The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 18, 1905, Image 2

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. Entered second-class matter, March 1,
11)01, at the poatofflce at Athena, Oregon,
under an Act of Ons;rss of March 3, 1879.
Subaorlptlan Hataa!
I'or year, In adranot' .
Slngleooples In wrsppers.Se.
lAcai reading notice, flrat insertion, 10c per
a II communications should be addressed to
1 1. r PRKBS Athena, Oregon
ATHENA, JULY ...... 18 1905
, The question of combatting the mail
order houses ifl becoming leas serious
as the home merchant gives it a cour
ageous teat, aays the Ottawa Herald.
It is being shown that the terrors of
the mail order business to the home
trade is mostly a scarecrow light,
when the home merchant brings his
prices fairly and aggressively in com
Twtifiim with fchn cntaloirae bouse.
X , . - u
. Every business man knows that the
mail order business does not and can
not offer the price on qualities that
the home merchant can give, and yet
not all take pains to get this fact im
pressed upon the buying public. The
instance is yet to be shown where the
aggressive display of qualities and
prices and straight out-and-out fight
nn ha moll nrAaf Hrtnua Anna tinf TO-
suit in the home man's victory. There
are reasons for this, and one of the
effective fights on the mail order
bouses is to tell these reasons. At the
present time two stores in Athena are
conducting mammoth sales and all the
different varieties of goods that go to
make up a flrst-class merchandise
stock are being sold at a lower price
than any mail order house on earth
can compete with. The pictures in
the mail order catalogues are primar
ily the trade bringers of these con
cerns. It is the home merchant who
gives you quality and the low price.
Many people who deal with banks
every day do not really under
stand the proper object and purpose of
banking. Banks cannot create
create money, but they can gather
small sums whioh are distributed
nmniiff Twinln mid thus nrnntn an
aggregate whioh can be made avail
able for important business operations
that previously would have been im
possible. Individuals, A?h possessing
a f ewhundreds or a few thousands,
invest it in stock in a bank, and thus
a fund of $50,000 or $100,000 is es
tablished iu a town or community as
a great aid to the business activity
and prosperity of its people. There is
no"more money in the community than
previously, but it is in a form where
it can be made to assist iu the success
ful conduct of five or ten times, the
business that its actual sum stands
For ten years or more the Yaqui
Indians iu the state of Sonora, Mexico,
have been iu more or less active rebel
lion. It has been said that they are
kept stirred up by an American adven
turer, who hopes to keep mining pros
We are now nearly settled in our new quarters.
Each department now has ample room for displaying
their respective goods. We have the largest and best
store of its kind in the Inland Empire, and we know
our pricea are the most reasonable. When you are
in Walla Waila we want you to make us a call,
whether you intend to buy or not, and let us show -you
through our largo establishment. We have an
electric elevator installed which makes an easy access
to the upper floors. Remember wo make
Mail Orders
pectors out of the country until
can get control of all the rich mineral
deposits there. ' This report is proba
bly, exaggerated, for there are var
ious mining enterprises which he does
not control. The other day the Yaqui
Copper company, an American cor
poration, asked the American govern
ment for protection from the Indians,
and was informed that troops would
be despatched to their relief as quick
ly as possible. The Yaquia are about
the only hostile Indians still , remain
ing in North America.
Rev. John R. Wright, a Baptist
clergyman of Columbus, Kan.,: an
nounces his intention of breaking into
the theatrical profession, although
he has had no previous stage experi
ence. He believes he can do more
good before the footlights than in the
pulpit, but he will not be long deceiv
ed when the box receipts fall off.
Unless he signs up with the theatrical
trust and is foisted into the western
circuit, the Rev. John may soon be
acting the stellar role in the bid fash
ioned donation party.
The citizen who loves his country
need not be alarmed at the increase
of disclosures of rottenness in public
life. He has good reason to rejoice
that publicity is given these scandals.
There were just as many rascals in
office 10 or 20 years ago as now, but
they were better protected against be
ing found out. As the light of publi
city grows ' stronger the . shadow of
dishonesty will grow fainter..
"Choose a freckled girl for a wife,"
says Dr. Osier. "Freckled girls are
invariably more amiable." And they
never get bid enough to chloroform,
the doctor might have said.
Mr. Bonaparte of Baltimore says he
has no use for the man who tries to
live on his grandfather's reputation.
Still, it's quite a distinction sometimes
to have had a granduncle.
A preacher has been asked to resign
his pulpit because' he uses an auto
mobile. The dispatches do not say
whether he inherited his money or
married it. ' . ' .'
According to a Russian in London,
Admiral Rojestvensky's name is pro
nounced with the acceiit'on the second
syllable. Can you manage it?
A Montana man has invented a vine
less potato. Now let some genius get
busy and invent a dogless sausage.
Never is an automobile so dangerous
as when John Barleycorn is acting as
(Oregouian. )
There is a class of economic ques
tions which it is useless to discuss
iu their relations to conditions in any
particular country on abstract
principles. That is to say, there is
not much in the science of political
economy, so-called, that is universally
true. A tariff policy, good for one
country is not good for another. And
a tariff policy good for a country at a
certain or given stage of its history
and of its development is not good for
it at other stages. Everything de
ponds ou the time, the stage of de
velopment, the general circumstances.
' It is this truth, ignored by those
who set themselves resolutely against
all tariff revision in our country, that
ultimately will confound them. Dur
ing the eighteeuth century Adam
Smith, having carefully observed the
conditions that prevailed in Great
Britain, wrote a book admirably suit
ed to his environment, and the book
met with success, Then men under
took to erect the principles of that
book into a universal law, irrespective
of environment. They called the re
suit the science of political.' economy.
Then others theorized . on these com
mentators and their successors upon
them, until the most practical of busi
ness problems - has been lost in a
metaphysical fog, deepened .by ap
peal through the misty and cloudy and
evasive terms of party platforms. The
subject is, in fact, a practical one, in
which a priori theories can avail little
or nothing.
There is competition among na
tions, and success to one or other
comes chiefly or solely through a com
prehension of existing conditions and
capacity to take advantage of oppor
tunity. At the same time the play of
forces in the present world is so wide
and so powerful that this problem is
more complex than at any former
time. Political economy, therefore,
as a dogma, is as absurd as would be
a dogma which taught an infallible
way to manipulate the stock market
One community, snoh as Rome, may
do well by robbery; another like Great
Britain, when she enjoyed a monopoly
of minerals or metals and manufac
tures, may flourish upon free trade; a
third, like Germany with her sugar
The administration of justice in
Montreal has been perverted to an
extent in the Gaynor and Greene case
which seems strange to Americans,
who have always been taught to look
upon court procedure in Canada as
far away and above that in this coun
try. I ;. ,
Another instance has just came to
light in which Canadian justice shows
itself in a peculiar aspect, this time
with something of the humorous about
it A Montreal merchant has been
fined $40 and cost for allowing a wed
ding ceremony to take place in one of
his show windows, his object being to
attract attention to his place of busi
ness. The justice seems to consider
that is not the right thing to be done
in a show window.
The main objection . was . that the
wedding caused a collection of persons
in the public street and obstructed
the same without the permission of
the mayor, as required by law. This
the jndge considered a "most repre
hensible procedure. " In reply to an
endeavor made by the counsel for the
defense to draw an analogy between
the crowds that' assembled . about
churches on the occasion of fashion
able weddings and this one, the judge
said: "It must be remembered that
churches, from time immemoral, have
been employed for such purposes, and
when marriages take place in them
the object of the contracting parties
is not to draw a. crowd, tending to
the obstruction of the streets. In the
present case the , defendant seems to
have deliberately intended to draw a
crowd, presumably to attract atten
tion to himself and his business."
The judge also condemns the clergy
man who lent himself to "this shame
ful prostitution of holy rites." It is
also added that the polioe would have
been justified in arresting any person
in the crowd who did stop to look at
the wedding in the window.
Evidently show windows are not
meant for public drawing cards in
Lewis and Clark Bates-
The O. K & N. Co. announces the
following rates from Athena to Port
land for the Lewis and Clark fair;
Individual tickets will be sold daily
from May 29 to October 15, inclusive,
continuous passage in each direction;
final return limit 80 days from date
of sale, but iu no case later than Oc
tober 81, 1905, for oue and one-third
fare, amounting to $9.00.
Party tickets that is ten or more
persons will be sold from May 29 to
October 15 inclusive; passage in each
direction; 10-day limit from date of
sale, at one single fare per capita for
round trip, amounting to $7.40.
Children one half fare age at half
fare of the above rates. For further
particulars call on M. W. Smith, O.
R. & N. agent, Athena.
. Huge Task.
It was a huge task to undertake the
cure of such a bad case of kidney dis
ease as that of O. F. Collier, of Chero
kee, la., but Electrio Bitters did it
Ho writes: "My kidneys were so far
gone I could not sit ou a chair with
out a cushion ; and suffered from
dreadful headache, backache and de
pression. In Electrio Bitters, how
ever, I found a cure, and by them was
restored to perfect health. I recom
mend this great tonio medicine to all
with weak kidneys, liver or stomach.
Guaanteed by McBride, druggist
Prioe 0c
y .
Dying of Fauiln
Is, in its torments, like dying of con
sumption. The progress of consump
tion, from th beginning to the very
end, is a long torture, both to victim
and friends. "When I had con
sumption in its first stage," writes
William Myers, of Carrfoss, Md.,
"after trying different medicines and
a good doctor in vaiu, I at las took
Dr. King's New Discovery, which
quickly and perfectly cured me."
Prompt relief and pure core for
coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis,
etc Positively prevents pneumonia.
Guaranteed at McBride'a drugstore,
price 50c and $1 a bottle. Trial bot
tle free.
I want to call your attention
to the fact that I do all kinds
of Watch, Clock and Jewelry
repairing. I do accurate work,
get it out quick and guaran
tee every job' sent out. - -
Watches and Jewelry
I carry, a line of cheap and
medium price watches that
will stand rough use and are
dust proof; bIbo a line ot jew
elry, novelties and silverware.
Jeweler : Athena
Office in
Barrett Building, ' - Athena, Oregon
Dr. A. B. Stone,
Calls answered promptly day or night
Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon
S. F. Sharp
Special attention given to Female
Calls promptly answered. Office on Third
Street, Athena, Oregor
VM. M'BRIDE, Proprietor.
South Side Main Street, Athena, Ore.
Dealer in Paints, Oils,
Drugs and Toilet articles '
Lubricating and Compoun
Drugs and Drug Sundries.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
VFD seasonable
Fresli Meats. Only
the Best is Good.
As delicious as
it r
Supersedes old-fashioned Cod Liver Oil and Emulsions
Guaranteed to contain all the medicinal elements, actually taken
from genuine fresh coda livers, with organic iron and other
body-building ingredients, but no oil or grease, making tha
greatest strength and flesh creator knows to medicine. For
old people, puny children, weak, paid women, nursing
mothers, chronic cold, backing coughs, throat and lung
troubles, Incipient consumption nothing equals VinoL
.... Try H if you dont like R ws will return money. ,
National Bank
SURPLUS, . .....
Propel attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex
change. Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge
for keeping your valuable papers.
H.C. Adams, President.
T.J Kirk, Vice-President.
F. 8. Lc (4 now, Cashier.
. Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in
all its branches, I am in a position to carry on this line
of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in
connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the
best workmen money can secure, and before you let your
contract it will pay you to get my figures. -
Peebler & Chamberlain
: Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co.
Agricultural Implements
Umatilla . Lumber Yard
s Ed Barrett, Manager , j
Building Material
.;? j Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper. Brick, etc.
Special inducements ou orders for carload lots.
Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : :
Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood
"t :wf".'
The New
Body Builder
a Fresh Orange
I! -Y
.... 12,500
O. A narrett.)
P. B. Colburn. VDInwmrs s
v. S. Leu row, I
I. H. Kemp, Asslslaul Cashier
Everything Fir.t
Class - Ho darn
and TJp-ts-dste
- For.
House Keeping
r ...
See our stock before you buy.
Baker I f olsom
The Complete House Furnishers, Main
St., next to Postoffice, Pendleton.
Foley s Honey nd Tar
cons colds, prevents pneumonia.