AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twio-a-Webk Tuesday akd Friday F. B. Boyd, Publisbcb. Entered ai second-clans matter, March 1, 1904, at the poitoffice at Athena, Oregon, under an Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rat: 1'er year, In advanot . 12.00 Slngleooplet In wrapper,6c. Advertising Kates: Local reading notices, first Insertion, 10c per Hi.- RvjhsaDseqaentinsertlon.Sc. All communications should be addressed to if PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, DECEMBER 1, 1905 One of the greatest educational campaigns ever undertaken in the West is about to be inaugurated in Seed Grain Specials which are to run over both the Canadian Paciflo and Canadian Northern railways. Cars are to be fitted up with samples of grains illustrating the advantages of approved varieties, of selection of seed, of different methods of cultiva tion etc., samples, too, of noxious weeds, eradication and control of which will form one of the topics for discussion. The effects of smut in reducing yields and grades, with methods of prevention, and many other such praotical points will be illustrated and discussed. Women of the South are interesting themselves in eduoation more deeply each year. Not long ago they form ed an interstate association for the betterment of the publics schools. At present the association is Composed of one representative woman from each of thirteen states under the presidency of a North Carolina woman. Daring the approaching winter the mem bers of the committee intend to or ganize the women of their states so . that they all may work together for the elevation of the standard of pub lio school education. Editorially expressed, this is the opinion of the Union Republican: "Eastern Oregon is rather inclined to stand by Judge Ellis, of Pendleton, for Congress, and attorney Johns of Baker City, for Governor. In the dis tribution of the official positions, it would seem that Eastern Oregon should be recognized. The country east of the Casoades and south of the forty-sixth parallel is entited to some thing Multi-millionaires have found a great deal more pleasure in the pursuit thau in the possession of their im mense wealth. Plutocrats are suid to be a very unhappy set of mortals. They are beaiers of hoavy burdens, much heavier than falls to tbo com mon people. Magniflcont hotnes are not always havous of happiness. - The first sontenoe for illegal voting in New York's recent electiou wus passed upon Edward Mead who plouded guilty to voting twice. He was sentenced to Sing Sing for not loss thau two years nor more than three and a half. Tbe emperor of Japan has offered his thanks in due form to his ancestors for the successful termination of the SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS We have decided to close out our stock of the well known DOMESTIC Sewing Maohiues. To those familiar with the Domestic, no words of praise are needed. To othors we will say that the Domestic is one of the old staudbys. It is made of the very best of materials aud finely fitted and highly tested throughout. Unlike machines tinder expired patents, it con tains most of the modern improvements of real value, among which are the simplex tension release; the looper, which enables one to sew with either one thread stitch or two thread lock stitch; also the live stitch pleater. All parts are adjusted perfeotly aud run easily and noiselessly. Every maohiue is fully guaranteed both by the factory and ourselves. Agents usually sak $65 for thorn; sometimes $75. Our price has been $15, but to close out our present stock, about 20 machines, we offer them at t'J3.50 eaoh until sold no more at this price when thiis lot is sold. Mail Orders a Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home, 12 14-1(5.18 aO-22 Alder Street. WALLA WALLA, -:- WASH. war. This religions duty having been performed, he can now express bis thanks to the men behind the gnus, who gave his ancestors very valuable assistance on se7eral' occasions dar ing the war. There is no use to orate irately on the rate question, "for it can be settled without much oratorical bombast. Bat fair discussion h necessary. Men will make it a hobby and windjam mers use it to exo .te people if pos sible. A square deal will be satis factory to the people. No tariff should be high enough to permit the manufacturers of any com modity to sell that commodity thous ands of miles away in a foreign coun try cheaper than he will sell it at the citizens of the country in which it is manufactured. ' A carefully taken census of the state of Iowa shows a decrease of fifteen thousand in its population as compared with the last previous census. This is probably about the number of people Iowa sent to the Northwest. Prince Charles has a good job as king of Norway. About all he has to do is to sit on the throne, look wise, dress well and draw his salary. He is a fine young Dane and is as lucky as he is handsome. Reports from Sofia say that "a lady bandit" is operating in the Caucasus. She is foolish for operating where money is so scarce when she might come over here and have a bootb at a charity fair. The president of San Domingo has ordered printed 5,000 copies of Wag ner's "Simple Life" for distribution among the people. It may encourage the natives to wear a shirt. Julian Hawthorn is authority for the statement: "Very little that is worth remembering is said or thought after midnight.' And Mr. Hawthorn is a married man, at that. Fortunate barbers! They don't have to compete with the mail order houses; people can't send off for hair cuts, shaves, shampoos or face mas sages. The voters kill off one sot of politi cal bosses and another takes their places. Hero again eternal vigilance is tbe price of liberty. Sir Thomas Lipton is going after that cap again. He realizes that advertis ing is a waste of money unless you stick to it persistently. After all this would be a dull world without Stead, Lawson and Labonch ere. They are all artists iu their line. The Japs, they tell us, bathed be fore every battlo. The Russians bathe after every war. College girls at Cleveland were dis covered playing pokor. This may have been the class in applied society. SUUKKKS ANI FISHKKMKN, (San Francisco Call.) Some years ago Teed founded in San Francisco what he called "The Koreshnu Urity. " As no ouo knew what that meant, it had all the at tractions of mystery nooessary to the foundation of roligious folderol. He found followers and professed to hijve the power to have the human race look at its toes long enough to become unisexual and self-generative. He Mail Orders a Specialty belongs to that class of profound fakers1 who know that the more im probable, unlikely and foolish tbe teaching, the more apt it is to find followers. Make mystery of nonsense, bawl "abraoadrabra" and look solemn, claim a supernatural power that ex ists only iu the claim and is never ex hibi'ed, aud out of the mass of human ity will issue a stream of believers, feathered geese, ready to be plucked. Teed went from here to Chicago aud gathered geese feathers enough to make him rich and went to Florida, where he has set up a templed estab lishment and is still pushing his con fidence game all over the country. Attention is called to him now by a home in this city broken up by his arts exercised upon a woman. There is talk of appeal to - the federal authorities to suppress him. Bat for what use? If he does not break out in a new place another wilL As long as there is grist of that kind. There seems to be a fixed percentage of peo ple who are ripe on both sides for that sort of deception. It is useless to try to understand them. It makes them happy to be fooled. If their eyes were ever open it is after they have been robbed materially and morally, and even then their fate does not deter others. As long as there are suckers there will be fishermen. Tbe newspapers expose these frauds and broadcast the misery of their awakened victims in vain. The procession of mystery and wonder seekers will not lose a single fooL They will march right on into tbe traps set by the crafty, tbe sen sual and the greedy. Intelligence and education has no effect in diminishing the number who go marvel hunting. An appeal to the law is useless, ex cept for tbe restoration of the goods in case of actual robbery. Character cannot be recovered in a lawsuit, and perhaps is not worth it. MERRIWETHER COURT MARTIAL. (Maverick. ) We all know from hearsay that at the Annapolis Naval academy there is an unwritten "code" for the regula tion of cadets, by the provisions of which upper classmen lord it over aud tyranize new men in many ridicu lous ways. We have read that when a young fellow enters that institution he must be very humble and obsequi ous to those who have come before; that if he rebels against these long established customs, becomes "too ratty," as the embryonic sailors ex press it, his life is made a burden. An independent boy can but help feel ing humiliated by being forced to occupy so degrading a position, and only iu tbe event that he prefers popularity to retaining big selfrespect does he submit Refusal to submit, aocording to the provisions of this code, subjects him to a fist fight with one of the older, presumably larger cadets, and, there fore, usually a licking. The system is a degrading one and should, be ab olished. It probably will be after the Merriwether court martial now in session finishes its deliberations. This trial has brought out these facts. Midshipman Merriwether, of Lafayette, Louisana, was "too ratty." Midshipman Branch, the son of a wealthy New Yorker, who was evi dently aggressively chosty, assigned to bim the duty of making life not worth living to the former, resorting to all sorts of exasperating tactics. Forbearence ceasing to be manly virtue, the Creole informed the New Yorker bully what he really was, a sneak and a coward such is and always have been bullies. Then came the inevitable fist fight, properly refereed and hedged about with all the requirements of the code. By some misoue Branch got the licking that was scheduled for Merriwether; from the effects of which he died, and the oadet who gave him what was coming to him is now on trial, charged with manslaughter. MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK WOMEN WELL Forty yours ago, Pr. Pioron searched Nilure'a UtlHjrutory for a remedy with which to supplant the Ignorant and vi rions methods of treatment, with alco holic stimulants, then in vogue, and still too commonly prescribed and advised for Woman's peculiar ailments. Nature abounds with most efficient rem edies, and In Lady's Slipper root, Mack Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Bluo Cohosh root and Golden Seal root, Dr. Pierce found medicinal properties, which when extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure glycerine, have proven most potent In making weak women strong and sick women well. Itcontains no alcohol; is not a "patent medicine," nor a secret one either. "I was suffering; ulth nervous headache, pains In the hack and dltzlnoso, bo that at times I had to lie down fur hour before I could raise my hend," writes Mrs. Mary M. Thomas, of 337 Winston Ptrpet, Los Angeles, Col. "After taking the first bottle of 'Fa viyrite Proscription," however, I was so pleased with the results that 1 kept on taking it uutll 1 was restored to health and strength. I shall never bo without this great mediulno, and shall take a few doses when 1 do not feel strong." One of the principal uses of Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrescrlptura Is the preparation of prospective mothers for the time of trial and danger that comes when a child is born. The Prescription' is strength ening and Invigorating and lessens pain and danger. It Insures the perfect well being and the perfect health of both mother and child. Every woman should know these things before she really needs to know thorn. There are many things In Dr. Pierce's Common Scnso Medical Ad viser, that every woman ought to know. This celebrated work reached a s&lo of 080,000 copies at f 1.50 each. Tho expense of production having thus been covered. U is now being given away. A copy will be sent to any address on recolpt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or. In cloth binding for 31 stamp Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Don't Be Hoodwinked, orover-persuarted Into accepting a utstttut for th Original UUlo Liver Pill, first 1'iit up by old Ir. It V. l'len-e. over 40 years ago. and called Doctor Pierce's lleasant Pallets. Thtw've btMt aHKh Imitated but never equaled. One or two w laxative, three et four crnhMUO. ,, It is a Good Time to Buy Diamonds! . A stone bought of me now for $75 will cost you 890 to 8100 in a year or so. Dia monds are advancing in price at least 10 per cent a year. They are as good as real estate Come in and Let Me Show You Some ROYAL Ml SAWTELL Jeweler : Athena AAeMeVSArVteVi PETERSON & PETERSON, ; Attorneys-at-Law AlHENA, OREGON. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in" Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena, Oregor JOHN T. WOOD, M. D. Graduate Detroit Col lege of Medicine : : : Office Opposite McBride's Drug Store. THE PALACE DRUGSTORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main , Strtet, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as the doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and always exactly right. Troy Laundry Walla Walla, Wash. Eltner Lane, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are calif I for each Tues day and are retimed Friday morning BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. wm THE 1ST. NICHOLS HOTEL I J. E. FROOME, prop. t Only First-class Hotel in . J. the City. w THPR1 Cat) be lecomenj 1 we ell veiLI ) m COB. MAIH AK15 4 Is lhe only one tk i -v S I Cleanliness is Next to , Godliness You will always look clean if your laundry comes from our first class laundry. Only best work is turned out by us, and if you have never tried our work send us a trial order. Our superior faculties, our modern machinery, and our experienced help, make a uniform ity of goodness in all laundry that comes from us. SEND US THAT NEXT BUNDLE. Our wagon will call for and deliver the work to yon in the superior man nor which in Pendleton it is for us only to do. Pendleton Steam Laundry FISHMAN & PETERS, Proprietors CHARLES GAY, CONTRACTING Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches, I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. -. - - A. M. GILLIS, PROPRIETOR, 2 THE GILLIS LUMBER YARD I Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. 1 .J fI 41 CHA.RLES GAY ...Dealer in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars PRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. eeeeeVeeVeeVVV Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, " Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puge t Sound "Wood i EXTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL IdlYi np utttt tytv1 rv ciTrT?T xnTTFICATlON t UUliilli1U Vil e feVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVeeWAft 'lrVWWrVr ATHENA AGENT AND 1BUILDING OREGON. Everything Flrnt Claa - Mod ern and Up-to- d ate SOOTH SID MAIN STREET ATHENA. PARKER & LANE'S BARBERSHOP i - e