The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 01, 1905, Image 1

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.Just icreiviMl I'v rxpress a consignment of
Eastern Oregon Has a Touch of the
Cold WaveSeveral Inches of
Snow Here.
In Brown, Tan and Green
Agent for Butterick's Patterns.
All styles and
sizes for
all kinds of
The fiercest wiudstorni iu many
years prevailed on tne ureas juases
Tuesday night and Wednesday, caus
ing much damage to shipping aud
other property. Lake Michigau was
a mass of foam aud water driven nigh
on tbe heach and against tbe clay
bauks south and north of. Milwaukee.
The wind reached a velocity of 66
miles an hour on Lake Michigan,, but
on Superior the storm approached a
hurricane, reaching over 60 miles an
hour. The government lighthouse
and signal station at the end of Mil
waukee breakwater was battered by
the high seas. The entire east wall of
the signal station was smashed in by
the waves.
Three big steamers, the Mataafa,
the R. W. England and the Crescent
City, were driven ashore dnriug a
terriflo gale in sight of the lighthouse
at the Duluth entrance of the harbor
and some 27 men on the Mataafa are
believed to be lost
Eastern Oregon and Eastern Wash
ington is experiencing a touch of the
cold wave, and snow is universally
reported. Here at Athena sleighiug
is f airly good.
Wednesday all trains on tbe Spokane
hrnne.h of the O. R. & N.. were more
- - - '. i J. 1
or less delayed on acoouus oi mo
atoim. Some of the deepest drift
Biinonntored were in the vicinity of
Athena and Adams.
Pythians Begin Crusade.
At Walla Walla Tuesday night the
Knights of Pythias lodge petitioned
the city council to abolish the tender
loin district, located on Rose street
between Third and Fourth streets,
alleging that, the houses there are
disorderly aud a nuisance to the com
munity. The Knights own a build
ing at the corner of Rose aud Fourth
street which is now oocupied by Kees
and Gwiu, saloon keepers and gamb
lers. The lodge is taking legal action
to cause the tenauts to vacate the
If you are troubled with indigestion,
constipation, sour stomaoh, or any
other pain, Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea will make you well aud keep
you wen. ooc, J.ea or auuicuj.
Pioneer drug store.
Citlzrng of Vale Ietermlnl to Have
ltallroad Connection.
The citizeus of Vale, Malhour
couuty, held a meeting last week to
formulate a plan to construct a rail-
i road fioni that poiut to the O. S. L.
Three propositions were considered.
Oue is to go to Ontario, the other to
Nyassa and the third is to the nearest
point to the Oregon Short Line rail
By going on a direct line some two
or tmee miles or road uea can oe
saved. Ontario has been asked to
subscribe a material bonus but the
city has not reported as to whether it
would do so or not. Vale has rais.d
some $20,000 toward the project db a
bonus aud bas'put np a $600 forfeit
against a $1500 forfeit that has been
put up by the promoters.
Nyassa offers a large real estate and
cash bouus. One firm there has
agreed to deliver 160 acres of flue
laud rn the town of Nyassa, for terni
ina'l grounds, right of way, aud busi
ness block, worth all the way from
$13,000 to $15,000. The exact
amouut Nyassa would raise is uot
knowu at this time but it would easily
reach $25,000. It would require
some more mileage to reacn jNyassa
than the main line at its nearest
point. ,
Nyassa is growiug faster than auy
town in the country at the present
time. Three big busiuess blocks are
under way and others are to bo built
in the spriug.
It J Up ' fdD Yw!
I Remember its FREE. Come and see this machine. Read our offer I
A Natural Tone Graphophone Free I 1
Call at our store and hear the specially prepared records and assure yourself - 1
that it is the beht offered. Our Standard Talking Machine Free to every cus- 1
1 tomer whose cash purchase amounts to $25. Save your cash coupons. They I
are redeemable in a Graphophone, Christmas Novelties, Crockery, Glassware.
THE POPULAR - TRY XT Qr QPfYlW South Side Main street 1
GROCERS jjjjl 06 DOUJLl Athena, Oregon g
Mince leat for Pies
Well Yes, and
Its Mce and
- WA 1
I I in turn 1 1
J Oregon.
Sentence Commuted.
Governor Chamberlain has com
muted the sentence of Louis Moral,
who was sentenced from Baker
county, Nov. 20, 1903, to serve six
years in the penitentiary, nuder a cou-
victiou ' for burglary. Executive
olemeucy was exeroised upon recom
meudatiou of the district attorney,
also taking into account the immedi
ate restoration of the property taken
and the good conduct of the prisoner.
Moral, before the crime, was a cook
in a Baker City eating house, and on
the night the offense was committed
he lomed a couple of fellow cooks m a
carouse which resulted in his iutoxi
cation aud the crime followed, but
iu what way he was unable to tell.
Make Large District.
Residents of sohool districts Nos. 56,
63 and . 59 have signed a petition
prayiug that district No. 56 be - in
oreased in size, a portion to be takeu
from district No. 15 on the -south,
while district No. 59 on the west aud
district No. 63 on the east are to be
entirely included in . the proposed
large district. Helix is to bo tbe
center of the proposed district if the
plans proposed are carried out and
tbe school facilities at Helix will be
materially increased. Another room
will bo added aud a corps of three
teachers will be employed. '
Another Trip Inland.
The Portland busiuess men are plan
ning on inakiug another inland trip,
this time to points iu Eastern Oregon
and as far as Boise, Idaho. Tbe time
has not been set yet, but it will prob
ably be next spring or summer. The
business men are, however, arranging
for it now and have written to the
mayors of tbe cities in tbe eastern
part of the state to find out when it
would be best to make the trip, which
would last three days, including stops.
Shot Up the Town.
After drenching himself with bad
whisky all day long, Bill Chapman, a
youth scarcely more than 20 sum
mers, procured a 88-calibre Ivre John
son hammerless revolver and proceed
ed to terrorize Pendleton citizens in
typical border style, says the Tribune,
Had it not been for his poor marks
manship there would undoubtedly
been three or more men dead or fatal
ly wounded as a result of his attempt
to "shoot up the town."
Dedicated a Large Church.
On Sundav at North Yakima tbe
new Methodist Episcopal chuich,
which cost $30,000, was formally ded
icated. The buildinar. which holds
1.200. was crowded to its capacity
The dedication sermon was preached
by Bishop David Moore, of Portland,
aud many prominent men in tbe In
land Empire were proseut. A special
program of music was also rendered.
To Attend Dedication.
Invitations issued by the Pendleton
lodge of Eagles to prominent members
ot the order, to deliver addresses at
the dedication ceremonies to be con
ducted at the new temple, December
15, have been accepted by two of tbe
gentlemen invited aud it is assured
that both John Cort and Del Cary
Smith will be present, says the Tii
Big Profit in Small Tracts-
On one 20 acre tract in tbe Ok an
ogau country 200 tons of apples were
raixed and a conservative estimate of
the crop gives $10,000 as the net re
tnrns. This, however, is better than
the. averace. as tbe crop last year did
not amount to nearly these figures
From oue acre of laud one rancher
J made $0000 iu tomatoes this year,
Companion of Walla Walla Woman
' Terribly Beaten
Walla Walla, Nov. 29. William
Wilsou. while ridiug with the wife
of G. W. George today was overtaken
by Mr. Georgo, who at the poiut of a
revolver, lorced Wilsou out, made
i him take off bis overcoat and hold
' up bis hands, while he proceeded to
belabor him with a heavy ridiug whip
over the head uutil he could hardly
stand. He was then compelled to get
into the buggy with Mrs. George aud
ordered to proceed to Walla Walla
aud summon a pbysiciun.
Mr. George came to the city aud
posted his wife iu the newspapers.
Later Wilsou swoie out a warraut for
the arrest of George for a guu play,
but George had not beeu arrested up
to a late hour tonight.
Georgo, who resides ou the Walla
Walla river, about six miles from the
city, says Wilsou has been paying
Mrs. George atteutious.for tho past
two mouths. Monday, Georgo alleges,
Wilsou came to his house and was
invited in by George. Today when
his wife drove to Walla Walla, the
husbaud followed on horseback uud
saw Wilson, join her. As they left
the city the iufuriatod husbaud over
took them, when an oxcitiug scouo
Mr. aud Mrs. George have
married 22 years, and have four
dreu, two of whom are' grown. ,
George's friends say there is nothing
wrong between her aud Wilsou, but
that the husbaud is insanely jealous.
It Will Be a Civil Action to Legally
Establish Title to Sand
AVIille Treo Cricket, Imported From the
KiiHt, KhU Vine.
Oregon has a new fruit pest, which
wus discovered Tuesday, xne uame
of the bug is the white tree cricket,
and its special object seems to be to
destroy raspberry bushos. What the
pest cannot eat it destroys, aud unless
the insect is destroyed the whole state
is threatened to have its berry bushes
killed. The bug is common iu the
East, but this is the first timo it is
known to have come west of the
mountains, and it is believed that it
was introduced by the importation of
some raspberry liushes from east of the
Rockies. Tho bugs work in a peculiar
way. They bore or Bting iuto the
bark of the bush and deposit their
eggs. Those eggs when they batch
start to eat into tbe heart of the- bush
and kill it iu that wny. In some cases
the whole inside of the stems on tbe
bush are hollow. Those found i
near Portland. .
Fuel Scarce at Rnzville-
Kitzville, Nov. 29. A snowstorm
began hpre Sunday and still prevails,
which brought with it the coldest
wave of tbe season. The temperature
has beeu 10 degrees above zero, and as
result the fuel famine that has been
on here with varying otfect for six
mouths is now severely felt. When a
car of wood or coal is left ou tho
switch it is only a few hours uutil it is
gone. If fuel is not secured in a short
timo tho schools here will have to
close for want of coal.
Stock Company Formed.
Articles of incorporation of Cunning
ham Sheep Land Co. have beeu filed
iu the office of the couuty clerk
the incorporators being J. N. Burgess
M. Koouey and It. A. Kelsay. Tb
compauy is capitalized at ipvu.ouu
there beiug 700 shares valued at $ 100
each. The object of the company
to buy, sell and deal in sheep, cattle
and stock of all kinds. Tho principal
office of the company will be at Pilot
Hard to Find Sleeping Place.
At Konuewick laud seekers are com
pelled to find sleeping quarters in all
kinds of out of tho way places. Tbe
hotels are crowded and turning people
away aud all tbe billiard halls iu the
town rent the tables out at night as
beds. A store building is being re
modeled iuto a boarding house as rap
idly as possible. A great deal of real
estate is changing hands.
Licensed to Marry
Marriage licenses have beeu issued
to the following : Ned R. Crounse of
Multnomah county, and Elizabeth J.
Taylor of Umatilla county ; James L.
Hanshaw of California, and Lena
Bontley of Umatilla county ; Robert
W. Kaseberg of Sherman conuty, and
Ted Inkman of Umatilla county.
The suit soon to be filed by Washington-against
Oergon to determine
the boundry liue at the mouth of the
Columbia river, has a bearing on
several important questious.
When the boundry hue was tlxod by
the enabling act, Sand Inland, at the
mouth of the Columbia, was not more
than ouo third as large as it is now.
The north boundry line fixed by
congress begius at a point one league
from the coast due west, and opposite
the middle of the north ship channel
of the Columbia river, thonce easterly
to aud up the middle channel of said
river, and, where divided by islands.
up tbe middle channel to a point near
Fort Walla Walla.
Should the supreme court hold that
the bouudry line now follows along
the sumo line that it did at the timo
it was fixed by oougress, nearly all
Sand island will be iu the state of
Wnshiugton, the north channel of tho
river having changed. Sand and
sediment has beeu deposited along the .
north shore of Sand island, so that it
is now about three timos as large and
tho north ship channel of tho river,
whore it passes Sand island, a long
way north of where it was iu 1841.
Tbe state of Oregon has always
claimed title to Saud island, on the
ground that tho north ship channel of
tjie Columbia river was the northern
bouudry of the state. This beiug tho
case, all Saud islaud would be in tho
state of Oregon.
The state land board has disposed
of all the land comprising Sand
islaud as well as several other islands
further up the river, which are now
claimed by - Washington. ' If the
supreme court decides that the state
of Washiugtou's contention is right,
then Oregon will have to pay Wash
iugtou for tho land sold ou Sand
island, and other islands north of the
boundry line, and besidos Washing
ton will obtain jurisdiction over a
large tract of valuable fishing ground.
Consumption Is Curable-
Consumption is curablo, according
to Health Commissiouor Darlington,
who spoko at the oponing of tho Amer
ican tuberculosis exhibition in Now
Tho lirst thing to do," said Dr.
Darlington, "iu combatting tuborculo
sos is to eduoate. Consumption is cur
able. Of tho oases which we have
takeu iu the lust stages 8 per cent
recovered aud 60 por cent were able
to returu to work. Ot sohool children
examined, 18 per coat had something
the matter -vf-itb them, aud many of
thorn are opeu to consumption. !
"Tho uso of - alcohol isj'-dnath in
tuberculosis . If people would, leave
alcohol uloue tuoy would greatly de
crease the rate of death among , con
sumptives. Only four things aro
necessary in the treatment of this dis
easo sunlight, fresh air, good food
aud rest."
Statistics, pictures, models from all
parts of the couutry are included in
tho exhibition, which will bo con
cluded December 9.
Tbe regular aunual meeting of the
stockholders of tbe First National
Bauk of Athena, Oregon, for the elec
tiou of directors for the ensuing year
aud for the transaction of such other
business as may lawfully come before
it will be held in its office in Athoua,
Oregon, on Tuesday the 9th day of
January, 190(1, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m.
Dated December 1, 1905
F. S. Le Grow, Cashier.
If ton rfintnriTitnf:ft THirchaHilu?
graphophone lead Ely & Scott's ad
elsewhere in this uwue and learn how
to get oue ubsoluttly free.
Man'i lJnreHoiiHllenea
is ofteu as great as womau's. But
Tbos. S. Austiu, Mgr. of tho "Re
publican," of Leavenworth, Iud., was
riot unreasonable wheii he refused to
allow tbe doctors to operate ou his
wife for femalo trouble. "Instead,"
be says, "we concluded to try Electric
Bitters. My wife was then so sick
she could hardly leave her bed, and
5 physicians had failed to relievo her.
After taking Electric Bitters she was
perfectly cured and can now perform
all her household duties." Guaran
teed by Wm. McBride, druggist, price
Settle Up.
Those knowing themselves to be in
debted to Wm. McBride, of tho Pal
ace drug store are requested to call at
the store at once and settle up.
1 Thank the Lord!"
cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock,
Ark., "for tho relief I got from Buck
len's Arnica Salve., It cured my
fearful running sores, which nothing
else would heal, aud from which I had
suffered live yeais." It is a marvel
ous healer for cuts, burns and bruises.
Guaranteed at tho Palace drug store ;
25c. .
For Sale.
The desirable piece of real estate
on Main street known as tho- Garden
property is now offered for salo. For
price, apply to Charles Norris, Ath
ena, Oregon. tf
To Care Conatlwllon Foreer
CVe Vtuteunt Candy Cathnrlic. lOoorSSo.
(J. C. C luU, to cute, Uf utwtUi fufuuit luouu
, i