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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
l'-''" "r"- 4 VOLUME XVIII. ATITENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 6. 1906. NUMBER 19. r ED. MANASSE Reductions on rv Goods and CLOTOIW To. make room for soon to ED. MANASSE Agent for Butterick's Patterns. First National Bant of Athena CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 SURPLUS,.. ....... ... 17,500 We do Strictly a Commercial Business. We Solicit , the Accounts ot Individuals, Firms and Corporations. OFFICERS H. 0. ADAMS, President. T. J. KIRK, Vice President, F. S. Le GROW, Cashier, I. M. KEMP, Aes't. Cashier. I CONTRACTING Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches. I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. - - . S . A. M. CILLIS. ITHE CILLIS LUMBER YARD I S Good Groceries, Coffee In this trinity should the grocer build his business temple. The difficulty is not great, but it s exceedingly difficult to build well without these 3 things. We have highest grade goods in every line - Each Article the Acme of Perfection Our entire stock is selected with the same care and discretion. REMEMBER Our prices are always consistent with quality. DELL BROTHERS all Seasonable Spring Stock . arrive DIRECTORS H. C. ADAMS. T. J. KIRK. F. S. Le GROW, D. H. PRESTON, P. E. COLBERN. AND BUILDING PROPRIETOR. CATERERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GOOD TH1NG3 TO EAT PARTY TRADITIONS MAY NOT HOLD GOOD THIS YEAR IN OREGON. Eastern Oregon May Fat Candidate In Field to Oppose Fort . land Aspirants. Portland, March 5. Gossip in po litical 'ciroli s still centers ou the ques tion whether auother repnblican can didate for United States senator is to appear to contest with Jouathau Bourne and H. M. Cake for the party endorsement in the coming primaries. Iu the opinion of some of the wise ones, the time is extremely auspicious for a new competitor, whother he be from Portland or from some other part of the state. . It has been one of the cherished traditions of the party leaders that Portland mast name one of the two senators, and that in consideration of the recognition of this cloiin eastern Oregon should be permitted to name the congressman from the second dis trict. In the present campaign eastern Oregon has put forward three republican candidates for congress man, in the evident expectation that the old tradition would be observed and that no Portland candidate would be in the field. But within the last few days George S. Shepherd of Portland has shied his castor into the ring and. has stepped forth an' avowed candidate for the congressional nomination. Shepherd's advent cannot "but be disturbing to the candidates already in the field, and it may have an influence on the senatorial fight as well. Shepherd is , a member of the present city couucil, an attorney, and has a considerable circle of acquaintance. If he should develop strength enough to become a formidable competitor for the congres sional nomination it is quite on the cards that the republican leaders in the eastern part of the district may feel moved to reprisal by patting for ward some candidate for senator. When Jndge Stephen t A. Lowell came from Pendleton a week ago to look over political conditions in Port land it was with the avowed intention of becoming a candidate provided the prospects proved encouraging. . At tbat time be fouud' the local senti ment srong in favor of the proposition that Portland must have the senator, and, as republicans iu other parts of the state were then inclined to - con cede this claim, Judge Lowell came to the conclusion that he would not rnn. There is always more or less politic al jealousy of Portland in otbar parts of the state, and if this city should appear to be trying to 'get both the senator and the congressman euougb opposition might be engendered to give an outside senatorial candidate some prospect of winning. Judge Lowell might possibly reconsider his decision, or if not some new man might enter the running. The rumor is still current tbat auother Portland man may euter the field, but no one is able to say who it will be. Sheepmen W in Fight. The Walla Walla Bulletin saysH. C. Bryson reoeived ' information this afternoon from the government animal industry department at Washington, D. C, tbat the contention between the sheepmen of Washington and the Wool Growers' Association, of Uma tilla county, Oregon, had been de cided in favor of the sheepmen of this state.- The Wool Growers' Asso ciation contended tbat sheep could not be driven across government reserves and the decision of the department is adverse to this contention, but applies to sheep for grazing purposes only and not those that are being taken to market or for other purposes. and Tea Athena, Oregon. WOOL SALES DATES SET. The Entlie Wool Product Will Go Into Open Competition. The wool sales dates for Eastern Oregon have been deoided upon as follows : . , ' Pendleton, May 22, 23, June 6; Heppner, May 25, June 8, June 22; Condon, May 29, June 27; Sbaniko, May 31, Jnne 1, Jane 19 and 20 and July 10; Wallula, June 12, June 29; Baker City, June 14, July 12. On these dates practically all of the wool of Eastern Oregon will be sold, as all of the dealers have deoided not to make any advance sales to the buyers. ,' This means tbat all wool of Oregon must this, year be bought iu open competition at the different sales days. The Umatilla Coauty Wool growers' , Association has decided to test the validity of the nigratory stock law of Oregon at the earliest possible opportunity. , Jndge Ellis de clared the law unconstitutional some time ogo. The case will bo ogaiu tried and the law if defective will be remedied. . This is a law which places a tax on all sheep brought into the state for grazing purposes from the outside.., , . - Affidavits will also' be forwarded to the Interior department showing tbat Oregon sheepmou were unjustly treat-. ed in the redivision of the Wenaba reserve. An effort will be made to enlist the aid of the Portland and Pen dleton Commercial clubs in Umatilla county's fight.. Will Hot Assess Mortgages Mortgages will no be listed for taxation in Spokane county this year, as had been , announced recently. The deputy assessors who started out on the tour ot the city were instructed to tbat effect' It is claimed tbat one of the reasons given is that there are doubts as to the legality of such an assessment on the grounds of creating double taxation. It is also argued that the enforcement of the law - would work a hardship on those who it is intended to help, as the borrower would be compelled to pay the tax in addition to the regular -interest. : All property, real and personal, is to be assessed at 60 per cent of its actual value. A DOPE FIEND STOLE i TO APPEASE APPETITE Bob Lookhardt, a dope fiend, was arrested iu Athena Friday afternoon, spent the night in the city bastile and Saturday morning was bound over by Justice Chamberlain in the sum of $250 on the charge of peti larceuy. Lock hardt and a woman, whom he claims to be bis wife drove up fiom Pendleton Tuesday. Tbe man shortly after his arrival here evidently washed bis bands in a glne pot, for every thing r Le touched adhered . to his fingers. Friday be dropped into the telephoce office and "lifted" au orna mented ash tray. His reflection on tbe bright trimmings of tbe transmit ter in front of tbe telephone girl gave bis act away, and she informed Man ager Stone, who swore out a warrant for the fellow's arrest - Officers fonnd him and the woman coiled up in a bunk at a China joint near demons' chop mill. A search of tbe joint brought forth tbe stolen tray and also a pair of chaps that bad been taken from : the Commercial livery stable. A wig, a woolen cloth and an automatio revolver : were ' . also fonnd, which would indicate tbat in event a holdup prospect was in sight the trick could be successfully turned. The womatfwas a badly frayed speci men of humanity and gave every in dication of being in tbe last stages of the drug habit. , A search of the baggage of the pair resulted in tbe discovery of enough opium to put tbe whole city of Hong Kong into a siesta for forty days and nights. Lookhardt comes of a good family. His father owned the first hardware store in Athena. E. R. Cox purchased his store away back in the '80s and tbe family removed to California. '. Launched in a Morgue- At an enthusiastic meeting held at tbe undertaking parlois of McMartin & Co. Saturday night the Walla Walla 50,000 club was lannched and arrangements made for a permanent organization. Charles M. Culp was elected temporary chairman and Arthur . C. Thompson, , temporary secretary. Among those who made spirited addresses were P. M. Winans, A. E. Hearing, E. F. Baker and D. M. Walters. The object of tbe 60,000 clnb is to organize a combined effort to boost Walla Walla and her insti tutioni so that her population will continue to increase at a rate tbat will bring it up to tbe 50,000 mark before the end of 1910. It is proposed to work in conjunction with tbe com mercial club. The next meeting has been announced for March 16. "JFoT 8ale7" The desirable piece of real estate ou Main street known as tbe Carden property is now offered for sale. For price, apply to Charles Norrii, Ath eua, Oregon. tf WARNED TO BE READY. Head vQnarten of Oregon National O uard Receive Instructions. Additional information has been received at headquarters from com manding officers of tbe Oregon Nation al Guard in various cities tbronghout tbe state giving a clearer insight into tbe elaborate preparations being made by tbe government and guard officials for the mobilization of the militia iu Portland in case of a call for volun teers for service in China. Tbe commanding officers of tbe different formations throughout the state nave received tbe warniug aud instrnouous; .waruiugs to be prepared to respond to a call to arms at any hour of tbe day or night, and instruc tions as bow to prepare for tbat em ergency, tbat Oregon's guard may make the showing expected of it. Coincident with tbe expected calling out of tbe guard is the publication of the roster of tbe commissioned offic ers. The men mention in conjunction With the Third regiment, infantry and light artillery, will be expected to take tbe oath in oase of mobilization. Tbe names are published under gener al orders No. 4, bearing date of Feb ruary 21. Tbe first page is devoted to the personnel of Governor Chamber lain's staff, he 'being the commander-in-chief; the state military board aud the medical department , A Big Sale- An important sale of horses aud mules will be held in Walla Walla on Monday, March 12. Tbe sale whioh is to be held at McDonald's Brick Barn at 1 p. m. sharp, will be one of the largest ever held iu eastern Washington. It promises to be very largely attended by farmers and horse men from outside points. On account of tbe sale the railroads are offering railroad rates. There will be sold at this sale a carload, of good, young work mules aud 100 head of work horses from four to seven years old. Also a number of choice brood mares, heavy draft horses, driving and sad dlers. All young and native stock. These horses will be sold to the high est bidder for cash or approved notes. WALLA WALLA READY ; WITH A BALL JEAM Talk of a "Yellow Kid" ball team iu Athena this year sounds good to Walla Walla, according to tbe Even ing Bulletin, wbicb says: It has been officially auuonnced that the Walla Walla baseball club will have its opening game on Sunday, April 1, with Athena. Communica tion baa been received from tbe man ager of tbat club saying tbat it will put a ball team on for the coming season under the name of tbe "Famous Yellow Kids," whioh were in the field three years ago. Tbis is looked upon by looal sports as being a great drawing card as AtheLa lias always put the fastest bunch of ball tossers out tbat has ever been in the Inland Empire. Manager Dan Laukard will com mence practicing on Marob 18, aud expects to have one of tbe fastest amateur teams tbat Walla Walla has bad an opportunity of seeing. Tbe teard will be composed as follows: Tempany, Blackburn, Eydle, Taobi, Marion, MoCool, Croker, Dunovan, Fisher, Buchet, Magson. It is evident that Walla Walla is in tbe baseball going for sure tbis year and takes it for granted tbat Athena will be there with tbe goods, also. Baso ball in Atbena tbis season is yet an unsettled question. There are several good players here, bnt tbe matter of grounds and funds to start tbe team is being talked over and defi nite actiou will perhaps be taken this week. Echo Citizens Organize- Another link in tbe chain of Uma tilla connty commercial clubs bus been formed by tbe organization of the Echo Commercial association. It is thought tbat within two weeks every town of any size iu the county will have its commercial clnb, and tbat tbe permanent organization of tbe Umatila County Development League will have been effected. Tbe officers of tbe Echo association are: Mayor L. A. Esteb, president ; Lewis Soholl, jr., secretary; F. V. Van Cleve, treasurer. . -1 South Half Bill Passes . The senate has passed tbe Jones Atikeny bill providing for tbe open ing of the south half of the Colville Indian reservation, also a bill permit ting tbe Yakima Indians to soil part of their allottmenta and use tbe pro ceeds' for the purchase of water rights. Turn Project Down. . A. S. Pearson and William Johnson were sent by tbe Freewater com mercial club to investigate the fruit cannery at Wenatchee. They state tbat the proposition under advisement was entirely misleading and not as represented, and tbe price asked en tirely beyond reason. BROWN'S PLATFORM ONE OF BAKER CITY'S CANDI DATES FOB GOVERNOR. . He is the First to Come Oat for Woman Suffrage and Gives His Reasons. "I am the only candidate for gover nor who ever came out fiat-footed for woman suffrage," said Harvey K. Brown, of Baker City. Mr. Brown is one of the two Baker City men seek iug the gubernatorial nomination on the republican ticket, and be has out lined some policies which he intends to support Amoiig these is woman suffrage, and Mr. Browu says that he considers it one of tbe very important ; issues be fore the people. "It is bound to give good results, if given a fair trial," he asserted. "It might not be a deoided suooesd the first year, but as soon as tbe better class of women become aenstomed to votiug it would be an uplifting influence in politics. It is working successfully in Idaho today and would work even better ; in Ore gon. At least it is worth a trial. " Mr. Brown is sheriff of Baker connty and in that oapacity for the past four years ho has conducted a reform administration. With tbe aid of the district attorney he has closed up open gambling in Baker City and the other places of tbe county and has insisted upon tbe observance of tbe Sunday closing law for saloons. "I am out for law observance," he as serted. "If the people do not want the laws they have enaotcd, lot them take them off the statute books." In his petition for the republican nomination, Mr. Brown has issued the following statement: "If I am elect ed I will, during my term of office, honestly and faithfully represent the people "I will work for Oregon river and harbor' improvements; the primary law and the election of all officers by direct vote of tbe people; abolishment of all machines aud bosses, and let tbe people rule; enforcement of all laws, county, city, state and federal, and tbe repealing of tbe same if they are not the proper laws for the peo ple; tbe abolishment of tbe use of money for campaign funds and pur poses of candidates, faction or corpora tion, only as actual legitimate ex penses; and last but not least, woman suffrage." Taylor Will Accept. East Oregouian: T. D. Taylor, who is now closing bis secoud term as sheriff of Umatilla county, formally announced tbat he would accept the nomination proffered him by tbe muss meeting of democratic voters recently held iu tbis city aud will become a candidate at tbe nominating primaries ou April 20, for the office. Mr. Tay lor has been reluotant in accepting tbe nomination again, but upon tbe earnest solicitation of friends in all parts'of tbe county he finally deoided to accept, if nominated at tbe pri maries. He Wished Her Well No trace of Edward Williams, who suddenly disappeared from his home in Walla Walla about one weok ago, has been fouud. Mrs. Williams can assign no reason for her husbands' strange conduct, bnt suggests tbat he was discouraged and had become tem porarily injaue. He left during his wife's absence, leaving a note say ing he had gone and hoped her next man would be an angel. Mrs. Wil liams will not believe be has deserted her deliberately, as she says they have always loved each other. Hear Tribune Case March 10 is the date fixed by Judge Ellis for trial in the case of tbe Pen dleton Tribuno. E. P. Dodd must then file an answer to the complaint recently filed by the employe stock holders. The employes dumuiid tbut tbe receiver be dismissed and given au facconnting as receiver; that E. P. Bwld turn over the businctm to C. W, Myers, and an injunction govern ing tbe disposal.ot tho capital stock. Eastern Hogs Shipped. A shipment of 21 cars of bogs ar rived in Portland Friday ovor the Union Pacific from Nebraska, aud the animals will be killed for the Fort land markets. At tbis season Oregon bogs are out out of the markets and at such times tbe middle western ani mal come to tbe rescue. The move ment weastward of Oregon livestock will not begin until later in tbe spring. To Core Constipation Torever. fake Cuscurets Candy Cstthurllo. lOoorSSa ;. (J. C. fall to cure, drupvlwu refund mooea Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidney and bladder right. r