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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
essin boo ick ui :. sol )c net ige f or ottoil eto i. bvf curi r 10 iu ceint book nil Catarrh is usually regarded as nothing more serious than a bad cold or Blight inflammation of the inner skin and tissues of the head and throat, when it is, in fact, not only a vexatious and troublesome disease, but a com plicated and dangerous one. It is true that Catarrh usually begins 'with a cold in the head, but when the poisons, which are thrown off through the Secretions, find their way into the blood, it becomes a constitutional trouble that affects all parts of the body. It has more annoying and disgusting symp toms than any other disease. There is a sickening and offensive discharge from the nostrils, a constant buzzing noise in the ears, headaches and pains in the eyes are frequent, while filthy, tenacious matter drops back into the throat requiring continual hawking and spitting, and in certain stages of the disease the breath has an odor that is very offensive. Catarrh is worse in Winter, because the cold weather closes the pores and glands, and the pois ons and unhealthy vapors which should pass off that way are thrown back on the tender linings and tissues, causing the inflammation which starts the unhealthy secretions to be ab- Borbed by the blood. When the blood becomes diseased with this catarrhal matter all kinds of complications may be looked for. As the blood circu lates through the body the foul mat ter finds its way into the stomach, ruining the digestion and producing chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the stomach. It also affects the Kidneys. Bladder and other members of the body, while the general health is weak ened, appetite lost and the patient feels despondent and half sick all the time. But worst of all, if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and Catarrh terminates fn Consumption, the most fatal of all diseases." You cannot get rid of Ca tarrh by treating it with sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., because they only reach the membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the trouble is in the blood. These relieve the annoying symptoms for a time, but the poison is all the while getting a stronger hold on the system and when they are left off will manifest itself in worse form than before. S. S. Si is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and when it has cleansed the blood, this pure, rich stream circulates through the body, carrying healthful properties to the diseased parts. Then the inflamed membranes and tissues begin to heal, the dis PIIRFIV VFRFTAfllF the blood and removes all effete matter runcui ItUtlHULt. Md catarrhal poison and cures the dis ease permanently, and at the same time builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy non-injuiious to the sys tem and a certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferers will find our free consulting department helpful in advising local treatment to be used rith S. S. S. THE SWIFT SPECSFIG CO., ATLANTA, CA Her Miserable JT,nck, 1 First Summer Girl Did you hear about the miserable luck I had yester day? - Second Summer Girl No; what was t? First Summer Girl While In bath ing a man rescued me from drowning. Second Summer Girl Why, I'd call that good luck, ; First Bummer Girl But the man In the case Is married. ANTED A tract of 1,500 to 2,000 acres of pasture land in the Willamette valley, within fair distance of the railroad. Must be reasonable in price, well watered and in Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton or Polk county. Address, with full particulars, Buyer, No. 415 Marquam Bidg., Port land, Oregon. $1,000 To Be Given for Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal Card giving the first reliable news of chance to sell a horizontal steam engine of our styles, within our range of sizes. We do not want inquiries at this time for vertical, traction or gas engines. T ENGINES AND BOILERS have for years been the standard tor ill staam plant. Best of malarial ind workmanehlp. Our bif output enable! ua to aell on email prof its. An Atlas, tb beet la the world, Boat so more than the other kind. Wrif today for our tptcial off tr. ATLAS ENGINE WORKS SaUini hucIm la all dtlaa INDIANAPOLIS Corilai Enrlnea BlthSpaadEsshne Watar Tuba Boflm roorValn Eofinaa Compound Eaginaa Tubular Bollara antomatln Eminaa TfcrottUng oi tnaa rortabieBoUan AUaa tathue Is aarrloe 3,000,000 H. ?. ' atlaa BoUare la aartica 4,000,000 B. F. The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against liiperiment. What is CASTORIA Castoriiv is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms - and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. - The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years. tm aaarauai a hot, tt iiwut atam. mtm am. . in addition a dreadful case of Catarrh. My nose was stopped up, X had headaches, ring-iny noises in my ears and felt unfit for work. I com menced the use) of 8. S. S. on the recom mendation of a friend, and in short time it onred me sound and well. It put my blood in rood condition and I hare never had the slightest return of the Catarrh since that time. GEO. B. CARE, No. S09 Edgar St. Evansville, InA. and I had charges cease, the general condition of the system is strengthened, every one of the annoying and disgusting symp toms pass away, and the patient is left in perfect health. S. S. S. is the best remedy for Catarrh. It goes right into No Ruben's Work. , Mrs, Al de Mustahd And hare you any paintings by Rubens? Mrs. Justin de Bunch Mercy, no! All our pictures are by the best ar tists. Mrs. A. de M. But Rubens Mrs. J. de B. Don't tell me. I nev er saw a rube yet that could paint Cleveland Leader. European Breakfasts. Mark Twain, in speaking of the typi cal European breakfasts, said: "Do you know what' I'll do? I'll nail a piece of cuttle-fish bone to the chim ney, and every morning I'll hop up on the mantel and take a pick at it with a tin bill. It will be just as filling and much cheaper than a European breakfast " It is evident that Mr. Clemens pre fers the typical American breakfast dish of Pillsbury'a Vitoa with good cream and sugar. 4 ;.. Economical Thought. "Oh, George!" said Mrs. Youngman, "my canary bird's dead." "Yes?" replied her husband. "You're not grieving much." "No; you see, I can have it stuffed for my hat next fall, and then the rest of the hat won't cost you so much." Philadelphia Press. For bronchial trouMea try Piso's Cure for Consumption. It is a (rood oough medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents. The Inevitable Comparison. The aon of the old counterfeiter gazed critically at the bogus coins that the hopeful young apprentice spread before him. Then he shook his grizzled head.' "These are not as good as the dollars that father used to make," he slowly said. Cleveland Plain Dealer. riTfl Permanently Cared. ITo fits or nervousness II Id afterfirstday'suseofDr.Kllne'sUreatNerve Restorer. Send for Free US trial bottleand treatise. at. xu a mine, iao... vai Area bu, nuiaaelphla, Pa. - Empty. Dummeigh What about this canteen problem? ' r Brisque Oh, there's nothing in it!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Signature of SIDETRACK TARIFF Bate Regulation the Only Prch- Ism Before Coming Session. CONCENTRATION OF ATTENTION President Will Not Give Senate Any Excuse to Avoid Action by De bating In the Air. Washington, Nov. 28 .For various reasons President Roosevelt will not urge congress at the approaching ses sion to take up the question of tariff revision. He believes the railroad rate question is the most vital issue which confronts the people of the United States today, and he is- therefore un willing to bring to the front any other problem whose discussion would tend to postpone, if not defeat, legislation on Uut subject. He proceeds on the theory that the wont evil should be first cured. Alter four years' experi ence in the white house, and with a comprehensive knowledge of the meth ods resorted to by congress to defeat legislation which is distasteful, tin president is fully aware that he would materially decrease the chances of get-, ting rate legislation if he should make tariff revision an issue of equal import ance with the regulation of freight rates. He is aware that the senatt would quickly seize upon this opportu nity and concentrate its attention on a tariff bill, not so much with any ide of modifying the Dingley tariff as to distract attention and sidetrack tin rate bill before it reached a critical stage. There is other legislation which the president hopes to have passed beside the railroad rate bill, but he is mm anxious about that measure than an; other, and he will concentrate hip efforts to secure such a law as will, in his judgment, effectively check discrim inations of all sorts. He wants a law which will apply the "square deal" rule to railroad business, and if his in fluence, backed by public opinion, can bring it about, such a law will be writ ten on the statute books before the first session of the Fifty-ninth congress ad journs. CANAL ENGINEERS DEPART. Ridicule Reports They Have Changed Decision on Sea Level. Washington, Nov. 28. The five for eign delegates to the board of consult ing engineers of the Isthmain Canal commission left for New York today, and will sail for their homes. The will meet again in Brussels during the first days of January. General Davis will go to that city as representative oi the American members of the board. and will take with him the documents, which are not yet drawn up, and which then will nave to be signed by the for eign delegates. Speaking of published stones that they had reconsidered their first vote, one of the delegates made the following statement: "Whatever we have had to say will be found in the report which will shortly be in the hands of President Roosevelt. That we should change our vote on a subject to which for three months we had given the closest atten tion, and should change it merely be cause some parties are not contented with it, ib a great absurdity." Leave Isle of Pines to Cuba. WaBhington, Nov. 28. The Cuban government will be permitted to settle to its own satisfaction the existing trouble on the Isle of Pines. The State department has bo announced. Of course, if American citizens were to be unduly persecuted or maltreated be cause of any exercise by them of their right of freedom of speech or assembly, this government will tike steps to se cure for them justice. But if those Americans on the islands place them selves outside the pale of the law by refusing to recognize the authority of the Cuban government, they will have to take the consequences. Pesthouse Was Burglarized. Butte, Mont., Nov. 28. A Great Falls dispatch to the Miner states that the people of Teton county are in a In rore over what is believed to be a threatened epidemic of smallpox as the reBult of burglarizing of the pesthouse Several smallpox patients were confined in the detention house and the place has never been fumigated to the extent that it is believed that all danger of contagion is past. The people have been publicly warned by the health officials to be on the alert for any ap pearance of the direase. , Alias Have Acted. London, Nov. 28. The Daily Mail publishes the following dispatch from Mitylene, dated November 27: "Eight waiJbipi of the combined fleet arrived here at 8 o'clock this morning. Admi ral Bitter von Jedina, accompanied by the Aust'-"- consul, proceeded to the " - a in.9n 'l,i, ,i handed an tnm to the governor. At 1 o'ck 'upon 600 sailors landed an' oms and tele graph offic quiet." Govern1 Loudo' ent of th General has bear' '"wnissed correspond- xw says that of Moscow, ice owing to ags of the Thm Boy and ths Tav The wonderful strides In agricul tural science, as well as the vast In crease In the Insect enemies of grow ing things, has both boomed" and de terred farm work as a profession, so that the old-time Ideas of farming can not be said to bring success except in a very moderate degree. The farming of the future must be done by tue boys and'girls of to-day, and we owe it to our children to give them the best pos sible chance to gain knowledge which will help them In their life work. If the boy Is seriously interested in agri culture, it will be a paying Investment to give him a course in an agricultural college. v If one cannot afford the full course of four years, or if the boy Is not suffi ciently well educated to take this course, give him the shorter one of two years, or, better than nothing, let him take the short winter course of from ten to twelve weeks and study the particular branch in which he is interested. You will find that his in terest in the work will be enough greater to warrant the expense. True, he may not learn a great deal in the short course, but it will be enough to open his eyes to the possibilities, and he will be placed on the right track to study and work by himself. Talk to the boy about it, and write to the agricultural college of your State for detailed information. The North Pole, It is often said tLat, when the North Pole is discovered, there will be found Scotchman doing business. The Highlander always ranked foremost amongst the pioneers of the American West. His Herculean strength fitted him for frontier life, and to his con stant use of "porridge" for breakfast is attributed his splendid physique. This generation can be as brawny by eating FulBbury'a vitos. . . - . ' Cause and Effect. Mrs. Caller I see your husband is smoking again. I thought he had given it up. Mrs. Shopper So he did: but I found such a lovely smoking Jacket at bargain sale that he just had to commence again. Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh that Contain Mercury u mercury will surely destroy the sense o( amen ana completely derange me wuoie sys tem when enterine it through, the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never b used excepton prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do Is tenfold lo me gooa you can possiDiy derive irom tnem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains nomercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Ia buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by P. i. Cheney Si Co. Testi monials iree. Sold byDruggists, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family fills are the best. Professional Advice. The new doctor had been called In to see a lady with a swollen Jaw. "Does it hurt you to talk?" asked the pill dispenser. "les,'.' she replied. "Then don't," said the M. D. "Two dollars, please." Chicago Dally News. Mothers will find Ura. Wlnslow's Soothlns- Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the tenthing period. ' In After Years. W'ife But during our courtship you never objected to my talking.. Husband Of course not. Being talked to is one thing and being talked at is quite another. w mt 1 only, by company the front lit; i - VJfejJ3s '31 ,MmmromnA Kg Syrup (m:mmMl I I'cttH "TlYaj Ky'' '"'" ' " Ask Your QionDoctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take It. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for tiara colds, bad eoucha, and Influenza. It haa done me great good, and I believe It la the beat couch medicine In the world tor all throat and long troubles."--Eu C. STUiBT, Albany, Oregon. A Mads in by J. O. Tr Co., LoweU, Kaaa. Alao manulaetunrs cf 9 S1DQ1D1DII a 1IPPQ PILLS. MW O BAIKVlflOR. Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Hills at bedtime, just onev TkGtnuwTOWERi POMMEL SLICKER HA3BEEN ADVERTISED AND SOLD FOR A QUARTER OF A aNIURY. ) LIKE ALL l& CLOTHING. It44 made of the but Daterlala. in block or yellow. fully ouarantetd. and sold by reii&Dit dealer everwhere. STICK TO THE SIGN OF THE FISH. TOWER CANADIAN CO. liMtL A J. TOWER CO, toaONTO. CAN. SMTON.nASS.UVA. Stale. Stubb There goes Miss Flasher. Snys she is just back from Newport and her , complexion is as brown as a uut. Penn Yes, a chestnut. Height of Sea Waves. Careful experiments made by a noted English navigator along the north coast of Spain show that waves fre quently attain a height of 42 feet, which ia nothing compared to the rise of Fillabury'a Vitos in the estimation of people who like good, pure, common- sense wheat food. You will like it. Ask for it at your grocer's. Mnthods of the Magnates. Reporter And why do you carry a Waterbury watch? Itockysage To wind when I've noth ing else to to do. Reporter What do you gain by that? Rockysage I save time. Cleveland Leader. To Break In New Shoes. Always shake In Allen's Foot-Ease, s powder. It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At all dronirists and shoe stores, 26c. Don't accept sny substitute. Sample mailed FREE, Address Allen S. Olmsted, Ls Roy, N. Y. Peaceful. "Bobbins was tickled to death over the outcome of tbe Portsmouth confer ence. He is a radical advocate of uni versal peace." "That so?" "I should say soi Why, he offered to lick any one In the hotel who dis- I agreed with him on the subject." ThenningStroice If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. It Is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size all reputable druggists and that full name of the California Fig Syrup Co., Is plainly printed on of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. eMaaaaBaaa""""""i wmi in 1 gan Frrtinco. CoJ. SMli Hli AU US( (All. Cougb ajrruo. Taatea UoodITaa in time, eoia ny drugirl-tta. ALBERTA RAILWAY LANDS DIRECT FKOM THE COMPANY; PRICE M PER ACRK; 60 CENTS AN ACRK CASH PAY MENT, BALANCE IN NINK KQUAL ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS. ALBERTA RAILWAY CO., ifcil MOHAWK BLK., bPOKANE, WASH. A New Organ Delivered to any Rail ;$46 road Station or Boat Landing in Oregon Here Is a picture of one of the most perfectly finished organs now manufactured. It la tbe Pacific Queen, made especially for Kilers Piano House. Choice of fancy walnut or seleeed oak cases. Fine, very large beveled plate mir ror, perfectly lliiished; an ornament to any mansion. Numerous new and valuable Improvements are embodied in this organ, making It at one one of tbe best and most durable organs man ufactured In the United Stales. built with special regard to Paciflo Coast cllniflte. Hesides the regular reed tone, this instru ment also has xevernl octaves of the regular pipe eilects, to be found In no other inaks. Special Introductory offer. To Introduce this Organ ws are making moat exceptional concessions in our prices and terms and will deliver a perfect and fully guar anteed Orgnn freight paid, to any rallrc ad sta tion or boat landing in the state of Oregon for 16, on payment of H down and l a month. The fancier stylet etc., on same terms. Write us today, as this otter is limited only to the first 100 instruments. PORTLAND, OREGON Largest, Leading and Most Responsible West ern Dealers. Washington street, corner Park, Portland, Oregon, Sprague ave. and Post St., Spokane, Wash, 514 Market street, San Francisco, Gal. p. a a No. 48-1 90S WHEN -writing to advertisers pitas Die v Muii this paper. V-t:-;",v--1 , i- n- ; ""AlewVo'rkTfilrt TfTrT If i ' 'mm k4aaUlir- itrtaSltsfa-lilaaai i jllftrilf Himsalllaaaliil'l. 1 1 v