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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1905)
WESTON AND ADAMS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS FBOM OUR SISTER TOWNS Incidents, Events and Personal Men tion Found In the Leader and Advance. Weston. (Leader. ) - Alvah Leach, an old time Weston boy, who is now Kerr-Gifford'a general ageut for the the Northwest, was a visitor in Weston Friday from Walla Walla. Mr. Joe L. Creighton and Miss Alice Taylor were united in marriage Tues day, September 28, 1905, at 3 p. m., at the residence of the bride's mother uear Weston. At Cashatt's sanitarium Tuesday morning, Ed Wood sustained au oper ation performed by Drs. Cashatt and Todd. The patient rallied quickly from its effects and has since been gaining rapidly in health. Miss Cora Davison and -Floyd Mc Kinnon have matriculated at Fendle on business college, which is a grow ing and popular institution. Several other Weston students contemplate en rolling, among them Miss Rosa Wad dingham and Mr. Ernest Guessaa. Mr. George Ritchie was here for sev eral days last week, representing the college. The loss of the normai is partially atoned for by a flourishing publio school and high school. At least the Yamhill county fanatics cannot abol ish these, although .the normal's emp ty buildings, once crowded with stud ents from every part of Eastern Oregon stands a monuments to their meddle some cussedness. , M. J. McDaniel & Sons have finished a long harvest in the Eureka Flat country, housing their machines last Saturday. Their own crop amounted to 18,000 sacks, which means a few golden twenties when they conclude to turn it loose. Harvest has been greatly delayed on the Flat, many horses having been knocked out this year by disease, and it will be several Weeks yet before everybody is through. W. E. King still hag 400 acres in the stack. . Lee Canthorn has sold his residence property to F. M. Bryant, who owns the adjoining house. Mr. Cauth orn and family will move back to "the states" in November, locating in Jewell county, Kansas, where he will follow; farming. This is his fourth season at the brickyard, and he has acquired a fondness for Wes ton, disliking to leave, but has too good a chance offered in Kansas to turn down. For its part, Weston will say good bye to Mr. Cauthorn and his family with much regret. The residence of Dave Rob erts was entered and robbed a : few m ornings ago in broad daylight Mr. Roberts is employed at the brickyard, and Mrs. Roberts was temporarily absent from the house wheu the sneak-thief tran sacted his nefarious business. Be took $7.00 from a bureau drawer, but left two watches, three rings and 45 cents in money. One of the watches is a valuable gold encased time piece, but the rascal evidently thought it wiser to take nothing that might lead to his detection. Mr. Roberts is so grateful at saving his watch that he will pre sent the thief with the 45 cents and a pair of bracelet if he will kindly call again when somebody is at home. Adams. (Advance.) Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hales 'spent several days at the Walla Walla county fair. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Deining return ed Saturday evening from an extend ed visit with friends at Astoria. Mrs. M. C. Mclntyre went to Walla Walla Suuday morning for medical treatment She is suffering from an - attack of appendicitis. Dan G., Alex and Misses Agnes and Ruth McKenzie are taking in the sights at the Portland fair this week. They will probably visit the coast before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ried started Monday for their homestead near Cambridge, Idaho. They expect to be gone about four weeks, when they will return here and remain until ftpriug. T. D. Ferguson, an old time "Ad ams boy," now farming sear Leland, Idaho, arrived on the late train Saturday evening and spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. He seems well pleased with his present borne and thinks that the Clearwater country has a fortune ahead of it He says that be doesn't care to return to Umatilla county and grow wheat, that he would rather raise peaches and watermelons. S. A. Peunick left Wednesday after noon for Cambridge, Idaho, to begin actual settlement on his ranch As the Lewis and Clark exposition has been crowding the passenger trains, Arlie decided that be would go by freight, so he chartered a box car and shipped himself, incidentally taking along his household goods and eome livestock. John McConnell accom panied him and will try and flndfa vacant piece of land for his own use and benefit. Tor 8ale. The desirable piece of real estate on Main street known as the Card en property is now offered for sale. For price, apply to Charles Norris, Ath ena, Oregon. tf In the Justice Court for the District of Athena, Umatilla County, State of Oregon. H. O. Worthingtonl and G. M. Thomp son, partners, as Worthington & Thompson, plain tiffs, ' vs. Charles Thompson, Defendant Civil action for the recovery of Money. To Charles Thompson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby notified, commanded and required to appear before the un dersigned justice of the peace at ' his office in Athena, Umatilla county, Oregon, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which said first date . is October 3d, A. D., 1905, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs filed in said court against you ; and yon will take notioe that unless you so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said complaint within said time you will suffer judgment taken against yon for the sum of $51.00, and for the costs and disbursements in this action ; yon will also take notice that personal property purporting to belong to yon has been attached and proceedings by attachment ard garnishment issued out of this court against your said property. This summons is published by order of this court duly made this 3d day of October, 1905, and will appear in the AthenaPress once a week for a period of six weeks, the first publication ap pearing as above aud the last one on November 14, 1905. Dated this 8d day of October, A. D. 1905. O. G. Chamberlain, ; 4 Justice of the Peace. Peterson & Peterson, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Rnmmnnn In the Justice Court, Athena District, Umatilla county, state of Oregon. C. A. Barrett & Co. . a corporation, Plain- Civil action for tiff, vs. the recovery of W. L. E. Paaon, De- inoDev. fendaut J . To W. L. E. Pason, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 23rd day of October, 1905, and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint of the plaintiff filed against yon therein. And you will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise to the said complaint within said time, judgment for want thereof will be en tered against you for the relief de manded in the said complaint, viz. : For the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50) in the first cause of the action; Ten Dollars and Fifteen cents ($10.15) in the second cause of action, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this action. The date of this first publication of this summons is, by order, the 8th day of September, 1905, and the date of the last publication will be on the 20th day of October, 1905, published consecutively for Bix weeks in the Athena Press. Dated this 4th day of September, 1905. O. G. Chamberlain, Justice of the Peace. A HARD ROW And a lonn null doscrllx-s tlm of a wnmiuv nlfliirtefl with female weak- liosa unless she Is under the care of a doctor who lia had successful experience In the treatment of such eases or else has found the rilit remedy which can be safely usi-d independently of the doctor. Forty yearn ago. Dr. K. V. Pierce found that women were beinR grossly malr treated mainly through ignorance and carelessness, and ho determined to devote himself to study and research till he found the real cause of their suffering and a proper remed y for It. He found it, and dug from Nature's Laboratory, the earth. Suture' reinetlUx for woman's weaknesses and ailments. He found in Lady's Slipper root, JSlack Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Itlue Cohosh root and (ioldeu Seal root, the required lncredients. The remedial virtues of theso he ex tracted, combined and preserved by. his own peculiar non-alcoholic, glyceric pro cesses, and the comjKiuiid Is now known the world over, as Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription. The (eirlii; of corset too thrht seemed to have riruitettt on an alrflomlnal pressure, weakening the lUramRiii anil resulting In dlsplaf men', which troubled me until i was not lit to walk, and at tlnws could hardly stand," writes .Mrs. Bevrrljr Sltereav,-. of 124 Fulton tt mi FranrlwH, Cal. "A m-iKlibor adrlsed me t try Dr. Pierce's Favorite I're- rTtufkm. llefore the first bottle was used felt much better. Improvement went sielly on. and within four mouths I was like new and well woman unco mure. I am now perfectly well and struti. aerl ex tremely rrateiul to yon for rour blessed ruuiwij a boon to sick women." A Great Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one cent stamps to Dr. K. V. Fierce. Huffalo, N.Y-to cover mailing and he will send you a free copy of his HXM-page Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper -covered. Cloth-covered 31 stamps. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet are th best and safest laxaliv. for the two of delicate Wotiieu. HA Wf!f! IT OAJ-V5 mm Are more inter ested today than ever before in the Legal Organization of Life Insurance Companies THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. S. M. MARKS, Secretary. GEORGE A. cTWOORE, President. Assets, $7,650,000. Surplus, $897,000. Annual Disbursement sf Dividends. HOME OFFICES: Pacific Mutual Building, San Francisco. JL o Citizen's National ORANGE 0. CHAMBERLAIN District Agent. Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE GOOD HORSES AND RIGS. REA 30NABLE PRICES 0 RIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month tttableson 2nd street, South of Mala street J. r. Wright, ... Proprietor- A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phone 13 for Express and Baggage. tmim Constitution f the State ef California - - Section 3, Article 12 Provides' that each stockholder be individually and personally liable pro rata for ALL DEBTS AND LIABILITIES contracted or iuouried during the time he was a stockholder. It also provides that the directors shall be jointly and severally liable for ALL moneys embezzled or MISAPPROPRIATED by the officers. Section 10 of the "Act ti provide for the incoporration of mutual insur ance compauies for the insurance of life and health and agafust accidents," further extends the liability of stockholders. THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIF ORNIA is the ONLY company iu the United States organized under such strin gent laws, and there is no other life iusurance company trausaoting business iu America whose1 policyholders, by legal enactment, are so safeguarded. Notwithstanding the liability of stockholders, they receive no profit from the premium payments made by participating policyholders, but every dollar paid into the company by the latter, with the accumulation thereon, is applied for their benefit Following are the directors of the Paciflo Mutual. They are all stockholders of the company, and also policyholders: . . WAKEFIELD BAKER Buker JAMES CAROLAN -W. R. CLUNESS W. H. CROCKER HENRY J. CROCKER -D. W. EARL - - M. R. HIGGINS - -JAMES IRVING ,- -. M. B. KELLOGG -HUGH M. LA RUE -P. N. LILIENTHAL -GEORGE A. MOORE GEORGE W. SCOTT WILLIAM R. SHERWOOD Manager Eastern Oregon Bank Building, Baker City, Oregon. Fir ational Bank of CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, . ... Hropei attention given to collect iuriH. Duals in foreign ami domi-Htiu ex change. Fire and proof vaults and aafeH no cliHrgt' for keeping your valuable pa pent. H... A damn. Hrextrtenl. T.J Kirk. VIoo-PreHhten V. H. Lit J now, Ca.tilur, INCORPORATED. & Hamilton. Retired merchant. Medical director. Pres. Crocker-Woolworth Nat. Bauk. Capitalist. Forwarding & Commission merchant. ' Second vice-president Capitalist: Attorney at law. Capitalist. Manager Anglo-Cal. Bauk. Ltd. ' Presidout of tho company. Union Iron Works. Sherwood & Sherwood. st Athena . .$50,000 . 12,500 !. A narrelt, I". K. ColUiirn ) H. IvUrnw, I I. M. Kkmh, AKiOxiaul Otitmt'r r" af?fl iBSSL eSilil m T . waw ..IN.. PURSES AND PREMIUMS.. Six solid days of Racing from Sept. 25 to 30 in clusive; under the auspices of the WALLA WALLA COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION FIRST HARNESS RACE MEET OF THE SEASON TWO HARNESS EVENTS AND AT LEAST THREE RUNNING RACES DAILY. PREMIUM SHOW FANCY LIVESTOCK OPEN ALL DAY BIO EVENING ATTRACTION SEDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS THOS. H. BRENTS, PRES-B- B- CASWELL, SEC Th GOHRCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS Pr. p vvwvvwwvv PARKER & LANE'S .Barber Shop. Shaving, llaircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. It! HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Mreet. .Athena, ure. Oregon Siioip lAHE fiia Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY rhrough Pullman alandard and slppplng cars dally to Otnaha, ;filcai(o; tourlat U-eng car dally to KanHa (Jlty; through Pullman tourlHt sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to fJlilcago, with free reclining chair cars, seats free, to the east dally jrom Pendleton. VVo LlSo i Mo DBPABT TfH( mUHnVlM ARRIVB Dttly' ATHENA, ORB. Daily. Fast Mall for Pen- dleton, IjiUrandc. Baker City, and all polntseisl via Hun tingt.on, Ore., Also , ... for I'matllla, Ilepii- P '" ner, 'J'hfl Dalles, B:57a. u. Portland, Astoria, Wlllainelle Valley Pnlnu, (allforiiia, Tacoma. ISeatl le, ad ""d i'oinUi. Walla Walla, bay- Um, Pomeroy, Iw 9:..ra. lxUn.Olfax, Pull- man, Mow), the -p. m Couer d'Alen. dis trict, hpokane and all points north. a Mixed train Walla 7:06 p. in. walla and interine- i.m n m dlate points. u;a p ra' Mixed, for Vendle 12:30 p.m. ton and Interiuedl- 7:05 p-in. ate points. M. W. Smith Agent, Alheua,