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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1905)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twicb-a-Whek Tuesday awd Friday r.B. BOTD, PUBLISHES. Entered an secon d.claai matter, March 1, 1901, at the postofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1879. Subscription Kt: Per year, In advanct $2.00 8ingleeople in wrapper!, 5c. Advertising Kata: liocai reading notice, first Insertion, 10c per i . Sknhsabseqnent Insertion, V. A II communications should be addressed to ip rilBBB Athena, Oregon ATHENA, OCTOBER 3, 1905 The Heppoer Times sums up tbo situation of tbe great fair tbnsly: "No doubt all Eastern Oregon will be glHd when tbe Lewis and Clark fair closes. Not because they think it is a fuilure nor that it will not even tually result in much good to the state, but because it keeps the outside towns and communities drained of surplus cash. The fair is a good one and jril are pleased that go to see it, and the people cannot be censured for taking it in, but when we stop to consider the largo amount of money it is takiug out of tbe channels of local trade it is something enormous. It is safe to say that two-thirds and per haps three-fourths of the people of Oregon will spend from a week to a month at the fair at a cost of not less than )f 1 5 per bead, and some three times that much. At that rate the fair will cost Morrow county $150, 000. Probably as a result of the fair we will get it all back again, but at present it is a loach upon tbe state at large." giving that city such an impetus as will leave Seattle to the rear. It is not clear bow Tacoma, with only one railroad, the Northern Pacific, and J sitting between two powerful rivals, on tbo uortb and sontb, can hope to recover tbe long gap which already separates it from Seattle and Portland. Tacoma, however, has resources and attractions which assure its continued growth and prosperity. Vioe President Levey of tbe North ern Pacific, in an interview in tbe Tacoma Ledger, is considerate enough to allay Tacoma's natural feeling of alarm. Air. Levey says it does not necessarily follow that the new line will divert tbe grain traffic of eastern Washington from Tacoma to Portland, as grain rates will remain the same to both ports and the destination of grain shipments will be a matter solely for tbe exporters to determine. In a preceding sentence, though, Vice President Levey intentionally or un intentionally, disclosed tbe fact that tbe Northern Pacific will have a lively interest in this matter, when he said: "In addition to the mileage that will be saved, there will be a practically level grade into Portland, thus ob viating a heavy haul over the moun tains to Paget sound with which we have to conteud at present." It will of course cost the Northern Paoiflo more to haul a ton of wheat over tbe ' Cascade mountains to Ta coma than to haul it down the Colum bia river to Portland, and if that company does not find a way .to carry t he burden to tbe easier destination it will indeed be deserving of Taco ma's gratitude. In any event a lively race between Seattle and Portland may be antici pated for the next four or five years. Seattle spirit is not tbe kind that throws up the sponge because its rival has a little tbe better of the present round. Tbe probabilities are that the progressive men who have done so much to build that fine city in the wilderness will Bet their jaws a little harder and go at tbe contest with re newed determination. Senator Heyburu, of Idaho, may be it in his own state, but he don't stand ace high with our "Teddy." Tbe senator is down in the president's black book and tho nation's executive no longor gives consideration to the Idaho senator's stutemeuts. Facts about agricultural laud in Shoshone forest reserve are at variance with Heyburn'g claims. 1 It has developed that niauy locations have been filed on by the senator's friends. It looks as though there may tie another job for Heuey. 1 PORTLAND, BKATTLK AND TACOMA. ( Spokesman-Be view. ) Portland people are, naturally, elated by tbe decision of the Northern Pacific and the Uroat Northern to build and operate, jointly a new rail road into that city from Keuuiwiuk, on tbe Northern Pucifio, down the north bauk of tbe Columbia river. This practically makes Portland a three railroad town, where it has beou a one, for while the Northern Pucifio bus u line from Tacoma down to Port laud, the haul by that round about wny, over the Cascade range, was eo long uud expeusive that the Northern Pacific hus not been a tioublesouie competitor of tho Harrinuiu system in Oregon. Nuturally, too, tbwe in some con cern in tbe Puget Sound cities of Seattle and Tut'otna,' over this bold stroke by tho Hill lime Scuttle in recent years bad rather token tho lcud over Portland in population mm ccnimtTolal supremacy. This new turn of events puts Portland again in tbe miming uud may bo tho moans of A CROOK COUNTY VIEW. (Bend Bulletin.) Tbe Bend Bulletin was not iu ex istence at the time tbe offense charged against Williamson, GessnerandjBiggs is ullegod to have bean committed, therefore it does not speak as one hav ing direct knowledge of that matter. But it has beard a good deal of com ment by people who were in Crook county at that time, from which it concludes that the practices com plained of were open and notorious; that the court oughf to rule that they are a matter of authentic history and don't need to be proved; and the de fendants ought to quit quibbling and come squarely into court and plead the custom of the country as their de fense. Then the whole thing would be on a rational basis. The frieuds and neighbors of the defendants admit that they were eu- gaged iu just the work which the gov ernment say they were. Tbe only room for question is upon the point of criminal intent. Numbers of tbe par tisans of the defendants say their in tent was not evil, to support which position tbey go to tbe extent of deny ing the facta of local history. The opposite contention that the violation of the law under these circumstances carries the necessary presumption of inteut so to do which makes it a crime. The whole community was houey- combed with land graft. Some of this was mere carelessness, much of it was worse. Men committed indict able offenses in droves with as little fear as they could eat diuner. It was so common that the uninformed sup posed it was tbe thing to do. Others found profit iu it and cared for no thing elso. Of course, all who are tarred with tho bind gruft slick now staud together iu denunciation of the efTbrts'of tbe government to restore tbe laud laws to life. But the laws must be restored, are already restoied. Now it is to deal with those who broke tham down temporally. Tho Bulletin has refrained from commenting upon this trial of those Carpet Department News Carpet aiid rug buying him probalby suggested itself to you betora this for full, but before buying wo would like to have a littlo talk with you. Our new goods are arriving daily. Positively, the new patterns are so attractive that you really must soe them iu order to appreciate our claims. Kvory piece as now and up to date as you will find iu this couutry. You are sure to find just what you waut and the k prioo will oe just a little less than you can buy it for else where, for wo have bought iu anoh large quantities that we save mouey, aud this is what we ate sharing with you. Ours is an unusnually large and bright stock of carpet, rugs, matting, curtains, draperies, and all snob things you are apt to need. - It's time well spout iu looking over our stock. Our carpet trade is graduuelly inoreusing, for we aro proving to our customers that this is tbe leat aud most satisfactory place to trado in this station. Oue rea son is that all our goods are backed by our reputatiou, aud auother is that our prices uro most reasonable. We invite you to cull on us now, for our new goods are nearly all here so the assortment is best right now. THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 13-14-16-18-20-22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. Mail Orders a Specialty , Mail Orders . a Specialty Crook county men beause it saw so good to come from stirring up our own people over it But Crook county during the past six .weeks has been charging a federal volcano with a vast quantity of explosive fuel and it is time the attention of our own people should be called to the seriousness, of the occasion. The power of tbe Unit ed States will not be "stood off" by a few men or by all Crook county, honesty and innocence did not require it and do not operate that way. If these men are guiltless it is cruelly unfortunate that such questionable methods have been employed in their behalf. THE SCRAP FILE. Athena seems to be on the wane as a show town. Just now she is the particular shining mark for picture machine aggregations and second hand circuses. Why is it thusly? The difference between being the fighting editor and the snake editor is this : Tbe fighting editor is supposed to do the scrapping, while tbe snake editor is supposed to (wiggle out of a scrap. Now, tell us how the Free water Times man holds down both jobs. My friend Norris, who is an ardent exponent of the meter system, has a choice little bunch of campaign 'ar gument which be is quietly handing out to bis friends. And there is logic in woof thereof. It relates to tbe man, who, rumor says, was seen stand ing in a rain storm, umbrella iu one hand and a sprinkling hose in the other. A rejected lover in St. Louis is now suing the girl to get his presents back. Still there are persons who pretoud to believe that the age of romauce is dead. A French engineer thinks a railroad could be built around tbe earth, in cluding a tunnel under Bering strait, for $250,000,000. Probably a few more thinks might cause him to alter bis figures a little. I find this in the Smart Set. It was composed by an old chum, E. L. Sabin : When I was strolling through the gloam ' . ' I glimpsed a maiden fair. "Oh, mistress , may I see you home? You need protecting care." She dropped her eyes in sweet domur; Said she, "We've never met I can't allow it, gallant sir." But yet but yet but yet: Katy did 1 Katy did I Katy did 1 Katy said she wouldn't, but she did 1. The-stars-were peepiug midst the blue But none save them descried. Just broad enough the path for two If closely side by side. My arm in half a cirole lay, Her waist within its ken ; Said she, "I never walk this way." And then and then aud then: Katy did! Katy did! Katy did 1 Katy said she didn't, but she didl Her cheekswith blushes wooed me oft As slow we onward paced. Her mouth was like a oherry soft. Inviting one to taste. I deftly etooped. She cried, "Alack! AH kissing, pray, forego." Said she, "I must not kiss you back." But oh but oh but oh ! ! Katy did ! Katy did I Katy did i f Katy said she mustn't, but she didi Sim Plex. . Summons. In the Justice Court of the District of Athena, Umatilla Couuty, State of Oregon. ' - W. M. Mosgrove, V Plaintiff, vs. Civil Action for the Recovery of money. Samuel MoRey nolds and Andrew Stewart, partners, us McReyuolds & i Stewart, defend- ants. ' j ' ' ' To Siunuel McReyiiolds and Audrew Stewart, partners, defendants above named: ' In the name of the state of Oregou you are hereby notified, commuuded aud required to appear beforo the undersigned justice of the peace at his office in Athena, Umatilla County, State of Oregon, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, whioh said first date is October 3, A. D., 1905, and answer to the complaint of the plain tiff filed iu this court against you. And you will take notice that unless you so appear and answer or otherwise plead to said complaint within said time, you will suffer judgment taken against you for tbe sum of $53.00, aud for plaintiff's cost and disburse ments iu this actiou ; you will also take notice that proceedings by attachment and garnishment have been duly issued out of this or urt in this action and that property purporting to belong to you has been attached and garnisheed by the constable of this district. ,:' This summous is published by order of this court duly made on this tbe 3d day of October, A. D. 1905, and will appear in the Athena Press once a week for a period of six weeks, the first publication appearing as alove stated and the last one on November 14,1905. IX O. Chamberlain, Justice of tbe Peace. Petersou & Petersou, Attorneys for plaintiff. o-To-Ue tor tktty Cent. Gu&ruiiit'i'O tobacco habit pure, makes weafc net) airoiw Mtxxi rure. , tau. All uruKKisU. SOUVENIR SPOONS Characteristic of Athena and nice little gift to send away to your friends,' WATCH REPAIRING Harvest i.-t over and your watch is no doubt full of dirt. Bring it in and have it Clean ed and put in shape. It will prolong the life of your time piece and give satisfaction. ROYAl M. SAAVTELL ' Jeweler : Athena PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, OREGON. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN, AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon : S. F. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office onTblrd Street, Athena, Oregor . JOHN T. WOOD, M. D. Graduate Detroit Col lege of Medicine : : : Office Opposite McBride's Drug Store. THE PALACE DRUG STORE VM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor. South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. 1 Cure Constipation ForvTOi. fnke "-.iKi;irns Cuiu'.v Otthurtic. IDoorSo, C C C lail to vuio. druysibUi refund uxwos Dealer in Paints, Oils, Drugs and Toilet articles Lubricating and Compound OILS Drugs and Drug Sundries. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. THE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-class Hotel in tne .ity. W . rue ot vifuni o Illl. VII. KIVIIULU A t l Hi mily one Hi ii uun accoininoiiHii wimmerclai travelers. ' Can be lec.otuend.-.l for lis clean and X well ven ilated rooms. .. . . . .. .. V.UK. aUAU-l AH I" I H1KD, ATHENA, I T. Troy laundry Walla Walla, Wash. Elmer Lane, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning SJpach ivJomi-ng When yon dress think about the Pendleton Steam Laundry. Ask your self if your linen work is as it should be. A man who wears good clothes cannot afford to wear "fairly good" laundry work. If you find your collars are poorly turned, if you find they have saw edges, if you flud them speoked, remember that these faults have been overcome at the PENDLETON STEAM LAUNDYB, and that only high grade work is allowed to leave our laundry. Every day briugs new custome ' rs who are highly pleased with our work. May we expect a trial pack age from you? Pendleton Laundry Steam The UD-to-Date LAUNDRY FISHMAN & PETERS, Proprietors CHARLES GAY, . ATHENA AGENT CONTRACTING AND BUILDING 1 Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches. I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard.. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. - - . - A. M. CILLIS, PROPRIETOR, THE GILLIS LUMBER YARD ! Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. OREGON. j! y i. ci I PARKER ; & LANE'S illW Everything Klrel CIhm - Mod i ru ami Ifp-tu ! air i south sio mm STREET ATKEKA. CHA.RLES GAX ...Dealer in... ' Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars rRESH BREAD, PIES. CAKES, ETC. BLACKSMITH AND REPAIRING SHOP A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West ot King's Bam, Athena. Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building1 Material ' Lumber Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION