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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1906)
; 1. Press Paragraphs The best cooking apples iu town at 'Ely & Scott's,. i ....... Jesse Lieuallea of Weston was in the city yesterday. . For eating apples of delicious flavor, go to Ely & Scott's. "Autocrat" stationery, . the best kind at MoBride's. Walter Ely went down to Pendle ton yesterday afternoon. ; $C D. B. Jarman returned home from the east Saturday evening. " . The latest novels are to be fonud at McBnde's Palace drugstore. ; i. I Mm. O'TTAirfi anA Aancrhtaf T.ilHon "f are in the city from Walla Walla. .; ... .... . .... . There will be a social dance at .the Athena opera bouse Thursday eveuing. , Mrs. Wall, of Pendleton was 'the Xj guest of ber aunt, Mrs. Theo Dauner, over Sunday. f I. M. Kemp went down to Portland Sunday evening, "' returning on this vmoruing's train. c ; ; ; ;;c . r: .; ...vv The Friday Afternoon club will meet at Mrs. Bruce Wallace's Friday aftenoou, Feb. 9. Mrs. McFarland, ; mother of Mrs. Beck, will arriye today from the Willamette valley. ... . t . . .. Mrs. liiiiie Miller Has receivea a ' line of beautiful violets for early spring bats. Call and see them. : I have used Cleveland's Baking Powder and think it is the best made. Mrs. Letha King, Athena, Ore. James Henderson returned Saturday from his) homestead in Franklin coun ty, where he spent several days. For spot casH, R. J. Boduy sells X flue sugar onreo .hams at 15 cents per " Twti n n t A aVitn 1 irora o T1 1 1 stat-it-a Sanford Stonea8returned to Athe na from a visit of several mouths at : his old home in Southern Oregon. Fred Koontz has " returned from Walla Walla. He is somewhat bet ter,' bat is still far from being a well man. 11 M, L. Watts filled the position of assistant cashier at the bank during Mr. Kemp's absenoe, . while in Port sland. ' - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kemp are over, from Milton, for the purpose of attend ing the funeral of their grandson, Roy Barnett. . .U.. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McEwen and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kosenzweig spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. " Henry Koepke. " "i L. Thuot is prepared to do concrete work and well digging. Orders left at Ed. Manasse's store will receive prompt attention. - -r - Anyone desiring to purchase house hold goods at a low price, will do Swell to call on M. W. Smith, at the O. R. & N. depot. used Cleveland's Baking Powder for some ' time, and it has always proved satisfactory. Mrs. WattAtbeua, Ore. -: yf Nanton News: Duncan Mclntyre I arrrived from Atheua, OreRon, last ! Saturday morning. Mr. Mclntyre, like his six brothers, owns a chunk " of " Alberta earth. "v. Mr. and John Foss and Mrs. James Mitchell returned to their home in Moro, Sherman county, Saturday after an extended visit with relatives in this city. i . Mr. and Mrs. E. L., Barnett and sou, Rex and I. M. Kemp came up this morning with the remains of Roy Barnett, for burial in the family lot iu the Athena cemetery. tfhi best plaoe on earth to eat," is in Walla Walla. Once you eat at the Portland restaurant, when iu the garden city, you will always eat there. illy white help emjajojeA. Tue protracted meetings at the Christian church closed Sunday night. Mr. Brrion, the evangelist, made many warm friends during his visit to tbia city. The meetings were well atteuded. The distriort convention of the Knights of Pythias will be held at Pendleton Wednesday, February 7, and Atbeoa Knights will likley attend in foroeTThe rank of page will be exetcplified. - Mr. andMrft H. C. Carry, eyesight specialists, of Walla Walla,, who have made many visits to Athena, will make their next professional visit Wednes day, February 14, at the St. Nichols Hotel one day only. lowing is progressing on tiie farms: the roads are once more. iuH good condition; buds are swelling; the chirp of the meadow lark is heard in the land, and it only remains for the frog to croak his proclamation : spring is hete. The linemen are engaged in getting the new telephone office in shape for business. Sunday the big lead cable, containing the myrid of wires for the local telephone system was placed in Dosition. and since then connections -. are being made in the switcb board, tChe Press is informed that Miss lly Bloch, of Spokane, is greatly ininroved in health. She is now able ., for the first time in two years to walk, with the assistance of a cane. Her many Atheua frinds earnestly hope for her complete and permanent recovery. Mrs. Anna Porter, of Centralia, is Visiting at the home of her niooe, Mrs. W. R. Taylor, near town. Mrs. Porter was called here on account of the Berions illness of ber sister, Mrs. J. S. King, at Weston. Mrs. King is at present reported better. Nest Sunday morning Rev Gabriel Sykes, the Presiding elder of Wal la Walla district of the Methodist Episcopal church, 'will preach his first sermon in Athena. The business meeting of the local chnroh will ba held on Saturday at 2 p. m. J After inquiring; into the facts re tarding the. death, of T. Morrisette, the coroner decided no inquest was neoessary. Saturday the pioneer Frenchman was buried in the Athena cemetery. The fuueal" was a large one the remains being followed to the grave by a large number of neighbors and friends. ?.' ,. v . . Major Gnstav Sohoof, the noted traveler and : lecturer" is -in the city for the purpose of delivering a series of three lectures at the Methodist church. - Sunday night and last night he lectured and tonight will be his last of the series. His splendid museum of armor and curios is alone worth the price of admission.- . Arrangements are being mnde for the entertainment - of the Umatilla county Sunday School convention to be held in this city on Feb. 23 and 23. At a general meeting of the officers and teachers of the various sohools last Sabbath it was decided to hold the convention in the Methodist Epis copal church. A committee to solicit entertainment for the visitors was ap pointed and other preliminatry work was attended to by the meeting. ! Those who went to the Christian church last night to hear Mr. Burton in his famous lecture "In the Cor ridors of Antiquity," heard one of the best leotnres ever delivered in the city. Resourceful and eloquent, Mr. Burton was capable iu all the vast scope of his subject. Starting from the old Virginia homestead the lec turer took kis audience across the sea to London, and after a stroll on the strand and a glimpse at London bridge, oo impressively realistio were the descriptive powers of the great lecturer that the listeners were en thralled to - the extent that step by step be tramped by Burton's side to the top ot Palatine Hill : glided through the myrid of passage ways in the great pyramid of Cheops; stood on the top of Mount Calvary and the mighty Pycone overlooking the ancient ruins of Karnak and Thebes. With him the audience viewed the great temples, tombs, obelisks, pyra mids," palaces and forums of the Caesars, Pharaohs and Herods. The speaker carefully lifted the veil on the old life on the Tiber, the Jordon and the Mystio Kile and brought his list eners safely back to i old New, York harbor and loft them beneath the flut tering folds of the stars and stripes. A Healing Gospel. The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor of Sharon Baptist church, Belair, Ga., says of Electric Bitters: "It's a God send to mankind. It cured me- of lame baok, stiff joints, and complete physical collapse.. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. 1Cwo bottles of Electric Bitters have made me so strong I have just walked three miles in 50 minutes and feel like walking three more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at MoBride s drug store. Price 50c. Candidate for Treasurer. To the voters of Umatilla county : I hereby announce myself as a republi can candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to decision of the primary electiou. Respectfully, (. W. Bradley, Athena, Oregon. Lacklent Una In Arkansas. 1 'I am the luckiest man in Arkan ," writes H. L. Stanaley, of Bruno, "sinoe the restoration of my wife's alth after five years of continuous coughing and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr., King's New Discovery for consumption, which I know from experience will cure con sumption it taken in time. My wife improved with first bottle and twelve bottler completed the cure." Cures the worst coughs aiid colds or money refunded. At McBride's, druggist. 50o and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. - MoBride keeps a full stock of school books and supplies. -THE A ..... , ' m NICHOLS HOTEL : J. E. FBOOME, prop. It! )aly First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS Is (be only one thai can accommodate commercial travelers. If? Can b lecomended (or Us clean and welt ventilated rooms. COB. MA IX AMDTHIBD, ATHENA, Or. t a Notice of Final Settlement In the matter of the estate of Elijah Ingle, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as executor of the last will and testament of said Elijah Iugle, de ceased, has filed his final account as such executor with the Clerk of the County court of the state of Oregon for Umatilla county, Oregon, and said court has fixed Saturday, the 10th day of February, 1906, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day as the time, and the county court room in the court house in Pendleton, Uma tilla county, Oregon, as the plaoe for hearing any and all objections to the said acoount, and tor - settlement thereof. Dated January 6, 1906. John W. Ingle, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Elijah Iugle, deceased. Frightfully Burned. Chas. W. More, a mercbaut of Ford City,' Pa., had his hand fright fully turned in an electrical furnace. He applied Buoklen's Arnica - Salve with the - usual result:-, "a quick and perfect cure." .". Greatest,' healer on earth for burns, wounds, sore, eczema and piles. 25o at McBnde's, drug Three little babes were nestled In bed, 'I'll name Willie, William and Bill," mother said ; ' Wide was her smile, for triplets they be, .'.' i She lays her good luck to Rocky Mountain Tea. " Great baby medicino. Pioneer drug store. Do Yonr Eyes Need Attention ? Do It Now! Don't Delay! I shall be nleased to have vou call and consult me in regard to your eyes or glasses. I absolutely guarantee satisfaction. Eyes tested free. Chil drens work a specialty. : , E. L. IIITEMAN, Gradudto and Btato Licensed Optician. Of- nce, next uuur o ni. oiuiiuib oniitjue twumo, If there is no Piano in the house, oue should be purchased or at least hired. And it should be one of the BEST PIANOS shown in our rooms. These instru ments are the perfection 1 of mechan ical workmanship and are unexoelled for sweetness and' richness of tone. . v STANLEY PIANO HOUSE, - 23 Main Street, Walla Walla, Wash." J-. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PIIYSICIANj& SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to all calls, both night and day. dulls answered. Office on Tblrd Street, Atheua. Oregor V OREGON SliOST LIKE UftioTi Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY riiroiieh Pullman standard and slecplnn cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas uuy; lurougn ruuman tourist sleeping cars, personally conauctea, weekly to C'hicaeo. with free rechnine chair cars, seats free, to the east daily irom Feudleton. ARBIVI Dally. TIME SCHEDULES DEPART Dally. ATHENA, ORE. Walla Walla. Day. ton, Pomeroy, Iew- lston. i.-oiiax. run- 9:12 a. m. man, Moscow, the 9:42 a.m. Couer a'Aiene dis trict. BDokane and all points norm. Mixed Walla Wal 12:30 p n la to Pendleton. Fast Mail for Pen. ..I ..... T aMnrla HPT . XMWIBUUC, Baker city, ana an points est via Hun tineton. Ore.. Also for Umatilla, Hepp- 4:53 p ra ner, td lialles, 4:53 p. M Portland. AHtoria, Willamette Valley Points. California, Tacoma, Battle, all .Sound Points. Mixed, Pendleton 7:03 p m Ui Walla walla M. W. gmlth Agent, Athena ill wm M Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox it McEwen V I New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. - Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy'a. ' See the fine cut glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Co.'s. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery, .. Craghead & Hays have some bar gains in business chances. Try one of Boddy'a fine sugar cured hams. Tbey are delicious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthing ton & Thompson's. A delicious dessert--Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. We still have the famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. 17- . , Holly ribbons at Manasse's. See what the Delineator says about them. Can't we show you some of our Rogerssilverware? C. A. Barrett & Co. 'i h , f You should see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C. A. Burrc'.t & Co.'. f Good looks brings happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smiling faoe, eyes sparkling with health, which comes ; by taking Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea. Pioneer Drug store. . Say Ma. Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements, a sample line, no two alike, at, one-half price. Call at Manasse's. Have you been betrayed by promises of quaoks, swallowed pills and bot tled medicine without results except a damaged stomach? To those we offer Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Pioneer drug store. . ; . 7 -For Sale. O. G. Chamberlain, the real estate dealer, offers for sale : One dwelling and three lots, $1 100. One house, barn and three lots, $8004 A good cottage, outbuildings and one lot, $1000. One.dwelliug, barn and threo lots and other choice city and farm prop erty. ; f A niouutaiu farm of 166 acres, orchard and good buildings. Several good pieces of alfalfa land near Peudleton. The Yellow Fever Genu. has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. ,. To free the system from Wrtseastt'gertns, the most effective rem edy is Dr. King's New Life pills. Guaranteed to onre all disease due to malaria poison and constipation. 25o at McBride's drug store. e ! v. Our Mr. Jarman, proprietor of Jarman's Depart ment Store, has arrived home from the big wholesale districts of the Eastern cities, where he purchased a mammoth stock of up-to-date, high-class goods of all lines. To make room for these goods it will be necessary to close out the present lines of winter goods. To do this extraordinary low prices will prevail on certain lines for the next 30 days. dfi & JARMAN'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Where your Dollar Goes further Than Elsewhere w w mm w m mi n? mm fr A simple rule to make life a joy is to drinh a cup of that elegant Coffee 2 1 uaw i When Bboppiog do not forget that can be obtained. For Cash WHITE Z Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high gicde Canned Goods a specialty 7k mmmmmmmimmmmimmmm k ESTABLISHED 1865 I Preston-Parton Milling Go. Our Barley Mil Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait I Merchant JVIillcrs and Grain Buyers 5 Waitsburg, Wash. From ttc wmm mm m w nr m nr that "99" is the best Coffee sale only at the Grocery Athena, Oregon HOUSE East