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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1905)
Early Shipments of NEW FALL GOODS Arriving Daily Q 1 KUK NATHAN & FBOR CO. New Styles MEN'S OVERCOATS This is the day of the big coat of generous pro. positions. iThe "Skimpy" and ill fitting coat has long disappeared; instead we have the great coat with broad shoulders, roomy, sleeves and gen erous skirts. 52x54 inch is not too long for the average man. They are handsome, these Coats; comfortable and reason ably priced. 1 I V Vf 7 Athena Mercantile Company- south S de Main Street, Press Paragraphs John Estes was up from Pendleton yesterday. Crughead & Hays have some bar gains in business chances. D. II. Preston went dowu to Pen dleton on last night's train. . The "pure oream of tartar kind" Cleveland's Baking Powder. Always "good luck" with it Cleveland's Baking Powder. NBoru, to Mr. and Mrs. Otis White inau, October 26, 1905, a son. Win. Mo Bride, the druggist, is con fined to his home with illuess. It is the highest in leavening power Cleveland's Bakiug Powder. Jesse Killgore, Weston's prominent farmer, was in town yesterday. yL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Piukertou, of ' Westou, were iu town yesterday. A delicious desert Washington Pie. Get it at the Prendergast Bakery, R. J. Boddy has a large amount of exoellent home-made lard for sale. Mrs. John Estes of Pondletou vis iled relatives iu Athena this week. It never fails to make light, whole- Home food Cleveland's Bukiug p0W- (U)r . Just arrivod, at Mrs. Lillio Miller's milliiinrv nt.nrn. a nnw linn of beaver hats. See those new Heudee wire brushes. All styles iu stock at C. A. Barrett & Co.'s. Doll Bros, huvo a splendid line of gloves. Prices are right aud assort niuut is large. " There will be the usual nioruing and evening services Sunday at the Baptist church. ; , You can got 20 pounds of first class boiling beef for $1 at R. J. Boddy 's moat market. Peublor & Chamberlain, tho imple ment dealers, have a largo stock of the famous Superior drills. ''4 .Mrs. Brandon, mother of Mrs. O. G, Ulmniberlain, will arrive from Urangovillo, Idaho, today. y-i. Amis LuUruuhe took out a new now 'grain drill yesterday, and is ready to seed his ranch to wheat. For sale. H. J. Taylor otfoi a house aud lot for sale. Price reason able, v Property uonr Baptist church. Mrs. MoDaniol, the teacher, has taken residence iu the Ed Taylor pot tage, recently vacated by A. , 0, . Mo lutyre. " . ' Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Kiik, accom panied by Mrs. Kirk's nuce, have re turned from a visit to relatives in La Grande. Henry Keen is jumpiug counters at Ely & Scott's during the abseuee on account of illnea of Ed Kooutis, the regular salesuiau. Lou U. Stuutk'Ul, who went to Freewater somo time ago, from Wee- Mew Goods Fall styles in men'9 Clothes in a large variety of Fabrics, weaves and pat terns; in double and single breasted. All out of the shop of the best clothes makers. These clothes are up to date in every respect, and are offered at prices that are governed by quality. Style and fit are in every garment. , The $10.00 SUIT is as correct as the $20 one. Oprah MM m-0 IKUR NATHAN H FISCHER CQ. . Athena, Oregon ton, died Thursday night of heart trouble. He was a brother of James Stanfleld, and leaves a wife and sever al children in destitute circumstances. Peebler & Chamberlain are agents for the famous Union Lock hog fenc ing, and have in stock quantities to suit the demand. Cut glassware artistically displayed iu one of the C. A. Barrett & Co. 's show windows attracts the attention of all who pass. There is but one laundry in Pendle ton known as the "Pendleton Steam Laundry," and Charles Gay is its exolusive Athena agent. H. MoArthur is in town from Port land and will remaiu a few days on business. Mrs. MoArthur is visiting relativos in Dayton, Wash. Mrs. Henry Lloyd, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Athena, left for her home in Mos cow, Wash,, on this morniug's train. Kev. Geo. T. Ellis has returned from Baker City and La Grande, where for some days he was ou busi ness connected with ohurch affairs. The demand for Lucas' brooms is greater than the factory capacity. At the present rate of consumption more material' will have to be shipped , ... K - F,'ault Holniau, tho nine year old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Holman, of Fieewater, died Monday night of diphtheria. No other cases are known to exist there, T S f T TT 1 . U - 111 'it. ry JttlUUH JIUIIUUIHIHJ, WUU 19 in WILU l.vnhniri fnvnr. in imt.Mnv nlnnir An W(,n o coa i)ft fiKnof.t,fld. SevrRl changes for the better are noted by the physician iu charge. Tho Mclntyre party loaded Bis cars ou the O. R. & N. Weduesday with live stock, household goods and im plments. The cars were billed through to Nauton, Alberta. JsP II. Prestou has purchased two lots from E. L. Bnrnett, Consider ation tlOO. The lots will make a splendid site for a residence and are located east of the Le Grow cottage. jfc Samuel, the well known insur ance man of Portlaud, is now repre senting the Oregon Life Insurance Co, just organized by a number of lending capitalists aud business men of the state. Tho meeting of Miguonette Rebckah Lodge Tuesday was of more than usual interest and importance, Iu additiou to the iuitiatiou of a new member, the social features were en joyed by all present. Miss Kate McPhail, who has beeu visiting relatives iu this vicinity, today received a message from her home in Nun ton, Alberta, stating that her mother was dangerously ilL Miss McPhail will leave for her home tomorrow. , v . The Epworth League will have a jolly timo ou Hallowe'en evening. The league will give a social at the M. E. church, to which ail are in vited. Remember Hallowe'en will be hero next Tuesday eveuiug, October 31, and as eutoitaiuera tho Epworth folks are uuonualed. James Barker, a convict In the penitentiary at Walla Walla, escaped the other day. His liberty was of 25 minutes duration, the guards having effected his capture iu that space of time. F. S. LeGrow, cashier of the First National Bank, dropped in from Walla Walla a few hours Wednesday evening. He returned to the garden city on the evening train to attend to urgent business affairs. There is talk of the Free Methodists holding a protracted meeting in Athena soon. It is understood the meetings are to be run a month or six weeks, and the place selected for hold ing them is toe old J air store Dmid- i E. S. Waterman was in town be- ween trains Wednesday evening. "Eb" is prospering in the Walla Walla valley. He purchased the famous O. R. & N. experimental ranch, and has made of it one of the finest farms in the Northwest yLand prices are booming in the fHelix country as well as elsewhere. A real estate man informs the Press that be has but one place located in that section, listed for sale. The price placed on it by the owner is $60 per acre, and the dealer in dirt would not be surprised if another $5 per was tacked on before tomorrow's sun. Charles Norris' live stock is in de mand at fancy prices. Yesterday he shipped by express to a gentleman in Iowa, two thoroughbred Buff Cochin cockrels. The harness man takes about as much pride in his blooded poultry as he does in bis colte, there fore it goes without saying .the chick ens are gilt edge. George Ireland, Jack Kelly and James McElrath have been arrested at Freewater on the charge of selling liquor without a license during the month of September. John Vinson of Milton is the complainant and Dan Sheets of Freewater, is mentioned as the principal witness. The trial takes plaoe today iu Milton, before Justice Miller. The generous people of Helix con tributed over $200 to Mr. and Mrs. TiitSworth, who lost their all in the Arlington hotel fire last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tittsworth were conducting the hotel at the time of the fire and with the other members of the family and the hotel guests, barely escaped with their livesjldr. and Mrs. Titts worth contemplate returning to Athe na to reside. .Word comes down from the Palouse lat among the farmers who lost their season's orop through cause of rain, is Bob Price, who for yearsi resided east of town. Mr. Price cot his grain with a binder and put it in the shock. Threshing machine men gave prefer ence to headed grain in the stack and when attention was turned to bundle grain, wet weather had set in, hence the loss. Dr. F. B. Dayton, the Pendleton eye specialist will be in Athena on his regular visit next Monday and Tues day. The doctor takes up such troubles as headaohes, weak and tired eyes, nervousness and even goes so far as to straighten cross eyes with proper glasses. His office will be at the St. Nichols hotel where he will give free examination. Don't forget the date, Monday and Tuesday, October Sp and 81. yE. A. Stone has returned from a trip into tne palouse country, wnue away Mr. Stone bargained for a 240 acre farm at $52.50 per acre. The deal includes 20 head of cattle. The place is situated two miles north of Thornton, Washylt is well im proved, has a house of 9 rooms, built this season at a cost of $2,000, a large barn, outbuildings, orchard, etc. Mr. Stone is well pleased with his new place and will move to it as soon as necessary preparations can be made. Woodman camps of Umatilla county are looking forward with much pleas ure to the first visit of the new head cousul, I. I. Boak, who will be with Pendleton Camp No. 41, on the even ing of Saturday, November 4. Pen dleton camp has appointed a commit tee on arrangements and entertain ment for the occasion, and the pro gram for the evening is to be an elaborate one. The local camp has received an urgent invitation ; to be present, and many of the members will attend. Are You KngitgiMt? Engaged people should remember that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their di gestions in good order with Electric Bitters. m S. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, S. ' C, says: "For years my wife suffered intensely from dispepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength aud vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her eutirely welL She is now stroug and healthy." McBride, drug gist, sells and guarantees them, at 60o a bottle. Llk Finding Montiy. Finding health is like finding money so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, better act prompt ly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and ooul dust on my lungs; but, after find ing no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds." Greatest sale of Buy cough or lung medicine in the world. At MeBride's drug store; 50c and $1 ; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Items in Brief. Buy Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Pendleton Bus. College is progressive Sterling silver novelties at Macasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. , Buy a Henney buggy and look swelL C. A. Barrett & Co. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the V hite House Grocery. Pendleton Busines College is popular. O. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine. Try one of Boddy'a fine sugar cured bams. Tbey are delicious. ,, That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's. Pendleton Bus. College is practical. Pendleton Bus. College is thorough. You should see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & uo.8. ' -" ' Pendleton Business College is modern It is the fit and finish; the artistic touch that makes the suit. "Internat ional" Made to Measure garments have all of these virtues, including quality as well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co. to show you their magnificent line of these supplies. . r. Say Va, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson's. Atteud Pendleton Business College. Our selection of overcoats is now complete. It is marvelous bow a finished coat of the quality we show can be produced and ; sold for the price. Athena Mercantile Co. . Save yourself money while visiting the fair by eugaging rooms of Mrs. M. J. Bagley, 266 1-2 Second street be tween Jefferson and Madison, Port land, Ore. ' Pendleton Bus College opens Sept 1 1. We now have ready for your inspec tion the most comprehensive and splendid showing of new styles in men's, youths' and boys' clothing ever shown in this part of the state. Athena Mercantile Co. " Pendleton Bus College is uptodate. If you want he best vaiue, the best wearnig, the most up to date foot wear, we have now a complete stock of everything in the shoe line for fall and winter wear. .Athena Mercantile Co. .,'"'( .. ; - Pendleton Business College leads. Are you lacking in strength aud vigor? Are you weak? Are you in pain? Do you feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85o at Pioneer drug store. . - ,'. ' Free R. R. fare to Pend Bus. College . Got Off Cheap. He may well think he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills.-, A quick, pleasant and certain cure for headache, con stipation, etot 25c at MeBride's drug store, guaranteed. : - - Ll .Attacked By a Mob. and beaten in a labor riot until cover ed with' sores, ' a Chicago street car conductor applied -Bncklen's Arnica Salve and was soon sound and well. "I nse it in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of Mich., "and find it per fect" Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25o at MeBride's drug store. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right fi m r . . . . With J the arrival of the house cleaning period the mind of the housewife naturally turns to the matter of Carpets and Rugs, and consequently she is confronted with two problems- the cleaning up process and the coverings for the floors. Now, soap, lye and water can be made to overcome the former, ' but the mistress of the household looks to the carpet dealer for help before she gets through with the floor. i Can Show the Goods :17E for the stock of Carpets and Rugs carried by us this than'any we have purchased heretofore. This is saying the past were not to be " sneezed at." Now is the time to Miller, the Rustler, (yj A simple rule to make life a joy is to 66 When shopping do not forget SjZ - . ,. that can be obtained. For iWHITIZ H Cash EE Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte Z2 7i ittiUittittUJttiuuiittittJuiuiuiUittmiUiuiuwra r . I rn Cluing Fine, Medium and THE STANDARD fZV.Z CVERftVHERE. 3U MyieS Broad Points. ftntrf hv All fitfltinnnrt. Works, Camden, N.J. ESTriflOOK iMHiimirii t ii Hi ESTABLISHED .1865 Preston-Parton Milling Go. Our Baiiev Mill Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you-Wait Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. - - - Athena, Oregon J m 6)l6)16l6)Ita6Sa Fresh FINEST IN THE PRENDERGAST BAKERY SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. . :- ATHENA, OREGON. CAPJ HELP HER drink a cup of that elegant Coffee -g Z3l that "99" is the best Coffee :25 Bale only at the zZS, 3U8 Grocery STEEL PENS STEEL PEN COi 26 Jons St., MewYoHt.- in MiiimmmMnMi i iiwrwil I ei6l6)l6)IS)R . - -- ; 0 CANDIES TOWN Our Prices and Quality Mix .-.V-'t 0UT year is overwhelmingly greater a great deal, for our slocks of make your purchase. iP Athena, Oregon Breaci Daily I r v