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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1905)
i IV it 1' It. Our G-reat Clearance Sale Commences Saturday, July 15th. All seasonable goods marked down. For prices during the sale, see circular Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, THE TERHUNE Hunt building Material at Lowest prices. Estimates Properly Furnished. T. L,. Pendleton Bus College opens Sept 11. ' H. H. Hill was in Pendleton yester day. Clias. Morris had business down at the oouuty scat yesterday. 1 Miss Leland, of Weston, was an Athena viHitor this week. ,j. 1 Jttorney R. G. Slater was in this city Wednesday ou business. Free R. R. fare to Pend Bus. Collego J Missus Kittio and Carrie Sharp are visiting in Pendleton this week. 4 Miss Carrie Stone is in Walla Walla attediung touoher'B examination. T. J. Norvell went down to Pendle ton on the f roight yesterday noon. O. T. Douglas, of Weston was in ' this city a short time Wednesday. Pendleton Business Collego leads. ' , . Miss Alta Sharp has gone to Hot Lake where sho will remain for soino time. - -t;i:., .i,;. .; ;-;...,. ... Mrs. II. O. Worthiugtou and son, Emery, returned last evening from Portland. Miss Durr and Miss Preston of Wes ton, were trading "villi Atheua mer chants Wednesday. " i Pendleton Bus. College is progressive Miss Hardy has returned to her ; home iu Wiiitsburg after a plonsuut visit with friends in Athena. The Ladies' Aid of the Christian , church met at the home of A. C. Molntyro Thursday of this week. Pendleton Uusines College is popular. Mrs. Archio Melutyre and mother, Mrs. Cauthoru, visited in the couutry this week at too home of Peter Melu tyre. '; , Mrs. W. J. Gholson and rinnghter returned homo after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Walla ' Walla. ; ; ; ; Poudlutou Bus. College is practical. Kichurd Wright aud Eddie Foster will leuvo in a short time for Cor vnllis where they will attend the agri cultural college. 1 The Anxiliar of they C W. B. M. will meet in the parlor of the - Christ ian church Sunday at 3 p. m. All mew bers are urged to be present. Pendleton Bus College is uptodate. East Oregouiiau ! Miss Delia Crig ler, who accompanied Miss Agnes Fletcher home from Portlaud, wit for Athena this moruig for a few days' visit fMiss Gladys Bush will leave in a . short time for the home of her grand ; Press Paragraphs ;; Athena, Oregon LUMBER YARD Avenue. Contracting . and Building a Specialty. Torhune, Athena, Oregon parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stamper, on Birch creek, where she will probably spend the summer. . -Attend Pendleton Business College. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown arrived Tuesday evening's mixed train from California. They will remain in Athena about a month before re turning to their home. ': If Unle John Callender don't "miss the Trail" and get lost, or go np in a balloon and forget the way down, he is expected to arrive home in a few days from the exposition city. V-Link Swaggart has returned from Pendleton where he completed , the purchase of 5 quarter sections of land. The land is located on Birch creek south of Pendletou, and is known as the Tatum place. Miss Anna Kirk, who has been at tending a medical school iu Chicago, is in the city visiting at the borne of ber father, T. J. Kirk. Miss Kirk will leave iu a short time for La Grande whore she will visit relatives. Pendleton Busiuess College is modern Mrs. Foster and Brother, C. Gar ld, of Priueville are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jaokson Nelson below town. After a short stay here they will visit relativos in Pendleton before returning to their home in Prineville. Pendleton Bus. College is thorough. Jit is ieported that there are an un usually large number of grouse on the foothills and in the mountains this season. The open season for , grouso beigns next Tuesday and local sports are making great preparations for hunting the birds. " Peudletou Tribune: A number of cases of typhoid fever are "now re ported iu this city aud it is understood that there are several cases at the hospital. Withiu the past few days soveai harvest hands have become ill with typhoid and have been brought to the city. Peter Lacourse lost a valuable work horso iu this city Wednesday as the result of an over feed of grain. I Veterinary Joe Baddeley, of Westou, was summoned but was too late to be of any assistance, the animal dying shortly after his arrival. "- 'H . . '- -. " '" " East, Orgnian:i Hornoo Walker, county commissioner, who has been troubled for some time with rheuma tism and intestinal troubles, is con siderably worse and will probably leave shortly for the coast to remain there during the remainder' of the summer. ,. Xa few nights ago a horse and saddle Ajelbngiug to Louis Keen was taken 1 V mM I -I V HilVIItU UUai u tuu? v wj two Iudiaus who evidently both rode the animal home aud then turned it loose. The horse has been recovered and it is reported that oue of the In dians has been captured. No trace u Mm of the saddle and bridle baa yet been found, and at last reports the-, other Indian is still at liberty, "''?' Services at the . Christian church Sunday as follows: 'Bible" School at 10 a. m., preaching at 11' a. m., Junior Endeavor meeting at 3 p. ni. End.avor at 7 p. m., preaching at 8. Sermon subject: "The Lord's, Day and How to Observe It;" "Changes Wrought by tbe Power of God's Word.'.' SfA modern plate glass front is to be I placed in Ed Manasse's store. T. J. Norvell, who has the contract for the work, will begin tearing oat the old front Monday. The interior of the building will also be remodled and when the work is completed Mr. Manasse will have one of the most convenient and attractive store rooms in the city. O. G. Chamberlain left yesterday morning for Dayton to attend the funeral of J. B. Chamberlain, who died in Malhenr county Wednesday. Mr. Chamberlain was a former resi dent of Umatilla connty, naft -will be remembered by all old timers,' having resided near Milton for a number of years and was in this city only a short time ago on a visit. Eryin-Wagner. The residence of Mr. James Ervin, 23 Ninth street, Vancouver, B. C, was on August 2 the scene of a very quiet but pretty event The occasion was the marriage of the son, Mr. Thomas J. Ervin, to Miss Nellie Wuguer. -Miss Wagner returned to Vancouver last week from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wagner, near this city. The wedding took place in the presence of a few friends, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Myers, former friends of the bride, being the principal witnesses. The cere mony was performed by Rev. B. New ton Powell, pastor of the Methodist church After the marriage, refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin will reside in Vancouver. Suecial Eastern Exucrsion Bates- On August 21-25 and September 16. 17 the O. R: & N. will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, St Louis, St Paul, Minneapolis, Dnluth, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Leavenworth, 1 Oma ha, Council Bluffs, and Sioux ; City under the followig conditions: One limited first class fare pins ten dollars. Children of balf fare age half rate. Limit, going 10 days; final return limit 00 dasy. Stopovers will be granted in either direction within the transit limits. f i . Coach Excursion to Ffl-irsti '.T On August 29 the O. R. & N. 1 -will run a special train from Milton 1 to Pendleton, consolidating at Pendle ton with train No. 1. Train will leave Athena at 7 :58 ; tcikets $6. 25 for round trip; tickets will be limited for return to seven days from date of sale and are not good in eihter direc tion in sleeping cars, v' ' . , , -fr-.t Huge Talk. It was a hnge task to undertake the oure of such a bad case of kidney dis ease as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero kee, la., but Electrio, Bitters did it He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone I could not sit on a chair with out a cushion; and suffered- from dreadful headache, backache add de pression. In Electric Bitters,, how ever, I fonnd a cure, and by them was restored to perfect health. I, recom mend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or st&nach. Guaranteed by .McBride, drpggist' Price 50c. - , ; . t Mo Secret About It. It is no secret, that for cuts, burns, ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes,r boils, etc., nothing is so effective as Buck-: len's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had and it is all O .K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, Hope, Tex. Mo Bride's drug store. V yNv. .' ' i ih ib wr f Y P J memf. mt wi Mf, mM tr TH twULV M UHDAV JOUK- ) NAi. KHtlM1inl V .m n mty tlx Utf nm k f J - MM T, mi 1 Ma HI n I I ock AIM m iM f in M at I - I vtit mm Mtfmtt Um tamtam I I mm m mmmmm mm. tmt U to J J mmm -Ml Hi til .. !. I ! mm mm an tMa, tmi i mxmd I A1LV JOURMAU I I ALX.TntntmAmmmfmfmml I ') lilManaltiiW ) I mwrmt ty n tmrnm mmmm mi 0m I M m m wnk mmtt mmmt m a 1 I MMM txai tm mm I tii K CASH I J M tn artkn. mm m MM . J MWa Hfiki inta, t mmm KUMAk m mm lull miMiiiiiiln-"- I M la x mm mm mmm a I V mTmmfmm- "oil ZTh yovm ) V. HAL aramaau VK JOUKMAL a I aaa. TMI journal. V tiaa4, t. ' - J Items in Brief. Buy Samson at Cox & McEwen's. ' i Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. Freeh bread, cakes, etc., on rale at Gay's, daily. , i Buy a Henney buggy and look swelL C. A. Barrett & Co.' Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine. : , That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington A, Thompson's. Latest novelties in men's ready to wear suits. Athena Mercantile Co. You should see the fine line of buggies and backs at C. A. Barrett & Co. 's. : Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it at Worthing ton k Thompson's. L. A. Githens, agent for Edison pho nographs, anfl records, is prepared to furnish all of tfie different grades of the tdison maki; Mr. Uithens always bas phonographs on exhibition and is pre pared to give information at any time. Save yourself money while visiting the fair by 'engaging rooms of 'Mrs. M. J. Bagley 265 1-2 Second street be tween Jefferson and Madison, Port land, Ore. j , W. S. Buei offers his residence prop erty on Current street for sale. House, practically new, contains six rooms. For further particulars see Mr. Buel. -Anyone wishing information con cerning a young cow between 2 and 8 years old; brand W and perhaps D on left hip, 'loan receive information by calling at! the Press offioe. , - . It is the .fit' and finish; the artistic touch that makes the suit. "Internat ional" Made to Measure garments have all of these virtues, including quality as well. ..Ask the Athena Mercantile Co. to show you their magnificent line of these supplies. . , ; Makes digestion and assimilation perfect.' Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain 2Cea will do. A tonic for the weak and sick. 35o. Tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store V " If you want a pretty face and delight ful air, ; , , Rosy cheeks and lovely hair, .. Wedding trip across the sea, ' , Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea. " f' - , Pioneer drug store. If the boxes on your buggy, hack or cart have become worn so there is end play, take your rig to Buel's blacksmith shop and have the axles cut back so they fit up snug and tight. Mr. "Buel has a machine for doing the work. ' Prioe $2 per . set of four axles. , , t , . '" ; - Boys, yo had better get busy and Bee Athena Mercantile Co. who have a complete- "International" line of samples. This famous concern, for whom Athena Mercaneile Co. ' takes orders and meas ures, builds garments that ara as near perfection as human hands can make them. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. ' ' i i ' A KadScare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a pain in you? bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in Dr King's New Life Pills, a sure cure tor all bowel and stomach diseases, such as headache, biliousness, costive ness, ' etc. Guaranteed at McBride 'a drug store, only 25c. Try them. ' To Cora Constipation ForeTer. falco Cu8Ciire'a Cundy Catbartio. lOe or 250. C. d C fall to cure, druptisu refund inone r. J t v Kiiiii iite Vmir Hawels TVIth Cnacnretn. Cnndy Catlmrtlc, euro conntipation forever. lOo. 5c. If C. O. C. f i I, (IruKKisu refund monej. t.aa3il HfiaLl 1 rfR?Sn ;T: www feLgL m II 1 1 W WW ' I iMSORE THROAT, ft( TOrl T M l Vtk -' mm$ ' ' IXCirtZST COlfSUHPTIOX iff, ... Vs?- ill I ! I III n ,mJx "'" u or T ' f J J III IF j Ijjj J jj "ill iN?"et-f , ill II t III illl fif ff Wf i i ?5 Tw..?!,f1ft.1fir I J ' ill Ikv ; a1 hhdk Sm II jlAS'cgoupiliiiiiiii mu3sM ' ' imimra msmmm nfitrimratirmmm wmmt ITO consu g-r A simple rule to make life a joy is to gz. ( ; : ; When shopping do not forget E: ' that can be obtained. For WHITE HOUSE 1 g Cash Grocery 3 Z Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte 12 RfiA f fiTlOTH Paint, Oil, UOD V. Ullal J ESTABLISHED 1865:---- f Prcston-Parton Milling Co. j I Our Barley Mill Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait : Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers i 2 Waitsburg, Wash. ! - - - Athena, Oregon 5 iD0 YOU WANT HAMDS -U'.- if so call at LUCAS': PALACE RESTAURANT Where help of all kinds will bo furnished on application. No charge for information. " , F. G. LUCAS, ; - ; - - Athena, Oregon. THE PRESS, ONLY $2 PER YEAR. EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED. iVI drink a cup of that elegant Coffee that "99" is the best Coffee ; rSt sale only at the ' "3 Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plum bin f PENDLETON, OREGON. Vf V 7