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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
Early Shipments of NEW FALL GOODS Arriving Daily Of KUH NATHAN fBd CO. New Styles MEN'S OVERCOATS This . is the day of the big coat of generous pro positions. iThe "Skimpv" and ill fitting coat has long disappeared; instead we have the great coat with broad shoulders, roomy sleeves and gen erous skirts. 52x54 iuch is not too long for the average man. They are handsome, these Coats; comfortable and reason ably priced. Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, Mwa Auua Boss, of Weston, was iu the city Saturday evening. Craghead & Hays have some bar gains iu business chances. The "pure oream of tartar kind" Cleveland's Baking Powder. Always "good luck" with it Cleveland's Baking Powder. It is the highest in leaveuing power Cleveland's Baking Powder. Sarnuol D. Petorson, the Milton at torney, spent Sunday in the city. ttev. George T. Ellis went over La Grande yesterday on business. to A delicious desert Washington Pie. Get it at the Preudergast Bakery. A. II, Luna has a large amount of uxoelleut home-made lard for sale. H. F. Johnson, a Pendleton capital ist, had busiuoss in Athena yesterday. Miss Laura MoEweu, of Newport, Wash., is a guest of Mrs. Fred Knowl tou. It never fails to make light, whole some food Cleveland's Baking Pow der. Just arrived, at Mrs. Lillie Miller's millinery store, a new liue of beaver huts. Matt Mosgrove came over from Mil ton yesterday. You can got 20 pounds of first class boiling beef for at li. J, Boddy's moat mnrket. Doll Bros, havo a splendid liue of gloves. Prices are right and assort meut is large. Mr. Will Barrett, of Albany, is in the city, a guost at the Barrett aud Plamoudou homes. Miss Bessie McBrido came up and this HI hpent Sunday with her parents in city, from Peudletou. I Miss Pounick, of Adams, was visit ' iug at the homo of her sister, Mrs. Chuiley Nye, Sunday. Miss Dora Myrick, who is employed in a store iu Pendleton, came up Sun day to visit her mother. . Mr. McFadyen has moved into his niv cottage which he reoeutly erected iu the uorth part of town. Peebler & Chumherlaiu. tho imple ment dealers, have a largo' stock of the fumous Superior drills. Mr. Chandler, employed iu the Pros-ton-Pm ton mills, will leave soon with his family for Everett, Wash. . y Or Rhodes, the Fair's popular head clerk, left yesterday for a week's stay on his Crook county homestead. -Miss Mabel Touipkius accompanied her father to the farm yesterday, where they will spend a few days. .Ralph Smalloy, tho painter, ' came over from Walla Walla Saturday aud spent Sunday with Atheua frieuds. For sale. E. J. Taylor otfeis a house aud lot for sale. Price reason able. Property near Baptist church. New Goods Fall styles in men's Clothes in a large variety of Fabrics, weaves and pat terns; in double and single breasted. All out of the shop of the best clothes makers. These clothes are up to date in every respect, and are offered at prices that are governed by quality, btyleand nt are in every garment. The $10.00 SUIT is as correct as the $20 one. CW I90J IKUK NATHAN & FISCHER CO. - - Athena, Oregon Mrs. Donald McDonald of Walla Walla, is visting her daughters, IMrs E. A. Dudley aud Mrs. Will M. Peter- sou. Mrs. Martha VanWinkle, of Weston was a visitor Saturday at the home of !:er sister, Mrs. T. J. Watts, iu this city. ' Andy Weaver, a former resident of Atbeua but who for several years has made his home in La Graude, was in town Sunday. There is but one laundry in Pendle ton known as the "Pendleton Steam Laundry," and Charles Gay is its exclusive Athena agent. Next Friday will be Domestic Science day at the Friday Afternoon Lolub, which will be entertained at the home of Miss Nellie Foss. James Henderson, the popular sales man iu the grocery department of the Athena Mercautile Co.'s store, is very ill with typhoid fever. Only rounded spoonfuls of Cleve land's Baking Powder are required, not boapiug spoonfuls like the ordi nary kind of baking powders. Mr. James Craig, a nephew of Jas. Nelson, is in the city from his home in Califoruia. He expects to go to Alberta with Mr. aud Mrs. Nelson. K Nate Pinkertou came up from Pen dleton yesterday aud reports his wifo recovering from the recent operation for appendicitis, iu a hospital iu that city. J. W. Jeiikius, of the Christian church, went down to Portland yes terday to meet with the other mem bers of the missionary board, of which he is president. Mr. Harvey, who has the land in Crook county owned by D. B. Jarruan of this city, under lease, was in town for several days this week. Mr. Har vey left yesterday for Seattle. )C Miss Ivah Calleuder, a traiued nurse of Portland, aud well kuowu in Ath eua, arrived this moraiug. She will nurse James Henderson, who is crit ically ill with typhoid fever. . - Mrs. Liua Stnrgis, of Pendleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Price, of Wilbur, Wash., were guests yesterday at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Ely. The two ladies are aunts of Mrs. Ely. " Mrs. Churchill, of Walla Walla, has been for the past week a guest of her sister, Mrs. Win. Winship. Mrs. Winshiu accompanied her sister home today aud will visit her parents ia that city. Mrs. Henry Lloyd, of Moscow, Wash., was the guest of friends in Athena last week. Mrs. Lloyd, who was in ill health for several months previous to leaving this county, has recovered her health. Fred Rosoniweig has received word of the death receutly of his eldest brother, Carl Roseusweig, which oc curred at his old home, Albertsdorf, Germany. He was the father of Mrs. Carl Weisert, of Peudletou. L. J. Robinson, the painter, aud W. R. Coon have returned from their trip through northern Idaho. Mr. Robin Sir ' s ; ' r, "V JJfyJ-T XT J son is very muoh impressed with the Nei Perce country. He took dinner while there with Mis. Vorhies, a for mer resident of Atbena, who is now prosperously located in that locality. KO. W. Bradley has purchased the residence property known as the Waterman place, of Will MoCollum, and will immediately take possession. It is at present occupied by Mrs. Mo Daniel, a teacher in the school. , Already the effect of the fall rains is noticably on the increase in the water supply from Gallaher Springs. Since last Friday the reservoir has been overflowing, and the pumping plant has remained idle for some time. Does the label on your can of bak ing powder say it is the "Pure Cream of Tartar Kind"? . Cleveland's is the pure cream of tartar baking powder as stated on each label and vouched for by the U. S. government chemists. Good advice to women. If you want a beautiful complexion, Clean skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take Hollister's Rocky Monn tain Tea. There is nothing like it 85o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer drug store. '" . " - hE. J. Taylor, Chas. Lemery, JotTn FMcIntyre, A. C. Mclntyre, and Will MoCollum yesterday loaded their household goods, horses and farming implements for shipment to Nanton, Alberta. Their families will leave in fttmnt two weeks. kH. McArthur has sold 108 acres of fraud southeast of town to George Lieu- alleu, the price, so it is reported, being $80 per acre. .The land joins the farm of Mr. Lieuallen and with its acqui sition, he is now the owner of an ex ceptionally fine ranch. Mrs. James Nelson was in town Saturday visiting friends. Mrs. Nel son is preparing to return to her new borne in Alberta, over which she is very enthusiastic. Her father, Mr. Wm. Pinkerton, Sr., will go sbon to the north country, where he expects to invest in land. , Mr. Wildey . Turner, a prominent farmer 'of Helix, and Miss Clara Pickel, a teaoher in the Helix school, were married recently at Walla Walla. Both are well aud favorably known to Athena people, the bride having made her home in this city for several years. Craghead & Hays have on display at their real estate office some fine samples of red clover and brome grass. The clover and grass comes from Al Booher's mountain ranch and gives practical evidence that in the future the mountain ranch will supply the cattle range and dairy products for this portion of the Inland Empire. . The Weston public school board ot directors have found it necessary to employ an additional teacher. Miss Sweeney, a young lady reoently ar rived from Minnesota, has acoepted the position and will have charge of a portion of the third and fifth grades, thus relieviug Misses Barnes and Craigen. ' Frank Mraz, of Colton, who accom panied his sister, Mrs. I. M. Kemp of this city to the Portland fair re cently, was held up by footpads tn the night he was leaving Colton. Three men attacked him and after a sharp struggle in wbiob Mr. Mraz knocked one man down with his suit case and broke his umbrella over the head of another, he was overpowered and robbed of $38 in cash and a $50 watch. Mrs. Ed. Davis, whom some ot the Press readers will remember as having visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis, who formerly resided here, died reoently at her home in Starbuck, Wash., of what is known as black diphtheria. Her death was followed the next day by that of her little son, Dell. She leaves an infant daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis, the parents-in-law, now reside at North Yakima. 3unday morning smoke was notioed . II,. tU .moll AOBUAUg 1IUU1 WJO AWA VI IUU DUIU1. building near the demons ohopmill, occupied by Charley, the Chinaman. Marshal Gholson and several others rushed to the scene and investigation revealed an unjoiuted stovepipe, a room full of smoke and the maddest Chinaman that ever rolled a noodleC The old mongolian seemed utterly in different as to his house burning, but his extreme anger was caused from getting his eyes full of smoke. The pipe was soon joined together and no damage resulted. Are You Kngnged? Engaged people should remember that, after marriage, many quarrels cau be avoided, by keeping their di gestions in good order with Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, S. U, says: "For years my wife suffered iutensely from dispepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped ber at once, aud finally made her entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." McBride, drug gist, sells and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. l,lk Finding Money. Finding health is like findiug money 40 thiuk those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, better act prompt ly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, . caused by smoke and coal dust on my lnugs; but, after find ing uo relief iu other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, coughs and- colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At McBride' drugstore; 50o aud ft; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Pendleton Bus. College is progressive Sterling silver novelties at Maoasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. Buy a Henney buggy aud look swelL C. A. Barrett & Co. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the W hite House Grocery. Pendleton Busines College is popular. C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine. Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured hams. They are delicious. ) That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. ; At Worthington & Thompson's, r Pendleton Bus. College is practical. 1 Pendleton Bus. College is thorough. You should see the fine line of buKKies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Uo. s. Pendleton Business College is modern It is the fit and finish; the artistic touch that makes the suit. "Internat ional" Made to Measure garments have all of these virtues, including quality as well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co. to show you their . magnificent line of i these supplies. Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton & Thompson a. Attend Pendleton Business College. Our selection of overcoats is now complete. It is marvelous how ' a finished coat of tne- quality we show ecu be produced and sold for the price. Athena Mercantile Co. Save yourself money while visiting the fair by engaging rooms of Mrs. M. J. Bagley, 265 1-2 Second street be tween Jefferson and Madison, Port land, Ore. I Pendleton Bus College opens Sept 1 1. ,' We now have ready for your inspec tion the most comprehensive and splendid showing of new styles in men's, youths' and boys' clothing ever shown in this part of the stifle. Z Athena Mercantile Co. ' J Pendleton Bus College is uptodate. K If you want he best vaiue, the best wearnig, the most up to date foot wear, we have now a complete stock of everything in the shoe line for fall and winter wear. Athena Mercantile Co. Pendleton Business College leads. Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Are you weak? Are you in pain? ' Do you .feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85o at Pioneer drug store. Free R. R. fare to Pend Bus. College ? Got Off Cheap. He may well think he has got off cheap, who, . after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant aqd certain cure for headache, con stipation, etc. 25o at McBride's drug store, guaranteed. ' ' Attacked By a Mob. arid 'beaten in a labor riot until cover ed with sores, a Chicago street oar conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and was soon sound and well, "f use it in my family," writes G. J. Wblch, of Mich., "and find it per fect " Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25o at McBride's drug stofce. - Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right .With the arrival of the house cleaning period the mind of the housewife naturally turns to the matter of Carpets and Rugs, and consequently she is confronted with, two problems the cleaning .up process and the coverings for the floors. Now, soap, lye and water can be made to overcome the former, 4 but the mistress of the household looks to the carpet dealer for help before she gets through with the floor. A dp Can Show i the Goods WE for the stock of Carpets and Rugs carried by us this year is overwhelmingly greater than'any we have purchased heretofore. This is saying a great deal, for our stocks of the past were not to be " sneezed at." Now is the time to make your purchase, Miller, the Rustler, m wmnrmmnrnrfTTmmmnrmmmnFmtTftTrmmnfnTnf va CONSUMERS A simple rule to make life a joy is to When shopping do not forget that can be obtained. For iWH.IT g Cash Grocery - g SZ Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte ZZ2 THE TERHUNE LUMBER YARD Hunt Building Material at Lowest prices, Estimates Properly Furnished. X. ESTABLISHED 1865 Preston-Parton Milling Go. j Our Bar Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. FINEST IN THE PRENDERG SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. Fresh Bread Daily CAN HELP HER 0UT drink a cup of that elegant Coffee m that "99" is the best Coffee sale only at the Avenue. Contracting and L. Twhune, Building a Specially! Athena, Oregon. lev Mill Athena, Oregon CANDIES TOWN AST BAKERY -:- ATHENA, OREGON. Our Prices and Quality ilix Athena, Oregon