AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. TWIOB-A-WSEK TCE8DAT AND FRIDAY : r. B. BOTD, PUBLIBBH. Entered a necond-clasa matter, March 1, 1!KM, at the postofflce at Atbena, Oregon, uuderao Actot Congress or March 3, 1879. Subscription Rata : l'r year, in advanot 12.00 Blngleooplef In wrappers ,6e. Advertising ftataas Local reading notlcei, Drat lntertion, lOe per if. Hi inhaabiequent Insertion, 6c. A.II communication ihould be addremed to he PRESS Athena, Oregon ATHENA, OCTOBER 27, 1905 "Tainted money" baa become an issue in the state political campaign in Nebraska, and two of tbe candi dates for regeuts of tbe state univers ity have signed statements tbat if elected they would advocate return ing to John D. Kockefeller $66,000 which be gave last year for a temple for the religious societies of tbe uni versity. It is difficult to understand how such a pledge should commend thorn to tbe intelligent voters of tbe state. The propriety of Chancelor Andrews soliciting Rockefeller for contributions for tbe university may be questioned, but the gift itself has beeu of valuable assistance to a worthy institution and to cripple the university now by handing back the money would seem to be an act of folly. Frank Baker's "harmony meeting" of republicans at Portland the other day seems to have been very well at tended by one wing of the party. The other faction was represented by one man, Wallace MoOamant. From in ference it may be concluded that Mr. MoCumant was in attendance at the meeting either to satisfy bis cariosity or to keep tab on the doings of the other fellows. From the way things have turned out the harmony meeting was a fizzle and tbe factional strife re mains much the same as before the meeting. It will take more than one wiug of the republican party in Ore gon to cement harmony in tbe rank and rile. Either one faotion or the other, working single banded, : will nevor accomplish anything. The government will unquestion ably be able to secure a very com fortable revenue from tbe grazing privileges in its forest reserves. The reserve comprises over 740,000 acres in the Blue mountains. It is the pur pose of the government to lease the privileges to stockmen at a stipulated price per head for sheep and cattle. The prevailing price for sheep will perhaps be about five cents per head for the soasou. By this arrangement the government will be able to de rive a revenue from its forest rese ves sufficient in all probability to make them, at least, self supporting, if not u nut protlt to tho government. District Attorney Jerome of New York holds a local office corresponding to tbfit of county attorney in this state. Yet the whole country is, in a lively manner, interested iu the fight he is making for reelection. This is not so much because of Jerome's re lation to this expected prosecution of insurance " thieves, but because ' of Jerome himself. He is tbe first man in a generation, who bas bad tbe temerity to defy the bo&ai on either side. He was elected four years ago as a Tammany candidate and has spent the most of his time in prose cnting the thieves with whom Mnrpby consorts. He might have bad tbe republican nomination but be preferred bis liberty, and by ex pressing bis opinion of both Murphy and OdelL There is no occasion for the Walla Walla Union and the Pendleton Tri bune to frame up a quarrel over the C. M. & St P. railway. Both papers are selecting a route for tbe road tbat seems to be coming Coastward, and incidentally, each paper lays the rails in its borne town. Now, right off tbe reel, the Press sees tbat a comprom ise must be bad, so proposes to split tbe deal and let tbe contract for tbe road bed through Athena. Everybody concedes tbat the farmer is the most independent man on earth, yet the tremendous growth of the cities proves pretty conclusively that no greater proportion of us yuarn for tbat kind of independence. On tbe contrary, the farm boy goes to the -city but tbe city boy does not go to the country except for a vacation. Bains have fallen to tbe extent tbat soil is in excellent conditiion to re ceive the fall sown crop. The farmer bas bis drill ready and seed is in proper shape. All now depends on tbe antios of the weather man. Should bis capers become too obstrep erous, the ranchers would do well to give him a coat of tar and feathers. The telescope reveals the fact tbat the landscapes ou Mars are subject to sudden and frequent changes of the most extensive character. Map mak ing must be the most profitable em ployment on that planet. Charles R. Flint, just back from Bnssia, says that the czar is a man of high intelligence and strength of character and that tbe grand dukes are all right Mr. Flint must have got his contract. Capt Sir Ernest Cochrane of Dublin and Belfast promptly denies tbat he bas any design whatever on the American cup. He must have been reading the papers since Sir Thomas Lipton started out to "lift" it A woman cashier in a Chicago res taurant put two holdup men to flight recently by throwing cigar boxes at them. The name of the brand is not given, but the cigars must have been fierce. , Now that the experimenters have sent a kie up more than two and a half miles in the air, it is obvious that anythiug that is knocking higher thou a kite must go up pretty high. D 1VK WON'T COO. (Portland Journal.) Apparently tbe only definite result from Frank Baker's Bepublioan peace conference has beeu a wideuiug of the breach in this country between the Simon and Mitchell factious. The conference simply served to show the impossibility of harmoiiiziug the bos tile clans and tbe deep-seated antagon ism iu tbe Siuiou routs of Baker and all bis works. In other sections of the state there The Furniture Department Our furniture department now occupies more space than any other department in our entire store. Formerly we oc uupied'tho balcony in the old store but now we have the whole ground floor and balcony iu tbe new store for furni ture exclusitely. This means more space aud better dis play. Our eleveu years of experience has taught us what you want and we know we can please you. The new fall goods the products of the best factories in the country are now nearly all here. If you are uuable to come and see for yourself, writo us and we will Blend you descriptions and prioes on anything you want This year's stock is without'a doubt the best and most oomplete stock in the Inland Empire. Remember we pay the freight when bill amounts to $10. MaU Orders a Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the ; Home. 12 U-16-ia 20-22 Aider Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. MaU Orders ; a : Specialty bas been some disposition to bury the hatchet, but in Multnomah the obi feud is as bitter as ever. Here it was well known tbat Jack Matthews and Frank Baker, the two men most- de tested by tbe Simon republicans, were the prime movers in , the scheme for a pe ce conference, which was looked on a nothing more than an effort to reestablish tbe old Mitchell machine. Wallace McCamant was tbe only one of Senator Simon's old lieutenants who took any part in the peace con ference, all of his former comrades being conspicuous by their absence. "What can the Mitchell faotion offer us?" was tbe common remark among them. "Their leaders are all discredited and their organization is a wreokv If they have chestnuts to pull out of the fire, we will not be their catspaw." Frank Baker's personal interest in maintaining bis bold on republican politics is well understood. He owns the printing plant in the state print er's office and derives from it a . sub' stantial yearly revenue. He is credit ed also with receiving a fat slice of the state printer's handsome profits and is therefore deeply interested in naming the next incumbent of the office. According to the gossip tbat is current among the politicians, Baker's chief object in his effort to reunite the factions was to be able to name the next republican nominee for state printer, thereby insuring the oontinu anoe of tbe revenue which be now en joys. Some of the aspirants for other state offices who reside in this county have been regarding Baker's movements with jealous eyes. They suspect bim of a desire to sacrifice all candidates from Multnomah county except his own choice for state printer. "Baker would gladly give every other place on tbe ticket to the outside counties if he could only name the state printer," said one prominent republican who attended tbe peace conference. "He wants to be able to compel every candidate in this county to come to bim for support, and then be would throw tbem all down and say to the outside counties, 'Multno mah wants nothing but tbe state printer; give us that and you oan take the rest' " Tbe original scheme, of which the peace conference was but .a feature, was to call a convention next spring in advance of the primaries and make up a slate to be ratified by the voters in the primary election. So much opposition developed, however, to this suggestion that it was reluctantly abandoned. This was peculiarly un fortunate for Baker, for tbe difficulty of programing the ticket is vastly increased when the nominations are made by the voters and not by the bosses. Nevertheless, he is said to be still hopeful that tbe republicans of Oregon will show a proper regard for his private interests when the nomin ations are made. THE Y1KWS OF ONE. (By Ambrose Bierce.) This Hall of Fame matter is be come, as was to have been expected, ridiculous. Edgar Allen Poe is de nied a place and James Madison is se lected "by a heavy majority." It is needless to drag the name of that political imbecile from the sunless pantheon of American presidents and damn bim with a deeper obscurity. Erected by the widow of Colgate, the millionaire soapmaker, a tomb, "probably tbe most expensive of its kind in the United States," will bold the asbes of "Dandy," ber favorite horse, and incidentally keep green the memory of tbe family product I venture to submit the following lines for inscription: . His virtues here iuscribed where al 1 may see" 'em, Daudy reposes in this horsoleum, Whose massive marbles, fit with Time to cope, Proclaim that even after life there's ' 8aP '' When tbe president shall have regu lated to his taste the American birth rate and done' it by talkiug, and when he shall have set up an Al-phonse-and-Gaston code of football etiquette, I should like to invite his attention to the abuses that Save crept into tbe national game of "Simon says thumbs up. " It is not at all what it was when its illustrious inventor left It as a legacy of delight to a grateful posterity, aud I was recently beaten at it by Jan unsportsmanlike conspiracy between a girl of 13 and a lad of 10. For what have we presidents? Mr. Hall Caiue explains that he does his best thinking in church. Good, but the doxology and the benediction must have a paralyzing effect ou the tbiug tbat be remembers with. "I am convinced tbat the 2,400- ponud projectile fired by tbe 16 inch gnu is more effective in proportion than tbe 1,000-pound shot of the smaller guns." Secretary Taft In proportion to what? The expense of firing it? If so, its destructiveness is truly volcanic No, Mr. August Belmont's vermi form appendix may have been "oast as rubbish to tbe void," or may have wriggled away iuto the Incommuni cable Afar, but be is not "out of , danger." His life is still shadowed by the imminent peril of remaining ! what ha always was. "Japan does not wish to disturb the j Philippines." Minister Takahira. No more did Dewey. My Staple Lines of Jewelry are BROOCHES SCARF PINS CUFF LINKS NECK CHAINS GUARD CHAINS VEST CHAINS LOCKETS RINGS FOBS I have many pretty things arriv ing to make up my fall stock,' Watch my window displays. ROYAL M. SAWTEli Jeweler : Athena PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, - - OREGON. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night j Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon I S. P. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Special attention given to Female Diseases. OalU promptly answered. Offloe on Third Street. Athena, Oregor JOHN T. WOOD, M. D, Graduate Detroit Col lege of Medicine : : : Office Opposite McBride's Drug Store. THE PALACE DRUGSTORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. -South Side Main Street, Atbena, Ore. You know ' your doctor is all right but how about tbe tilling of prescriptions? Our Prescriptions are precisely as tbe doctor ordered nothing more, nothing less and always exactly right. Troy Laundry Walla Walla, ash. Elmer Ltne, Agmit in Alliens ! Work Guaranteed Washings are calif I for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athens. Cleanliness is next to Godliness V WvVWyvWWWfVWAAVA Ton will always look clean if your laundry comes from our first class laundry. - Only best work is turned out by us, and if you have never tried our work send us a trial order. Our superior faculties, our modern machinery, aud our experienced help, make a uniform ity of goodness in all laundry that comes from us. SEND US THAT NEXT BUNDLE. Our wagon will call for and deliver the work to you in the superior man ner which in Pendleton it is for us only to do. Pendleton Steam Laundry FISHMAN & PETERS, Proprietors CHARLES GAY, ATHENA AGENT t THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL!! J. E. FROOME, prop. X 'ouieisi CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches. I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. - - - A. M. CILLIS, PROPRIETOR, THE GILLIS LUMBER YARD I 8atBISBf f Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA; OREGON. lili .11 it PARKER & LANE'S HIP Everything Kim I Clan - Mil d ern and Up-tu d a I SOUTH SID MAIN STREET ATHENA. CHARLES GAY ...Dealer in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD, PIES. CAKES, ETC. Only First-class Hotel in the City. n? THE ST. MCKCLS l lha only one that eao econiiu4ait a oommercla! traveler. T Cam bateeomeDded for Hi clean and veil ventilated rooms. Com. KlIU ARB TBMBt ATHEKl.Or. Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building" Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. . Special inducements ou orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION