1&U Jlthetta 2mz. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twicb-a-Wbek Tuesday amd Friday F. B. Boyd, pcblishzr. Entered as Recon d-class matter, March 1, IWt, at the poatofflce at Athena, Oregon, uuUeraa Actol Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Kates: t'r year, In advanot 12.00 Blngleooplet In wrappe'Mc. Advertising Kstss: Local reading notices, Orst Insertion, 10c per i j. S4chiubsequenttnserllon,5c. A.I! eommnnlcatlom should be addressed to ( le PRR88 Athens, Oregon ATHENA, OCTOBER 31. 1905 It has been suggested that Atbena crosswalks be constructed from rock and concrete instead of pine planks, the material now used. These sug gestions have not met with any degree of popularity, for the reason that those having street improvement in charge have never had experience with concrete and rock in crosswalk building, but doubtless are open to conviction from the very fact that the material now used is short lived, costly and unsatisfactory. In towns and smaller cities of the eastern and middle states conorete and rock is the priocipal material used in crosswalk construction and gives general satis faction, not only on residence streets, but on business thoroughfares where the heaviest traffic must be contend ed with. There the process of con struction is a layer of crushed rock, rigidly tamped iu the bottom of the excavation. Following this, slabs of stone dressed to a comparatively smooth surface on the upper side is laid in the usual mixture of crushed rock and concrote. Allowed to dry and season properly, the result is that the surface stones are ilrmly euoased in a bed ' of cement so that it is im possible to dislodge them except by use of piok and crowbar. The edges of the stone lying next to the approaches of the walk are rounded off thus avoiding all unnecessary jar that otherwise would result from the wheels of heavily loaded vehicles. The expense of wooden orosswalks is enor mous in the aggregate, and particular ly bo where laid in soil that contaus alkali properties, for the reason that the lumber soou rots and becomes absolutely worthless. The following from the Weston leader would indi cate that the expense of keepiug up wooden walks there is to be done away with: ' The rock cusber was iu operation for a couple of days this week, grind ing up basalt for concrete crosswalks on the Main street squares. A new "toggle" procured for the machine failed to work properly and the old one was used. Those having iu charge the improve ment of Atheua streets would do well to investigate Weston's experiment with tho crosswalk problem, and iu event of culmination iu success, we should at once adopt the plan, and rulegRte splinters, boles and useless oxponse to the past. Weston and Eastorii Oregon has an able and conscientious champion in the causa of the EuHttiru Orcgou State Normal School in tho Weston Leader. The furniture Our furniture department now occupies more space than any other department in our entire store. Formerly we oc oupiodjthe balcony in the old store but now we have the whole ground floor and balcony in the new store for furni ture exclusitoly. This means more space and better dis play. Our eleven years of experience has ( taught us what you want and we know we can please you.' The new fall goods the produots of the best factories in the country ure now nearly all here. If you are unable to come and see for yourself, write us and we will slend you descriptions and prices on anything you waut. This year's stock is without'a doubt the best and most complete stock iu the luluud Empire. ' Remember we pay the freight when bill amounts to (10. Mail Orders a Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12 14-16-18 30-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. In his editorial page, Wood is dealing some heavy blows in fact and figures that chow Scott, the heavy one, to be decidedly inconsistent and mercenary in the policy which he would have the state adopt toward the normal school. In its masterly defense, the Leader is fair, unbiased and impar tial, and had it the circulation of the Oregonian throughout the state, Harvey and his Yamhill statesman would not have their end of the issue by the tail with a down-hill pull, nor would the little bazel-patcb colonels down in the valley be shooting rye straw darts into a controversy of which they are totally ignorant save what they memorize from their text book and bible, the Oregonian. On this vital question of maintaining a normal school in Eastern Oregon, the Leader is unbiased because it recog nizes the right and privilege of West ern Oregon to have like institutions; impartial and fair for the reason that it does not hesitate to look at home for a share of the blame, and right; fully censures the board of regents for "standiug from under" and letting the school close, after Weston citizens bad come forward with an $8,000 fund to keep it open. The Mutual Life paid a dollar a line to have favorable stories circulated about it, but when McGurdy wanted it Aid that he made a favorable im pression, the price was two dollars. Even McCurdy's colleagues in bam foozling the public are ready to take a shot at him. THE MOVEMEMT AT HAND. (Oregonian.) During the next five years new foundations ought to be laid for devel opment of Oregon greater develop ment, even, than Oregon has yet known. , It can come only through railway extension. That is to say, railway extension must lead the way. The railways of Oregon thus far have been developed only on a line north and south, through the western part of the state, and on a line east and west, nearly, along its northern border. They meet upon a right angle at Port land, near the northwestern corner. It is but the skeleton of a system, that we may hope and believe is now to be filled in, by lines traversing the great interior and outlying districts. A railroad across Middle Oregon is the first necessity. It might enter Eastern Oregon from any point in the Middle Willamette or, Upper Wil lamette valley. From this trunk branoh lines should be thrown out, right and left, as the conditions might require. The Klamath Lake country should be reached from the north and from the south. Once a trunk line passes the Cascade mountains, Mid dle and Eastern and Southern Oregon will be within reach. A vast region, now occupied by the keepers of iso lated herds of cattle and sheep, will gradually be transformed into a dis trict of agriculture, wheatgrowing, alfalfa, fixed settlements and perman ent farms. It is au arid or semi-arid region, that will require time for its development; but man is finding out how to get water wherever water is obtainable, and experience shows that there are now few stretohes of hope less desert. A railway directly across Middle Oregon, from tho Willamette valley, would intersect the Oregon Short Line at or iu the vioiuity of Ontario. Ac commodation of the country would be comploted by laterals from it, or by additional lines southward from the Columbia river, of which already there are three, awaiting exteusiou. A lino into Coos Bay is one of the very great needs. There is no reason to doubt that it will soon be supplied from a point in the Unipqua valley. It is natural to expect all of these Department Mail Orders a Specialty from the combination known as the Harriman roads. The vast territory enveloped or inclosed already by ' the main lines of this system ''- should naturally be threaded by cross cut lines or lateral feeders, belonging to the same system. This is an outline of the develop meet that Oregon feels it has reason to expect within the next few years. Equal interest . is felt in the Clear water and Snake river country, where railway work is expected soon to sup ply every need of a region long in dispute between rival interests. Nor will our northern and central coast country be longer neglected; for we believe the Nehalem and Tillamook road will soon make a beginning there to be followed perhaps by a railroad parallel to the coast along the whole Pacific shore line of Oregon and Cali fornia. In these modern times the railroad must be a leader in development. It cannot wait until a region is fully occupied ;' for no region can be occu pied at all unless assured of speedy railway connections. And experience has shown that a railway anywhere will soon make traffic. What region ever seemed more helpless for a rail road than that through the Rocky mountains now occupied by the Den ver & Rio Grande? And where is a region less inviting, more arid, than that now traversed by the new rail road from Salt Lake City to Los Ange les? The railroad makes a country, and the country makes a railroad. Got Off Cheap. He may well think he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore bis health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and certain cure for headache, con stipation, etc. 25c at McBride's drug store, guaranteed. Summons. In the Justice Court for the District of Athena, Umatilla County, State of Oregon. H. O. Worthington"! and O. M. Thomp son, partners, as Worthingtpn & ' Thompson, plain tiffs, vs. Charles Thompson, Defendant. Civil action for the recovery of Money. To Charles Thompson, the above named defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified, commanded and required to appear before the un dersigned justice of the peace at his office in Atbena, Umatilla county, Oregon, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of tbis summons, which said first date is October 3d, A. D., 1905, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed in said court against you ; and you will take notice that unless you so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said complaint within said time you will suffer judgment taken against you for the sum of $51.00, and for the costs and disbursements in this action ; you will also take notice that personal property purporting to belong to you has been attached and proceedings by attachment and garnishment issued out of this oourt against your said property. This summons is published by order of this court duly made tbis 8d day of October, 1905, and will appear in the AthenaPress once a week for a period of six weeks, the first publication ap pearing as above and the last one on November 14, 1905. Dated this 3d day of October, A. D. 1905. O. Q. Chamberlain, Justice of the Peace. Peterson, & Peterson, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Summoni. . In the Justice Court of the District of Atheua, Umatilla County, State of Oregon. W. M. Mosgrove,") Plaintiff, vs. Samuel McRey nolds and Andrew Stewart, partners, as McReynolds & Stewart, defend ants. Civil Action for the Recovery of money. To Samuel McReynolds and Andrew , Stewart, partners, defendants above named: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby notified, commanded and required to . appear before the undersigned justice of the peace at his office in Atbena, Umatilla County, State of Oregon, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of tbis summons, whioh said first date is October 3, A. D 1905, and answer to the complaint of the plain tiff filed in this court against yon. And you will take notice that unless you so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said complaint within said time, you will suffer judgment taken against you for the sum of $53.90, and for plaintiff's cost and disburse ments in tbis action ; you will also take notice that proceedings by attachment and garnishment have been duly issued out of tbis court iu this action and that property purporting to belong to you has been attaobed and gartiisheed by the oonstaole of this district This summons is published by order of this court duly made on tbis the 3d day of October, A. D. 1905, and will appear in the Atbena Press once a week for a period of six weeks, the first publication appearing as above' stated and the last oue on November 14, 1905. a G. Chamberlain, Justice of the Peace. Petetsou & Peterson, Attorneys for "plaintiff. Mo -To-Ha for Fifty Cssca. Guur.tniml tolwu-cu habit cure, makoa weak i.cu awvtv '-Kcu vure. VJcii. AUdrussUt My Staple Unes of Jewelry are BROOCHES SCARF PINS CUFF LINKS NECK CHAINS GUARD CHAINS VEST CHAINS LOCKETS RINGS FOBS I bave many pretty things arriv ing to make up my fall stock. Watch my window displays. ROYAL M. SAWTELL Jeweler : Athena PETERSON & PETERSON. Attorneys-at-Law AlHENA, - OREGON. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in . Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athens. Oregor . JOHN T. WOOD, M. D, Graduate Detroit Col lege of Medicine : : : Office Opposite McBride's Drug Store. THE PALACE DRUGSTORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. You know your doctor is all right, but how about the tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as the doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and ,. .. always exactly right. Troy Laundry Walla Walla, ash. . Elmer Lane, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washiugs are call til for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning BLAGKSMITil AND REPAIRING SHOP A. H. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. r ' 7 THE : - r . ST. NICHOLS HOTEL ! Only First-class Hotel in A the f "itv THE ST. N10K0LS li Ibt only one tbt can accow modal oommerclal trveir. it? ! Can b ieoomcdd for Its clean and well ctllaUd room. Cob. Maix akbTxisb, AiHMi.Or, 4 Cleanliness is next to Godliness You will always look clean if your laundry comes from our first class laundry. Only best work is turned out by us, and if you have never tried our work send us a trial order. Our superior faculties, our modern maohinery, and our experienced help, make a uniform ity of goodness in all laundry that comes from us. SEND US THAT NEXT BUNDLE. , Our1 wagon will call for and deliver the work to you in the superior man ' ner which in Pendleton it is for us" only to do. - Pendleton Steam Laundry FISHMAN & PETERS, Proprietors CHARLES GAY, :- ATHENA AGENT 1 CONTRACTING Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in . all its branches, I am in a position to carry on this line ..f.vof business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. "-' - - : A. M. GILLIS, PROPRIETOR, THE CILLIS LUMBER YARD Peebler & Chamberlain ' Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. ',t !. :, i. i.,. iii iOHRLES GAY ...Dealer in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper. Brick, etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound ; Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION AND BUILDING OREGON. PARKER & LANE'S Everything Firnl Clnxn - Mil d rn and Up-to d a p SOUTH SID MAIN STREET ATHEKJ. , m