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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1905)
wit We to you For we can save you money in your fall purchases. We are the only ex clusive house in Walla Walla cater ing to the wants of the Ladies, Wives and Children in READY TO WE AR GOODS We always have some snaps and we want you to get your share See Bargain Table Ladies' Dress skirts, Regular price $4-60 to $12 at. .$2.98 Bear Coats Complete line of Childrens White and Colored Bear Coats at. . . M, $3.50, $5 and $6 Coat Bargain Table See Bargain table of Childrens dark colored Coats. Prices .W.- $1.50 to $4.75 Ladies' Suits and Top Coats Complete assortment of Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Top Coats. Prices. ................... . $5 to $45 S Cloak and Suit House 24 East Main Street Walk up the right hand Bide of Main street until you see us. WESTON AND ADAMS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS FROM OUR SISTER TOWNS. Incidents, Events and Personal Men tion Found In the Leader and Advance. Weston. (Loader. ) Mr. Kara Clark and Minn Odwwa Thoruburg, a former student of the Enstoru Oregon State Normal School, wero wedded reoeutly at Granite, Uraut comity. D. P. Lavender lias bought the inde pendent warehouse building at Wes ton station from R. A. Dozier. The deal has nothing to do with the pres ent storage, and Mr. Dozier will re main in charge until March 1st. Lee Cauthoru and family left Mon day for their new home In Jewel county, Kansas, where Mr. Cauthoru will engage in farming. He has been employed for the past three years as moulder at the biickyard, and will be inirtwed by tho boys next schhou. Tho Weston rolle mills, after being practically rebuilt and enlarged to 60 barrels capacity, have begun grind ing flour under the management of their new owuer, Mr. J. J. Morton. The niachiuery is in first class condi tion and is working smoothly, au ex cellent grade of Hour beiug produced. 11. P. Johnson has commenced dig uiim wtutoes at Pairview Parni, and finds a much better yield than he ex pected, "spuds" being generally a TKior crop this yar. lie has between six and sftven acres, and will have nearly 100 sacks per acre. This is an excellent showing considering the dry season, for no rain fell on the potatoes from the time he plauted autil he. be gan digging. ; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McDaniel are preparing to leave in a few days for Sun Joaquin valley, Calif., where Mr. McDauiel bought several month ago a half section of land in the Tulare lake couutry. This he intends to re side upou permanently and will say good bye to Westou, where he has been a pioneer citiaeu. Mr. Mo Duuiel will ship no stock or farm implement, believing that it will be cheaper to purchase these after readi ng his destination. His sons, who have been farming iu Eureka Plat, will re main here. Under the patronage of . Mrs. Q. W. Proebstol, sr., a boy's club known as "The Juniors" has been orgauized at Weston. Its Object is tho improve ment, progress and pleasure of the young members, who conduct their business meetiugs with all the de corum that obtaius among delibera tive bodies of thoir elders. Mr. Calvert has kindly donated the use of part of his reading room at the Bazaar as a club room. Notice to Creditor!. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased. Kotice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern that Min nie M. Willaby bas been appointed and qualified as executrix of the estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, duly made and enter ed on the 17tb day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to present them. with proper vouchers therefor, to Peterson & Peterson, her attorneys, at Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which said first publi cation will be made by order of said court, on Tuesday the 24th day of Oc tober, 1905, and the last publication on Tuesday the 21st day of Novem ber, 1905. Minnie M. Willacy, Executrix. Peterson & Peterson, Attys. for Estate. Notice to Crediton. In the County Court of the State of Oreeon for Umatilla ikmnty. In the matter of the estate of Samuel Ward, deceased. Notice is hereby riven to all persons whom it may concern that the under signed jvas duly appointed adminis trator of the estate or Samuel wara, deceased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons havinz claims against the said estate are hereby notified and rennired to present them to me, wltn proper vouchers therefor, within six months from the date of this notice, at my office in Athena, Umatilla coun ty. Oresron. The first date or tne bud- lio.nt.ion of this notice is. by order of the said court, Tuesday tho. 24th day of October, 1905, and tne last publica tion will be made on Tuesday the 21st day of November. A. v. laus. Peterson & Peterson, David Taylor, Attys. for Estate. Administrator. To Sheep Owners. I wish to correspond with sheep owners with a view of taking from 1800 to 3000 head of sheep on shares or to purchase. Best of reference given. Address, ' W. Kulan Williamson, Pocatella, ldano. For Bale. The desirable piece of real estate on Main street known as the Carden property is now offered for sale. For price, apply to Charles fiorris, Atn ena, Oregon. tf Adams. (Advance.) Mrs. J. H. Kirby of Condon, is visiting a short time in this vioiuity. She says that Adams still looks good to her. Dr. P. A. Lieuallen, of Pendleton, visited this week at the home of his parents iu this city. He leaves for Portland tomorrow, where he will re main until February. Mrs. L. Culley, who has been en gaged iu the confectionery . business here for the past year, expects to leave for Fieewater next Monday, having sold out to Fred Blake, who will continue business at the old stand. , Chas. O. Carpenter returned Mon day from a trip to the Idaho country. He was not impressed with the out look, so be neither located a home stead nor boueht laud. The land was too rough and broken for his taste. Andy Weaver and E. Hibbs, of La Hrandu. were in town Saturday Thev were trvinir to dispose of a stock range iu the Blue mountains near La Gruudo but met with poor success here us our people raise wheat. There is quite a colony of beavers located a short distance above town, where they are now busily engaged in buildiug a dam. These little ani mals are so scarce now they are a veritable curiosity. As they haini nothing except the willows along the creek bauks, they should be left severely aloue. Eveu too many visit ors might prove distasteful to them. This is the ouly colony in this part of the country eo, far aa known, and when they get firaily settled, it will be something to show strangers. A good many of the people who think they are geuuiue frontiersmen, have never seen the beaver in his native haunts. 'o Cur Constipation Woreire. fKe Caswrels Cndv CUrtio. Me or SSO. liCli fall to cure, drugxuw refuatl money LA HUE MILLINERY CO We make a specialty of Hats Made to Order CARDEN BUILDING North Side Main St., :: Athena, Ore. PARKER & LANE'S Barber Shop Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage .for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. v. A -' ' . v r Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. p SilOIT LINE UriiQfl Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY tUIUHftU I llllllll.ll Blun.u t- - curs dally to Omaha, Chkmto; tourist Bleeping i i .... . i .. i ... .. . i. v. m. n ... n tourist sleeping car, personally conducted, weekly to l.'lilcaifo, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east dally ironi reuaieion. DEPART Dally. 4:53 p m. : .m. 7:M p. m. TIKI SCHEDULES ATHENA, ORE. Past Mall for Pon dleton, LaUrande, Baker City, ana an polnts.Mt via Hun tlngton, Ore,, Also for UinatUULHepp. ner, Tb. Dalles, foniana, Astoria, Willamette Valley Points, fatlforola. Taooma, Seat! le, all! ouna roinis. Walla Walla. DT-i ton, romcroy, uew Istoa. Colfax. Full- man, Moscow, the Couer d'Alen. dis trict. HiMikmie and ail points north. Mixed train Wnlla! wall and Intern. 'dial, points. ABUTS Dally. 9:57 a, b. 4:53 p. m. 13:30 p. in, Mixed, for Pendle-! ton and lutermedl-l 7:05 p m. at. point. I We have just added a line of Pyrographer outfits and supplies, which is all the rage. It is not a fad but is an art that has come to stay. In fact it is being taught in the public schools in the larger cities. With an outfit one can make many beautiful and useful Xmas and Birthday presents. For. those who do not care to do the work themselves, we have designs already burned, or can burn designs to order. The Flemish designs consist of nut bowls, placque3, pipe and stem racks, picture frames, tabourettes, cuff and collar boxes, glove and handkerchief boxes, extension book cases and waste paper baskets. , We also have leather Jn all colors, which when cut in various forms and then burned, make pretty doylies, pillows, etc. Get an Outfit Now. DoMot Delay You can spend many a plesant and at the sams time profitable hour with a burn ing outfit. If you do not understand the work, come in and we will gladly show you. FREE LESSONS TO ALL PERSONS PURCHASING AN OUTFIT. Bruce Wallace IiEe Pioneer Drug Store North Side Main St. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AKD FEED STABLE IS' mm , T . . s --" a ffl I GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHEO WHEN DESIREO- Uorsea boarded by the day, week or month Stables on 2nd street, South of Main street J. r. Wright, - Proprietor A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for express anu Baggage, iBank National of Athena CAPITAL STOCK.. .$50,000 SURPLUS,.. 12,500 Propel attention given to collections. Deals in foreign und domestic ex change. Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge . for keeping your valuable papers. A. C Adams. President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President C. A narrett. ' P. E. Colhurn, VDIrectors IT. 8. IieGrow, P. 8. Lc Grow. Cashier. I. M. Kbmp, Assistant Cashier n'.j-Directors A . A. INCORPORATED. M. W. Smith Aiant. AUlUU, Let's &et Acquainted " r we ir ' Not in formal standoffish introductions, but with honest American freedom of speech. We aren't kidgloved, and we like the clasp of friendship and the straight look that gauges respect We are here to sell Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes in fact everything for men, youths, boys, but before we begin, we want to be friends. Our merchandise is the best, but you must have faith in us before you have faith in our wares. Come in. You need not buy. u9 Itf liLi I E i f3M "a A WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON 5