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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
Press Paragraphs Ed. L. Smith is up from Pendleton today. . L. M. Watrus is in town today from Adams. Sheriff T. D. Taylor was in the city yesterday. W. D. Chamberlain was in Pendle ton yesterday. ' W. W. Raymond, of Walla Walla, is in town today. McBride keeps a fall stock of school books and supplies. F. H. Coolidge, the jeweler, spent Sunday in Pendleton. - If you want to save 25 cents per sack, read Scott & Ely's ad. The latest novels are to be found at MoBride's Palace drugstore. For your laundry, call up Parker & Lane's barber shop, 'phone 31. Levi Trowbridge will leave for his home in Palonse City tomorrow. FraQcis Murray of Walla Walla, visited friends in Athena yesterday. Craig Wilkinson is assisting as clerk in the city recorder's office this week.' A cabinet photo of your baby free at Danner's photograph gallery, Athe na. Mrs. W. A. Barnes and Mrs. Prine, of Weston, were trading in the city yesterday. . Mrs.' J. S. Harris is over from Wes ton, visitiug her sister, Mrs. B. F, Mansfield. . ' O. R. tnohanan. MTtrpsontiuir the Gardeua irrigated lands, was in the city yesterday. A new pipe organ ha? arrived in the M. E. church there. Frauk Sanders is home from Port land, where; he has been attending the Portland business college. I have used Cleveland's Baking Powder and thiuk it is the best made. Mrs. Letha King, Athena, Ore. For spot cash, R. J. Boddy sells 'fine sugar cured hams at 15 cents per "rnn nA anrl ahnn'faT'a of 11 nan fa Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rigby, of Pen dleton, will leave soon for Alberta, where they will spend the summer. u. u .tseek s oiacKsmitn snop will remaiu olosed from Friday, March 9, to Wednesday, March 11, inclusive. Tom Gurdane is Pendleton's chief of police, having been unanimously elected by the city counoil Wednesday night. Mrs. Lizzie Jones returned yester day from Pendletou where she was, a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Baling. . vCOra Rhodes and James Foss left lust night for Crook county where they will spend some time on their respect ive ranches. . tertained by Williams' colored tronpe of jubilee singers at the opera house last evening. i Rev. Geo. T. Ellis of the Baptist ohuroh of this city, will conduot a series of meetings at Helix, commeno . iug this week. ' ' L. Thuot Is prepared to do concrete work aud well diggiug. Orders left at, Ed. Mauasse's store will receive prompt atleution. I have used Cleveland's Baking Powder lor some time, and it has always - proved satisfactory. Mrs. - Watt, Athena, Ore. - Mrs. Lillie . Miller announces the arrival of a large stock of street hats. " Her millinery opening will be next Friday and Saturday. This evening the Athena Commer cial Association will hold its first meeting nf the month. A srood attend ance of members is expected. L. J. Robiusou i9 down from Kicb iaud, , WasX If Mr. -Robinson can dispose of bis property here he will take - hl family t? RieUland to reside. Rameuiber that during the months of March and April you can get a ; cabinet photo of your baby tree of ..' charge at Danner's photo gallery, Athena, JSsMr. aud Mrs. Nick Taitinger and Miss Eva Wright left Monday for Claresholm, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Taitinger spent several weeks here visiting relatives. Mrs. Rush and daughter, Miss Anna Rush, are over from their home in Walla Walla visiting friends in Athe na and vicinity. This is Miss Rushta first visit here in two years. Charles Brown was in towu yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Brown came up froni California last week and stopped at Pendleton, near which place Mr. Brown is interested in farming. - If the person who took the lantern from the Athena opera house Friday - evening will return it no questions . will be asked. Otherwise Uncle bam Spencer says there will be something doing. Mrs. J. M. Ashworth, a well known Weston lady, died in that city Satur day, twenty -four hours after submit ting to a surgical operation for the removal of a tumor. The funeral took place Sunday. The "waffle social" given in the M. E. dining rooms Saturday after noon by Mrs. Evans and her Sunday school class was highly enjoyable to all who attended. The crisp waffles was a new feature, and a goodly sum was realized. . - ' aseball enthusiasts will hold a meeting in tee commercial association rooms tomorrow evening, at which time it will be decided whether or not Athena will be represented on the In land Empire baseball cirouit by the "Yellow Kids." The Frazer Theatre Co. comes to the Athena opera bouse Thursday night for a three nights engagement, at popular prices. Thursday nigbt this exceptionally strong company will present "The Black Hand;" Friday night "The Man of Mystery." The play for Saturday night will be an nounced later. . A party of squirrel shooters passed an enjoyable afternoon out of town Sunday. Many of the varmints were sent to squirrel heaven, even though the judge's rifle sights were out of kelter a greater part of the day. The party partook of dinner at the Watts farm, and Milt Swaggart earned their eternal gratitude by hauling the boys home. ; A cracking good game of ball was played on the Athena diamond Sunday between the boys here and Weston's team. The soore resulted in Weston's favor 6 to i. With a little more praotice both teams will be capable of putting up a splendid game of ball. A Mr. Snyder, late of Brownsville, caught for the Athe'ia boys, and made a good impression on the fans by his fast work. I XToday Athena's city election is loieing held. There is but one ticket in the field, and as a result but little in terest is manifested and the vote promises to be light. Voters aro bal loting for Dr. J. D. Plamondon, for mayor; C. A. Barrett, T. J. Kirk, M. L. Watts and A. B. MoEwen for counoilmen; O. G. Chamberlain, for recorder and 1. M. Kemp for treasur er. Yesterday morning an alarm called the fire department to the homo of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Plamondon, where a conflagration caused by a defective flue, was narrowly averted by , the prompt action of Mr. Booher who doused the contents of a fire extin guisher down the chimney. Both hose teams- were promptly on the ground but fortunately their services were not required. Miss Eva Rider has been visiting her mother for a few days from Elgin, where she has been stopping with her brother. Miss Rider leaves this eve ning again for Elgin. She will be accompanied to Pendleton by her mother, Mrs. Hill, who goes to see her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Will Rider. The latter has been in a Portland hos pital for the past three weeks, having submitted to a very delicate operation. She returns home by way of Peudle ton tomorrow mornings Miss Mary N. Chase, of New Hamp shire, who is touring the state in the interests of Equal Suffrage, spoke in the Christian church Saturday nigbt to a representative audience. Miss Chase has her subject well in hand and made many telling points in its favor. A committee of 30 was organ ized, with Hon. Will M. Peterson at its head as chairman, and J. M. Crag- head, secretary. The object of this committee is to distribute literature, aud otherwise euconrage the cause of woman suffrage. Death oi Colonel Currey. The death of Colonel George B., Currey ocourred Friday morning at bis home in La Grande. Members of his family went to his room to call him and found that he was dead. The cause of death was an attack of apo plexy. Colonel Currey was born in Indiana in 1833 and came to Oregon when a young man. I wish to announce to the public that I have opened a Jewelry Store at McBride's drug store Tand will carry a complete line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Optical Goods. F. H. Coolidge Watchmaker and Jeweler. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty L. M'LACIILAN PLASTERING AND CEMENT WORK. CISTERN BUILDER Leave orders at Gillia' Lumber Yard. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Boston Dental Parlors DOES ALL KINDS OF GOLD WORK Walla Walla, Washington, ywL.,:: A Healing Gospel. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist church, Belair, Ga., says of Electric Bitters: "Jrt'ra God send to mankind. . It ' cured me of lame back, stiff joints, and complete physical collapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electrio Bitters have made me so Btrong I have just walked three miles in 50 minutes and feel like walking three more. ". It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at McBride's drug store. Price 50c. Methusala was all rgbt, you bet For a good old soul was he, They say he would be living yet, Had he taken Rocky Mountain Tea. Pioneer drug store. Frightfully Burned. Chas. W. More, a morcbaut of Ford City,, Pa., bad his hand fright fully burned in an electrical furnace. He applied Buckleu's Arnica Salve with the usual result : "a quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for bums, wounds, sore, eczema and piles. 25u at McBride's, drug gist. Certificates of Deposit Aro the best form of short-time investments. These Certificates such as are issued by J. L. ELAM'S BANK are made payable on demand with interest at 3 per cent and will be cashed any time without notice, ' or'we will issue you a time certi ficate bearing i per cent interest payable any desired date. THE DIFFERENCE When you put a man to work You pay the man. When you put your money to work Your money pays you. Make ALL your money Work ALL the time. J, L, Elam's Bank 1 WALLA WALLA WASH. . If there la no Piano in the house, one should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown in our rooms. - These instru ments are the perfection of mechan ical workmanship and are unexcelled for sweetness and richness of tone. STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, 23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash.. Dr. A. B. Stone. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON .Calls answered promptly 'day r night Office in Post Building, Athena, Orecori J. I). PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office "in ""'. '''. Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all - calls, both night and day. CalU promptly answered. Office oil Third Street, Athena. Oregor Oregon HOI(T line zj Union Pacific TWO TRAINS1 EAST DAIY Through Pullman utandard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha. Chicago: tourist sleeping car daily to Kanaas City; through Pullman tourist, Bleeping cam, perona:iy conaurtea, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha'.r carts, seats tree, to the east daily irom Pendleton. ABBIVI Daily. TIUI SCHEDULES DEPART Dally. ATHENA, OUK, Walla Walla. Day ton, romeroy, iw- lsion, i;oiiax, run. 9:12 a, m. man, Moscow, the 9:l a.m. Couer d'Alene dis trict. Spokane and aii poiuts norm. Mixed Walla Wal 2 30 pro la to Pendleton. Fast Mail for Pen Baker City, and all potntseisi via nan tington, Ore,, A I no 4:53 p m ror uinaiiiia, Hepp-i ner, The Dalles, 4:o3 p. m Portland, Astoria, Willamette v alley Points, California, Tacoma. Seatt ie, all nouna I'omis. Mixed, Pendleton 7:05 p m to walla walla M. W. Smith Agent, Aiben Items in Brief. Buy a.Samson at Cox & McEwen's. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime tjorn-fed beef and pork .-at R. J. Boddy's. . ; - See the fine cut glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Co.'s. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. Cragbead & Hays have some bar gains in business chances. Try one of Boddy's fine sugarcured hams. They are delicious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington k Thompson's. A delicious dessertf-Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. We still ha,ve the famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A.: Barrett & Co. .."Autocrat" - stat kind at McBride's. lonery, the best -Can't ,we show rou some of our Rogers silverware? i C. A. Barrett & c?7-; ! . 4 ' :. ... ' You should see the flue iine of buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co. 's. . Good looks brings happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smiling face, bright eyes sparkling with health, whioti comes by taking Hojlister's Rooky Mountain Tea. Piouoer Drug store. Say Ma, Crescent Baiting Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's, '.v. - Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements, a sample line, no two alike, at one-half price. Call at Manasse's'. , , Have you been betrayed by promises of quacks, swallowed pills and bot tled medicine without results except a damaged stomach? To those we offer Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents. Pioneer drug store. For Sale. O. G. Chamberlain, the real estate dealer, offers for sale: 4 One dwelling and three lots, f 1100. One house, barn and three ' lots, $800. ,., ; V A good cottage, outbuildings and one lot. $ 1000. " One dwelling, barn and three lots and other ohoice city and farm prop erty. ; A mountain farm of 160 acres, orchard and good buildings. Several good pieces of alfalfa land near Pendleton. . The Yellow Fever Germ. has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ, . To free the ':t system.. from disease gwmsrtho'most effective, rem edy is Dr. King's , New Life pills. Guaranteed to cure all. disease due to malaria poison and constipation. ' 25o nt McBride's drug store. "''.. mwm py mm uois hot Beginning Saturday, March 3rd, and continuing until Wednesday evening, cTHarch 7, we will dispose of 250 sacks of Weston cVlountain Potatoes at i: At this price the supply will soon be exhausted, so if you are in need of potatoes you should not overlook this opportunity. & i$ ELY & SCOTT, - Popular Grocers nfmmmmnfmmitrmmmmitntntfmmitfitrmufitnfr v A simple rule to make life a joy is to : When shopping do not forget that can be obtained. For St: Cash IWIHIiTE Z Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned GoodB a specialte Z5 7i ii ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Go. j I Our Barley Mil Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait I S Merchant Millers Waitsburg, Wash. J drink a cup of that elegant Coffee 3 that "99" is the best Co (Tee sale only at the Grocery and Grain Buyers Athena, Oregon "