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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
WILY BOOK AGENTS WALLA WALLA BESIEGED ET KIVAL COMPANIES. Give the Impression That Their Books are a Necessity to the School Children. "Eighteen book agente. Well, guess that is a few, for a town like Walla Walla," said a well known citizen yesterday afternoon, says the Walla Walla Union. "Two rival companies are thoroughly and syste matically working the town, and the amount of money they are taking away with them is not small," con tinned the gentleman. "The rival agents are selling refer ence books published by two rival publishing houses. One company has 18 men aud women in the city and the other hag three. I don't object to their selling their books if a person really wants them, but I understand they are resorting to all sorts of ruses to make the people believe their child ren need them, in order to loosen up the pnrae striugs of the parents. "Just now, as school is ready to open, and there is a change in the text books, the wily agent attempts to leave the impression that their books are a necessity to the children in order that they may be properly equipped for the school room Monday morning. Tbey have a great lot of indorsements from teachers and prin cipals as to the merits of the books and are showing these to the unsophisti cated. "I understand they twist the mean iug of the words in snch a manner as to make the person believe that the books are required in the city schools. I don't believe that some of our local teachers would have given the letters these agents presume to have if they had known the wnv thov nnnlit lu used." PLANT 100,000 TREES. Campaign Has Been Commenced by the ' Irrigon Fruit Grower. The Irrigon fruitgrowers' union meets Saturday evening at the school bouse to discuss reforestation in all its phases. Farmers and fruitgrowers about Irrigon are much interested in the matter, and it is predicted that fully 100,000 trees will be planted this season for windbreaks alone. The union has spent considerable time and monney in making experiments of different kinds and in securing opin ions from forest experts. Owing to their rapid growth and hardy . nature, Carolina and Lom bardy poplars are in great favor. By irrigtaion they are made to grow from eight to 12 feet the first year. aome larmers will also plant walnut and hickory trees every 30 or 10 feet, which will ultimately be a source of revenue and gradually replace the poplars and locusts. Others owning orchards will nlaut different srowina 4 L . of the mulberry, which, owing to the absence of acid in the berries, makes them especially desirable, as birds will not molest the orchards so long as they can get other fruits or berries. . - t AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Hpecial Sheep Tax Law Declared Un constitutional by Judge Kills. By a decision of Circuit Jndge Ellis the law passed at the last session of the legislature imposing a tax upon all sheep brought into this state from outside points, has been declared un constitutional. The decision was given in the case of W. P. Eeecer vs. Umatilla -county, which baa been pending since last fall. After having paid the tax imposed by the stock deputy Mr. Keecer brought snit to re cover the amount on the ground that the law was unconstitutional. The decision of Judge Ellis that the law is invalid holds that it is snch because it is a per capita tax and not a valuation ; and also because it pro vides for the taking of property with ont due process of law. The above decision is one of great importance to the sheep interests of Eastern Oregon, and settles a question that has been in dispute ever since the law was passed last winter. It is thonght that the decision given in this district will also be observed in the others, and that no further efforts will be made to enforce the law. Teachers' Contracts. The following teachers' contracts have just been filed with County Superintendent Frank K. Welles : Grace Edwards in district 98, near Saxe Station, six months' term. Char lotto E. Wail, district 86, near Wal- lnla, three months' term. T. F. Kendall, principal of Pilot Bock school. Eugenia McAllister, primary teacher. Pilot Rock, eight monttis' term. Jeanette McKinnon, district No. SO, seven months' term. Nearly all the contracts are for salaries of 1 50 per month. : Office Is Moved. In conformity to a recent order issued by Mr. Heney of the United States reclamation service, the office maintained in Pendleton in charge of J. T. Whistler is to be discontinued and moved to Portland, where it will be nearer to the larger proportion of the government irrigating projects under consideration. Mr. Whistler, who has been in charge of the office for two years, and his assistant, Her bert Yates, left for Portland last week, but W. C. Sawyer will remain at Pendletou for some time to com plete the gaging of local streams and finish other work under way' in the district Sells Wheat Land. Yesterday D. N. Molntyre, a promi nent citizen and farmer, of Athena, sold 480 acres of wheat land located in the Helix country to & K Bott and A. B. Montgomery, tthe purchase price being $10,000. This is the largest real estate deal that has been made in this county recently. Trib une. In Pound. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of Sept., 1905, the following stock was taken up in the city of Athena, Umatilla county, Oregon, and by me placed in the city pound, at which place they will be sold to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at 2 p. m., Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1905, unless redeemed by owner: ' . . One bay mare, star in forehead, two white hind feet, about five years old. weight about 700, brand T on right nip. One bay yearling borse colt, blaze faoe, right hind foot white, brand A B on right stifle. W. J. Gholsoo, Marshal. Notice of Final Account- In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. I In the matter of the estate of Permelia Stone, deceased. Notioe is hereby given to all whom it may concern that E. H. Stone, ex ecutor of the estate of Perrnelia Stone, deceased, has filed his final account and report in the above entitled court, and that the County Judge thereof has appointed Monday the 16th day of October, 1905, as the time, and the County Court House at Pendleton, 1 Umatilla County, Oregon, as the plaoe where any and all objections and ex ceptions to the said final account- and report will be heard and the settle ment thereof made. Dated this 15th day of September, 1905. . Peterson & Peterson, E. H. Stone, Attorneys. Executor. , Summons. In the Justice Court, Athena District, Umatilla county, state of Oregon. C. A. Barrett & Co. - a corporation, Plain- Civil action for tiff. " vs. the recovery of W. L. E. Pason, De-1 money. fendant J To W. L. E. Pason, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 28rd day of October, 1905. and aoswer or otherwise plead to the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you therein. And you will take notice that ii you fail to appear and answer or otherwise to the said complaint within said time, judgment for want thereof will be en tered against you for the reliel de manded in the said complaint, viz. : For the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50) in the first cause of the action; Ten Dollars and Fifteen cents ($10.15) in the second cause of action, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this action. The date of this first publication of this summons is, by order, the 8th day of September, 1905, and the date of the last publication will be on the 20th day of October, 1905, published consecutively for six weeks in the Athena Press. Dated this 4th day of September, 1905. O. Ci. Ubumberlain, Justice of the Peace. 4 dm . ism Thk fabmer brapb what ho has pre viously sowed. rine unman oocty maps likewise the natural crop of weakness, Earn and death if the seeds of disease ave been sown by bad habits of careless ness in eating, sleeping and exercising. Kkkp well if you cast and when you need a little help in keeping well vs Jfnture'i remedial, that do not roughly stimulate but gently quicken the action of Nature' functions in a natural way. Nature's laboratory furnishes the follow ing plants which enter Into the manufac ture of Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery: Uolden Seal root. Queen's root. Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Blood root and Mandrake root. If in doubt a to yonr trouble or need ing advice, you can consult, free of charge. Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. V. All letters are considered confidential and answers bearing correct medical advice returned in securely sealed envelopes. "I suffered for nearly Hht years," writes Fhilip A. Fitch. Esq.. of Mobile. Ala., Deputy Sheriff, "with malaria, which Dolsoned mr entire arstem and deprived me of mjr vi tality. I was cured In three months by using Dr. Pierce's Gulden . Medical Discovery. I know It was lsrly due to iwwlert and I Jald little attention to my troume until 1 lecame no run-down and weak that I knew I bad to do something at once to nwain my health. I began to feel tietter within four days after I used the 'Golden Mrdk-al Dis covery.' ana after using nine not ties i was restored to my usual health, feeling better than for years. " The most valuable book for both men and women is it. fierce s EC. Common Sense Medical Ad- I I viser. A splendid lOfW-pajre rr: volume, wiLU ciijci aviufts and colored plates. A copy, paper-covered, will be sent to anyone sending SI cents in one-cant stamps, to pay the cost of mailing mtly, to Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Cloth-bound, 31 stamp. POUCY Are more inter ested today than ever before in the Legal Organization of Life Insurance Companies Constitution gf the State gf California Section 3, Article 12 Provides that each stockholder be ' individually and personally liable pro rata for ALL DEBTS AND LIABILITIES contracted or incurred during the time he was a stockholder.. It also provides that the direotors shall be jointly and severally liable for ALL moneys embezzled or MISAPPROPRIATED by the officers. Section- 10 of the "Act t provide for the inooporration of mutual insur ance companies for the iusurauoe of life and health and against accidents," further extends the liability of stockholders, ; THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIF ORNIA is the ONLY company in the United States orgauized under such striu gent laws, and there is no other life insurance company transacting business in America whose policyholders, by legal enactment, are so safeguarded. Notwithstanding the liability of stockholders, they receive no profit from the premium payments made by participaliug policyholders, but evory dollar paid into the company by the latter, with the accumulation thoreou, is applied for their benefit Following, are the directors of the Paciflo Mutual. They are all stockholders of the company, and also policyholders: WAKEFIELD BAKER JAMES CAROLAN W. R. CLUNESS . -W. H. CROCKER -HENRY J. CROCKER D. W. EARL - - -M. R. HIGGINS -JAMES IRVING - -M. B. KELLOGG HUGHM. LARUE -P. N. LILIENTHAL -GEORGE A. MOORE GEORGE W. SCOTT WILLIAM R. SHERWOOD Buker & Hamilton. Retired mershant. Medical director. Pres. Crocker-Woolworth Nut. Bank. Capitalist. Forwarding & Commission merchant. Second vice-president. Capitalist. Attorney at law. Capitalist. Manager Anglo-Cal. Bank. Ltd. President of the company. Union Iron Works. Sherwood & Sherwood. THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. S. M. MARKS, Secretary. GEORGE A. cTVlOORE, President. Assets, $7,650,000. Surplus, $897,000. Annual Disbursement if Dividends. HOME OFFICES: Pacific Mutual Building, San Francisco. - ft Manager Eastern Oregon Citizen's National Bank Building, Baker City, Oregon. ORANGE 0. CHAMBERLAIN District 'Agent. Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon. 1 ..IN.. PURSES AND PREMIUMS.. Six solid days of Racing from Sept. 25 to 30 in clusive; under the auspices of the WALLA WALLA COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION FIRST HARNESS RACE MEET OF THE SEASON TWO HARNESS EVENTS AND AT LEAST THREE RUNNING RACES DAILY. PREMIUM SHOW FANCY LIVESTOCK OPEN ALL DAY BIO EVENING ATTRACTION REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS THOS. H- BRENTS, PRES. B- B CASWELL. SEC The-- COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Boarded by the Day, Week or Month KING BROTHERS I'r. p THE WRIGHT LIVERY fRTl AHDKEDSWLE i FifSt j i; .Barber Shop, ji National Bank 'Z"!';! tW-VW-- "t'Tfl I of Athena . .". A Shampooing, Massage immtf Vyftvp M U ;I for Face and Scalp. J - :-!-'.-r:r 1 i; Mil MWlr III'' S CAPITAL STOCK. $50,000 1 . l II illffeP I SURPLUS, . 12,500 ; I lj .HOT BATHS. :! i w - . . o i; ...................... i IVopei attention given to collection!!. Deals in loreign una domestic ex- U J ( cbange. Fire and burglur-proot vaults anil safes -no charge 1 Shop North Side Main !j 1 for keeping your valuuble papers. C Street, Athena, Ore. !j P H.(. Adams. lrenilenl. C. A narreU,) 1 k T.j Kirk, Vlce-Premdent. P. K. Colhurn. Director M n "V O I K.H UOrow.f I AN iY S S! W f. 8. Lit Ukovt, Uaihlnr, I. M. Kemp, AhIhiuI Cannier 1 M ?l ll T-1 V li ft,, vlllKo Imc .- f ' j -.Mmrnt. X H COOD HORSES AND RICS. REASONABLE PRICES - DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Huraes boarded by the day, week or mouth Htableson2nd street, South or Main street J. ". Wright, . - Proprietor' A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phono 13 for Express and Baggage. O. A. (BAIai Oregon SliOipLlNE INCORPORATED. sa Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY Through Pullman standard and slopping cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourist slipping car dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars, personally conducted, weekly to Chicago, with free reclining cha'.r cars, seats free, to the cast dally irom Pendleton. DEPART Daily. 4:( p in. aOkstZX : a.m. 7:06 p. in. 12:1X1 p.a. TIMK BCUKDUI.KS ATHKNA, CKK. Past Mall for Pen dleton, I aU ramie. Haker city, ana an nolntseistvtaHun lington, Ore., Also for Umatilla, Heiip ner. The Dalies, Portland, AsUirla, Willamette Valley Points. California Taooma, Henll le, all nouua roinis. Walla Walla. Day ton, Pomeroy, I,ew- isun. i;onax, run- man. Moscow, the uouer a'Aiene dis trict, nnokane aud an points norio. Mixed train walla wall and iiiterme dlate points. Mixed, for Pendle ton and Intermedi ate points. ARRIVE Dally. V:67 a. u. 1:53 p. rn 12:20 p. m. 7:05 p- m. H, W. Smith Agent, Athens,