"t .... a: ClEISTllSl IS FAST APPROACHING You Better Get Busy And Select Your Presents Before the Grand Rush Commences WE ARE THE LEADING STORE IN WALLA WALLA For Practiclal Gifts. Xmas Stock now Ready, so get the Habit now OF TRADING AT THE WALLA WALLA 24 EAST MAIN STREET Walk up the right hand side of Main street until you see us. IT'STHEMILWAUKEE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE AT CHICAGO. lined iu a genera, way the comae of the road as far west as Wallula, but made no mention, of the route further toward the coast. " TREASURE ISLAND- Puget Sound Extension Adopted and a Doable North Bank Track to Portland. The seoret of the Wallula Pacific railroad's intentions are made publio in au announcement which comes from Chicago. At a special meeting of the direc tors of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Bailroad company the board formally authorized the building of the St. Paul extension to the Pacific Coast from Evarts, S. D. , to Seattle and Taeoniu. It was specified iu the official announcement that the work of construction is to bcgiu forthwith. It is estimated that the cost will be about 50,000,000. It was auuouuced at the close of the meeting that as yet no plans had beeu determined on for financing he pro ject. This matter, iu all probability, will be decidod upon at a meeting of the executive committee. It is under stood that au issuo of couvertablo bonds has been under consideration, but that there is uo likelihood of un increase iu the road's capital stock, about 25,000,000 of which is still un issued. Preparations already have been made for the incorporation of a new railroad company from Evarts, which, however, will be eutirely financed by the St. Paul. While all the details of tho route have not beeu decided ou, the liue will ruu toward the Rocky mountains through Lolo pass aud ultimately con necting at Wallula , Wash. , the te r miuus of the recently 'iueoiporated Pacific railroad, which runs to that point from Seattle. The Orogouian says: stated ou what seems to iuformatiou that the Northern Pacifio will construct a double track down the north bauk of the Columbia river from Wallula, Wash., into Portlaud. Over this liue trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee aud St Paul will ruu under a trackage agreement This 'plan fills iu the last link iu the chaiu of the projected Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul extensions, us announced from New York yesterday, whigh out- "It has beeu be antueutio Company Has Been Formed In Seattle to Hunt for Hidden Riches. Millions are involved in a treasure search to be instituted by a company which has just organized at Seattle. The company is known as the Cocas Maud Hydraulic and Treasure com pany and has been incorporated under the laws of the state of Washington. The incorporators are Captain Fred Hackett, of Vauoouver, B. C. ; John W. Lam air, James A. Steele and Samuel E. Squires. Their object is to recover the lost Peruvian millions. A rich reward is offered to the man who invests iu the stook of the com pany, according to the incorporators' statements. For every $100 invested the confiding "sucker" is to receive $32,000 iu real money, according to them. The company expects to find just $33,000,000 altogether. They ex pect to find all this money along the coast of Central and South America on Cocas Island. The Cocas Island proposition was started in 1821, when a Spanish galleon started out iu the Pacific Ocean, was overhauled by the British mau-of-war Devonshire, which was theu a pirate. Aftor the treasure was taken off the ill fated Spanish ves sel it wastburied ou Cooas Island, aud there it is still supposed to be. The company expects to uncover this treasure iu a short time. The other part of the millions was the property of Peru, uud during the Chilian war it was taken on board a vessel and later transferred to another vessel which stole it. The treasure was buried ou Cocas Island, which is getting to be a great place to, bury treasure. Those who buried the stolen treasure wore killed by the Peruvians, but one mau by some miraoulous man ner got away. He was followed all over the world by Peruvians, who wanted his death blood. A man named Keating helped j him out of a Scrape and to him was told the secret of the island. This mau made two trips to the island, according to the story, aud brought back plenty of money. This money' was left with Thomas Hackett, the broth or of the uiau who is organizing the company. Captain Hackett says he has been ou the island but the exact place is buried under a landslide. This is whore the hydraulic pait of the com pany is to help them get the treasure. Several expeditious have beeu sent to the island by interested people, but the treasure is us illusive us Captaiu Kidd's. Eegin Next Week. ; After consulting vrtk. Judge W. B. Gilbert of the United States circuit court at Portland, it was partially arranged that Judge Wolvertou should begin bis duties as United States dis trict judge early next week, probably by Tuesday or Wednesday, as there is a heavy grist of business awaiting him. He has said that he will not appoint a new clerk of bis court until after bis confirmation by the senate, and perhaps not for - some little time thereafter. He will probably joiu in handing down several decisions by the supreme court next Monday and partly clear up the pending cases. Son Lout Mother. "Consumption runs iu our family, aud through it I lost my mother," writes E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest sign of a congb or cold I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid but be learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, aud bow to cure it. Quickest relief and colds. Price 50o aud $1. teed at the Palace drug store, bottle free. cure for Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given, that under aud by virtue of, an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Umatilla, and to me directed and delivered upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 14th day of October, 1895, in favor of C. S. Jackson, as Receiver of the Nation al Bank of Pendleton, plaintiff, and against Robert Walker, defendant, for the some of $285.00. with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 14th day of October, 1805, the further sum of $19.00 At torney's fees and the further sum of $23.50 costs; I did upon the 21st day of November, l-05, levy upon all right, title and interest of said de fendant, Robert Walker, of, in and to the following described real property, to-wit: SEi NEM Sec. 24 Tp 4 N. R. 84 E. W. M. I will on the 23rd day of December, 1905, at '2 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front door of the Court House, iu the city of Pen dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, sell all right, title and interest the said defendant had in and to the above described property on the 14th day of October, 1895, or since then has had, or now has, at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied in the satisfac tion of said exeoution and all costs. Dated this 21st day of November, 1905. T. D. TAYLOR, Sheriff of Umatilla County, Ore. By A. C. FUNK, Deputy. Publio Notice. Notice is hereby given that I ill apply to the Mayor and common council of tiie city ol Athena, Oregon, at u meeting tnereof to be held on the 5th day of Dec. l'J0.", for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors m less qunntitlp than one quart, said liquors to be sold only in a building situated on the east one-half of lot No. 8, in block 5, of said city. J. W. Davis, Dated Nov. 8, 1905. Applicant. A.L.JONES v. WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. L. M'LACIILAN PLASTERING AND CEMENT ' WORK, CISTERN BUILDER Leave orders at Gillis' Lumber Yard. Satisfaction Guaranteed. - LA HUE MILLINERY CO We make a specialty of Hats Made to Order i CARDEN BUILDING North Side Main St., :: Athena, Ore. Oregon Shopj line mm Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, tt'dahlv tn I ' li 1 oti in U'lth ft-on n.i 1 1 11 i Tl i chair cars, seats free, to the east dailj iroiu reuaieton. ABRIVI Dally. 4:53 p. m. 9:12 a. in. 8:01 a. m. e: I i TIME 8CUEOULKS ATHENA, ORE. Fast Mall for Pen dleton, Laiirande, linker city, and all points eist via H un tington, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Hepp ner, Tho Dalles, Portland. Astoria. Willamette Valley Points, California, Tacoma.Seatl le, all souna rotnu. Walla Walla. Dav ton, Pomeroy, Lew Iston. Colfax. Pull man. Moscow, the Couer d'Alene dis trict, Spokane aud ail points norm. Special dally walla wan u fen melon iutormediate points Hiieeial daily fnin tVBiiiei.m ui walla Walla A Int. points DEPABT Dally. 1:53 p iu. 8:C3a. m. p. in. M.W.Suiltn Agent, Athene, r UPE FOR THE TO ALL DISEASES OF BOTH inrpnnn ATM ' DEOLTD TMminr U L ua LaUL JILn 3 l w "j "3 fmmt fm FOR CONSUMPTION Cured of Consumption in Its Final Stages: J. O. R. Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Term., writes: "Fifty witnesses here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollie Holt of Consump tion after her family had watched at her bedside for the end, which doctors said was near.' SUREST CURE IN THE WORLD. FOR COUGHS AND COLDS! Price 60c and $1.00 GUARANTEED Trial Bottles Free . goLO AND RECOMMENDED DY tfT . " rT. THE PALACE DRUG STORE THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE i ii in 1 1 V I '21 MM GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- . Horses boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, - - - Proprietor- First National Bank of Athena 1 i CAPITAL STOCK... SURPLUS 3 .$50,000 12,500 Propei attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex chanse. Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge for keeping your valuable papers. ti. O. Adams. President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. ' O. A uarrett, t P. E. Colburn, VDlreotors 8. LeGrow, I F. S. Lb Guow, Cashier, I. M. Kemp, Assistant Cashier "COtvJP'Y INCORPORATED. Sendee Brashes SAVES THE HAIR FROM DANDRUFF For the Human and the Horse for Floors and the Dishes H&rdwtire Stock, is Complete We Are Here To Sell iiclili iiiili iiSiii Clothes and Furnishings to you. They are good clothesStein-Bloch-and good Furnishings, but before you put faith in them, you must have faith in us. .The only way to do this is to know us. Come in today or tomorrow, on the way to office or home therefrom. You need not buy. Just look. We shall be glad to see you, for we want to be friends. Come in. WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON i 4 L T