The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 17, 1905, Image 4

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    Early Shipments of NEW FALL GOODS Arriving Daily
New Styles
This is the' day of the
big coat of generous pro
positions. tThe "Skimpy"
and ill fitting coat has
long disappeared; instead
we have the great Coat
with broad shoulders,
roomy sleeves and gen
erous skirts. 52x54 iuch
is not too long for the
average man. They are
handsome, these Coats;
comfortable and reason
ably priced.
Athena Mercantile Company
South S de Main Street,
Press Paragraphs
It in the highest in leavening power
Cleveluud's Bukiug Powder.
Crughond & Hays have some bar
guius in business chances.
The "pure cream of tartar kind"
Cleveland's Bilking Powdor.
A delicious desert Washington Pie.
Got it at the Prendergast Bakery.
Alwuys "good luck" with it
Cleveland's Baking Powder.
A good time is in store for all who
attend the danoe Friday night . '
For snaps in real estate, see Crag
head & Hays. Insurance and loans.
W. R. Taylor has roturned from his
Htnolc ranch in the John Dav oonntrv.
It never fuils to make light, whole
some food Cleveland's Baking Pow
dor. Just arrivod, at Mrs. Lillio Miller's
millinery store, u new line of beaver
Mrs. Lillie Miller announces that
she has the latest styles in ribbons
and veils.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles MoFarland
were in Pendleton Friday visiting
You can got 20 pouuds of first class
boiling beef for $1 at II. J. Boddy's
meat market.
Miss Bessie McDauiel was in from
her school and spent Saturday With
Athena friends.
All should attend the dauco Friday
evening at the opeia house. Best of
uiuhIc will bo furnished.
Peebler & Chamberlaiu, the imple
ment dealers, have a large stock of
the famous Superior drills.
K Miss Kate MoEwen was up from
her school in Peudletou uud spout
- Sunday with her parents.
. f-
$ Cordelia Waterman has sold to O.
U. Chamberlain fou- lota in block 18,
iu Athena; consideration f 150.
Mr. and Mrs. Malen, lute of Cul
gnry, Alberta, are iu the city and are
stopping at the St. .Nichols hotel.
For sale. K. J. Taylor otfeis a
house and lot for sale. Prioe reason
able. Property near Baptist church.
, Mr. Hnd Mrs. George Gross uud
daughters loft yesterday for the farm
where they expect to remain for the
Mr. Craghead, the real estate man,
nud Dr. Wood went down to Pendleton
yesterday eveuiug, returning this
fMiss Elsa Bosenaweig and Miss
Minnie Knylor visitod Miss Cannon
at her present home iu Walla Walla
Friday aud Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay tiros, of Weston,
were in the city Sunday aud attended
the funeral of the late Gus Thompson,
who was a relative of Mr. Gross.
Mary I. Watrus was Mouday granted
a divorce from Charles D. Watrus
by Judge Ellis, cruelty aud iuhutuau
New Goods
Fall stvles in
Clothes in a large variety
of Fabrics, weaves and pat
terns; in double and single
breasted. AH out of the
shop of the best
makers. These
are up to date in
resDect. and are offered at
prices that are governed by
quality. Style and fit are
in every garment. The
$10.00 SUIT
is as correct as the $20 one.
pi. war
. . - Athena, Oregon
treatment being the grounds.
principals reside near Adams.
Attorney' Peterson and Ira Kemp
made a flying trip to the county seat
this morniug, going on the early morn
ing train and returning at 9:40.
Mrs. Norval Bradley of Washtncna
Wash, visited her sister Mrs. Dan
Prendergast iast week. She was on
her way home foni the fair.
East Oregouian : Mrs. Ed Manasse,
of Athena, who has been the guest of
Mrs. John Vert for a few days, re
turned to her home this morning.
Ouly rounded spoonfuls of Cleve
land's Baking Powder are required,
not heaping spoonfuls like the ordi-
y kind of baking powders.
A Mini
Mr. and Mrs. Sim J. Cnlley and
Miss Vi Warren were over from Wes
ton Saturday evening and attended
the lost performance of the Josephine
Doffry company.
Miss Jeuuie Dykes, who was the
successful Umatilla county contestant
in,the Spokesman-Review fair trip, was
over from hor home in Milton, a guest
of Athena friends Sunday.
Does the label on your can of bak
ing powder say it is the "Pure Cream
of Tartar Kind"? Cleveland's is the
pure cream of tartar baking powder
as stated on each label and vouched
for by the U. S. government chemists.
Tom Defreeoe took suddenly very
sick Sunday morning at the home of
A. B. McEweu. Dr. Sharp was sum
moned aud the sick man is now on the
road to recovery. A severe cramping
was the trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Booher have
moved in from the f una aud are com
fortably settled iu their home in the
north part of town for the purpose of
sendiug their children to school. Thoy
will remaiu iu town during the winter.
Good advice to womeu. If you
want a beautiful complexion, cloun
skin, bright eyes, red lips, good
health, take Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. There is nothing like it.
33o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer drug
Dr. J. D. Plamondon, F. B. Boyd,
Cbas. Smith and Millard Kelley left
early Saturday morning for the head
waters of the Grand Ronde, where
they fondly hope to bag big game.
They expect to be abseut about two
y Thomas Price, of LaGrande, Merced
iouuty ChI. is iu the city a guest of
Mrs. Sarah Harden. Mr. Price is a
distant lelutive. of Mrs. Hardeu and
comes from her former home iu Cali
forniu which makes hia visit a doubly
welcome one to hor.
Charley Cramer, an old time resi
dent of the Wildhorse mountain, came
down from Dawson, Alaska, this week
aud is renewiug acquaintance with
friends iu this vicinity. He has been
absent for about ten years, having
spout the entire time iu the frozen
r-Tbe handsome lace dress which was
on exbitntion at tne Lewis and ciaiK
fair, made by Mrs. James Kelson, for
merly ot this county but uow of Al
berta, N. W. T., wou a silver niedaL
This rich garmeut, which was made
f?''f 'J-- A-
of black silk tatting over purple silk,
was throughout the work of this
lady's own bands and represented
three yean work. Had the robe been
draped upon a figure, it la said it
would undoubtedly have received the
gold medaL It is valued at $1500.
Mrs. P. E. Colbera and her sister,
Mrs. Bunker, who is visiting her from
Mistouri, returned Friday evening
from Portland. Mrs. Colbera was
taken violently ill Saturday night and
has since been confined to her bed.
She is slowly improving at present
Mrs. W. J.King was called to the
bedside of her son, Ralph Hyraer, at
lone Friday evening. Mr. Hymer was
taken sick with a violent cramping,
such as has been, reported in a few
cases in this vicinity recently, but his
mother writes that he is now rapidly
recovering and she will soon return
home. ' .; ' . :
- An error was made in the local col
umns of last Friday's Press, in regard
to Miss Mary Kern, of Chilbowed,
Mo., visiting her aunt, Mrs. Vaughn
of this city. Miss Kern is a cousin
of Mrs. Vaughn. She was accom
panied from Spokane by Mr. Clint
Kern, youngest brother of Mrs.
Vaughn, and who is visiting relatives
in this county.
William Willaby, senior, informs
the Press that he will leave tomorrow
for a visit with Spokane friends .and
relatives, of whom lie baa' a score,
after which be will go to Newport,
Wash., where be will spend an indefi
nite time with his daughter, Mrs.
Frank Knowltou. Uncle Bill will
stay at least until the cold weather
drives him south again.
ySTesterday Milt Swaggart brought
ma drove of 40 head of bogs which
he disposed of to Seattle buyers. Tbey
were a fine lot of porkers, averaging
180 pounds in weight and brought
5 1-3 cents on foot Milt says people
have learned to believe that Link is
the only bog raiser in the state, and
desires to inform readers of the Press
that he is only a side issue in com
parison with bis own vast interests.
Thomas Terbune has sold out his
interests in tbis city and will soon
depart for Prosser, Wash., where he
may locate. His residence property
on Hunt Avenue was purchased by P.
E. Colbern, the price paid being' $1800.
Ed Barrett, the well known lumber
man", purchased hia Hunt Avenne
lumber yard, and will continue the
business in connection with his own
popular Umatilla Lumber yard. - Mr.
Barrett is here to stay, and solicits
the patronage of all intending build
ers. . .,!:
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church will bold a fair ' in
the near future, possibly, "before
Thanksgiving. Each sister of the
church is requested to oontnbute one
or more articles for sale at the fair,
and if any Other friends wish to do
so, it will be very much appreciated.
Those having or intending to have ar
ticles for this purpose may communi
cate with Mrs. David Taylor, the pres
ident A dinner will be giveu in con
nection with the fair. Further par
tionlars will be announced later. ' By.
order of the president
There is but one laundry in Pendle
ton known as the "Pendleton Steam
Laundry," and Charles 3ay is its
exolusive Athena agent
Are You KngageriT .
Engaged people should remember
that, after marriage, many quarrels
can be avoided, by keeping their, di
gestions in good, order , with Electrio
Bitters. S. A. Brown', of Bennetta
ville, S. ft, says: "For years my
wife suffered intensely from dispepsia,
complicated with a torpid liver, until
she lost her strength and vigor, and
became a mere wreck of her former
self. Then she tried Electrio Bitters,
which helped her at once, and finally
made her entirely well. She is now
strong and healthy." McBride, drug
gist, sella and guarantees them, at
500 a bottle. :
We make a specialty ot
Hats Made to Order '
North Side Main St.," :: Athena, Ore.
Lots of it at
Right Prices :
Pioneer Drug Store
Items in Brief.
Buy a Samson at Dot ft McEwen's.
Pendleton Bus. College is progressive
Sterling silver novelties at Manaaae's.
Freeh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at
Gay's, daily.
Buy a Henney buggy and look swelL
C A. Barrett & Co.
Try; a Flor de Corona cigar at the
At hit House Grocery.
Pendleton Buainea College is popular.
C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the
Deering binding twine.
Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured
hams. Tbey are delicious. -
That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Worthington & Thompson's.
Pendleton Bus. College is practical.
. Pendleton Bus. College is thorough.
Ydu should see the fine line of
buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett &
Pendleton Business College is modern
It Is the fit and finish; the artistic
touch'tbat makes the suit. "Internat
ional"; Made to Measure garments have
all of these virtues, including quality as
well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co.
to ehw you their magnificent line of
these supplies.
' Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. Get it at Worthing
ton & Thompson's.
Attend Pendleton Business College.
Our selection of overcoats is . now
complete. It is marvelous how a
finished coatof the quality we show
can be produced and sold for the
price. Athena Mercantile Co.
Save yourself money while visiting
the fair by engaging rooms of Mrs.
M. J. 'Bagley, 265 1-2 Second street be
tween Jefferson' and Madison, Port
land, Ore.
Pendleton Bus College opens Sept 11.
We how have ready for your inspec
tion the most comprehensive and
splendid showing of . new styles in
men's, youths' and boys' clothing
ever shown in this part of the state.
Athena Mercantile Co.
Pendleton Bus College ia uptodate.
If you want he best vaiue, the best
wearniir. the most up to date foot
wear, wis have now a complete stock of
everything in the shoe line for fall
and winter wear. Athena Mercantile
Co. ;.
Pendleton Business College leads.
Are you lacking in strength and'
vigor?. Are you weak v Are yu ln
pain? Do you feel all run down?
The blessing of health and strength
come to all who use Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea. 85o at Pioneer drug
store, j
Free'R. R. fare to Pend Bus. College
' Got Off Cheap.
He may well think be baa got off
cheap, who, after having, contracted
constipation or indigestion, is still
able to perfectly restore hia health.
Nothing will do thia but DrV King's
New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant
and certain cure for headache, con
stipation, etc. 25c at McBride's drug
store, guaranteed. '-
,, Attacked By m Moli.
and beaien in a labor riot until cover
ed with sores, a Chicago street car
conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica
Salve and was soon sound and well.
"I use it in my family," writes G. J.
Welch, of Mich., "and find it per
fect" Simply great for cuts and
burns. - Only 25o at McBride's drug
store, i
Foley's Kidney Cure
makes kidneys and bladder right.
With the arrival of the house cleaning period the mind of the housewue naturally
turns to the matter of Carpets and.Rugs, and consequently she is confronted with two
problems the cleaning up process and the coverings for the floors. Now, soap, lye
and water can be made to overcome the former, but the mistress of the household
looks o the carpet dealer for help before she gets through with the floor, dp 5
Can Show
for the stock of Carpets and Rugs carried by us this
than' any we have purchased heretofore. This is saying
the past were not to be " sneezed at" Now is the time to
Miller, the Rustler,
a mm nr m mm nr itr imirorcrar wm mi ww ft?
SI A simple rule to make life a joy is to
When shopping do not forget
that can be obtained. For
SZ Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte Z2
7i immmmmmmmmmmmumm k
Material at Lowest prices.
Properly Furnished. T.
Preston-Parton Milling Co.
Our Barley Ml 1
Is Now Running. We can roll
your Barley while you Wait
Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers :
Waitsburg, Wash.
resh Bread
i- ,J -pit-Zr--
'drink a cup of that elegant Coffee
that "99" is the best Coffee
sale only at the
Contracting and
Building a Specialty..
Athena, Oregon.
Athena, Oregon
Prices and
ITU i "1. Ll ' 1
year is overwhelmingly greater
a great deal, for our stocks of
make your purchase, i
Athena, Oregon