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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1905)
J J Early Shipments of NEW FALL GOODS Arriving Daily : re It r 8 j h 2 KUH NATHAN FSOBt CO. New Goods Fall styles in men's Clothes in a large variety of Fabrics, weaves and pat terns; in double and single breasted. AH out of the shop of the best clothes makers. These clothes are up to date in every respect, and are offered at prices that are governed by quality. Style and fit are in every, garment. The $10.00 SUIT is as correct as the $20 one. New Styles MEN'S OVERCOATS This is the day of the big coat of generous pro positions. The "Skimpy", and ill fitting coat has long disappeared; instead we have the great coat with b.oad shoulders, roomy sleeves and gen erous skirts. 52x54 inch is not too long for the average man. They are handsome, these Coats; comfortable and reason ably priced. L a, f .... 0 IKUR NATHAN & FISCHER CO. Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, Athena, Oregon Press Paragraphs A.B.MeEwen was in Milton Sunday. ' T. M. Keller was up from Pendle ton yesterday. James Lienallen was in town yester day from Weston. (A. Lee Hi tem an made a business trip to Walla Walla yesterday. Cragbead & Hays have some bar gains in business chances. Ralph Hymer, of lone, is among rel atives in Athena this week. The "pure cream of tartar kind" Cleveland, Baking Powder. Mrs. O'Harra of Weston spent Sun day in Athena with relatives. Always "good luck" with it Cleveland's Bakiug Powder. ' Donald MoDonald ia over, from Walla Walla for a few days. R, J. Boddy has a large amount of excellent home-made lard for sale. A delicious desert Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery. It is the highest in leavening power Cleveland's Baking Powder. It never fails to make light, whole some food Cleveland's Baking Pow der. . Don't overlook the pumpkin pie booth at Epworth League social to uight. Mrs. Carey, daughter of Mrs. Mas tersou left yesterday for her home in Aslona. " For sale A fine driving mare, well broken and gentle. Call at Press office. Jnst arrived, at Mrs. Lillie Miller's millinery store, a new line of . beaver bats. See those hew Hendee wire brushes. Ail styles in stock at C. A. Barrett & C0.S. - ;U:-: .. ; 3. W. Jenkins spent part of the week in Portland in the interest of mission ary work. , Dell Bros, have a splendid line of gloves. Prices are right and assort ment is large. Yon can get 20 pounds of first class boiling beef for f 1 at R. J. Boddy's meat market Mr. and Mrs. Beck visited at the country home of Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Nelson. Our teachers will attend the insti tute in Pendleton Friday and Satur . day of this week. Mrs. Marion Jack and baby spent Friday and Saturday with her mother, Mrs. C. T. Smith. Peeblcr & Chamberlain, the imple ment dealers, have m large stock of the famous Superior drills Epworth League social, supper and entertainment tonight at the M. EL cburoh. Admission 10 cents. amea Bryan has joined the Press family of readers. We know of do one up the "Flat" who does not now have the Press in his home twice each week. . .. J. M. Hays was in Pendleton yesex day, on business connected with the MoKinnon-Sheard land sale. This is the season for making saner kraut and.a large quantity of cabbage is being disposed of in Athena. &V3. W. Dunlap has "signed up" for the Press, thus becoming a regular reader of the best paper in Athena. At Pendleton Saturday, the Pendle ton high school football team defeated the Whitman College second team. For sale. E. J. Taylor offers a house and lot for sale. Price reason able. Property near Baptist church. N. A. Miller continues to receive a large number of orders for carpets, fie has just received a large stock of linoleum. George W. Proebtel ancLaon, Lew is, were in the city yesterday from Weston. The Press acknowledges a pleasant visit . Mr. Richie Fountain of Boon county, Ma, is visiting at the home of Frank MansSeld. Mr Fountain is a cousin of Mrs. Mansfield. 5v J. W. Smith came over from Helix joovviuaj auu uiauD aiinurjuirjum the removal of bis family to that thriving little town. . ' ? i Miss Maud Sherman went to her school on the Reed and Hawley moun tain Sunday, where she will begin a long term of school. Rev. Gabriel Sykes, presidiug elder of Walla Walla district, will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday evening at 7:30. , - Alexander Kinnear and wife have sold to John Bannister, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 22, township 4. , , . Tonight is Hallowe'en,- and yen should not forget to make merry with the Epworth League. The league gives a social at the M. E. church. Substantial improvements are being made at the Baptist church, among which ia the installation of a furnace, be used in heating the building. to be NA: yonng son of Mr. Allenbaugh, the harness maker, is very ill at the home of his parents, with pneumonia. He is reported some better this morn ing. : . Lost On the road between Athena and four miles north of Weston, a boy's saddle. Finder will be reward ed by leaving the saddle at the Press office. ; ' Steps are being taken for the organ ization of an athletic club in Athena. A paper is being circulated and a number ot names have been placed on the roll of membership. Jack-o-lanterna and "tick-tacks" will be in evidence tonight and grown up people will have to pnt up with the pranks of the youngsters Hallowe'en comes but once a year. The consulting board of engineers of the reclamation service has favorably recommended two projects in Wash ington says the Walla Walla Union. They are the Tie ton aud Okanogan. Cartoonist Akers is giving the boys plenty of rope for fun these days. His latest drawing is posted in the window at MoBride's Palace drug store, and nIRst be seen to be appre ciated. About eight inches of snow fell in Ukiah Tuesday afternoon and Thurs day morning. The thermometer in different parts of the neighborhood registered from two to six degrees a bove aero.' Alpha Wood, brother of Clark Wood, is in Weston on bis way to Honolulu, where he goes to take charge of a large engine and machin ery on a sugar plantation. He is ac companied by bis wife. Void, frosty nights are now at band and the frozen crust On the field makes seeding diffioult in the early part of the day. However, many drills are running and with a few days of good weather the bulk of the seeding would be over. . In honor of the degree team of Pen dleton Damon lodge, K. of P., which recently won the trophy in the com petetive drill at Portland, a reception was given last night. About 100 peo ple were present, of which number one half were invited gufists. Mail contracts for rnral routes cen tering in Pendleton are to be let by the government December 5. There are four routes to be contracted for, the contracts to be let for a term of four years. The routes are to Ukiah, Holdman, McKay and Lehman . Once a rich and prosperous mining man, but dow penniless in bis old age, compelled to seek assistance from Spokane county commissioners, is the condition that A. J. Miner, 92 years old, one of the best known pioneers of the Inland Empire, finds himself in. Farmers in Umatilla county, and especially in the vicinity of Pendle ton, are having trouble in securing farm hands. North of Pendleton, where seeding operations are. in f nil swing, $2.50 per day. is., being paid drill drivers, and men are exceedingly scarce at that price. "William McBride, the druggist, mention of whose illness was made in Friday's Press, has made no advance ment toward improvement and now lies at his home on Fourth street, afflicted with pneumonia. A professional nurse came yesterday from the Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, and now all that is possible is being done to. place Mr. MoBride on the road to recovery. ' . - - : . BL00DH0UNDS IN PURSUIT. John Cauthorn, Who Aluded Guard at : Salem, Still 't Lrg-e. . ' Making an excuse to step behind a clump of bushes, John' Cauthorn, one of a bunch of convicts that was being worked on the county road south of Salem, made a break for liberty Saturday afternoon and is still at large. Warden Curtis and blood hounds are on the trail but it is donot f ul if his capture will be effected. There is an unlimited amount of tbiok brush In tha. vicinity where he made his escape.' As Guard H. C. Tarpley was the only man in charge of the convicts, he could not go in pursuit as soon as he discovered the elopement and it was fully an hour and a half later that the warden and his dogs arrived on the soene. It was then get ting dusk and too late to pnt the dogs on the trail, but at daybreak in the morning they were given the soent and the chase commenced. Cauthorn was serving a two year sentence at the penitentiary from Umatilla county for larceny from a store and was re ceived at the prison on May 81 of this year. He is described as being 85 years of age,- 5 feet 7 1-2 iuohes in height, weight 177 pounds, complexion medium", dark hair and brown eyes, and wore convict's stripes. He has never given the officers any trouble at the institution and has always been a willing worker and there was no thought of bis trying to escape. Like Finding Money. Finding health is like finding money so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, better act prompt ly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He , says ; "I : . had a , terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but, after find ing no relief in other remedies, I 'was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At McBride'g drug store; 50c and ,1 ; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Hunt Subsidy Suiu. Several cases in which suit has been commenced by George W. Hunt for the collection of subsidy subscriptions in aid of the construction of the old line from Hunt's Junction to Walla Walla via Eureka flat have recently been adjusted. The last case of the cases settled was that of L. L. Hunt of the county poor farm, whose subscrip tion, with accumulated interest, amouuted to) $226. 80. AH Ion Kngacud? ' Engaged people should remember that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their di gestions in good order with Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennetts vine, S. C.f says: "For years my wife suffered intensely from cliapepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped ber at once, and finally made ber entirely welL She is now strong and healthy." McBride, drug gist, sells and ' guarantee! tbem, at 50c a bottle. . Items in Brief. ' . l Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. ' , Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rule at Gay's, daily. - Buy a Henney buggy and look swell C. A. Barrett & Co. 1 Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. t C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine. ) Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured haras. They are delicious. j That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington 4 Thompson's. ' You should see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C A. Barrett & Co. 's. ' Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. . Our selection of overcoats is now complete. It is marvelous how a finished coat of the analitv we show Can be produced and sold for the ' price. Athena Mercantile Co. ; We now have ready for your inspec tion the most - comprehensive and splendid showing of new styles in men's, youths' and boys' clothing ever shown in this part of the state. Athena Mercantile Co. . If you want he best vaiue, the best wearnig, the most up to (lute foot wear, we have now a complete stock of everything ia the shoe line for fall and winter wear. Athena Mercantile Co. . - yr- , ..' ; ,,, : Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Are you weak? Are y,ou in pain? Do you feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea. 85o at Pioneer drug store. COiySII Ev EUS 3 j; A simple rule to make life a joy is to drink a cup of that elegant Coffee 2 g When shopping do not forget that "99" is the best Coffee that can be obtained. For sale only at the I.WHITE. - Cash Grocery Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and LigL grade Canned Goods o specialte IS "Please Smile Look Pleasant." When a woman says "I am racked with pain," the word "racked " recalls tho days ; when they stretched the tendor boding of women on the rack with rone and pulley until the very joints cracked. , Fancy an attendant saying to the tor tured woman, "Please smllo-and look pleasant." i And yet the woman Tracked with pr.ln," fs expected to smilo through her agony land to mako home happy. Kho can't ?do It. ; It Is against Nature, tlenerally ipeaklng, the racking pains of Ill-health .such as hoadache, backacho and "benr-Slng-down pains" are related to dorungo 'mflntji. nr disorders of the ontans dis tlnctly fomlnino. When this condition Is removed the general health In restored, and with health comes back the smile of .linnnlnesa. i" I Any woman may regain her health at "home without offensive questionings or examinations by the use of Dr. Pierce's 'Favorite Proscription. Sick women may -consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free of lehargo. Such letters are treated as jsaerodly conlidontial. , . j "It affords me pleasure to relate the won derful merits of your groat medlelnus. espo 'clallv vour 'Favorite Prescription,'" wrltna lr. i. Wesley KUIne.of Woodbury, N. Jersey. TU Box ati "My wife has txcn uslnir It for .soma tlmo past, liaviiisr suffered Boverely 'Willi bearing-down pains, acblnir In back, ' and many otlior complaints peculiar to women. Hbe was very weak, could not do any heavy work or washing but can do all kinds of work now. Bbe Is soon to become, a mother but we do not fear the result (as Jieretofore), all duo to your wonder-worker. .,' Favorite Proscrlutlon.' . : "Your "Pleasant Pellets' are also worth many times tliuir price. I have used them ' for biliousness and stomach trouble, and have found them to 1m all that you elalm. Thoy are my constant companions once . useu. always Kept." ' ' Given away. The People's Common Heuso Medical Ad viser Is sent freo on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing imlu. The book con tains 1008 pages, over 700 Illus trations and several colored , 'plates. Send 21 one-cent , s(anips for the paper-bound book, or 31 stamps fo? the cloth liound. Address lr. B. V. Tiorce, Buffalo, N. Y. , CiVET je?i orr no i rw ,? ." 7 mm ' '? r-fi . "T-rr9-". , THE 8TAN0AS3 VV.HS CVUUYWHCRE. 150 Styles ''"ero'Sd Pobltfcd lu All C 1-11 I Works. Camden, N, J. fcoK' ,Vr STEEl PEN COi 88 John St., Nw York. ' ini wini iiiiii ii in iimrnimn 'T " v - . rm-r -whm iam ESTABLISH I'D 1865- : Preston-Parton Milling Go. Our Barley lil : i Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait Foley's Kidney Care makes kidneys and bladder right Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. - - - Athena, Oregon Fresh Bread Daily FINEST CANDIES IN THE TOWN PRENDERGAST BAKERY SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. -:- ATHENA, OREGON. n. Carpet With the arrival of the house cleaning period the mind of the housewife naturally turns to the matter of Carpets and Rugs, and consequently she is confronted with two problems the cleaning up process and the coverings for the floors. Now, soap, lye and water can be made to overcome the former, but the mistress of the household looks to the carpet dealer for help before she gets through with the floor. A A We Can Show the Goods VkP . 'Ar wmimm Our Prices and Quality Mix WE CAM HELP HER Ol)T for the stock of Carpets and Rugs carried by us this year is overwhelmingly greater than any we have purchased heretofore. This is saying a great deal, for our stocks of the past were not to be "sneezed at." Now'is the time to make your purchase. , dr 5P Miller, the Rustler, Athena, OregonJ 1 .'" t: '" r