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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1905)
A PIONEER'S STORY A. P. WOOD ABO EELATE3 IHCI DENT3 OF EARLY TIMES. Came West Fifty-three Years Ago and Battled With Indiana on the Frontier. Civil action for the recovery of Money. the above A. P. Woodard, -who reside near Atheua, and who came to this part of the west 63 years ago and partici pated in many of the battles with the Indians in Washington, Idaho and Oregon as a private in Company B, stationed at Walla Walla, fought in the battle of Walla Walla under Col onel Kelly. In speaking of the affair to the eorrestpondent of the Spokesman-Be view be said: "The first shot was fired by a mem ber of jry company called 'Jont,' and it was promptly retnrned by the In dians, when a running battle ensued. The Indians fled in the direction of the Walla Walla river and fired con tinually upoa the pursuers as they went. They continued up the stream for a distance of about seven miles from where the fight began. As the Indians fell back in their retreat their numbers seemed to increase, and they oontinned to fire a few shots at the volnnteers from the bushes on Dry creek a short distance below where the railroad now crosses that stream. This caused a temporary check in the extreme advance, and the Indians continued some four miles beyond Dry creek, where they made their first stand, taking shelter in an old log cabin formerly owned and occupied by a Frenchman named La fiocque, whish has long ago been torn down and removed, the historio site now be ing owned by Bomane Bimellard. Here a desperate straggle ensued, the was steadily driven forward for two miles, where it took possession of a farmhouse and close fenoe, in attempt ing to carry which Captain Bennett of Company C and Private Kelso of Company A were killed." The battle terminated in favor of the volunteers. In 1872 Mr. Woodard says he helped to locate the line of the Northern Pa cific railroad, starting at Wallnla and running to Pasco and on through the sandhills to Spokane. The work was udder the direction of Captain East wick, chief engineer. He regarded Captain Eastwick s a very compe tent, far seeing man. In proof of this he cites the case of his reaching the point at Spokane falls, when Captain Eastwick said, as he threw down his pack and oast his eyes on the falls and the surrounding country. "Bight here, mark my word, and re member what I am telling you, some day you will see a great city built up, and those falls will furnish the power to cary on some of the greatest line of battle extending from the hills at the north aoross the flat to the river." Mr. Woodard has the following re port of what occurred at this time by Colonel Kelly, the officer in com mand: "When the volunteers reached this point there were not more than 40 or 50 men, being those mounted on the fleetest horses. Upon these the In dians poured a murderous fire from the brushwood and willows along the river and from the sagebrush along the plains, wounding a number of the volunteers. The men fell back Tbe moment was critical. They were commanded to cross tbe fence which surrounds tbe La Bocque field and charge upou tbo Indians iu tbe bush. "In executing this order Lieutenant Burrows of Company H was killed and Captain Munsou of Company I, Isaac Miller, sergeant major, and Q. W. Smith, of Company B, were wonuded. A dispatch having been sent to Captain Wilson of Company A to come forward, he and his com pany came up on a gallop, dismounted at a slough, and with fixed bayonets pushed on through tbe bnsb. In the course of half au hour Captain Ben nett was on the ground with Company F, and with bis assistance the enemy industries this country has ever wit- Heated." He urged Mr. Woodard to take up a homestead claim at this Boint. savins: "Some day it will make you a rich man." But Mr. Woodard said he was not ready to settle down ; he wanted to be on tbe ho. As a iurtner inducement the caDtain offered to survey out for . . . . 3 IIT1. mm a quarter section, aaaing: jw member my prediction; you will Rome dav see one of the largest cities in the west built up right here. " Mr. Woodard says: "That man knew a srreat deal or else he was a miibty good gnesser." Mr. Woodard says he baa often wondered if Captain Estwick lived to witness the fulfillment of his prophesy regarding the building of tbe city of Srmkane on tbe banks of the river at tbe falls. Entrymea Disappearing. The government has instituted pro ceedings to cancel 14 timber entries on , lands in Boise and Washington coun ties, in Idaho, claimed to be fraudu lent. Several Quarter sections are in volved and already transferred to the Butte Land & Investment company. It is said to be tbe first of a large num ber of fraudulent entries unearthed. It is exuected a large number of crim inal prosecutions will follow. Sever al nr rmen have DODO to Vartg Un- 8ummoEi. Iu the Justice Court for the District of Athena, Umatilla County, State of Oregon. " ' " H. O. Worthington and G. M. Thomp son, partners,' as Worthingtod & Thompson, plain tiffs, vs. Charles Thompson, Defendant. To Charles Thompson, named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notined, commanaea and required to appear before the un dersigned justice of the peace at his offioe iu Athena, Umatilla county, Oregon, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, wbioh said first xUtte is October 3d, A. D., 1905, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed in said court against you ; and you will take notioe that unless you so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said complaint within said time yon will suffer judgment taken against you for the sum of 151.00, and for tbe costs and disbursements in this action ; you will also take notice that personal property purporting to belong to yon has been attaohed and proceedings by attachment ard garnishment issued out of this court against your said property. This summons is published by order of this court duly made this Sd day of October, 1905, and will appear in the AthenaPress once a week for a period of six weeks, the first publication ap pearing as above and the last one on November 14, 1905. Dated this 3d day of October, A. D. 1905. O. Q. Chamberlain, Justice of the Peace. Peterson & Peterson, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Civil Action for the Eecovery of money. Summons. In the Justice Court of the District of Athena, Umatilla County, State of Oregon. ' W. M. Mosgrove, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel MoBey nolds and Andrew Stewart, partners, as McBeynolds & Stewart, . defend ants. To Samuel McBeynolds and Andrew Stewart, partners, defendants above named: In the name of the state of Oregon you are Hereby nounea, commanaea and required to appear Deiore tno nndersisned justice of the peace at his office in Athena, Umatilla Uountjt, State of Oregon, within six weeks from tbe date of the first publication of this summons, which said first date is October 8, A. D., 1905, and answer to the oomplaint of the plain tiff filed in this court against you. - And you will take notice that unless you so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said complaint within said time, you will suffer judgment taken against you for the sum of $53.90, and for plaintiff's cost and disburse ments in this action; you win also taite notice that proceedings by attachment and garnishment have been duly issued out of this court in this action and that property purporting to belong to you has been attached and garnisheed bv the constable of this distriot. This summons is publisnea by oraer of this court duly made on this the 8d day of Ootober, A. D. 1905, and will appear in the Athena tress once a week for a period of six weeks, the first publication appearing as above stated and tho last one on November 14, 1905. O. G. Chamberlain, Justice of tbe reaoe. Peterson & Peterson, Attorneys for plaintiff. "Please Smile - AND Look Pleasant." whnn u-nman savs "I am rackod with naln." the word "racked" recalls the days I Botice to Creditors- In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of tbe estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern that Min nie M. Willaby has been appointed and qualified as executrix of the estate of Mary J. Frakes, deceased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, duly made and enter ed on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notined and required to present tbem, with proper vouchers therefor, to Peterson & Peterson, her attorneys, at Athena, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notioe, which said first publi cation will be made by order of said conrt, on Tuesday the 24th day of Oo tober, 1905, and the last publication on Tuesday the 21st day of Novem ber, 1905. Minnie M. Willaby, Executrix. Peterson & Peterson, Attys. for Estate. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of Samuel Ward, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons whom it may concern that the under signed was duly appointed adminis trator of the estate of bamnei ward, deceased, by order of the County Court of Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 17th day of October, A. D. 1905. All persons having claims against tbe said estate are hereby notified and required to present them to me, with proper vouchers therefor, within six months from the date of this notice, at my office in Athena, Umatilla coun ty, Oregon. The first date of the pub lication of this notioe is, by order of the said court, Tuesday the 24th day of October, 1905, and the last publica tion will be made on Tuesday the 21st day of November. A. D. 1905. Peterson & Peterson, David Taylor, Attys. for Estate. Administrator. THE: WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE To Sheep Owners. I wish to correspond with sheep owners with- a view of , taking from 1800 to 8000 head of sheep on shares or to purchase. Best of reference given. Address, W. Bulan Williamson, Pocatella, Idaho. For 8ale. . The desirable piece of real estate on Main street known as the Garden urouertv is now offered for sale. For price, apply to Charles Norris, 'Ath ena, Oregon. : LA HUE MILLINERY CO We make a specialty of Hats Made to Order CARDEN BUILDING North Side Main St., :: Athena. Ore. Wm$ t 'Em I have just added a line of Pyrographer outfits and supplies, which is all the rage. It is not a fad but is an art that has coine to stay. In fact it is being taught in the public schools in the larger cities. With an outfit one can make 'many beautiful and useful Xmas and Birthday presents. For those who do not care to do the work themselves, we have designs already burned, or can burn designs to order, The Flemish designs consist of nut bowls, placque', pipe and stem racks, picture frames, tabourettes, cuff and collar boxes, glove and handkerchief boxes, extension book cases and waste paper baskets. We also have leather in all colors, which when cut in various forms and then burned, make pretty doylies, pillows, etc. Get an Outfit Now. Do Not Delay You can spend many a plcsant and at the same time profitable hour with a burn ing outfit. If you do not understand the work, come in and we will gladly show you. FREE LESSONS TO ALL PERSONS PURCHASING AN OUTFIT. Bruce Wallace, Prop Pioneer Drug Store North Side Main St. y" CSSSfCS ; mi. '""J aar - GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses hoarded by the day, week or mouth 8tableson2nd street, Bouth of Main street J. F. Wright, - - Proprietor A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led, rhont la lor impress uuu dussb First aiiooa I Bank of Athena & " CAPITAL STOCK.. ... . .. $50,000 -SURPLUS,.. .......... ...12,500 Propel attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change. : Firo and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge for keeping your valuable paper,. H. C Adams. President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President. A narretl, 1 P. K. Uolburn, Directors F. 8. Lc QBOW, Uashter, ' V. ii. LeUrow, I . Kkmf. Assistant Cashier when tlioy stretched the tender bjxllcs of women on tno rao.K wiin n until the very joints erackc naani si 'Please h All attendant saying to the tor- nrl woman. "Please smllo and look pleasant." tured woman, A ri vot the wnman "racked with pain," Is expected to nmuu vuruugu un and to mako home happy. Sho can t do It. It Is against Nature' .enerallr l i r, ti.n rucWIiiff rjalns of lll-nealtn such a headache, backache and bear i -.!., u,n nains'are related to derange ment or rdisorders of tho organs dls .! .i- (.miniiM When this condition g removea nn general i and with health comes back the smile of happiness. .... Any woman may - L . a " y- " ' W-S Hfflli nwT i sn . A. BARRETT' (St TO P'Y V :. PARKER & LANE'S w.l 7 tr 9 m ' . v incorporated. Shampooing, Massage ; I jf "jl I n - ' " for Face and Scalp. : ?V ' - fi 1 i i .HOT BATHS i I ft , . x " ini ii i; i l ill E "JW U -1 . ., -Seiy I homo without offensive questionings or examinations by the use of Dr. l'lerco Favorite Prescription, bick women uit consult Dr. Fierce, by letter, free of charge. Such letters are treated as sacredly conlidential. It afford me pleasure to relate the won derful merlU. of your irreat medirlne espe cially your ' Favorite I'resor ption writes Mr. J. Wesley unincoi n'ii L. Boi 22. "My 'fe hu been uln It for some time paft. haTlna unerea with larlng-uown jam ";, . and many other comolalnw peculiar to women, hue wa ery "' .'"- any heavy work or washing but can do all kinds of work now. Bue Is soon W become a mother but we do not fear the result (aa heretofore), all due to your wonder-worker. "Favorite Prescription.' im .. i..iiof' m ab worth many time, their oriea. I have owd tbem , for biliousness ana suiroiicn vrwu.uu. .. haw found them to be all that jrou claim. They are my constant companions -ouce used, always kept Given away. The People' Common Sense Medical Ad Tbier I sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of malllnff nl. The book con tains WW paw over 700 Illus trations and several colored plates. Send 21 one-cent stamp for the psper-boond hook, or 31 stamps for the Cljih lwund. Address Ir. E. V. Pierce. Buffalo. S. Y. Ko-Ta-Bate for Firty Cent. Guaranteed tobaxa habit cure, makes weak ueo swour Ho( pure. AH anupots TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY rhroueh Pullman standard and sleeping ears daily to Omaha, Chicago; tourist sleeping car daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tntiriui .iiwnitiii mrs. nersonallv conducted. Lweekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha.r cars, seats iree, vo vue ot uu Pendleton, DIPXRT Dally. i-M 9 iu. -.a a. 7:05 p. m. 12:30 p.s TIMK SCBEDni.ES ABRIVX ATHENA, ORE. Dally. ' Past Hail for Pen dleton, LaUrande, Baker City, aud all poinUeastvlaHun tinrton. Ore.. Also for Umatilla, Hepp ner. The Dalles, 9:57 a.m. Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley -Points, California, Tacoma. Seat! ie, all Bound Points. Walla Walla, Day- ton, Pomeroy, lew iston, Colfax, Poll. .... " ' manV Moscow, tbe ,4-5l- m- Goner d'Alene dis- triot, Hpokane and all points north. Mixed train Walla wall and inter e- -12-20 n. m. diate points. Mixed, for Pendle- ton and lntermedl- 7:05 p-m. ate points. LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. i I A r n . . NCV UvJ WPiil' Makes the food more delicious ond wholesome sovni sAKixa sownr it co., wrw youk. il. W. Smith Agent, Athens, Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month , LKINQ BROTHERS Pnp To Care Constipation Torever fake CascareU Candy Cathartic 100 or !5e. . C. C. C. fail to cure, drugqixts n-fmi'l iwmf PAHHEB' 8 A IVS the most hnilna in th world. THE PRESS, ONLY $2 Mm PER YEAR. 1 5 The New Body Builder As delicious as a Fresh Orange Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Uver Oil and Emulsions finaranteed to contain all tho medicinal elements, actually taken from genuine fresh coda' livers, with organio iron and other body-building Ingredients, but no oil or grease, malting the greatest strength and flesh creator known to medicine. For old people, puny children, weak, palo women, nursing: mothers, chronic cold, hacking coughs, throat and lung; troubles, Incipient consumption nothing equals VlnoL Try It If you don't like it e will return morwT. PIONEER DRUG STORE i