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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twiob-a-Week Tuesday akd Fbidat p. b. botd, pcbmbhm. olered ai second.clasa matter, March 1, lUOi, at the poitofflce at AtheDa, Oregon, under an Actot Congress of March 3, 1879. ; Subscription Hmft lr vear. la advance 12.00 Slnglecoplef In wrappe',6e. Advertising Hates: Uicsti reading notices, tint Insertion, 10c per ni. Ktehsatsqaent Insertion, 6c. A II communications should be addremed to i he PKK8H Athena, Oregon ATHENA, SEPTEMBER 22, 1905 . The Umatilla ludiau reservation hits beeu selected an the scene for the plot iu a novo! to be written by Miss Polly, of HarriHon, Idaho. Of course, the heroine is to be a Umatilla Indian muiden, with buckskin skirt, fringed leggings and all that. For the hero Miss Polly would do well to select a dashing young buck character, and loave the customary young English lord or the speedy scion of the east ern influential family side tracked for once in a thrilling tale of westorn ro mance. She would do well, also, to out the young rauohet and prospector out of her story altogethor. By all moans, Miss Polly, give us something new. If it's to be an "Injun" story let us have nothing but the red race figuring in the tale. On reflection, however, the Press will say that Miss Polly's readers might stand for one pale face character. Iu our .opinion the gifted and talented authoress can not so far forget herself as to overlook the entertaining novelty of creating a valot for her buck hero, and we know of no person botter fitted for the character than Wood. He would be hyas klose as utility man, for when not needed in the service of the buck, he would make a hi-yu skook um porter for the klootchman. surely a success and iu this respect is being liberally patronized - by the people hereabouts. There are many who are not satisfied with one trip "down below," but a second must be made to appease the ell cousuming desire for pleasure. And who can stand a second round of the fair, or appreciate it more than the Umatilla county farmer? Is he not the pro ducer of more and better wheat than can be found on like acreage any where on earth? The price he gets for it, too, need not be sneezed at The welcome announcement is made by the water superintendent that the water from Gallaher Springs is in creasing in quantity. However, the season for lawn sprinkling is not yet at an end. and until it comes, some expense for pumping is to be expect ed. With a normal fall and winter precipitation ahead of us, Athena' new source of water supply may be depended upon to give a good account of itself. The test for water has been made at the lowest possible stage, and under conditions practically unknown heretofore. Bo the statement can be safely made that any increase in sup ply will be material gain over and above the quantity secured when tb system was put in. With a fair on both sides of us one at Walla Walla, the other at Port land Athena and way stations may be correctly classed as "quiet" for the next few days. . One at a time is thick enough, thank you, but when they come in pairs, it's a cinch that there are spots whore it will be natur ally lonesome. With the addition of a plate Rlass front and a concrete walk at Ed Man- asse's store another substantial piece of improvement is given Main street Athena stores have a well established reputation for being pretty well "dressed up" any way, for a small town, and no one is better pleased than the Press to see the good work go on. THE 1IAKRIMAN METHOD. There may be no direct benefit de rived from tho Lowis and Chirk ex- tinuiUim Itv f.hiu nnrHnn nf T'liLMr.nrn Oregon, where the iminigraut seeking cheap land is unable to locate, but as u place of entertainment the fair is (Oregouiau. ) The Tiionma Ledeer takes the view that the "almost absolutely certain result ' of construction or the JNortn Bank Bailroad will be an extension of "the Harrimau line from Portland to Pnget Sound." Perhaps. We hope so. If Mr. Hill has violated the "geutlenien's agreement" between himself and Mr. Harriman by cross- HOW IS THE RANGE ? No matter how it is; or what the name of it is; or how long you have had it; or where you got it. If it's not pleasing you, come down to the store and we will take it in at a good, fair price and sell you a brand new BUCK. When you buy a BUCK Range from us, it means that you get one of the best Ranges in the world, and that you are guaranteed range satisfaction. Every time a BUCK Range goes into a home it means that several more BUCK ranges are usually sold on recom mendation. We wouldn't let you keep a Buck unless it was satisfying you. Bucks are called the "Peace Mak ers." They make things run smooth in the kitchen, and that's where a great deal of trouble starts. They've been giving satisfaction for 58 years. Remember we pay the freight where the bill amounts to $10.00. Mail Orders a Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. l'J 11 10 18 20 22 Alder Street, WAkLA WALLA, WASH. Mail Orders a Specialty CONTRACTING AND BUILDING ing the Columbia to Portland, the latter is certainly justified in causing the old Union Pacific dream of mov ing on to Puget Sound to be realized. A Union Pacific line from here to Seattle would doubtless pay. v But, under the Harriman scheme of things, that is no real incentive for building a ne-iV railroad anywhere.' If so, we would long ago have had the wheat and other produce of Central Oregon rolling into Portland over a Harri man railroad ; another into the Wal lowa country ; another into the Klam ath region, and yet another, perhaps, to Tillamook. The Harriman idea is that the way to build up a country, and make its population couteuted and prosperous, though not numerous, is merely to prevent the other fellow from build ing into it. The Harriman iuflaeuce will be busy for a while trying to pre vent the Hill road from coining down the Columbia. Of course it will avail nothing ; but Mr. Hill will know that Mr. Harriman is still alive and kicking. Meanwhile it will not oc cur to Mr. Harriman that the true strategy of the situation is for him to make a bold flanking movement to Puget Sound. AN AMERICAN PARALLEL. (New York Evening Post.) The riotous scenes at Tokio for two days past were not by any means the first demonstrations of their kind against an unpopular treaty. In fact, an instructive parallel may be found in events that took place not more than seven blocks from the site of the Evening Post building. On July 18, 1795, a mass meeting was .called io protest against the treaty which Jay had just negotiated with England. While the speaking was under way an euthusiastio band which had been burning the treaty at the Battery came marcbiug up Broadway, beaded by the French and American .flags, and joined the assembly. At about the same time Alexander Hamilton began to speak in favor of the treaty and urged adjournment. Stones were thrown at him from the now turbu lent crowd, and one of them struck him on the forehead. Thus 110 years ago an American seoretary of the treasury enjoyed the same unenvi able experience at the hands of his excited countrymen as the Japanese premier yesterday, and for very simi lar reasons. Jay himself was burned in effigy at Boston and Philadelphia, and in the former city a federal edi tor's offices were attacked, as were those of the Kokumin Shim bun yester day. It must be remembered, of course, that most of the demonstra tions here were made before the treaty had beou ratifledy, and if the senate had been sufficiently impressed by the popular hostility it might still have been defeated. They cannot fairly be compared, therefore, to out breaks over an act virtually completed and beyond recall. Yet the records show that the imaginary need for a second ratification by the house of representatives was here used as a pre text for prolonging tho demonstra tions, much as the equally visionary hope of an impartial refusal to ratify is given as justification for the Jap anese outbreaks. WALL A WALLA WEEK. Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches, I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. ... A. M. GILLIS, PROPRIETOR, S THE GILLIS LUMBER YARD I (Walla Walla Union.) A9 Walla Walla week at the fair approaches it is well that the people should realize something of the im portance of making the biggest effort in the history of the city to draw at tention iu this direction. If that week goes by without something being done to make the city known, an opportun ity will be missed of the kind that may never come again. If Walla Walla is to doiive any great advertis ing advantage from her day and week, more interest and more work must be put iu than has yet been shown. We have an exhibit at Portland and one that attracts considerable atten tion. Bat a section of the country with as great resources as this should have something distinctive, something botter than other exhibits. At present our booth is no better than a soore of others iu the Washington and the agricultural buildings and some of them not as well favored by nature as Walla Walla county are proving better able to attract interest Al though the city and county will profit greatly by being represented at the fair, far greater benefit would be de rived by something that stood out above the common run of exhibits. Who that has visited Portland has not had drilled into him the reminder to Watch Tacoma Grow," until he cannot help believe that the City of Destiuy is really worth seeing. All this should be remembered as plans are being made for Walla Walla day. Nothing will attract a great amount of attention that fol lows out the precedents established by others. Every day at Portland is a special day, and the visitors have grown so accustomed to them that whether the pertioular town that is celebrating is Pumpkinville orSqnasb town, it makes no difference to them. What Walla Walla wants to do is to cause a realization that we are something more than most places one hears about, a place worth seeing and with resources worth studying. If we can do something to make others talk about us and keep up talk ing about us after our day is over we will have accomplished something that will more than pay for tho ex pense and the labor necessary to bring it abont. SOUVENIR SPOONS Characteristic of Athena and a nice little gift to send away to your friends. WATCH REPAIRING Harvest ii over and your watch is no doubt full of dirt, bring it in and have it clean ed and put in shape. It will prolong the life of your time piece and give satisfaction. ROYAL W. SAWTELL Jeweler : Athena PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, - OREGON. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' Office. in Barrett Building, - - Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. P. Sharp PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena, Oregor JOHN T. WOOD, M. D, Graduate Detroit Col . : lege of Medicine : : : Office Opposite McBride's Drug Store. THE PALACE DRUG STORE WM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor, South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. Dealer in Faints, Oils, Drugs and Toilet articles Lubricating and Compound OILS Drugs and Drug Sundries. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. THE t ST. NICHOLS HOTEL J. E. FROOME, prop. Only First-cfass Hotel in the City. THE ST. NICHOLS : t l Uip only tiue ckd accoininoOHU' eommercl.-i: travelers. . ' .' " Can txnecomendi it fur Its clean and well vent ilutfld rooms. Cor. Maim asi Third, athxna, Or. Troy laundry Walla Walla, Wash. Elmer Lane, Agent in Athena Work Guaranteed Washings are called for each Tues day and are returned Friday morning 1 EVELAIWS SVPERJOR BM INGPOWDE R Highest in Strength and Quality' COSTS YOU NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS Endorsed by Leading Cooking School Teachers nd Chela Sold and Recommended by ELY C& SCOTT Each Horning When you dress think abont the Pendleton Steam Laundry. Ask your self if your linen work is as it should be. A man who wears good clothes cannot afford to wear "fairly good" laundry work. If yon find your collars are poorly turned, if you find they have saw edges, if you find them specked, remember that these faults have been overcome at the PENDLETON STEAM LAUNDYR, and that only high grade work is allowed to leave our laundry. - Every day brings new custome rs who are highly pleased with our work. May we expect a trial pack age from you? Pendleton Steam Laundry The Up-to-Date -LAUNDRY FISHMAN & PETERS, Proprietors CHARLES GAY, ATHENA AGENT Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements .WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. OREGON. rV-V ' ' A : v It I! i, f ... , "'-I If J? .1.1 j: IMl 1 ( PARKER & LANE'S BARBER SHOP KTerythliig FirM Clans - Mo d e rn and Up-tu-datx SOUTH SID MAIN STREET ATHENA. CHARLES GAY ...Dealer in,. Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars KRESH BREAD. PIES, CAKES, ETC. BLACKSMITH AND - REPAIRING SHOP Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bUdder right. A. II. LUNA, Proprietor. Shop West of King's Barn, Athena. Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber. Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, , Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. Special inducements ou orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION