nr fire, Smoke and Water Backed by the sheriff could not make the prices we do for the next thirty days. Come join the procession and partake of thousands of bargains that await here for you. v $30,970.65 worth of 'HighesGrrade., Look for the Red Ticket They Denote a Saving of 1-4 to 1-2 on your Purchases. We are going to do battle for the masses and not the classes. Thirty Days we want to. make this the Greatest Cash Gathering Carnival that ever appeared wihin the history of this country, for with us it is cold cash we want and we must have, it quick. . All former attempts at merchandising by us or any other firm, within 50 miles of this city, will be eclipsed beyond all question. The city will be in a stir as never before. A hustle and a bustle throughout the entire store that will wake mortal man from his slumbers and make compteition howl until you can hear them for blocks around. It will be a wonderful gathering of the people. We want cash and we are going to give the people the benefit. We will raise the roof if it is necessary. IT WILL BE A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN NOW; s There never was such an undertaking in this city, and we do not believe there ever will be again. Absolutely 91.00 here will do the work of $1.50 to $2.00 elsewhere on many lines, and next Saturday morning, July 15th, when these doors open, you will see such a gathering of people as never appeared on the streets of this city before. RAIN OR SHINE THE BATTLE GOES ON. We have put our word out to the people and you know how well we have kept it. Our word to you will be our bond, and there is not one item or half a dozen in this house going to be put out for a bait, as you will find plenty trying to do, but HUNDREDS OF ITEMS, all at a price that never met mort al man's eyes before. From one end of this big store to the other you will find the greatest fluttering of red tickets with the price of destruction marked on them and staring you in the face, no matter which -door you come in. The whole shooting match goes to the people. We want to do ten times the business of our lives, because we want cash. We expect multitudes standing in line and your share will be here for you. We have put on extra sales-people, and We Are Going to Talk Dress Goods It matters not whether you want Henriettas, Melrose, Venetians, Serges, Silks or Satins, or anything that was ever made iu the Dress Goods line, we carry nothing but fashion's latest, aud they will go at prices ranging from Do up to S)8o, absolutely worth two or three times these prices else where. We have been buying them direct from the meu who made them, aud they are going out to you at the most ruinous prices you ever saw. Iu fact, we believe you will be down and buy half a dozen dress patterns for ; yourself and girls, because such au , undertaking was never attempted be fore iu this city or surrounding coun try. High carnival will reign through out the entire store. Our Cash Gathering must come aud it must . come fast We will talk Ladies' Capes and Jackets because we are going to talk them at prices never seen or heard of before. We have one lot of Ladies' Capes and Jackets at 12.48 absolutely worth J double that in any other store in this town. Theu we have another lot of Capes and Jackets for the ladies at 3.08 that, would bo considered cheap iu any of these war priced stores at (8.00 to $8.00. You will find another lot of ladies Capes and Jackets at I1.U8 that would be as good as gold dollars at 8.00 to $10.00 in any other store in this town, aud tho kind we are selling for $5.48 and $0.70 aud up to as high as $7.08 are absolutely worth double, and yon are payiug it elsewhere. It in your dollar you have got, and it is the duty you owe yourself and family iu these times or any other times to place them where they will go the farthest. Remember you ' shonld have mansions instead of build ing them for the other fellow, and here is the opportunity you have W commence saving in buying lutirchan- Attend the Carnival of Cash Getting, such as was never attempted and carried into effect in this city. Lay in your supplies. Now we say when the doors open here next Satur day morning, We Bid YOU Welcome. You will find gentlemen at the front door and at the side door, welcoming you in as never before. Everything is oh display. Nothing in reserve, . and nothing in this house but what costs you considerable less than elsewhere, and you will find the most courteous set of clerks that ever stood behind the counters in this city. The whole house is topsy-turvy, everything is re-arranged. s There never was such a change in any store in this community. The big red tickets will be on them, so your child as well as yourself can come here and buy with safety. Remember that any item got in this house that does not meet with your approval, and is not cut off of a bolt, can be returned and your cash will be cheerfully refunded to you, and no questions asked. No goods will be charged and nothing will go out on approval. It is all cash with us, and if you get what you don't want, return it and get your money back, provided it is not cut off of a bolt. NO GOODS WILL BE TAKEN BACK OR EXCHANGED ON SATURDAY. All we Can Say is Come and Attend the" Cash Getting Carnival that Commences 10 Yards of the Best Calico for 10c With all purchases of $5.00 Or Over Throughout this Entire Riff Store. ...... AND THE dise from us during our Sacrifice, Unloading, Cash Getting Carnival. Ladies' Petticoats. Mercerized Petticoats and Silk Petticoats. We are going to show you in plaiu words that you will find here an absolute saving of 60c to $2.25 on everyone in this house to what you have been payiug for them elsewhere. The ones you buy here at $1.49 are the biggest values you ever saw in any of these war-priced stores at $3.00 to $4.00, and the ones you buy at $1.98 are worth double that iu any other store iu this town. Theu we have more kinds; the 79c, 98o and $1.19 that are worth 50c to 75o more in gold but with us it is part with the Petti coats ud get cash quick. Send word to your friends and neighbors for miles arouod; they will appreciate it Aud now to make matters worse, YOU CAN BUY 10 YARDS OF THE BEST CALICO FOR lOo with every pur chase of $5.00 or over. Remember we are not iu a trust or combine against the farmer and the workingman, and never will be. We were not brought up that way.1 We are with the common people; we al ways have boon aud always cxpeot to bo, and if you want CALICO it is a certainty yon will come to us to buy it. THE MOST GIGANTIC UNDER TAKING EVER KNOWN TO MAN IN THIS MAN'S COUNTRY. Biggest Ribbon Sale Ever Held in Athena. Saturday morning we will have on sale au immense quantity of new rib bons, just received from the manufac turer. Tho lot consists of everything from the dainty little wash nnder mnsliu ribbon, to the wide stately sash ribbon. These ribbons are worh from 10c to 60o a yard. They are strictly all silk, satiu, taffetas, crepe, printed warp, and in fact, every kind of new and up to date Ribbons that have been manufactured iu the last six months, aud they go out to all the MM 15, I) my Athna, IB - it , ii Ei i ... -1 i m',mw m xl J 1 . PEOPLE HI I people at prices ranging as follows: 8o, 4o, 6c, 7c, 9c, Ho, 14c, 19o, and up as high as 88o. - ! , Oceans of Notions. We speak of Notions because wheu you enter the door, you will find them lined up from one end of the honse to the other. The big red mark will be on them, so your child as well as ypur self can come here and buy with safe ty. The whole house is ablaze with bargains. , During this Sale you buy two papers of pins for one cent, and the famous Hooks and Eyes, that you have been paying 5o for, you buy them here during this Cash Getting Carnival at two cards for one cent AH Hosiery Cut to the Quick . See the liue of Ladies' Hose at 4c, 6c, 9o, Ho and up to 19o that have no equal, and if yon need Hosiery, it is a certainty you will come to us for it, because you can , buy them cheaper than you ever did before. . Men's Suspenders Here will cost less than boys' suspenders elsewhere, and Rockford Socks will go to all the people at 4o per pair, aud you get the benefit. Creating Corset Excitement. Squoeziug Corset prices. Such prices as we make for the next thirty days will do the work, for certainly no saue . person will pay twice the prices elsewhere that we ask for the same quality. '' A SURGICAL OPERATION HAS TAKEN PLACE IN ,.. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, Skirts and Waists. ; We have cut the price so deep that they are not recognizable and now they are yours if you get here in time. Table Linen Tins. , ; If a factory in Ireland had failed and given us these goods, we couldn't sell them cheaper. Buy your Linen 'Eriills Abb& t7 tJ.Jn C Oregon, udiJn rt nY 1 fin t 1 GET THE Merchandise I0 W I w no matter whether the sun shines or whether it is raining, it will pay you to gather up your gum coats, mackintoshes and umbrellas and come down and see the greatest display of merchandise, sold for the least money, that ever appear ed to your eyes or any other person's eyes since voii were born. , Not one item will be held in reserve. You will see signs and you will hear signs of these war-priced merchants, but they will only be signs of distress. We know it is an IMMENSE UNDERTAKING, and while other merchants tell you that D. B. Jarman is losing thousands of dollars in order to make this Carnival a success, that we connot help. We are not trying to run their business, neither do we expect them to run ours. We are going out after the cold cash, and we are coming out asking you to part with it at a season of the year when all men expect to make their 60 and 100 per cent profit, but with us profit is a thing of the past. Wholesale prices and less reign throughout this entire big institution on many lines. r j Supplies now, for you'll not be able to buy them so low again. The Great Clothing Sale that yon have heard so much talk about will be in full blast as soon as the doors open, with every other de partment throughout the store in the same way. Suits for men, suits for boys; overcoats for the men, overcoats for the boys. We have clothing for everybody, and it is going to be Cloth ing Day down here every day, and if you ever did want anything in your life, IT IS CERTAINLY CLOTHING. We have one big lot of men's Suits at $2.98 that would be considered cheap in any of these stores at $6,00 to $7.00. We have another pile of suits at $4. 78 worth from $8.00 to $10.00. You will find another stack of men's suits at $5.98 that would be consider ed cheap in any of these war-priced stores at $10.00 to $12.00. Then we have another lot of suits at $8.87 that would be as good as ' gold dollars at $12.00 to $14.00 in any other store in this town, and the kind we are selling at $8.87, $9.98 and $11.98 are, abso lutely worth double and you are pay ing it elsewhere. Everything we have in the OVERALL LINE AND LITTLE SUIT LINE go out at prices that will please every man, womau and child within the walls of this city. ; The Overcoats we are going to sell at $3.00 will cost double that in any other store iu this towu. D. B. JARMAN bids you wel come under the roof of his big store, and that means it is a welcome that comes from the bottom of his heart We want cash and we want it quick. We want to part with them quick. We are going to soil these overcoats, and at such prices as have never been heard of before in this city. We want to part with our Clothing and Over coats, Men's Hats, etc., and we want to part with them quick. Iu fact, Clothing bought in this house costs you a mere trine, xou will near some of the other merchants say we are 11 J LiJ vj uJw L v, 3 llL tJILJ V You - BENEFIT Going out to the People 3 Mm giving them away, but we cannot help what they say. If you want anything in this line, yon will certainly be here and buy half a dozen suits and fit out the whole family, and we will not wind up our talk until we tell you about the finest line of , Ladies' Furnishings of all kinds that was ever iu this city, and we believe you know it There are hundreds of articles including Muslin Underwear, Summer Under wear, Wool Underwear, Gloves and Mitteus, Belts, Hose Supporters, Chat elaines, Purses, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Neckwear, Perfume of all kinds aud Toilet Articles, , Kimonas, Ribbons, Dressing Saques, Fleeced GoWns, Golf Jackets, Fancy Combs, Collars, Jewelry, etc., aud they will cost yon less money than the other fellow gets for what he has been carrying for the past two to ten years. Men's Work and Dress Shirts worth 50o to 75c, D. B. Jarman has cut 'em loose at 88c. Dress Shirts that are sold the world over at $1.25 to $1.50 will be on sale here during this Cash Getting Sale at 98c. Men's Driving Gloves and Men's Workiug Gloves will be included in this great Sale. ., : Men's Hats and Caps all come in for their ' share and of these we have a great stock. They are brand new, just bought from the wholesale market, and the prices of these goods will be slaughtered with the balance. We are going to talk Underwear because we are goiug to talk direct from the shoulder. An immense line of Ladies' Underwear at prices that speak out in great, big, plain figures. In other words, many garments iu this house, you can buy two for the price of one elsewhere. Calicos and Ginghams will be cheaper than dirt elsewhere. Welcome Ac I Ann ac Thot no LUIiy 00 IIKJ Last You will buy two papers of pins for 1 cent. 2 cards Hooks and Eyes lc. One paper Needles lc. In Fact 9c here in notions will do the work nf IRc elsewhere. v . Look for the Red Ticke They Denote a Saving of 1-4 to 12 on your Purchases. With us it is cash we want, and we want it good and plenty. And now comes the House Furnishings. You will find D. B. JARMAN the POOR MAN'S FRIEND AND EVERYBODY'S FRIEND, and if you want Mattings, Table Oil Cloth, Pil-, lows and Hammocks, Kitchen Uten sils, Dishes, Glassware, Blankets, Comforts, etc, We Want You to Come and Bring Your Family and UNDER OUR ROOF, WE BID YOU WELCOME AND SUCH A WELCOME AS NEVER BEFORE. Remember that during this Sale you buy 10 YARDS OF THE BEST CALI CO with every purchase of $5.00 or over. We must cut loose now aud not later. ; The Shoe Sale. ! . Shoes for the meu, Shoes for net boys, Shoes for the Ladies, Shoes for the girls, and it is a certainty we won't forget the babies, because it is going to be Shoe Day down here every day, and if you ever1' did want any thing in your life, it is Shoes, because you are in them more than half of your life. If you want Shoes, you will certainly be here and buy a dozen pair and fit the whole family out. JONES HE PAYS THE FREIGHT, D. B. JARMAN, HE MAKES THE PRICES. ITS' UP TO YOU, A Few Don'ts. Don't wait too long; don't i be skep tical; don't miss the opportunity; don't fail to tell your friends ; don ' t hesitate to come; don't overbuy your self; don't be broke next week; don't miss the place; don't kick and crowd; don't get mad if someone tramps on your corns in the rush for bargains; don't ask us to take back or exchange goods ON SATURDAYS; we cannot do it TOO BUSY. For Thirty Days Commencing. on Saturday, July 15, and winding up at midnight August 12th, We do the Battle of Our Lives to unload this big merchant dise stock that will wake up the people from all parts of the country.