i WESTON AND ADAMS LOCAL HEWS ITEMS FROM OUR 8I8TER TOWHS Incidents, Events and Personal Men tion Found In the Leader and Advance Weston. (Leader.) Mrs. Robert Still, who was recently conveyed to Walla Walla for treat meut from her home ou Dry creek, is recovering from a serious illness. Mrs. S. Caplinger was brought to town by her husband Tuesday for treatment at Dr. Casbatt's hospital. Her condition is quite serious. Miss Stella O'Harra . has been em ployed to teaoh a five months' term of sobool in the Blue Mountain dis trict near Weston, which opeus next Monday. ' ' '. T. J. Shaw and family will leave soon for Boseburg, Oregon, near which place Mr. Shaw has pnrbased a uioe home and seven acres of garden laud. In bis departure Weston loses a good citizen. William McKenzie, who has enlist ed himself in th e progressive class of farmers sinoa looating near Weston, is installing a private system of water works. Springs are being developed and walled up with concrete and the water conveyed in pipes to the house and barn. Mr. McKenzie contem plates building a new residence with in a few months. Information was filed in the record er's court this morning by Dan P. Hicks against George Cramer, who conducts a lunch counter in the White House saloon. There are two com plaints, charging assault and battery and abusive language, alleged to have been committed last Sunday. William Long, a nephew of J. H. Logan, was standing on a platform at Chehalis, Wash., laughing and joking with a companion, when a switch en gine bumped the car. Long lost his balance, fell oft the end of the car, was run over and - instantly killed. Mr. Long was a visitor at Mr. Logan's home in this city about two years ago.. James Richey and family will be a part of next Monday's large delegation to the fair. Charles Brotherton and family are going from Athena the same day, but Mr. Richey wants it distinctly understood that he does not intend to affiliate with this individual.' He will try to arrange with the O. R. & N. to hitch on a cattle car for Bro therton's exclusive accommodation. Apropos of good mountain crops, the Leader is informed by Uncle Sam's messenger, B. F. Somerville, that Bas ket mountain is also in the swim. Yields up there have been heavy of every kind of grain, and a remarkable crop of barley was grown from a four acre tract belonging to W. A. Clark, which yielded 47 sacks per acre. This land is eleven miles back in the moun tains, as the crow flies. ' James T. Fuson, who in a few months has built up a neat little busi ness with bis candy and tobacco store on Main street, accepted an offer for it the other day from Cliff Culley and Lester O'Harra. Invoicing was in pro gress yesterday and the new proprie tors will take possession at once. They ate among the most popular of Wes ton's young men and Mr. Culley has - been successfully engaged before in the same line of business. Adams. (Advance.) Robert Coppock and daughter. Mat tie, of Atheua, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Read, in this city. Chas. Warren, who was aocidently shot a short time ago, returned home from Walla Walla Tuesday evening much improved. M nnd Mm. T). A. Pinkertion. end Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton, .... . . . . . 1 1 m r 01 Atneua, visitea at ine,nome 01 air. and Mrs. J. W. tsoyers ounaay. School opened Monday. The pupils 11 seemed clad to return to their books and are taking up their studies with a spirit that foretells a good year's work. , L. L. Rogers and family returned from the Alberta country Unday eve ning. They returned by way of Port land, spending a few days at the fair. J. Tr Lieuallen left Wednesday night for Portland, accompaied by his chil dren, Lawrence, Miss Stella and Dr. P. A. Tensilon of Pendleton. They will remain in Portland for a couple of weeks.' A. D. Reid was removed Sunday to the home of M. A. Baker, where he lina rit.inallv ill with typhoid lever. Mrs. Reid, who is in the Alberta conn try, has been notified and is expected to arrive soon. Mrs. F. B. Wilks left for Lewiston, Idaho. Tuesday morning where she ex pect to locate if she finds things as she expects. Mr. Wilks will remain here a short time, when he will leave to join her. ft A Pmtiik rotonied from Caitf- bridgw, Idaho, Saturday, and will ahip the iioosehold goods, etc, as soon be caa get a car t load now. He has been delayed some on account of the illness o f bis sister, Miss Stella, but hopes to be able to startjloading next Monday. GOOD IN CHANGE OF AIR. To CIom Coaflaeaaeat la Aar At Mikm la lajarloa. t. the Health. The quasl-mlraculousbeneflta which are associated with change of air In the popular ballet are In reality de rived when they accrue from chango of environments, or change of habits of life, says the Medical Review. In a great many instances the measure of benefit obtainable would be as ef fectually secured and at much less ex pense by mere change of habits, with out the fatigue and Inconvenience of change of domicile. The overwrought city clerk' might advantageously take to driving a cab, while the cabman would find It a relief to discharge for a time the functions of caretaker of a desterted house. Many an overworked physician would experience a distinct Improvement were he to qualify as chauffeur, with no other object In view than to cover space, and there are few domestic servants whose health would not be sensibly modified by a brief experience as milkmaid or gleaner, should the season lend Itself to that pursuit The literary gent, whose brain la sterile of new Ideas, might recuperate hit energies by usurping the role of a sick man and remaining In bed for a week or two. Notice of Final Account' In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. . In the matter of the estate of Permelia Stone, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that E. H. Stone, ex ecutor of the estate of Permelia Stone, deceased, has filed his final account and report in the above entitled court, and that the County Judge thereof has appointed Monday the 16th day of October, 1905, as the time, and the County Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place where any and all objections and ex- j ceptions to the said final account and report will be heard and the settle ment thereof made. Dated this 15th day of September, 1905. Peterson & Peterson, . E. H. Stone, Attorneys. Executor. Summons. In the Juatioe Court, Athena District, Umatilla county, state of Oregon. a A. Barrett & Co. - a corporation, Plain- Civil action for tiff, vs. the recovery of W. L. E. Pason, De- money. fendant J To W. L. E. Pason, the above named defendant: In the name pf the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 23rd day of October, 1905, and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you therein. And you will take notice tbat if you fail to appear and answer or otherwise to the said complaint within said time, judgment for want thereof will be en tered against you for the relief de manded in the said complaint, viz. : For the sum of Fifty Dollars (f50) in the first cause of the action ; Ten Dollars and Fifteen cents ($10.15) in the second cause of action, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this action. The date of this first publication of this summons is, by order, the 8th day of September, 1905. and the date of the last publication will be on the 20th day of October, 1905, published consecutively for six weeks in the Athena Press. Dated this 4th day or September, 1905. O. u. (Jhnmberiain, Justice of the Peace. No woman can look beautiful without good health. A woman's good nraiia depends on those organ peculiarly i-mi- 111113 miu ... " dered, causing misery and draf ginjr-down pain. Nature's laws are perfect, health nhn them tlllt dllUMLMa ..11..-.. Aiu.yiAnnra Thn A it TPS-dlld complaints of women are often brought about Dy caicning com a a ciiucb, period, breathing fqjil Indoors' air and l..n hniiri wrkrlr anil norvnilS tension. Go straight to Nature for the cure to the forest, ur. Jriercer. ravonm rr- scriptlon l miture t cure lor me on trussing complaints of women. Prof. tory, says of lllack Cohosh or Black Snake-root "our early American In- Jl.. u. IiIaIi walnA nn thta rnnt In diseases of women, ft U turpned by of the part where then art dragging Lad y's Sll pper root in' nerve sti mulant and tonic, Improving both circulation and nutrition of the nerve centers favoring sleep and cheerful condition of the mind; of service In mental depression, nervous (nMnlaHtiV'l nf vnmcn 'ith jirfMu . . . - . - -- . - - j 1 fl n Pw,' Ttaafripo. tliA above ingredients there are-Oolden jV-hI, Unicorn ana JJiue wmosn u m w Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tw DImi'i fV.mmnn K-nl Mod leal Advifl-r will tie sent free, paper-bound, for (8mnc Over pape and iliuftraUd. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. Pr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with 'Favorite Prescription" when w i svj v .wi POM CY TOLDtt Are more inter ested today than ever before in the Legal Organization of Life Insurance Companies THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. S. M. MARKS, Secretary. GEORGE A. cTWOORE, President. Assets, $7,650,000 Surplus, $897,000. Annual Disbursement f Dividends. HOME OFFICES: Pacific Mutual Building, San Francisco. H Citizen's National ORANGE 0. CHAMBERLAIN District Agent Athena, Umatilla County, , Oregon. THE WRIGHT LIVERY AND FEED STABLE COOD HORSES AND RICS. REASONABLE PRICES DRIVER FURNISHED WHEN DESIRED- Horses boarded by the day, week or month Htableson2nd street, South of Main street J. F. Wright, ' - Proprietor- BANNER SALVE th most healing Mlv in th world. A. L. JONES WANTS ALL KINDS OF HAULING Goods taken best care of and carefully hand led. Phono 13 for Express and BaKguge. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys sad bladder right Hardware C.-A.BARRI Euntmg Constitution gT the State California Section 3, Article 12 Provides that each stockholder be individually and personally liable pro rata for ALL DEBTS AND LIABILITIES coutracted or incurred during the time he was a stockholder. It also provides that the directors shall be jointly and severally liable for ALL moneys embezzled or MISAPPBOPBIATED by the officers. Section 10 of the "Act t" provide for the inooporration of mutual insur ance companies for the insurance of life and health and against accidents," further extends the liability of stockholders. THE PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIF ORNIA is the ONLY company in'the United States organized under such strin gout laws, and there is no other life insurance company transacting busiuess in America whose policyholders, by legal enactment, are so safeguarded. Notwithstanding the liability of stockholders, they receive no profit from the premium payments made by participating policyholders, but every dollar paid into the company by the latter, with the acoumulatiou thereon, is applied for their benefit Following are the directors of the Pacific Mutual. They are all stockholders of the company, and also policyholders: WAKEFIELD BAKER Baker JAMES CAROLAN - -W. R. CLUNESS - -W. H. CROCKER - -HENRY J. CROCKER D..W. EARL M. R. HIGGINS - .. JAMES IRVING -M. B. KELLOGG HUGH M. LA RUE P. N. LILIENTHAL -GEORGE A- MOORE GEORGE W. SCOTT -WILLIAM R. SHERWOOD O Booth Manager Eastern Oregon Bank Building, Baker City, Oregon. First National of CAPITAL STOCK. SURPLUS, . Propel attention given to collodions. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change. Firo and burglar-proof vaults and safes -no charge for keeping your valuuble papers. H.,. Adams. President. T.J Kirk, Vice-President K. 8. LcOitovr, Uathler, CH&ELES GAY ...Dealer in... Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Tobaccos, Cigars rRESH BREAD PIES, CAKE9.ETC, ITT i INCORPORATED. Guns and Ammunition Stock is & Hamilton. Retired merchant. Medical director, Pres. Crocker-Woolworth Nut. Bunk. Capitalist. Forwarding & Commissiou merchant. Second vice-president. Capitalist. Attorney at law. Capitalist. . Manager Anglo-Cal. Bank. Ltd. President of the company. Union Iron Works. Sherwood & Sherwood. . Bank Athena .$50,000 12,500 H. A narretl, i P. K. (,'ollumi l)lrucMir 'l)lr i K. H. l,ctirov I. M. Kkmi. AsIhiiii t'HKiiifr CWdP'Y Season Com pie te. mm i ; ..IN.. PURSES AND PREMIUMS.. Six solid days of Racing from Sept. 25 to 30 in elusive; under the auspices of the WALLA WALLA COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION FIRST HARNESS RACE MEET OF THE SEASON TWO HARNESS EVENTS AND AT LEAST THREE RUNNING RAGES DAILY. PREMIUM SHOW FANCY LIVESTOCK OPEN ALL DAY BIG EVENING ATTRACTION REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS THOS. H. BRENTS, PRES. 8- B- CASWELL, SEC -Th- COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon Stock Hoarded by the Day, Week S nr Unnlli W KING BROTHERS I'r-p PARKER & LANE'S .Barber. Shop. Shaving, Haircutting, Shampooing, Massage for Face and Scalp. .HOT BATHS. Shop North Side Main Street, Athena, Ore. OREGON SHORJ LINE eta Union Pacific TWO TRAINS EAST DAIY ThroiiKh Pullman standard and sleeping ears dally to Omaha, UiItoko; tourist 1 'i"K cur dally to Kansas tllyj llirotiKh Pullman UiuristskiCpliiK oars, personally condurtnd, wwkly to (Jlilcaii'), with free rpclmliiK chair cars, seats free, to the east dally irom reiiaietoti. Ayvywww j DBPABT fiMK 8CUIEOIII.BS AKHIVJC Iay- ATHENA, OKK. Dally. Fast Mall for Pen dleton, LaUrande, Haker City, and all polntseuit via Hun tliiKton, Oro., Also . ... for Uniatllla, Hcnp- iM p m. er T1)B ui, b, 9;57a. n. Portland, Astoria, Willamette Valley PoInU, t'allforula, Tacoma, Hcatl lo, all Hound Points. WariaWallaTway- ton, Pomeroy, lw- B-4-2 m. lsUin, Colfax, Pull. . . u.u .m. man Mimtft'Wt Me 4:53 p. m. Couer d'Alene dls- tricl, Hpokane and all lKluls north. Mired train walla 7:06 p.m. walla and liiterme- 12 a) D rn dlate points. Mixed, for Pendle 12:20 y.m. ton and liitonneill- 7:05 p rn. ale points. M. Yf . Hiuith Agent, AkUeus, ever a laxauve is requircu.