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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1905)
Our Great-! Clearance1 Sale Y - ' ;' 3 ' ' 1 I - . 1 ' , ... - i ;" . - ' ; : , " ' ;-v. J -? - .(. ; V , . ' -r .-' k. , : .- - . . ... ; f ': 1 . '. ' -i . Commences Saturday, July 15th. All seasonable goods marked down. ; : For prices during the sale, see circular Athena Mercantile; Company South Sde Main Street, . .. Athena, Oregon THE TERHUNE Hunt Avenue. Building Material at Lowest prices. Contracting and Building a Specialty. Estimates Properly Furnished. T. L Tcsrhune, Athena, Oregon, Press Paragraphs Dr. Fulton, the Milton dentist, was in town yesterday. ' '.; ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Sv Le Grow are in Portland this week. A delicious dosort Washington Pie. Got it at the PrendergHst Bukery. ' The Rulison residence property is for Bale at a bargain. ' Man with family wauts situation ou farm. Enquire at Press office. Mr. and Mrs. Will MoOollum were - guests of Weston f rionds Suuday. i John MoCoiut, deputy ' district at toruoy, was in town yesterday ou legal business. 4 J : James Johnson of Mt. Pleasant, lowit, is here on a visit to his brother," Al. Johnson . .Mr. and Mrs. N". A. Miller and son Roll loft Friday evening for Portland uud Long Beach. E. L. Burnett came up from ; Port land Friday evening. He will remain in town several days. Mrs. O. C. Bock went down to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Nelson, near Pendleton, Sunday. ""i JaiiK's Bryan came to town Satur day with his threshing machine cyl inder, the shaft of which broke, cans: ing u temporary shut down. . Peaches and tomatoes are becoming ploutif ul in the market. . The prioo, however, does not appear to be oom iug down to auy great extent vf-Mr. ami Mrs. Uiiah Humphrey, Of noun, wo., are in tne ciiy viaiung at the Dell home. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey are touriug the coast Mrs. Dunbar is giving lessons in tapestry painting at Mrs. DePeatt's. She will teach you for f 1. She is also a palmist Come nnd Bee her work. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sanders and children left this morning for the mountains, whore they will enjoy the pleasures of camp life for a few weeks. The Indian is among the best cus tomers the avei age store hus for the purchase of watermelons. Atmut every siwash that comes to town takes one or two melons. Milton Eagle: Threshing iu this vicinity is about over with for this season. Frailer brothers housed their machine Wednesday after a very suc cessful rnu of SO days. Athena has one of the ' m-.wt sub stantial aud modem reservoirs in the state. It will pay nuyoue to visit it and inspect it There is more water running into it, too, than anyone would suppose. LUMBER YARD WlVIiss Bessie MeBrlde, who is' now employed as stenograpner in me oiuue of County Clerk Baling at Pendleton, was iu the city aud spent Sunday with her parents and sister. ''. ; Ira Kemp, A. L. Swaggart, Ed Kooutz aud Frank Swaggart hunted erouse on the head of Pine creek Sun day. Birds were scarce aud the boys came home rather disgusted. : f Mrs, Geo. Bannister aud Mrs. Har vev Caton. with their children, will leave this afternoon for Portland, where they will visit their sister, Mrs. H. McArthyr, and attend the Fair Dr. M. V. Turley will leave Wes ton soon. He disposed of his busi ness there to' Dr. Cashatt, aiid will go ranching in Crook county, where he owns laud under an irrigation ditch, Lost A check book, containing au endorsed check and several hundred dollars' worth of notes. Fiuder will please leave same at this office or with the owner, Will Wells, Atnena ureg. hi Justice of the Peace Chamberlain feasted ou erouse yesterday. He "swore" a number of the boys to their applications for buuters' licen ses free, and they remembered his generosity. . - ... ..... ." Leu Spier, a well known Pilot Rock rancher, died Friday in Portland of heart disease. For - some time Mr. Suier hud been afllioted with heart trouble aud wont to Portland for re lief. The short end of harvest is here aud a few days more ouly the graiu on the hit h lands will remain uncut The farms on the foothills are yielding good crops, the conditions of the sea son being favorable to big yields there. 4-f-As an experiment 0. A.. Barrett & tf!o. yesterday sprinkled oil on Main st-eet iu f rout of the hardware store. Walla Walla fluds oil ou her streets to be a, , success, aud it may be that Athena's macadamized Maiu street will be given a coat of oil. Weston saloons were closed Sun day. The Sunday previous, Weston saloon keepers ignored an order from the district attorney's office to close their places of business' .There being nothing to show that they wers pre f erred stock the district attorney saw to it that they did close. The saloons of one towu are no better than saloons iu another, and if one towu closes all should close. This is the result the civic league is after aud the ouly re sult that will prove satisfactory. "The Convict s Daughter," pre sented by Mr. and Mrs. Welch, sup ported by Westou taleut was very creditably played before a large, and i appreciative audience at the Athena opera house haturuay eveuiug. Mr. and Mrs. Welch aud especially the latter, more thau sustaiued their repu tatiou as irof essiojials, aud the Wes- ton people in the cast impersonated their roles admirably welL Mi. and Mrs. Welch are now in the city and it is their intention to pat on a couple of plays here, supported by Athena talent.. , . , ' - ,' ' ' i At the meeting of the directors of school district No. 81 Thursday, Miss Fannie Blair was elected as teacher of the third and fourth grades, f in the Milton public schools. , , ' Reserved seats will be on sale tomorrow at Dell Bros.' for Th Widow and the Fool," the society comedy drama to be presented at the Athena opera house by Athena . talent next Saturday evening. ' ' i - J Awhile hunting grouse in the moun tains Sunday, Pr. Flamondon and the Press man ran across Clark Wood's old friend, "Bill" Bowman. ' Asa mountain climber and hunter Bill has few equals. . We can attest to bis capabilities as a climber for he took us into a canyon thousands of feet deeu and grinned at our laborious efforts ashe piloted us up the moun tain side. He gleefully informed us that it was a snap for bim and point ed to a cliff of rock on the summit of which he once " hugged a bear to death. He is awaiting a visit from Wood, when he will introduce the colonel to a system of strenuous mountain climbing that will force an Alpine guide to the rear and make a mountain sheep retire with envy. , Soecial Eastern Exucriion Katei. On August 21-25 and September 16- 17 the O. R. & N. will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, St Louis, St Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Leavenworth, Oma ha, Council Bluffs, and Sioux Uity under the followig conditions: One limited first class fare plus ten dollars. Children of half fare age half rate. Limit, going 10 days; final return limit 90 dasy. Stopovers will be granted in either direction within the transit limits. ' For Bale- A Niagara Buffalo Pitts separator, 28-inch cylinder, 48-inch shoe fitted for horse-power or steam attachments, 1400 sacks daily capacity witn steam- power, usea only iour seasons; a xiicn ardson patent stacker; a 14-horse Pitts power, .everything complete and in good order throughout, a bargain for some one ; a Hodge header and 3 head er boxes thrown into the bargain. ' O. L. Chamberlain, Athena. Coach Excursion to Fair. Ou August 38 the O. ' R. & N. will run a special train from Milton to. Pendleton, consolidating at Pendle ton with train- No.. 1. Traio will leave Athena, at 7:58; tcikets $6.25 for round trip; tickets will be limited for return to seven days from date of sale and are not good iu eihter direc tion in sleeping oars. . ' i - t- i. !"i:;,''v" Huge Tk. - ' ' It was a huge task to undertake the cure of such a bad case of kidney dis ease as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero kee, la., but Electric Bitters did it He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone I could not sit on a chair with out a cushion ; and suffered from dreadful headache, backache and de pression. In Electric Bitters, how ever, I found a cure, and by them was restored to perfect health. I recom mend this great tonio medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by MoBride, druggist Price 50c. . . , ' No Secret About It. It is no secret, that for cuts, burns, ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils, etc., nothing is so effective as Buck Ion's Arnica Salve. "It didu't take loug to cure a bad sore ; I had aud it is all O .K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, Hope, Tex. 26q. at, He Bride's drug store.' - Athena Opera House u Satuday, Aug. Athena Home talent aud Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch in Nat C. Goodwin's great 4-Act Comedy Drama , "Widow and the Fool" An evening of real enjoyment. Music by the Atnena Orchestra. Prices 25, 35 and 50 ceutn. Reeeerved seats 00 sale at Dell Brothers' grocery store. mm Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox k McEwen's. Pendleton Bus. College is progressive Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. : Buy a Henney buggy and look swelL C. A. Barrett & Co. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the w hite House Grocery. Pendleton Busines College is popular. C. A. BaWett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine. -- That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthiugton & Thompson's. ' " Pendletoji Bus. College is practical. Pendleton Bus. College is thorough, v You should see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C A. Barrett & Pendleton Business College is modern Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthmg- ton 4 Thompson s. Attend Pendleton Business College. Save yourself money while visiting the fair by engaging rooms of Mrs. M. J. Bagley, 265 1-2 Second street be tween Jefferson and Madison, . Port land, Ore., : Pendleton Bus College opens Sept 11. W. S. Buel offers his residence prop erty on Current street for sale. House, practically new, contains six rooms. For further particulars see Mr. BueL ' 1 Anyone, wishing information con cerning a young cow between 3 and 3 years old, brand W and perhaps D ou left hip, can receive information by calling at the Press office. i Pendleton Bus College is uptodate. It is the fit and finish; tne artistic touch that makes the suit. "Internat ional" Made to Measure garments have all of these virtues. including quality as well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co. to show you their magnificent line of these supplies. ' Pendleton Business College leads. . Makes digestion and assimilation perfect Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mouutain Tea will do. A tonic for the Weak aud sick. 85o. Tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store i If you want a pretty face and delight ; ful aii ' - ? Rosy cheeks and lovely hair, Wedding trip across the sea, , Put your faith in Rocky Mountain " Tea. 1 Pioneer drug store, j i .. I It the boxes on your ..buggy, . hack I or cart have become worn so there is end, playr itake your rig to Buel's blacksmitlf shop and have the axles cut back so they fit up snug and tight Mr. Buel !has a " machine for doing the work.v Price 2 per set of four axles. ;: ' $ j ' Free R. ;R. fare to Pend Bus. College . Boys, you had better get busy and see Athena Mercantile Co. who have a com plete "International" line of samples. This famous concern, for whom Athena Mercaneile Co. takes orders and meas ures, builds garments that are as near perfection as human hands can make them. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. , . :';! , - A BndScare. ! Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in your' bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr King's New Life Pillfl, a sure cure tor all boirel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness, costive ness, etc. Guaranteed at McBride's drug store, only 25c, Try them. BAD aMjPi!iife Mr l ipooGir k I t i Vf JJi '.lciisst'cov$vKniQti "m II X$ ! IP l I r f 4KtUBuuorTs 1 nm V "III 1 1 f " lU - 'l iTHEOAT and LUNGS.' C2 ' 'I I ii Y Al , ir!! . f . V j I I'll I -111111 V': iltxuoxwiltf.J l,.m.tJD - jjj Ml ! I it ; ll lull! I jffX W' l-i - Mdm4cnmraAMMMim f A III rf - I 'Luili' i'IHX ", OMWolaMlUwfU&A, I ,j j BlllHll lit j U?tQUALtID V F2iCE,!fiH-riVECE:ar XJimivm iiiiiiitiiiMiiiiimiininmminiimiiHiMiiiimiiin""ffw a GflHSURaEBS IU A simple rule to make life a joy is to dnnk a cup of that elegant Coffee -3 I "0)9" j When shopping do not forget that can be obtained. For Cash S Tea', Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte 32 iiiiiUiUiiiiaiuiaaiiuaiiUiUiuakiUiUiaiUiuiuiuiuiUiu See C. Sharp Paint, Oil, . ESTABLISHED 1865 5 Preston Parton Milling Co j Our Barley Mil Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait ITILI tlllllll lfllllVlO Waitsburg, Wash. - D0 YOU WANT HANDS i-';'"; . ' IF SO CALL AT LUCAS' PALACE RESTAURANT ! ; Where help of sll kinds will ( ' - io cnarge lor F. G. LUCAS, - - THE PRESS ONLY $2 PER YEAR; EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. "99" is the best Coffee only at the .. ' ' Grocery Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc Plumbing PENDLETON. OREGON. UIIU UlUIIIUUJIylO i - - Athena, Oregon be furnished on application. iiiioriiiuuou. - - Athena Oregon, that sale