DOFT DE&ET The Offering of 10 per cent Ends Saturday Night For further particulars see Tuesday's isiue of this paper. Suits Altered Perfectly or Your Money Back. We are the only Exclusive Store in Walla Walla "We send our buyer twice a year to New York City to get the latest styles. IF YOU BUY IT HERE IT'S GOOD Next Week we Start our Annual Thanksgiving Sale AT UNAPPROACHABLY LOW PRICES. If you have not purchased your wearing apparel now is your opportunity. WALLA WALLA 24 EAST MAIN STREET Walk up the right hand side of Main street until you see us. CASE IN DECEMBER GOVERNMENT DECIDES TO TRY HERMANN IN OREGON. Congressman Will Have to Answer the Portland Indictments Before Others. A Washington spooial to the Oregon Daily Journal says it has been de cided by the government to try Con pressman Hermann first nudor the in dictments bronght against him in Ore gon. No spooido date has been set for the trial, whioh will take place in Portland, but it is thought by Secre tary Hitchcock and District Attorney Franois J. Heuey that the trial will be set duriug the early part of Decem ber. It was at first ooutemplated to try Hormauu in Washington under the in dictment found against him alleging destruction of government records. The local district attorney, however, has several oases on hand growing out of the allogod frauds iu the postoffioo, whioh have precedence, and must 1 heard before Horiuaun's case can be reached. So it has been decided to try Hormauu under the Oregon iudict weivta first. Attorney Heuey will leave Washing ton tho latter part of the week for Portland. Three iudictuiouta are peuding against Congressman liiuger Hermann iu this state. The snddeu decision of Secretary Hitchcock and tho depart ment of justice to bring the Oregon indictments to trial iu advance of that found iu tho District ot Columbia will caiwe some surprise, nud it was be lieved iu many quarters that Her mann would be tried first at Washing ton. The three iudiotuiouU pending iu thisatuto are knowu respectively as the "Butter creek case," the "Blue Mountain conspiracy" aud the "117 case." Iu the first named Congress man Hormauu was iudicted joiutly with W. W. Steiwer, Franklin Pierce Mays, Edwin Mays, John II. Hall, C E. Looiuin, H. H. Heudricks and others, on the charge of feuciug gov ernment lands. It is generally sup posed that this case will not be the first ouo to bo tried, though District Attorney Heuey has as yet given no indication as to the order of trials. The Blue Mountaiu case is one of the most famous of all the indict ments returned iu the course of the Oregon laud fraud investigations. Senator John H. Mitohell, Congress man Hermann, Congressman William son, State Senator F. P. Mays, Willard N. Jones and George Sorenson were iudicted on the charge of conspiring to defraud the government of 200,000 aores of laud within the boundaries of the Blue Mountain forest reserve. The indictment alleges that the fraud was to be accomplished largely by moans of fraudulent purchases ' of state school lands iu Crook, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Baker, Union, Umatilla and Wallowa counties, such lands lying within the boundaries of the proposed reserve. Incidentally the case involves the operations of the ring whioh was robbing the state ot its school lands by means of forged applications aud dummy applicants. The third indictment in which Con gressman Hermann is named as a de fendant has to do with the transactions of the Puter ring in township "11-7," and also brings in Puter's famous story of the paymont of $2,000 to Sen ator Mitchell for his services in ex pediting the patenting of fraudulent claims. The other defendants besides Hermann are Senator Mitchell, S. A. D. Puter, Horaoe G. McKinley, Emma L. Watson, Dau Tarpley, E. K. Brown, Mrs. Nellie Brown, Henry A. Young, Frank H. Walgamot, Clark E. Loom is aud S. B. Oriusby. All of the de fendants are alleged to have been par ties to a conspiracy to defraud the govoruuiout of its lands and the in dictment sets forth the alleged pay ment of 3,000 by Puter to Senator Mitchell at Washington on March 9, 1002. Under $500 Bonds, v. Having eutered a plea of not guilty to the charge of rape said to have been committed several months ago upou the young daughter of B. F. Myrick, Ela Weiuuott, a farm hand, was bouud over yesterday under 500 bail to await the action of the court, by Jndge Fitzgerald, says the Tribune. Weiuuott was captured near Dayton a few days ago . aud aneeted upon the charge which had been entered agaiust him for several mouths. He was working in the Helix couutry wbeu the crime is alleged to have been com mitted aud immediately afterwards he disappeared and was not located until last week. ' Barbers Examined. The members of the state barbers' commission have visited Pendleton aud found three barbers there work ing without license as required by law. Tom Scott, colored, wag fined $10, W. J. Courtney was turned over to the district attorney, and J. Oli pbant could not be found ' by the officers. "1 Thank the Lord!" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "for the relief I got from Buck leu's Arnica Salve. It cured my feaiful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which I had suffered five years." It is a marvel ous healer for cuts, burns and bruises. Guaranteed at the Palace drug store ; 25o. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of ' the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of Mary J.' Frakes, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern that Min nie M. Willaby has been appointed and qualified as executrix of the estate of Mary J. Frakes; deceased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, duly made and enter ed on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present them, with proper vouchers therefor, to Peterson & Peterson, her attorneys, at Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which said first publi cation will be made by order of said court, on Tuesday the 24th day of Oc tober, 1905, and the last publication on Tuesday the 21st day of Novem ber, 1905. Minnie M. Willaby, Executrix. Peterson & Peterson, Attys. for Estate. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of Samuel ' Ward, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that the under signed was duly appointed adminis trator of the estate of Samuel Ward, deceased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present them to me, with proper vouchers therefor, within six months from the date of this notice, at my office in Athena, Umatilla coun ty, Oregon. The first date of the pub lication of this notioe is, by order of the said court, Tuesday the 21th day of October, 1905, and the last publica tion will be made on Tuesday the 21st day of November. A. D. 1905. Peterson & Peterson, David Taylor, Attys. for Estate. Administrator. Tho Indian never liked work but ha wanted his squat to got woll as soon as possible si, thxt uhe could do tho work ft n d lot him hunt, therefore ho dug wipovse root fur her, for that was their great remedy for female weak nesses. Dr. Pierce uses tho same root called Blue Co hosh lnhis"Fa vorito Proscrip tion skillfully combined with other agents that makfl it more effective and protect the stomach from functional disturbance. On. IMkrcr'b Favorite PRKscRirTioK is not nor over was a "patent medicine," but it Is the carefully wrought out and thoroughly tested rail jnxxcrlptUni of a rail phfiKlcUm In a mil practice. Dr. Pierce's unparalleled success with this remedy was such that more wanted to use it than anyone doctor could attend to In a prlvato practice. This induced him to manufacture It on a sufficiently liberal scale to moot the demand. liy his own special processes, he ex tracts, combines and preserves tho medi cinal qualities of tho several Ingredients without tho use of alcohol (using chem ically pure glycerine Instead), thus ren dering it absolutely safe for any woman of any age and in any condition to use freely. Tho names of tiie ingredients are: Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root and Golden Seal root. Miss May Rohrback, No. 73 Amsterdam Avenue. Now York City, Treasurer of the Woman's Progressive t'nion, writes: "I had headache, backache, and was Tory nervous ; warrely able to sleep more than two hours at a time. I was advised to try Ir. IMoive's Favorite Prescription, and was delimited with the result. Within a week I was slceuhur splendidly. Continued using the 'Favorite Prescription ' for eight weeks, and then stopped, (or I was tcrfrrllu lefH. Ever since then your medicine has liecn my 'Favorite Prescription." too. I recommend It to every one." Constipation although a Uttlo ill, be gets big ones if neglected. Dr. Tierce's i'leasiint Pellets cure constipation. Public Notice. Notice is hereby itlven that I will apply to the Mayor and common council of the city ol Athena, Oregon, at a meeting tnereof to be held on the 5th day of Dec, W0S. for a license to sell spirituous, malt and viuoua liquors in less quantities than one quart, snld Honors to he soul only in a bulldliiK situated on t he eiist one-half of lot No. 8, In block 5, of catd city. J. W. Davis, latd Nov. Applicant. A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods tken best care or and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Ei press aud Baggage. L. M'LACIILAN PLASTERING AND CEMENT WORK. CISTERN BUILDER Leave orders at Gillie' Lumber Yard. Satisfaction Guaranteed. LA HUE MILLINERY CO We make a specialty of ... Hats Made to Order GARDEN BUILDING North Side Maiu St., :: Athena, Ore. "VHITE GHOSTS OF DEATH" CONSUMPTION and PNEUMONIA are prevented and cured by the greatest of all, and strictly scientific remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc., viz: R. KING'S U r nrin r n p-Nrr M W' n ft o For CONSUMPTION, COUGHS and GOLDS Cured of Pneumonia After Doctors Failed. "I had been ill for some time with Pneumonia," writes J. W. McKinnon of Talladega Springs, Ala., "and was under' the care of two doctors, but grew no s better until I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. .The first dose gave relief, and, by continuing its use, I was perfectly cured." fmdsi.oo ECTTRlflL BOTTLES FREE"v3 .Stb J PRICES 50c 3KECOHHBHDED, GUARANTEED f AMD SOLD BY l THE PALACE DRUG STORE THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE COOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month Btables on 2nd street, South of Alain street J. F. Wright, - - Proprietor - First CAPITAL STOCK. ..... .. ... $50,000 SURPLUS 12,500 Propel attention given to collections. '' Deals in foreign and domestic ex change." Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge -"V for keeping your valuable papers. ... .. . k T. J Kirk.'Vice-Preiddent. P. fc. Colburn', V Director R ' r.S.LeGrow.) W Y. 8. Lc GROW, Cashier. I, M. Kemp, Assistant Cashier CORilP'Y INCORPORATED. E endee Brushes --K 1 -4. SAVES THE HAIR FROM DANDRUFF For the Human and the Horse; for Floors and the Dishes Hardware Stock is Complete u et's fret Icauaintec .-. Cj Not in formal standoffish introductions, but with honest American freedom of speech. We aren't kidgloved, and we like the clasp of friendship and the straight look that gauges respect. We are here to sell Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes in fact everything for men, youths, boys, but before we begin, we want to be friends. Our merchandise is the best, but you must have faith in us before you have faith in our wares. Come in. You need not buy. 1 E""3 s 3 W li L WALLA WALLA, C""J 4 3 WASHINGTON fill C? a t) 2? : I