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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
OT mm i m Your Traders Good'. Enough for ms On November 16th we will put on a Sale for the purpose of inaugurating prices that will completely clear up our present stock to make room for New Goods and to introduce new ideas and methods in general merchandizing f""""ff-'w"i are not made for a bankrupt stock, but are to be quoted on first-class, up to date merchandise. Remember, we're not retiring from business, and that you will find us year in and year out doing business in Athena. ikiiallUMJl!D, 1 The store where you always get the Most for Your cTWoney. ii The store that never bilks you with a shoddy bankrupt stock. A This Sale, whidi Contto and nothing is reserved. We will not deceive you. We don't practice deceit in our business and won't begin it here. When this Sale winds up and the final hour has come, we are going to put new methods and new ways into effect, and make this the greatest establishment of this city. In fact, we are going to make it the Temple of Economy, the Bee Hive of the people; the Fountain Head of the city; the great store for the.people to gather in, and the greatest Cash fathering Store within 20 miles of here. We are going to make it the Penny-Saving Store as well as the Dollar-Saving Store for all. th'e people. We are going to make this house for the masses and not the classes, which it always has been and always shall be. The people are marching to the Temple of Economy, The Fair, and laying in their supplies, saving dollars and cents and getting the best grade of goods in this city. Not the culls and old, bankrupt stocks, but first class, up-to-date goods. New goods, bought this fall. Come and and see for your self and lay in your supply of Dry Goods, Ladies' Furnishings, Shoes and everything in the Hat line, and in fact, everything you want you will find in our. up-to-date Dry Oooas btore. Underwear Department We will put on sale a large job lot of Men's Undershirts, regular price, 50o to 60o, Closing out Sale price, 25c a Garment. Men's fine all-wool Underwear, reg ular price $3. 60, going at cloning out price, 11.00 a garment Men's fine grey all wool Underwear, regular price $1.50 a garment, closing out price, $1.20. A very fine all woal garment, grey, regular prioe $1.25, closing out prioe 95c. One of the best offers of the year. You can't afford to miss our Heavy Fleeced lined Underwear. Regular price 50o a garment, closing out prioe, 35c a Garment." Heavy Fleeced Ribbed, piuk color, a snap at 89c CHILDRENS UNDERWEAR This line is cut deep. Too ruauy to mention. We carry the heavy Fleeced and the Bibbed in grey, camels hair and all wool. WOMENS AND MISSES UNDERWEAR. One hundred dozen going at a prioe that you can't resist Women's Heavy Fleeced Ecru, regular price 85o, clos ing out price, 23c a Garment. We have these garments in different colors. A better garment with Silk Taped and heavy, regular prioe 50o, closiug out prioe, 38a WToneu's all wool Garments' worth a dollar, closing out price, 78c The Oueita Union Suits, closing out price, 82o. Our regular uoushriukable Gar ment, price 75o, closing out prioe, 60c HOSIERY. Ladies' Fleeced Liued Hosiery Heavy Fleeced, Rib top, regular price 35c, closing out prioe, 19c. Heavy Fleeced, Rib top. regular price 20c, closing out price, 15c Heavy Fleeced Hemmed top, regular price 15o, closing out price, 11c Our all wool Hose, regular prioe, 85o, closiug out prioe, 37c Our all wool Hose, regular prioe, 2e, closiug out price, 19c A flue oottou Hose, regular price, 18o,(clomag out price, 15c A flue cottou Hose, regular price, 16o, olosing'out price, lie A very good cotton Hose, regular price, 10c, closing out prioe, 8c RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES If you want Ribbons, if you want Embroideries, if you want silks, silk Thread of any description whatever, We have them. Prices cut .deep and you can't afford to miss them. MEN'S SWEATERS. Boy's Cotton Sweaters in Red and Blue, regular price, 50o, closing out price, 88o. . Men's all wool Sweaters, in all col ors going at a sacrifice Our regular $1.25 garmeut, closing out prioe, 98c Our regular $1.50 garment, closing out prioe. $1.27. Our regular $3.25 garment, closing out prioe $1.78. Our regular $2.50 garment, closing out prioe, $3.10. Our regular $2.75 garment, closing out price, $2.35. Our regular $3.00 garment, closing out prioe, $3.68. RUBBER GOODS. We have a large new stock this tall no old stock that has been- carried over from year to year, but a brand new up to date stock. Men's heavy Arctics, closing out price 98c. Men's heavy Snow Excluders, clos iug out price $1. 10. Meu's heavy Gum Boots, closiug out price $3. 50. Men's heavy Rolled edge Overshoes, closing out prioe 70c Meu's heavy cloth top Overshoes, closing out prioe, 85c. Men's heavy one buckle Overshoes aud Felts, closing out prioe, $3.00. Ladies' three buckle Overshoes, closiug out prioe, $1.27. Ladies' fleece lined Overshoes, clos iug out price, 72c Ladies' rolled edge Overshoes, clos ing out price, 63c Misses Rubber Overshoes, closing out price, 87c Children's Rubber Overshoes, clos ing out price, 27c GRANITEWARE, ETC Grauiteware, Tinware, Crockery and Hardware, and Woodeuware We are closing out these lines at prices that will move them iu a short time We carry as large a stock as you will flud iu Atheua, and it will be to yonr iuterest to call at ouc and get your supply before the line are broken up. Sgf Tsar Notice Our Clothing Department Our Stock of Caps are the good heavy kind that draws down over the ears. Corduroy in different colors. Regular price 60c, closing out price. 40c Black Broad Cloth, new style, 60c caps, closing out price 40c. All our 35c and 25c caps going at 20c. Heavy Dock Lined Coats Double breasted, gray and brown colors, well made with laped seams. Regular price $2.25, closing out , price $1.75. Our single breasted, same as above, $1.85, closing out price $1.48. We a'so have a large line for boys which we are closing out at 75c, 90c and $1.00. Sox for Men and Boys Now is a chanca of your lifetime to get good, hea vy, warm All Wool Sox. We have them in all grades for men and bo s. A heavy Wool Sock for 15c. Also a heavy Wool Sock for 20c. A very , heavy one in white and gry which we are closing out at 28c. Shoes for Everybody. Little Boy Blue come blow your horn, I haven't got a bunion, I haven't got a corn; my feet are as easy as they can be, for I am wear ing The Fair Store's Shoes, you see. You will see by the stamp they have on them that they are made by honest hands. Whether it is shoes you want for your wife, your mother, your daughter, for the . ..rUi .In tKow am hrr fnr vou. and th"'ire here at uauirn j i .iiwwwur viuvi n i " -. . 1 . r prices that ara talking out loud. Our Dress Goods Dep't We are closing out our Dress Goods at remarkable slaughtering prices. Our Black Brocaded, 88 inch wide, regular price 85o, closing out price 20o per yard; our regular 40o, clos ing out prioe 25o per yard ; our wgular 50o, closing out price 88o; our reg ular 60o closing out price, 40c In fact, everything is out down to the last cent in the Dress Goods line. OUTING FLANNEL. 25 pieces at 10c per yard, closing out price, 7)c 25 pieces at 8o per yard, closing out price, 6c 25 pieces at 7o per yard, closing out prioe, 5c 20 pieces at 6c, closing out price, 4ic ., - - - LADIES NIGHT GOWNS. . A lart?e assortment of Ladies' Night Gowns, made of heavy Outing Flan nel, nicely trimmed, in all colors: Our regular $1.50 grade, closing out price, $1.20. Our regular $1.35 grade, closing out prioe, $1.15. - Our regular $1.25 grade, closiug out price, $1.00. Our regular $1.00 grade, closing out price, 85c Our regular 75c grade, closing out price, 68c s LADIES' GOLF GLOVES. Both in plain Black and in all col ors, our 50o line going for 89c , Our regular 85c line, closiug out price, 26c Waists and Wrappers. We have a large assortment of Ladies' Waists and Wrappers. We are cutting the prices right in half. Sheeting and Muslin. - Our stocks of sheetings and Muslins are complete. Come in and see us and get our prices before you buy. . JACKETS AND COATS. We guarantee that we can save you money on these goods cut right in twe BLANKETS. We have but a few left You must come quick to get any of them if you need them for the closing out prices will make them move FASCINATORS. In all colon and in all grades. Prices are too good to tell of. Drop iu and see for yourself. SILKS, DRESS TRIMMING. 22 in. Jap Silks, all colors, closiug out price, 87c 22 in. China Silk, all colors, closing out price, 25c. -..; Satins in all colors, closing out price, 850. Silks in all shades and in all grades cut deep for closing out sale. . DRESS SKIRTS AND UNDERSKIRTS. Ladies' Walking Skirts, latest Fall aud Winter cloth and styles, all shades. Plaited, kilted aud tuckedt flaring bottoms, all lengths, for this closing out sale, 78c, $1.48, $1.98, $2.25, $2.78, $3.85, worth twice the money. Black Underskirt, tucked aud ruffled, worth $1.25, sale price 69c. Silk 'Underskirts in changeable colors worth $5.00, closiug out price $3.89. , ' LACES. J ' Torchon Lace, per yard 6c, 7c, 8c, closing out sale price 3c. Valenci ennes Laces- worth Sc. aud 6c. , clos ing out sale price 3c Silk Lace worth uvt oaig itva w. w . - - 85c, closing out price. 27c We have a large assortment to offer you at prices that will close them out at once. SEWING MACHINES. The Domestic kind. Every ma chine guaranteed. We will close them out at actual cost We will not carry them in stock any longer. It will pay you to get our prices on sewing machines, before buying else where. NOTIONS. Two boxes of parlor matches, for 5c, 2 bottles of ink for 50, 2 large pencil tablets for 5c, 2 paper pens for lc, 12 lead pencils for 10c, 1 card of large safety pins for 3c, 1 box of hair pins for 3o, 1 tooth brush for 10c, 2 bunches of envelopes for 5c, Dressing combs, each 8o, embroidery hoops each 8c, wire hair pins,- per package lo, Hooks and eyes, per card lc soap the good kind, always sold for 10c now 5c a o.?ke. 2 bottles of mucilage for 5c, 2 bottles of library paste for 5c, Hammer handles 5c, chair bottoms 8c, oil cans 8c, rolling pins 10c, stove lifters 8c, scrubbing brushes 8c. but ter paddles 4c, nest eggs "lc, curry combs, regular 25c seller, for 10c, norse orusnes rac, crepe paper in an colors, 8c, whips 10c, Imperial cement best on the market 10c, clothes hooks, per dos, 10c, cake turners 4c, mop sticks 10c r If 1 J iiSiiia's Big Pepartmsit OB. Jar rA ll..nn,.,,J V ,.Jk man, H'op&iaOG