, sometime, but be able to sell it quick ly. I am a specialist in quick sales. If you want to buy any kind of a farm, home or business in any part of the country, tell me your requirements. I guarantee to fill them promptly and satisfactorily. Andy T. Cope, Walla Walla. 1 j:mi f 1 1 Cut flowers and Floral Decorations RUSH ORDERS WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT AT TENTION. James Wait, Walla Walla Washington No. 9 South 2nd St. Phone, 327. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. , The . fj) COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Daj Week or Month KING BROTHERS Frrp Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, ' MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. j PARKER -0 . J yAf ' A LANE'S if jy BARBER SHOP r:.J x . 1 : : everything Flrl : s''t-J-i?y;.- , ;H,' ifk ''''(''$: Class - Mod er 11 y, 5,' I ifeS' f ' and Up-t-ilMt. JP Sl;' " ' SOUTH SIDE MAIN Ri STREET ATHENA. Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper. Brick, etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION THE at mniini n nr.-rri I hiuhulo nuitL : 1 J. E. FKOOME, pki.p. I ill Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS Is tbe only one that can accommodate commercial travelers. Mt .111 Can betecomended for Us rlean and well ventilated rooms. Cob. Maim and. Third, Athkna, or. 4 a PETERSON & PETERSON. Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, OREGON A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully band led. Phone' 13 for Express and Baggage. HENRY KEEN'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. t- .HOT BATHS. wswwaawWMWMWWMWMWIsWaWWM r Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. CITY MEAT MARKET C. II. Sherman Prop. Nothing too good for our pat rons. We cut the best meat money can buy. Fish and oysters in season. Give us a trial. OREGON. Manager LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ME. rrrNrrArVrrrrrrVAAVWVVVVVVVWVVVVVVVVVV