The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 10, 1905, Image 4

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    Early Shipments of NEW FALL GOODS Arriving Daily
1 W
iJ' -
kuh Nathan bo ca
New Styles
This is the day of the
bis coat of generous pro
positions. The "Skimpy"
and ill fitting coat has
long disappeared; instead
we have the great coat
with broad shoulders,
roomy sleeves and gen
erous skirts. 52x54 inch
is not too long for the
average man. They are
handsome, these Coats;
comfortable and reason
ably priced.
Athena Mercantile Company
South S de Main Street,
Juok Fro t Las made his appear-'
Ed Wood, of the Weston Louder was
in town yesterday.
Oragbead & Hays have some bar
gains in business chances.
Mrs. Brace is reported ill, at the
Caplinger home near town.'
O. G. McFarlaud was a business
visitor to Poudloton Saturday.
Important meeting of C. W. B. M.
Saturday. Members tuke notice.
Mr. Fred Millor, of Spokane, visited
friends iu the city over Sunday.
A delicious dosert Washiugtou Pie.
Get it at the Preudergast Bakery.
For snaps in real estate, see Crag
head & Hays. Insurance aud loans.
W. A. Rulison left this morning for
Portland, whero ho will remuiu sever
al dayc
You can get 20 pounds of first class
boiling beef for $1 at R. J. Boddy's
meat market.
Muster Luke Bead, u Weston boy,
has acoopted u position in Ed Ma
nure's store.
Born, September !t, 1905, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Walters of Granito Falls,
Wash., a son.
. The Friday Afternoon club will
moot next Friday at the homo of Mrs.
Minnie DePeatt.
Peebler & Chamberlain, the imple
ment dealers, have a largo stock of
tho famous Superior drills.
This is the last woek of the Lewis
aud Clark exposition aud Athena has
her sharo of representatives there.
The Preudergast bakery is at the
front this week with a uoat and at
tractively d res-ted show window.
Link Swaggart had business at his
McKay creek ranch tho last of tho
week, returning home Sunday night
W. R. Taylor left yesterday for his
John Day stock ranch. He will. place
tho rauoh iu ehargo of new renterv,
Sandford Stone will leave iu a few
days for his home in Southern Oregou.
lie will return to Athena in the spring.
Tho oonditlou of Uus Thompson,
who is ill with typhoid fever at his
mot her's homo; is reported as very
Frauk Swaggart aud Roy Cannon
; have entered the Pendletou Business
college, where each will take the full
' busiuess course.
Miss Nettie Cauuou mime over from
Walla Walla Saturday evening and
visited her mauy fi lends in this city,
returning Sunday evening.
There is but one lunudry iu Peudle
ton known as tho "Pendleton Steam
Laundry,' and Charles Gny is iU
exclusive Athena agent.
F. E. Billiugton, of Cottago Grove,
secretary of tho Oregou Christian
Missionary Society, will deliver an
address iu the Christiau church Sun
I Press Paragraphs
New Goods
Fall styles in men's
Clothes in a large variety
of Fabrics, weaves and pat
terns; in double and single
breasted. All out of the
shop of the best clothes
makers. These clothes
are up to date in every
respect, and are offered at
prices that are governed by
quality. Style and fit are
in every garment. The
$10.00 SUIT
is as correct as the $20 one.
VA 'I.
Cwvk ins
Athena, Oregon
day evening, October 15. Mr. Billing-
ton is making a tour of the Christiau
churches iu Eastern Oregon.
XHotner Watts has taken his depar
ture for Harvard, where he will take
up the work of the second year law
course of that famous university.
Joe Hinkle, of Corvallis, who has
been visitiug his sister, Mrs. Will
MoCollum, for the past several weeks,
left yesterday for his home iu the
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Akers returned
home last evening from Portland and
will immediately go to housekeeping
iu one of the Brown cottages on
Fourth street. ,
tjLT. G. Hailey, the lawyer-farmer,
r was nn from Peiidlnton Saturday. Mr.
Hailey is meetiug with great success
in his dairy farm, which is located
near Pendletou.
. J. W. Smith oame up from Peudle
tou Sunday evening. Mr. Smith is
I looking after the Pendleton affairs of
j Thos. Montgomery, during the latter's
absence in Portland. -
Rev. M. H. Marvin, the well known
Methodist minister, who now has the
pastorate at Waitsburg, Has been com
pelled through ill health to go to Port
laud for rest aud medioal treatment..
' Mr. .and Mrs. "Will Dobson have re
turned from Hoquiam, Wash. Mrs.
Dobson has reoovcred her health and
Monday commenced a term of school
in tho Cannon district north of town.
pf A cattle buyer from the sound was
f i . . 1 ir - if J tft.i we
per hundred pounds for steers aud $2
each for fat cows. John Thompson
aud W. R. Taylor contracted with
him for this price.
Mrs. Walker aud son, Albert Bales,
loft yesterday for California, where
iu future they will make their home.
Mr. Bales has purchased a ten-acre
almond orchard, and will pat in his
time caring for tho same.
Good advice to women. If yon
want a beautiful complexion, clean
nkiu, bright eyes, red lips, good
health, take Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. There is nothing .like it
!55o Tea or Tablets. Pioneer drug
Col. Wood is iu Portland ou his
second trip to the fair. The colonel is
going some these days, but his paper
appears none the worse lor his ab
souoe. Mr. Gore, Wood's able assist
ant, keeps the Leader up to the usual
standard of excellence.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell have
returned to Umatilla county from
Sprague, Wash,, and will reside per
mauently near Warren station. Mr.
Campbell, who has been ranchiug
near Sprague, will hereafter farm one
of the B. F. Ogle ranches near War-
W. G. Preston, father of D." H.
Preston, drove down from Waitsburg
Saturday and spent Sunday with his
sou. Mr. Preston is a great admirer
of good horses, and owns some of the
best on the coast. He drove a spank
iug team of Del Nortes on his trip
The SU Nichob Hotel people will
either have to put a lock ou the chick
en boose door, or go out of the poultry
business. Saturday night two dozen
chickens were stolen from the St.
Nichols hennery and it wasn't an
overly good night for chicken steal
ing, either.
Rheumatism, gout, backache, acid
poison, are results of kidney trouble.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea goes
directly to the seat of the disease and
cures when all else fails. 35 cents.
Pioneer drug store.
Last Friday evening the members of
the Methodist church aud f rieuds
assembled at the Epworth League ball
and gave their new pastor, Rev.
John Evans, aud family, a reception
and warm weicome to their midst
Many articles were donated for the
use of the minister and family.
Louis Proebstel was over from Wes
ton yesterday, fraternizing with Ath
ena friends. Mr. Proebstel is interes
ted in mining at Tonopab, Nevada,
and also in oil for street and ' road
building. His mission here was to
interest business men aud property
owners in the latter proposition.
T. S. Haodsaker, the living link
evangelist of the Atheua Christian
church, has just closed a meeting in
Hood River with forty-seven addi
tions. The new church will at once
begin the erection of a $4,000 "house
of worship. . Rev. Handsaker will
preach in the Christian ohurch in
Atheua Thursday evening, the 12th.
Charles Barrow is just about the
happiest sportsman in town. The
cause for Charley's joy is the arrival
from Seattle of an unusually fine
Lewellyn setter puppy. It is of royal
canine blood, a gift from a friend,
aud if you think Charles does not
value it in the highest sense, you'll
have to guess again. .
Ira Kemp, assistant cashier of the
First National bank, is again in his
accustomed place, having sufficiently
recovered to be able for work. Ira
has had a serious time of it A skin
affliction known as "weeping eczema,"
spread over his body and in connec
tion with a flesh wound, resulting
from a out with a piece of broken
glass, made comfort impossible and
life about as miserable as he could
stand for.
There is ' just no use in talking
Charley Norris can't keep a fine set of
single harness in his shop at all, at all
the kind that Charley makes np
himself you know. He has made up two
splendid rigs for that Caution colt
"Nibbs," but neither gt as far as the
barn. The first set was nabbed by a
Weston man who knows a good thing
every time he sees it, and yesterday
Dale Preston bought the other, which
he will send to his father in Waitsburg.
fThree men are employed at the
f Ltlcas broom factory in this oity, ' and
they have to work early aud late to
keep up with orders on band. A call
for forty dozen for Pendleton dealers,
forty dozen for Athena, ten dozen for
Milton and ten dozen for Weston looks,
like there is a hurry string being
pulled at the factory all the time. A
portion of these orders have been on
file for some time aud the reason given
for the present rush is that machinery
ordered from Seattle was late in arriv
ing. The little tots in the Wililams Juve
nile Opera Co. , pleased a large and ap
preciative audience at the opera house
last evening, and if appreciation goes
for antyhing as a criterion, tonight
when the curtain rises on 'Tips,"
there will be standing room only.
Every little member of the troupe is a
clever performer, but when it comes
to "makiug a fuss" over any one of
them, Babe Mason always gets her j
share. "The Rajah of Pazala" was
the piece last night, tonight "Tips"
will colse the oompany's engagement
in this city.
bl N. A. Miller, the hustling furniture
aeaier, is aomg somotning to tnem ail
in the carpet busiuess. In the last
week he has sold 14 fine carpets. Yes
terday he did a flourishing business,
selling four carpets that go to parties
residing in Weston, one that went to
Adams and three for homes iu Athe-
ual'Mr. Miller knows the needs of
the people in all that pertains to car
pots aud iu his selections of stock,
which is shipped to him direct from
the looms, will be found all grades
that covers everything from the
lowest to the highest prioed article.
This year more than ever does Mr.
Miller take pride in this branch of
his business, and well he may, for his
trade in this Hue is immense and the
stock he offers is unexcelled by any
firm iu the county.
E. H. Stone has sold his 320 acres of
land west of Atheua to James Potts for
$70 per acre. By the purchase of this
fine farm, Mr. Potts acquires one of
the best ranches iu Umatilla county
and with his home place now has a
720 acre farm. Mr. Stone took up
the place in 1877. At the time all the
laud between his homestead and the
Columbia river was a moving sea of
bunch grass. "I am 56 years of age,"
said Mr. Stone, "and I have never
picked an apple from a tree that I
owued, but I propose yet to be able
to, for I am going to find a place
where I cau raise something besides
wheat I hate to leave here, I like
the people and my neighbors, for I
never iu my life mused a ham from
the smokehouse. " Mr. Stone will go
to the Pulouse cfuutry, with- the in
tention of buying a farm there.
Latest styles iu street and dress hats
just arrived direct from the east, at
Mrs. Miller's milliuery store.
Items in Brief.
Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's.
Pendleton Bus. College is progressive
Sterling silver novelties at Manasse'g.
Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at
Gay's, daily.
Buy a Henney buggy and look swell
C. A. Barrett & Co.
Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the
w hite House Grocery.
Pendleton Busines College is popular.
C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the
Deering binding twine.
Try one of Boddy's fine sugar cured
hams. They are delicious.
That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine.
At Worthington & Thompson's.
Pendleton Bus. College is practical.
Pendleton Bus. College is thorough.
Yon should see the fine line of
buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett &
Co. 's.
Pendleton Business College is modern
It is the fit and finish; the artistic
touch that makes the suit. "Internat
ional" Made to Measure garments . have
all of these virtues, including quality as
well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co.
to show you their magnificent line of
tnese supplies.
Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will
raise the dough. Get it at Worthing
ton & Thompson's. ,
Attend Pendletou Business College. -
Our selection of overcoats is now
complete. It is marvelous bow a
finished coat of the quality we show
can be . produced, and sold for the
price. Atheua Mercantile Co.
Save yourself money while visiting
the fair by engaging rooms of Mrs.
MY J. Bagley, 265 1-2 Second street be
tween Jefferson and Madison, .Port
land, Ore.
Pendleton Bus College opens Sept 11.
We now have ready for your inspec
tion the most comprehensive and
splendid showing of new styles in
men's, youths' and boys' clothing
ever shown in this part of the state.
Athena Mercantile Co.
Pendleton Bus College is uptodate.
If you wantjbe Jbestyaiue, the best
wearnig, the mosti up to date foot
wear, we have now a complete stock of
everything in the shoe line for fall
and winter wear. Athena Mercantile
Co. '
Pendleton Business College leads. -
' i
Are you lacking in strength and
vigor? Are you weak? Are yon in
pain? Do you feel all run down?
The blessing of health and strength
come to all who use Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea. 85o at , Pioneer drug
store. - :
) Free R. R. fare to Pend Bus. College
Got Off Cheap.
. He may well think he has got off
cheap, who, after having contracted
constipation or indigestion, is still
able to perfectly restore his health.
Nothing will do this but Dr. King's
New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant
and certain cure for headache, con
stipation, etc. 25c at McBride's drug
store, guaranteed,
i :
T Attacked By Hob.
and beaten in a labor riot until cover
ed -with sores, a Chicago street car
conductor applied Buckleu's Arnica
Salve and was soon sound and " well.
"I use it in my family," writes G. J.
Welch, of Mich. , "and find it per
feot" Simply great for cuts and
burns. J Only 2 5o at McBride's drug
store. .
Mary Gross,
Elsa Rosen zweig.
Like Flailing Honey.
Fiuding health is like finding money
think those who are sick. When
you have a cough, cold, sore throat,
or chest irritation, better act prompt
ly like W. C Barber, of Sandy Level,
Va. C He says: "I had a terrible
chest trouble, caused by smoke and
coal dust on my lungs; but, after find
ing no relief iu other remedies, I was
cured by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, coughs and colds."
Greatest sole of any cough or lung
medicine in the world. At McBride's
drug store ; 80c aud $1; guaranteed.
Trial bottle free.
T Cure VoaatipsMoa Forever
Take Okscmrew Canity Ckihkruo. 10c or 85d
IIC.CC to cvro, ilruggi&u rvIunU mono
Are You Engaged?
Engaged people should remember
that, after marriage, many quarrels
can be avoided, by keeping their di
gestions in good order with Electric
Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Benuetts
ville, S. C, says: "For years my
wife suffered intensely from dispepaia,
complicated with a torpid liver, until
she lost her strength and vigor, and
became a mere wreck of her former
self. Then she tried Electric Bitters,
which helped her at once, and finally
made her entirely well. She is now
strong and healthy." McBride, drug
gist, sells and guarantees them, at
60o a bottle.
For sale. E. J. Taylor offers a
house and lot for sale. Price reason
able. Property near Baptist church.
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Iu the matter of the estate of Permelia
Stone, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that E. H. Stone, ex
ecutor of the estate of Permelia Stone,
deceased, baa filed bis final account
and report in the above entitled court,
and that the County Judge thereof
has appointed Monday the '16th day
of October, 1005, as the time, and the
County Court House at Pendleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place
where any and all objections and ex
ceptions to the said final account and
report will be beard and the settle
ment thereof made. -
Dated this 15th day of September,
1905. ;
Peterson & Peterson, E. H. Stone,
Attorneys. , ; Executor.
. Hunt Avenue-
Building Material at Lowest prices.
Estimates Properly Furnished. - T.
wwifmfwifFwwimnwwwTOifnffmin wwmww vs.
- A simple rule to make life a joy is to drink a cup of that elegant Coffee 3
When shopping do not forget
that can be obtained. For
g : Gash Grocery if
SZ Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte 3
RfiA n RTlQl!Y Paint 0il' 61aM' Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing
Preston-Parton Milling Co. I
Our Barley Mill
Is Now Running. We can roll
your Barley while you Wait
Merchant Millers
S Waitsburg, Wash. -
FresshV-Bread Pallor
Blue ::
Lots of it at
Right Prices
Pioneer Drug Store
We make a specialty of
Hats Made to Order
North Side Main St., ' :: Athena, Ore.
Foley's Honey and Tar
tor No opiates.
Contracting and Buildiog a Specialty.
L,. Trirhune, Athena, Oregon.
that f'99" is the best Coffee,
sale pnly at the
and Grain Buyers :
- - Athena, Oregon" J