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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
Alias Xmas will soon be here and with it comes the all per plexing question of making suitable gifts. Eight now is the time to purohase your presents, while our stock is fresh and complete, and when we can give you more of our time in helping you make selections. Our Xmas Stock Was never more complete than it is this year; in fact it is more so, for besides the regular staple lines, we have added a fall line of Musical Instruments and Japaneso Lacquered ware. Realizing that the train service which we now enjoy may induce some to do their buying in Pen dleton or Walla Walla, we have marked our goods way be low the .usual price in order to keep tho trade that right fully belongs to us at home. The following will give you an idea of what we . . Offer You This Year A swell line of Japanese Lacquered Ware, including work boxes, Cuff and Collar boxes, Glove and Handker chief boxes and Playing Card boxes. A complete line of Musical Instruments, . iucluding violins, Mandolius, Guitars, Banjos and Graphophones ; Fancy Stationery, Pyrography outfits, Musio Rolls, Cigar Holders, Hand Bags, children's Comb and Brush sets, Toilet and Manicure sets, 'Perfumes and Candies in fancy boxes, Shaving sets, Travel ing Toilet sets, and other articles too numerous to mention. Be sure to look at our line beforo purchasing, as we can and will save you money. The Pioneer BRUCE WALLACE, Prop. Press Paragraphs George Reynolds, of Weston, is iu town today. Lee Hi tern an is reported on the sick list this week. Mis9 Eva Froome, of Pendleton, is visiting relatives in Atnena. The Misses Stevens, of Weatob, spent Thanksgiving day in Atheua. -Dale Preston took Thanksgiving dinner with his parents in Waitsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Fay LeGrow spent Thanksgiving with friends in Walla Walla. .. Henry Barrett and sister, Mrs. J. D. nuillDUUUU, are visiting uiouuo iu Salem. . "sMiss Ada Ely weut over to Weston to spend Thanksgiving with her mother. La Grande has an epidemic of whooping cough. In four families are 20 cases. Those indebted to Mrs. Lillie Miller are expeoted to pay up in full by December 15. . ' Mrs. Wm. Tompkins has reoovered from a severe case of illness . aud is able to be out again. XAlf. Johnson was in town Wednes day mgut, uaviug uuiuh up num xuu- (iitttmi with his orchestra. . The small boy and his sled is de cidedly in evidence and will be until the coming of the chinook. , Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kemp and child ren spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Kemp s parents near Milton. For sale Main street and residence property at a reasonable price. Call ou Henry Keen for particulars. Mr. Albert Strickler and Miss Mar garet Balcom, both of Pendleton, were 'married in that city Wednesday even .. ing. Miss Mytalene Fraker, of Pendleton, well known as a singer, last night sang at a high class mnsicale in Baker City.- ' Mrs. S. F. Sharp has been confined to her room with illness, occasioned by a series of carbuncles, for the past - two weeks. ' ' The Pendleton high school team de feated the Commercial Association foot ball team at Pendleton yesterday Vitt a enrtro ff 1 1 f A ft Pendleton's efficient health officials have practically eradicated the diph theria epidemic, there now being but one case under quarantine. JUWill MoCollum, who left Athena some time ago for Nanton, Alberta, was successful in securiug an exception ally flue piece of land to homestead. Miss Katie McEwen, with some young lady friends from the school in Peudleton, is spending the Thanks giving holidays with her parents in this city. The Gold Coin mine, owned by Pendelton men, and located near Dur kee, 20 miles from Baker City, Las a 7 5-foot ledge from which 800 tons of ore has bee j shipped. CbarSes Brotberton has purchased t')8 delivery wagon aud express bus iuess of Gfcorga Myrick, and has em ployed "Billy the Baker" in tho capacity of deliverymau. JVf be W. & C. R. branch train has been "bucking" snow north of town for two days. Two large Vhog" en gines are in use and it is expected the train will be in some time today. Drug store Athena, Oregon All trains in and out of Athena were delayed to some extent Wednes day by the snowstorm. However, since Wednesday all trains ou the O. R. & N. Spokane branch, have beeu on time. . . Numbered among the large stock of trnuks at Manasse's store is one that is sure to captivate the admiration of the traveler. It is a real departure in the matter of convenience a veritable wardrobe. A fine new church will be erected in Weston by the members of the German Baptist church ou South Water street, which will be 86x60 feet, with basement. The building will cost 3.000. fvlu one of the finest exhibitions of I Toot ball ever witnessed on Ankeny field, the Whitman college team de feated the heavy "agrios" from Pull man by 10 to 6. The first half was fiercely contested, ending 0 to 0. Pain may go by the name of rheu matism, neuralcria. lnmhaeo. nletirsv. I No matter what name the pains are noting TTnlliafc'o Ttrtntv Mnnnfnin Tea will drive them away. 85o, Tea or Tablets. ' Pioneer drug store. The morning subject at the Chris tian church will be "God, the Giver of All Good and Perfect Gifts." -In the evening the pastor will give the third lecture on the Life of Christ, illustrated with the stereopticon. . Grandma Mclntyre left ou the de layed train Wednesday for-Nanton, Alberta, where she will reside in fu ture. She was met at Tekoa by Mrs. Bertha McCollum, who also went to Nanton where she will join her hus band. " KrThe goose hunters are having sport uM success in bagging game at Ar lington. They sent up nine fine birds on yesterday morning's ' train. The boys are undoubtedly having a splen did time for they say nothing of re turning home. XThe masquerade ball in Athena Wednesday evening was well attended, a majority of the dancers coming masked. Music was furnished by Johnson's orchestra, and a splendid lunch was served in the opera house by Mr. Dan Prendergast. yfdvices over the telephone from La Grande state that the La Grande team won over the Athena foot ball team . yesterday by a score of 42 to 0. No particulars of the game were given. The members of the team missed train connections aud will not be home un til this evening. . The Friday Afternoon club will entertain a number of invited gnests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Reeder this evening. As entertainers these ladies have an enviable reputa tion, and a most pleasant evening is anticipated by those so fortunate as to be invited. . Ihe death of Mrs. Rachel Sommer, oue of Union county's oldest pioneers, occurred in Elgin Tuesday, November 28, of Bright's disease. She had lived in that county since 1874, aud in Elgin since 1892. She was the wife of D. Sommer. one of Elgin's most success ful and wealthy merchants. Harvey MoMurray and his lake steamer Idaho are reported to be . lost on Lake Pend D'Oreille. McMurray left Hope Sunday with a cargo of freight for points up the river. A search of the lake was niada without result. It is supposed that the boat filled with water and sank during the storm Sunday. The condition of Mrs. Bruce Wallace was far more serious than was antic ipated when taken to the hospital at Walla Walla. A diagnosis revealed a complicated case of floating kidney aud appendicitis. Since the operation Mrs. Wallace is "getting along nicely and her condition gives every hope of early recovery. J. T. Parker, of the Willamette valley, is iu town, the guest of his brother, A.- J.' Parker. Mr. Parker, who is a farmer, reports times dull in Western Oregon, where this season's crops were light on account of drouth. The hop-raisers are much discouraged over the prevailing low prices and many are determined to grub up their hop yards aud raise other crops. East Oregonian: As the sentence on Kelly and Ireland, the Freewater saloon men, was -but temporarily sus pended by judge Ellis when sentence was passed upon them a week or more ago, it is said a petition asking for a regular suspension of sentence will be pieseuted today. Both men were giv-euJ'-'O days in the couuty jail as well as a Hue for Having violated tho local option law at Freewater. Tho man Redner, of Peudletou, who was reported as having been located at Chicago, is still at large aud the authorities are still bunting, for him. The man under surveilance in the east proved to be the wrong person and the detectives are off the scent. Redner is accused of absconding with an express package containing money l for the Prescott bank. The detectives state it will be only a matter of ' time until he is found and returned to Peu dleton for trial. Thanksgiving day in Atheua was spent for the most part in sleighriding, and feasting. While sleighing is not of the very finest;, it is tho best we have had for several years and" the young people have made the mostjof it. Good dinners were the rule of course. The ladies of the Christian ohurcb aud the hotels gave excellent dinners aud there were many happy gatherings around the festal board iu Atheua homes. In the afternoon and evening business was practioally suspended and at 7 :S0 p. in. uniou services were held iu the Methodist Episcopal church, when Rev. George T. Ellis, of the Baptist church, preached to a large congregation. ' Fined For Contempt. For printing oertaiu cartoons and editorials in his two papers United States Senator Thomas M. Patterson was yesterday held in contempt of court and fined $1,000 and orderod committed to jail until the fine was paid, by the supreme court. A stay of execution was issued in order that Mr. Patterson might appeal to the supreme court of the United States, Senator Patterson agreeing that if the decision was against him he would at once pay the fine. . "Entertaining Made Easy." The second edition of this popular book is now ready, - and contains many ideas for decorations, games and refreshments, suitable for after noon and evening parties, besides 83 guessing games with answers. "What to Serve and' How to Prepare It" is a companion book to the above, and contains receipts for 87 kinds of sandwiches, 20 kinds of salads, 55 kinds of cakes and cookies, 32 kinds of drinks and ices, 18 kinds of candy, 36 reoeipts for luucheon dishes. In addi tion, is a collection of toasts and quo tations, menus and suggestions as to what to serve on different occasions. Published by the Homo Entertainment Bureau, 150 N. Trumbull Ave., Chicago, at 25c per copy, aud sent on approval, with privilege of returning if not satisfactory. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE? Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Prep PARKER & LANE'S . Barber Shop . Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. HOT BATHS. mwmwm wm mm-mm wmmm www m Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Items iu Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen 's. New Shirt Waists' just arrived at Manasse's. ' ' Prime corn-fed beef and pork at R. J. Boddy's. See the fine cut glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Co. s. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. Craghead & Hays have some bar gains in busiuess cbauces. Try one of Boddy's flue sugar cured hams. They are delicious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's. A delicious dessert-Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. We still have the famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. Holly ribbons at Manasse's. See what the Delineator says about them. Ely & Scott have somo choice sweet cider made from Miltou apples. Try , it I Can't' we show you somo of bur Rogers silverware? C. A. Barrett & Co. You should see the fine lino of buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co. 's. , Dell Bros, have a splendid line of gloves. Prices are right and assort ment is large. Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will, raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. From now until November 24, F. G. Lucas will pay the highest market price for turkeys. Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements, a sample line, no two alike, at one-half price. Call at Manasse's. Our selection of overcoats is now complete. It is marvelous how a finished coat of the quality we show can be produced aud sold for the price. Athena Mercantile Co. If you want he best vaiue, the best wearnig, the most up to date foot wear, we have now a complete stock of everything in the shoe line for fall and winter wear. Atheua Mercantile Co. We now have ready-for your inspec tion the most comprehensive aud splendid showing of new styles in men's, youths' and boys' clothing ever shown in this part of the state. Athena Mercantile Co. . Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Are you weak? Are you iu paiu? Do you feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who nse-Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35o at Pioneer drug store. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity when you lose your health, because indiges tion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, aud cure headache, dizziness, colic, con stipation, etc. Guaranteed ut the Palace drug store; 25c. For Sale- O. G. Chamberlain, the real estate dealer, offers for sale: One dwelling and three lots, $1100. One house, barn and throo lots, $800. A good cottage, outbuildings . and one lot. $1000. One dwelling, barn aud throo lots and other choice city and farm prop erty. A mouutain farm of 166 acres, orchard and good buildings. . Several good pieces of alfalfa laud near Pendleton. .With the arrival of the house cleaning period the mind of the housewife naturally turns to the matter of Carpets and Rugs, and consequently she is confronted with two problems the cleaning up process and the coverings for the floors. Now, soap, lye and water can be made to overcome the former, but the mistress of the household looks to the carpet dealer for help before she gets through with the floor. A 5 A We Can Show the Goods 7 WE for the stock of Carpets and Rugs carried by us this Vinn anv wf havf nnrrhasfvl hfTPtnforp This is savins the past were not to be " Miller, the Rustler, sj ww itmnmmtmntn?? wmwwmwm www w ww vl CO MM g A simple rule to make life a joy is to When shopping do not forget that "99" is the be6t Coffee that can he obtained. For sale only at the IWITE Cash Zl Tea, Coffee, Apices, Extracts and 7i JUJUJulura THE STANDARD PEwS EVERYWHERE. I 50 Styles F'Kd pSEt Works. Camden, N, I. ESTERSOflQK, ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston Parton Milling Go. Our Barley iili Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. FRESH BREAD DAILY ii FINEST IN THE PRENDERGAST BAKERY SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. Carpet CAN HELP HER 01TP sneezed at." Now is the time to driuk a cup of that elegan Coffee 12 Grocery high grade Canned Goods a specialte ZZZ K 7 STEEL PEfJS STEEL PEW COi 26 lohn St.. New York. Cam htt fill ClallAHaa Athena, Oregon CANDIES TOWN ATHENA, OREGON. Our Prices and Quality Mix S FA1MN PFNJ year is overwhelmingly greater g a Pxpat deal, fnr our storks of I make your purchase. iP i& Athena, Oregon