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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
Athena Mercantile Co. Miring Irom Business Commencing Thursday, Nov. 16, at 10 a. m., our entire stock of general merchandise will be closed out re gardless of cost. Our stores will be closed from Saturday evening, Nov. 1 1, until the above time and date to get ready for the sale. During this sale our stores will, open at 8 a. m. and close at 6 p. m.,except Saturdays. Our delivery wagon will be unable to call for orders hereafter. We have no time to enumerate the bargains we will offer. Come, see for yourself. Athena M rcantile Company South S de Main Street, Press Paragraphs "Canrille" touight. . ; "Monte Criato" tomorrow night Get your seats at Dell Bros, store. Mrs. Cookerlineof Weston, visited iu Athena yesterday. , - ,W, B. Taylor and wife went over to La Grande Wednesday. Mrs. Iaham Davis of Walla Walla visfted friends in Athena. ' Hugh Worthington made a trip out to the agency yesterday. ' ," Dale Preston made a" business visit i ' t 1 I i J TT..t-' 1TT J J ,. ' H. 0. Manela is iu town this morn ing from his Walla Walla valley ranch. . ',' :.. . VDr.' Plamondoa has purchased a Tjair of Norris' white bridles for his driving team. ' f Misses Ethel O'Harra and Anna Gerberdiug, of Weston, were iu the city yesterday. - Bert Cartano and Will Harden were in Pendleton Tuesday, returning home Wednesday. v Mrs. Harry Dorman and children, of Spokane, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wallace. ' ' Mrs. Lou gbeileuberger and Mrs. Hery Stamper of Weston, were in the city yesterday. "4 'Mi& Laura Bowles, of Walla Walla is in the city a guest of her sister, Mn.vF. 8. Le Grow.' Mrs. W. A. Graham and Mrs. J. T. Michael, of Weston, were visiting rel atives in Athena Wednesday. Another case of diphtheria is re ported at Pendleton. The victim is a child of Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Leeper has left for a visit to rpiafivps in Iowa and Illinois She will remain in the East until spring. There vet remains a few of our who are delinquent in their subscription. This is paying np ume. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bette will -lei iaava Knnriav evmiine lor a two n.ntw irwit at th old home m JNew York. Mm. David Roberts and her sister. Mrs. Chas. Dupnis, were shopping at r,nr ofnroa Wednesday between trains. from Weston. Mm. Wnrthintrton. accompanied by Mra. Rlanche Artz, who baa been iuiH',, hnr nnr.lB. Rev. Evans, drove over yesterday to Weston. Mr. Gus Hurley of the Willamette valley has been the guest of Athena f rifim?s for several weeks. Mr. Hurley will engage in the newspaper business at Vale, Ore. Mrs. Wi!l McCollnm left this niorn ir for a vkit to tbe family of W. D. - .rker at St Jonns, wasn., oeiorc J proceeding on her way to their new home in the Alberta country. Attorney Peterson has received in telligence of the death of Judge John H. Bowman, with whom Mr. Peterson . . . Athena, Oregon studied law in Johnson City, Tenn. For years Judge Bowman was one of the leading members of the Tenn essee bar, and was a man of brilliant literary attainments. Mrs. Tittsworth and family now occupy the borne reisaence in trie north part of town. Mr. Tittsworth is living on his homestead near Cam bridge, Idaho. N. Swaggart, the aged father of the aggart boys residing north of town, is reported to be in failing health. For sometime the old gentleman has resided in Pendleton. The old Yellow hawk mill burned at Walla Walla Tuesday evening. The mill was built iu 1872 by Charles Kinzie. It was the oldest mill built in Walla Walla county. Mrs. John JRothrook, who with her husband and family moved to this city f-om their farm near Pendleton, is ill at their heme in the north part of town with a slow fever. The ladies of Weston Violet Lodge, Degree of Honor, will give an oyster supper tonight in h&t city. They in vite Athena people, and assure tneni of a hearty supper and a good time, alitor 25 cents. A handsome monument has recent ly been erected at the grave of Grand ma Fountain, in the Weston Masonio oemetery, by her children. The stone is of white and grey marble and was rested at a cost of f 110. K2Rm. Tompkins and Root Coppock. wo of Athena's most prosperous and influential farmers, have acquired the Alberta fever, and are at present on the north side of the line with tbe ex pectation of investing in land. hTitta his i later is ha six horse team Joe Ban- hauling 90 sacks of wheat from the Kerr-Gifford warehouse at Weston to the Preston-Parton mill in this city. Tbe Preston-Parton Co. purchased 7000 sacks from the Kerr- Gifford Co. at Weston. Craghead & Hays have sold for H. McArthur to Jacob Shubert 120 acres of. land in the Walla Walla valley north of Athena. Consideration $4 per acre. This land is not to be con sidered of wheat raising qualities. Clyde E. Gray, field solicitor for the Promoter, was in town yesterday and called at the Pj-esa office. From Mr. Gray it is learned that the Promoter people will devote an issue of the paper to a "write-up" of Athena. An exebanee savs tbe only business man we ever met who kept busy with out advertising was au Arkansas grocer who was afflicted with seven year itch and carried a Waterbury. Wheu he was not scratching he was winding his watch. Vkev. G. W. Kigby, of Pendleton, fjuelirne pastor of tbe Athena Meth odist Episcopal church, and who hag tbe distinction of having married more couples during bis pastorate than any other four pastors of the M. E. church will preach here next Sunday morning and evening. Tbe consolidated sale of the Good-man-Steen Shorthorn stock at the Hudson Bay ranch Wednesday was not a success, and tbe sale was aunuled after a few of the cboioe registered animals had gone ondei the hammer at sacrifice prices. C A. Barrett of this city attended the sale and was tbe fortunate purchaser of "Bud S," a registered bull sired by Ladd's prize--winning Shorthorn, "Count Gentry." Mr. Barrett's bid was $45, and f 100 would not have been taken for the animal before the sale. One bull sold for $110, the highest price brought by any animal put up. Fifteen head of registered heifers sold for $36 per head. Athena's football team meet each evening for the purpose of practicing signals, etc. The boys are earnest in their endeavors to give Athena gilt edge football sport and should be en couraged iu their efforts. Suits and paraphenalia will be needed to make the team presentable on tbe field and to bring sucoess and victory, and for this purpose a subscription paper will be circulated to secure the necessary wherewith. Give the boys a lift they'll ginger tip the old town. Nauton (Alberta) News: John Mo Iutyre, Ed Taylor, Archie Mclutyre aud William McCollum arrived here this week, bringing with them four carlonds of effects and 34 work horse's, which show that they are here to do something. Tbe two gentlemen first named reached here Thursday and the two latter Saturday night All had previously secured land by homestead and by purchase. . . J. W. Jenkins has gone for a short trip through the Yakima and Kenue wick country. He will be home iu time to hold the regular services at tbe Christian Chnrch Sunday. The second of the illustrated course of lec tures will be given ' Sunday evening. By spocial request - Joseph N. Soott will sing the "Holy City" which will be illustrated by sixteou beanti f ul colored views. The ladies of the Christian church announce that they will give their annual Thanksgiving turkey and chicken-pie dinner, in the church dining room, on Thanksgiving Day. All who have heretofore patron ized these sumptuous dinners will not fail to come and enjoy the good things this year. Come, bring your family and friends, and be thankful that Atbeua has so many good cooks. The return of Mayor Hunt to Walla Walla yesterday morning "is said to have been responsible for an order be ing issued from police headquarters last night to close down all cash slot machines operating in the city, says the Walla Walla Statesman. It was a noticable fact that the merry whirl of the seduotive machines iu several downtown saloons was absent last night and the usual crowds hovering around the gambling devices were not in evidence. On account of remodeling work not being completed there will be no serv ices at the Baptist churoh Sunday. Wheu the improvements now under way are finished the Baptists will have one of tbe neatest little edifices to be found in the county. Tbe audi torium is being repainted and re papered, new pews have been put in and the building is to be warmed with a furnace, (jeorge S. Martin, at one time part owner with Irve McQuary in the Athena Press, was in the city this morning ou the way to his home in Mohler, Idaho. After leaving Athena Mr. Martin went to Nez Perce City, where he conducted a newspaper.. Later he went to Mohler, where at preseut he is engaged iu tbe general merchandise business. , Mr. and Mrs. Curry, eye sight specialists of Walla Walla who have been making regular trips to Athena, will make their next visit Tuesday Nov. 21, for one day only, at the St Nichols hotel. This is a good oppor tunity. They guarantee their work. Mr. and Mrs. Curry have made regxt-: lar visits' to Athena for the past three y ears. . Eyes examined free. . MVednesday night James Stewart as suddenly stricken with appendi citis and yesterday was taken to a "Walla Walla hospital, where last night an operation for tbe removal of the appeudix was made. Dr. Stone, who assisted in the operation, return ed home this niorniug and says Mr. Stewart is doing as well as could be expected. L. MoLacblan, a plasterer aud cement workman of experience and ability finds Athena much in need of a man of his trade, and has decided to permanently locate here. Mr. McLochlan guarantees work by bim to give thorough satisfaction. Orders left at Gillis' Lumber Yard will re ceive prompt attention. PARKER & LANE'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. 1SIII HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEvren's. New Shirt Waists just arrived at Manasse's. Prime coru-fed lef and pork at It. J. Boddy's, See the fine cut glass for sale by C. A. Barrett & Co. 'a. Try a Flor de Corona White House Grocery. cigar at the Craghead & Hays have s bar- gains iu business chances. Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured hams. They are delioious. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's. A delicious dessertWashington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. We still have the famous Coles air tight heaters. C. A. Barrett & Co. . Holly ribbons at Manasse's. See what tbe Delineator says about them. Ely & Soott have some choice sweet cider made from Milton apples. Try it' . Can't we show Rogers silverware? you some of our C. A. Barrett & Co. You should see the flue line of buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co. 's. Dell Bros, have a splendid line of gloves. , Prices are right and assort ment is large. . Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's.- From now until November 24, F. G. Lucas will pay the highest market price for turkeys. - Over 500 ladies' neck arrangements., a sample line, no two alike, atoue-half price. Call at Manasse's. Our selection of overcoats is now complete. It is marvelous how a finished ooat of the quality we show can be produced and sold for the price. Athena Mercantile Co. If you want he best vaiue, the best wearnig, the most np to date foot wear, we have now a complete stock of everything iu the shoe line for fall and winter wear. Athena Mercantile Co. -; ' We now have ready for your inspec tion , t4ip,rgipst comprehensive and spleadid showing of new styles iu meu's youths' aud boys' clothiug ever shown iu this part of the state. Athena Mercantile Co. Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Are you weak? Are you in pain? Do you feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35o at Pioneer drug store.' : -' A Dinaxtroui CtUHiiHty. It U a disastrous calamity wheu you lose your health, because indiges tion aud constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief oan be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills.- They build up your digestive organs, aud cure headache, dizziness,' colic, con stipation, etc. Guaranteed at the Palace drugstore; 25c. 1 For Sale. O. G. Chamberlain, the real estate dealer, offers for sale: One dwelling and three lots, $1100. One house, burn aud three lots, $800. A good cottage, outbuildings uud one lot, $1000. One dwelling, barn and three lots aud other choice city and farm prop erty. A inouutaiu farm of 166 acres, orchard and good buildings. Several good pieces of alfalfa laud near Peudletou. With the arrival of the house cleaning period the mind of the housewife naturally nrnstnthft matter of Caroets and Rues, and consequently she is confronted with two oroblems the cleaning up and water can be made to overcome the former, but the mistress of looks to the carpet dealer for help before she gets through with the floor. We Can Show the Goods WE for the stock of Carpets and Rugs carried by us this year is overwhelmingly greater than any we have purchased heretofore. This is saying a great deal, for our stocks of the past were not to be " sneezed at" Now is the time to make your purchase. ir Miller, the Rustler, A simple rule to make life a joy is to When shopping do not forget that can be obtained. Vor iww Cash (EZ Tea, Coffee, Spices, Kxtructa and bih grade Canned Goods a speciulte 7i JiiiuiaiuiiiiiiiaJiiaiiiiiiiiaiiiiumtiUiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiu ii IF' raii'MnBgn rrr rry. .-m -sr , '7 STT E E L THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. 150 Styles ''"er'oaS pX"?" ESTERBBOCK Works, Camden, N . 1. - ESTABLISHED 1865-- 5 Preston-Parton Milling Go. Our Barley Mill Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers J Waitsburg, Wash. - & FRESH BREAD DAILY & FINEST IN THE PRENDERGAST BAKERY SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. : ATHENA, OREGON. process and the coverings ww''Wlim CAN HELP HER 0UT drink a cup of that elegant Coffee 2 that sate "99" is the beet Coffee only at the Grocery PENS STEEL PEM CO, lohVs... NeWo. CM h All CtttflAHAp. - - Athena, Oregon 5 CANDIES TOWN for the floors. Now, soap, lye the household SP A Our Prices and Quality Mix Athena, Oregon 9 m :