AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twiob-a-Week Tuesday amd Friday P. B. Boyd, Publishes. Entered as second. clas matter, March 1, 1901, at the postomce at Athena, Oregon, under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1878. Subscription Rata: I'er year. In advance 12.00 Slngleooplei In wrappers, 5c. Advertising Rataa: Local reading notices, nrstlniertlon.lOcper ne. EvilMabiequent Insertion, 6c. All communications should be addressed to ' i PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JANUARY 30, 1906 The citizens of Atbeua, assembled in mass meeting Saturday evening, placed in nomination men for muni cipal offices who, when elected, will safe 7gaard the interests of tbe city to tbe best of their ability, individu ally and collectively. The ticket as nominated is especially strong. The Piess believes that Dr. Planiondon will make a good mayor, and that he will give tbe city a good, thorough business administration. He is fortu nate in having an able board of alder men associated with him in the city government men who thoro ugbly' understand the needs of tbe city, and who have bad and are benefitted by tbe services of one or more terms in office City Recorder Chamberlain bas been there before, and again, like the proverbial "greased eel," slipped in by tbe unanimous consent of the convention. Our friend Kemp is an untried neophyte, but everybody knows that he will make an excellent city treasurer. Among tbe democrats "mentioned" in the list of candidates for office is the namo of Joseph N. Scott, for rep resentative. Should Mr. Scott con sent to enter the race for tbe office, be would undoubtedly add strength to legislative portion of tbe ticket. He is a young man of much capability, and if elected, would go to tbo legisla ture well equipped to do things, know ing how to do them, from the fact that he has attended several sessions in the capacity of clerk and is on to tbe ropes. "Joe's" popularity and qualifications are known and appreci ated outside of the democratic baili wick and if he would consent to be come a candidate there are many re publicans who would "get the habit" and vote for him. Marsbul Field was tbe greatest mer chant of all times the most fair dealer among the millionaire business men, just to bis employees, an ideal man in his domestio relations, a model citizen in his morals, strictly honest, always honorable, never a speculator, full of enterprise, the pride of Chica go, true to all his highest iuterests, never a pessimist, brave in the strug gle with the Destroyer, Deutb. Thus is his life an inspiration and mi ex ample to all urn u kind Several cadets have been dismiWed from the naval 'aciidoniy for hazing. Tbo fool caduls carried the haz ing brutal barbarism too fur fot com fort or health. A reform has been inaugurated at Harvard college by Mail your orders A nd we will endeavor to handle them so ntelligontly and Send us Your L ong list of pleased and satisfied customers. 0 ft D rders sent us eceive careful epartments, whose business it is to see that E verything you R emembor that S niallest orders Use Our Rest Rooms THE DAVIS - Everything to Home. 1214-16.18-20-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, -i WASH shutting out football. "The world do move," and colleges must learn something, too. They can't afford to be mossbacks, pullbacks or quarter backs. . - - Of all the artful dodgers and cute old codgers that oil man Sogers surely takes tbe cake. Such contumacy is unheard of; sue b gall unknown. He is the personification of that spirit of lawlessness so discernible among tbe ultra wealthy folk. Wealth is all right, but its possessors must not think tbey are above the law. The laws must be obeyed alike by rich and poor. Senator Falliecrs bas been elected president of Franoe, to succeed Presi dent Loubet The French people do not vote for tbe president The mem bers of the senate and house of depu ties meet in joint session and choose tbe president, who holds office for seven years. France may ere long adopt the Ameiioan plan. Just now tbe leaders distrust the people's fidel ity to the republic. Ponltney Bigelovv is another one of tbe many cranky literary chaps seek ing cheap notoriety by false and .ex aggerated statements and reckless criticism of public men and measures. Poult, ran up against trouble when be assailed the management of the Panama canal construction. Some means of punishing such liars should be devised. And one ot our exchanges says: "When men like Jonathan Bourne, jr., flood this state with postal cards for tbe purpose of getting voters to pledge themselves 'on their sacred honor' that they will do so and so, tbe natural inquiry is, what interest has this blackleg got in seeing a square deal, anyway?" No business can fail to be benefit ted by advertising, is a proposition that admits of absolutely no argue ruont. Take the public into your confidence, tell them what you have and make no statement that you can not carry out. Advertise along these lines and you will reap a benefit. Fifty-four murders have been com mitted in Chicago within six months, and no doubt there's more to follow. Tbey need vigilance committees in tbe Windy city, such as renovated Cali fornia half a century ago. Each day brings forth a caudidate or two, so it is safe to say that by tbe time nominating election takes place there will be a nice assortment from which to choose. Oyama has got bis old job back as 1 president of tbe general staff. He cannot complain that after fighting for his country bis employ eis did not reinstate him. Sixteen snowbound passengers and a train crow in South Dakota lived two days on a pail of oysters. Bet there was a oburch social cook in that bunch. It may be a coal miners' strike next April, or it may be a voluntary in crease in wages from the penlorr. Tbe public will get it in the same old way. Football slugging mutches are ended for tbe year with a total of 10 killed, 135 badly injured and many other cases uot reported. to us right now promptly that you will be on our by mail invariably attention by tbe beads of order is carefully shipped. we handle your largest and with equal care. KASER CO. Make Your appointments Here Furnish the PEACE IN OLD KENTUCKY. Philadelphia Ledger. Breatbitt is tbe most famed of Ken tucky counties, and Judge Hargis stands forth in the fierce light that beats upon that quarter, tbe most toweling and dominant personality of the county. It is cheering, then, to read that Judge Hargis has clasped bands with Judge Toulbee and that tbe twain have sworn eternal friend ship. This is no idle oath in Breath itt It means that neither will shoot tbe other in tbe back, and that such an act hereafter would violate the obligations of a gentleman. To shoot in the back is a Breathitt county peculiarity; the tendenoy to do it seems bred in the bone. To break away from the trammels of honored custom requires rare courage. No disposition exists here to do in justice to the qualities of Hargis, tbe pleasure of whose acquaintance has been denied, save as his strong points have filtered into and permeated the press of his section. Hargis was county judge. He ruled tbe court witn the firmness that might have been expected from a juiist expert in the niceties of feud etiquette and handy with tbe gun. All his follow ers had at least a gun apiece. Occas ionally tbey would kill somebody, and under circumstances suggesting that the individual removed had by tbe court been deemed superfluous. If a prisoner was placed on trial and convicted no annoyance was occasion ed, for the sheriff could not get him to the penitetianry so quickly that a pardon did not arrive-first. There was no easier or more popular way of getting an outing at public expense than to be sent up for murder. Times began to change. The jurist found his power waning. There was even bold talk of indicting him for some of tbe killing. It was felt that population was not increasing at a rate that could justify the decimat ing process be was believed to favor. There was set up an innovation of con victing assassins and not having a pardon waiting at the prison gate. Hargis was not pleased. Then the affront put upon him was accentu ated by tbe election of a successor in Toulbee. At first Hargis proposed to contest, but he has bowed gracefully. His weapons are laid aside. The feud system has received a blow. Judge Toulbee may travel now without glancing fearfully over bis shoulder. Hargis has accepted civilization. Kentucky is soon to be "dark and bloody ground" only in tradition. When the gospel of peace can invade Breathitt and get a foothold no com munity can be regarded as soil in whioh tbe seeds of goodness cannot take root. "WITH HIS WIFE'S MONElf." Atchison Globe. Once upon a time a man mairied a woman who had inherited $500 from a grandfather. This was all she ever received, but the man never got cred it for his efforts tbe rest of his life He built a new store. "Did it with his wife's money," the neighbors said. The home was made over and enlarged. "His wife's money did it," was the only comment. The little measly $500 she inherited was given the credit for every thing he did dur ing life, and when he died and his widow put up a monument with his life insurance, "her money paid for that, " was said again. But this is what her mouey really went lor: During her engagement she bought herself a $350 piano and a $150 dia mond ring, and in a few weeks lost the ling and there was always some regret that she didn't also lose the piano. A CURIOUS FACT. j It la Vary Strange Yet True That Radiantly Beaattfal Wob Lot Homely Mn, "The older I get," said a writer in the New Orleans Times-Democrat, "the more certain I become that personal beauty has nothing to do with roman tic love 1 mean on the part of women. I saw an example on the street car just n0w a creature as exquisite as a morn ing in May openly mooning over a fel low ugly enough to scare a coyote out of the Bad Lands. There was no sort of doubt about it, either, and the rapt way she gazed up into his misfit mug would have boiled ix gallons of liquid air. He took it nonchalantly, the ras cal, and didu't seem to appreciate his luck. But that's the way of it the world over. Your i adiantly beautiful women generally lose their hearts to men who could give u gargoyle points on plain ness, and I'll bet if the truth was known Taris was homely-enough to break a camera. If le had been a handsome chappie Helen would have stuck to her hubby and Troy wouldn't have fallen. But what I started out to say was this: There is a total lack of reciprocity in the game; and it's the rnrest thing in the world for a good-looking man to become enamored of a homely woman. When he does you can generally bet that his vision ha been inspired by her cold cash. But if it wasn't for the Inexplicable penchant of Beauty for the Beast tho race of ugly folk would be perpetuated exclusively by the types of Venus and Apollo. Perhaps it's bet ter, however, the way it is." Pnbllo Notice. Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to the Mayor and common council of Hie city ot Athena, Oregon, at a meeting tnervof to be held on the 17th day or Kelt. ISOU, fur a license to sell spirituous, limit and vinous liquors in less qniuitie then one quart, said liquors to lie sold only in a building situated on the west one-halt of lot No. 8, In block a, of said city. Bert Cartnno, Dated Jan. St, 190H. Applicant. "To Cvra Cou'tlpatui Fore, fake Casciirets i:auiiv Cathartic lOoortSo. ti C C. tail to cure. druytisW refund moae THE DANGER TO THE CHILD May be real or the snake may be a harm less one, but there Is danger that menaces every child's life if tho mother Is defi cient In womanly health and functional vitality. Thousands of women have borne their sufferings and kept their troubles to themselves from motives of delicacy and feeble childhood has paid for it. Dr. Pierce, forty years ago, consulted Nitfure, and found that she had provided remedies in abundance for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments and weak nesses. He found that non-alcoholic, glyceric extracts of Oolden Seal root, Blue Cohosh root, Unicorn root, Black Cohosh root and Lady's Slipper root, combined in just tho right proportions, gave such surprising results that this compound soon became a standard fa vorite of his in the treatment of such cases. In a little time the demand for It became so great that he determined to put It tip and provide for its general sale so that the multitudes needing it could readily supply themselves. This is now known all over the civil ized world as Dr. Pierce' Favorite Pre crl)tUm, and Its unparalleled record of hundreds of thousands of cures, in the last forty years, justifies all that can be said of It. It i mm-nlcoholln, non-narcotic. It i afe and reliable for any woman, of any age and In any condition, to use. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets only one or two a day will regulate and cleanse and Invigorate a fonl, had .Stomach, tor pid Liver, or sluggish Bowels. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, papcr-bo;.nd, for 21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. Over 1000 pages and illustrated. Address Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. $1000 SgPniS $30.00 We pay three per cent interest ou certificates of Deposits for amounts of $5 and upwards, and the money may be withdrawn any time. This is a state bank, incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington, with a capital of $100,000. Tbe stock holders are also liable for $100,000 additonal, making $200,000 standing between our depositors and any pos sible loss. Wrtie or call and see us. ELAM'S BANK, WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON. THE PALACE DRUG STORE VVM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but bow about the tilling of prescriptions? Our, Prescriptions are precisely as the doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and always exactly right. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE C000 HORSES AND RHS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded ly the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, - Proprietor- If You WANT CASH For Your REAL ESTATE ! YOU CAN GET IT. No matter where your property is located or what it is, I have the ability and tbe facilities to sell your property. That is why I have the largest Real Estate business in Walla Walla today. Why not put your property among the number that will be listed and sold as a result of my adveitising? I will not only sell it, sometime, but be able to sell it quick ly. I am a specialist in quick sales. If you want to buy any kind of a faim, home or business in any part of the country, tell me your requirements. I guarantee to fill them promptly and satisfactorily. Audy T. Cope, Walla Walla. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH ME. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. -The COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Prcpgj ! CONTRACTING Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches, I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. - A. M. GILLIS, PROPRIETOR, THE GILLIS LUMBER YARD! Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. I en Cfln Fine, Medium and THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. law dtyieS Brood Points. nM h. til Stitiniwn. Works, Camden, N. I. ESTER8RC0K Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. Special inducements ou orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget- Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION Troy Laundry Walla Walla, Wash. Elmer Lane, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning X THE 1ST NICHOLS HOTEL j J. E. FROOME, prop. I m Only First-class Hotel in the City. THE ST. KluHULo I Is the only one that can accommoni.i' commercial travelers. j - fan beieoomended for Its clean and well ventilated rooms. a Cos. Main and Third, AND BUILDING i OREGON. PARKER & LAME'S RUBER SHOP Firrl Cl - Bin (tern Hiifl Up-t- - d it t e S1UTH SID MA STREET ATHENA. STEEL PENS STEEL PEN CO. 86 Mm St., Ne, Vort. 1 srj