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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1905)
J We want to say to you that we mean it. We want to say that we believe it. We want to say that we only know one way to do business and that ia by fair dealings, honest dealings and the best goods for your money. The kind of goods that will bring you back again. The pricea hereto appended, back ed up by quality, will make you one among the army of our satisfied custom ers, if you are not already in the ranks. Great Dress Goods Sale Danish Cloths in Cream, Tan, Blue and Pink, sold everywnere at 20, our price 16jc Egyptian Chiffon Voils in - all the popular shades, sold everywhere at 85c per yard, our price 25c Egyptian Crepe de Chine, latest novelty in wash fabrics, sold every wnere at 30c, our price , . , . 20o An immense variety of fancy Mohairs the latest novelties in spring dress goods, worth 65 and 75c per yard, our price 60c High Novelty Secillian Mohairs, Mixture and stripes, per yd.. $1.25 Japanese Crepes, all colors. For duability and style they are the best production in wash goods of the season. Per yard ,25c Big lot of Skirt and dress lengts in this season's best styles of black goods at a great reducfion. Bagdad Crepes for Kamonas. Ori-nt-h1 patterns imported direct from Tokio. Per yd 25c and 35o Ladies' Fabric Gloves in Tan White or Black, per pair. 25o New line of ladies' Collars and neckwear. Ladies' ties in all the most desirable styles and colors. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hosiery in endless variety. Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, THE TERHUNE LUMBER YARD Hunt Avenue. Building Material at Lowest prices. Contracting and Building a Specialty. Estimates Properly Furnished. T; L Terhune, Athena, Oregon. ; Press Paragraphs S.A . Maloney is visiting his Athena friends. George ' Rosenzweig arrived home Wednesday from the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson drove over to Weston Tuesday afternoon. Byers' mill in Pendleton is shut down because of a leak in the water flue. ..'. G. W. Proebstel, one of Weston's prominent business men, was in town yesterdays- g i , SCMrs. Clint Bisset, wife of the bar- ' ber, arrived in tne city Tuesday irom Walla Walla. ; Mrs. O. C Beck has returned from '' a lengthy sojourn on the farm near Eltopia, Wash. ; Jos.- N. Scott attended' the Ely- arsh wedding in Pendleton on Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Swaggart went down to Pendleton Monday, return ing home Tuesday. " Moses Taylor came up from Pendle ton Wednesday where he has been attending circuit court , Miss Lottie Gay has returned from Colfax, where she went some time ago with her aunt, Mrs. Ward. Two teams are hauling lumber this week from the W. & C. R. in Athena to the Weston lumber yard. Daring ' her lather's abseuce at 'Portland, Mis Edythe McBride is saleslady at the Palace drug store. jx Master Ace Wagoner is about the happiest boy in Umatilla county. He ia the owner of a fine rubber tired boggy.'. Miss Jennie Mays who has been visit ing in Athena for several days, re turned this morning to her home in Dayton. Another one of A. L. Swaggart 's fine hogs goes to Idaho to improve the stock of that state. Shipment will be made tomorrow. Two fine new desks have been added to the furniture equipment of the new lodge hall. With this addition the furnishings are now complete. Mrs. Brandon, mother of Mrs. O. G. Chamberlain, lift recently for Grange ville, Idaho, where she will visit for awhile with relatives. Eli Parr, the wonnded half breed, is now said to be getting along as well as possible under the cirumstances, and there are chances for his re covery. For the Eagle's picnic at Echo on Jnna ') 1 f Via fsillrkwinn. liam tvn selected to speak : Dell Carey Smith, Youth's and Men's Clothing If you want style, if you want fit, if you want perfection of workman ship combined with quality, at prices that cannot be duplicated, inspect our new spring stock before making your purchase. We have suits for all from $5 for a good wearing serv icable suit up to the latest high grade worsted at $10.60, $13 50, 8 13.50, $15 and $16.50 per suit. New and up to iate line of two piece Outing Suits, double or -single breasted, from 84.75 Jo $12.50 a suit." Men's fancy Vests, white or color ed, new and up to dato styles, from $1.50 to $2 60 each. Men's Shoes. r : If you want the very latest in either low or high cut, in Tans, French Enamel, Vici Kid, Box or Valor Calf, we have them from $2.50 to $5 per. Also the largest and best line of Work Shoes evei shown, commenc ing at $1.50 per pair to $2.75. , Ladies' Shoes. The latest Military heel and Vassar toe. The celebrated Utz & Dunn make. All grades and widths, from $2.50 to $4.50 per pair. OUR LEADER at $1.75 per pair is the wonder of the shoe world and cannot be equaled by any shoe sold at $2. Latest style, high kid top, patent toe, rommon sense heel and extension sole. Try a pair if you want great value for your money. Athena, Oregon Spokane; John Considine, Seattle; Rev. J. R N. Bell, Baker City; J. T. Hinkle, J. H. Raley, James A. Fee, Conrad Platzoeder and A, Bennett, Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Parker, and daughter Grace, accompanied by Miss Dell, left Wednesday morning on their return trip to St Johns, Wash. They go by team. A number of Pendleton people came up to Athena Wednesday even ing to attend the meeting at the Methodist church. The party came up and returned in a bus. . Charles Gay made a short business visit to Bingham springs Wednesday, and reports the new management of this mountain resort may decide to hold a 4th of July celebration there. Mrs.. Stafford, who has been the truest of Mrs. Frakes for thn nnat. week, has gone out to the Hansell farm west or town. Mrs. Stafford will leave for the valley in a week or two. Miss Lula Tharp gave a pleasant party at her home Tuesday evening to a number of her young friends, in honor of Miss Grace Parker, who was visiting here from St Johns, Wash. The campmeeting of the Free Meth odists begins next Monday, in .this city at 8 p. m. The meetings will be held in a large tent on the old O. R. & N. depot grounds, in the north part of town. The fifth week of the meeting being held by Rev. 8. M. Martin, the Christian evangelist in Salem, is now closing with great success. The total number of converts during the meet ing is over 100. - j , Link Swaggart may cut a shine at spook parties; enjoy balloon ascen j sions, and be next to pedigrees of leg j less chickens, but he isn't swift I enough to keep tab on a circus. Eh, I Smith? Sunday will be children's day at the Baptist church and there will be special Sunday school exercises at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock Rev. Ellis will preach a special sermon to the boys and girls. Sam Hutt is with the street cleaning department this week. All old bones, rags, sticks, tin cans, paper, etc., found on the streets are tenderly lift ed into Mr. Hctt's big wagon and carted away to the city's dumping grounds south of town. All the boys except one who took the Idaho trip, are afflicted with severe colds. The cause may be attri buted to either the change of climate or the scarcity of blankets in Weiser. Water would have nothing to do with it While driving home to his ranch in Franklin county last week, Otis Beck had the ill fortune to drive over his pet dog "Spooney," so well known to his friends in Athena. The dog, which was a 'remarkably , intelligent water spaniel was instantly killed and Mr. and Mrs. Beck will long mourn the loss of the little canine. An unknown friend has sent to the Press a fine specimen of drawing in water colors. The subject of the drawing appeals very much to the edi tor, and is duly appreciated. A covy of game birds is being held under a stand by a bird dog. The conception is good and the drawing is artistic.' Some complaint is being heard re garding the light yield of the alfalfa hay crop. It is a settled fact that the late frosts damaged the 'alfalfa to the extent that in some parts of the county not more than one half . the average production will be realized from the first cutting. 1 V'Tharp Bros, are placing their ma- caingry in their new blacksmith and machine shop on Fourth street and in a short time will be in proper shape to do all classes of work with the same efficiency they did before . the. fire. The chop mill will be in operation by the time harvest arrives. - ' . As an admirer of horses, Elmer Lane, the barber, has few equals, and his eye for beauty in the equine race sure ly borders on the fastidious. Elmer has made a purchase. He got a horse all right, and it's a little beauty about as large as an Oregon jackrab bit, and a piano box would give it ample room for exercise. Portland may bear the distinction of being the rose city, but to Heury Schmitt's home belongs the name of rose farm, judging from the handsome specimens which were laid on our sanctum table by Mr. Schinitt There is no reason why Eastern Oregon should not produce roses to equal those of the western part of the state. The revival services at the Method ist church still continue. Sunday will be the closing day. Evangelistic serv ices at 1 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. ' Sabbath School at 10 a. m. and Epworth League at 7 p. m. A union temper ance rally will be held at the church at 8 p. m. addressed by Dr. G. L. Tufts, superintendent of the anti saloon league. All are cordially in vited to attend these services and make the closing day of this series of meetings a great day in the church's history. Services at the Christian church Sunday as follows: Bible School at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 a. m. , Junior Endeavor meeting at 3 p. m. Endeavor at 7 p. m., preaching at 8. Dr. G. L. Tufts, of Portland, will speak in the morning on "The For ward Movement of the 20th Century." G. K. Berry, Editor ... of the Pacific Christian, will be present in the even ing and will take part in the services. All not worshiping elsewhere are cordially invited to attend. -' """"i Lost A door key, somewhere be tween the O. R. & N. depot and Bod dy's meat market Finder please leave at this office and receive suitable reward. " For the Pendleton-Walla Walla ball game at Walla Walla Sunday the O. R. & N. Co. will - sell round trip tickets for f 1. Take the regular morn ing passenger train and return on the special in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Curry, eyesight spec ialists of Walla Walla, will make their next professional visit to Athena Wednesday, June 21, at St. Nichols Hotel, for one" day only. This will be their last visit to Athena for two months. Consultation free. : Tired out, worn out woman cannot sleep, eat or work ; seems , as if - she would fly to pieces. ' Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes strong ' nerves and rich blood. 35c. Tea or Tab lets. Pioneer drug store. All the grandmothers, in the country can get a cabinet photograph free; As to how old or young you may be It will make no difference with me. So oall at Danner's Photograph Gal lery during the month of June, And you will find me there at all times ready to sing you this tune. Makes digestion and assimilation perfect. Makes new red blood and bone. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. A tonio for the weak and sick. 85c. Tea or tablets. Pioneer drug store If the boxes on your buggy, hack or cart have become worn so there is end play, take your rig to Buel's blacksmith shop and have the axles cut back so they fit up snug and tight. Mr. Buel has a machine for doing the work. Price $3 per set of four axles. If you want a pretty face and delight ful air, Rosy cheeks and lovely hair. Wedding trip across the sea, Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea. Pioneer drug store. W. S. Buel offers his residence prop erty on Current street for sale. House, practically new, contains six rooms. For further particulars see Mr. Buel. If you need fishing tackle, look at the fine display in Worthington & Thompson's show window. Mrs. P. IL Stumftf has some house hold goods which she offers for sale. Call at her residence. The only genuine cottage cheese the kind your mother used to make at the Home Bakery. Fresh bread, buns, doughnuts, cookies and cakes at the Home Bakery. Go to the Home Bakery ice cream parlors, for pure ice cream. Before buying your vehicle Phillips, Weston, Oregon. Items In Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Sterling silver novelties at Mb name's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rule at Gay's, daily. , . j Buy a Heriney, buggy and look swell. C. A. Barrett & .Co. Trya Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. . C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine.. That Crescent Cream Coffee , is fine. At Worthington & Thompson's. Latest uovefeies" in. men's ready to wear suits. Athena Mercantile Co. ; Remember, Ely & Scott are head quarters for rubbers and overshoes. Just received.' J Men's double-breasted 3-button sacque suits. . Athena Mercan tile Co. ,You should .see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C. A. Barrett & Co. -a. ' - ;. Worthington & Thompson have just received a largeline of , new pipes and pocket knives, i i Say Ma, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it Ht . Worthing. ton A Thompson's. tt. ' Dont forget t try our Gold Leut coffee. It is the best 25 cent coffee on the market. Ely St, Scott. You will find the best novels by the best modern writers, in the circulating library at the Palace Drug store. W. C. Miller'is again in the harness business in Athena. Ho is located in the Estes building opposite the Athena Hotel. All goods sold at reasonable prices.' Workmanship guaranteed. L. A. Githens, agent for Edison pho nographs and irecords, is prepared to furnish all of the different grade of the Edison mako. Mr. Githens always has phonographs on exhibition and is pre pared to give information at any time. It is the fit and finish; the artistic touch that makes the suit. "Internat ional" Made to Measure garments have all of tbeBe virtues, including quality as well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co. to show you their magnificent line of these supplies. Boys, you had better get busy and see Athena Mercantile Co. who have a com plete "International" line of samples. This famous concern, for whom Athena Mercaneile Co. takes orders and meas ures, builds garments that are as near perfection as human hands can make them. Satisfaction guaranteed or no Bale. - , No Secret About It. It is no secret, that for cuts, burns. ulcers, fever sores, sore N eyes, boils, i etc, nothing is so effective as Buck- I len's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had and it is all O .K. for sore eyes," writes D. L. Gregory, Hope, Tex.' 25c at Mc Bride's drug store. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take CiiHcarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or St, If a C. C. (all to cure, drugKists refund money. OTtt Wmi$ mi (Dj(3 WDiI i Men's All Wool Suits Our regular price $15, closing out price, $12.50 Regular price $14, closing out price 11.00 Regular prjee $12.50, closing out price. . .10.00 Regular price $10, closing out price 8.00 Our Grey s Caasimere all Wool Suits $12.50, cut toil 9.00 Brown Cheviot All Wool Suits $12.50, cut to ... 'X -. 9.00 Our'$ll Suits cut to .. ..8.00 ....... t Boy's Clothing We have about. 200 Snil. A vry nice liua to select from.' It will n,v von in l-mk them ov"r before buying. Cut Wji in prire. Special We Will Sell for Ten $2.50, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25 Shirt Waists, fine line to choicd for These Waista won't last but come and get your choice. The Place where the TE-HE FiUil family Can Trade. U itmmmmrm wufmm mmm mmttntr nrnmmr mnmr t& ITO ft: A simple rule to make life a joy is 9S E When shopping do not forget that "99" is the best Coffee ' that can be obtained. For sale only at the H Cash 3 Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte ZI2 iiiiiuuiiiiiiiiuuiuiuiuiaiaiiiiuiiiiiiauuiiun'iuiuiaiuti RAA f! ShUTTl Paint' 0U UO V Uliail ESTABLISHED 1865 Prcston-Parton Milling Co. Our Barley M. Is Now Running. We can roll : your Barley while you Wait Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. Our $4 Pants Days Only and $1.00 Ladies select from, your a few days, so mm to drink a cup of that elegant Coffee 25 99 Grocery Gla88 Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON. OREGON. Qlvlv Athena, Oregon Men's Pants Our $5 Pants cut to. $3.60 cut to.. 3.00 I Our $3.50 pants cut to 2.75 Our $2.50 Pants cut to 2.00 Shoes He Well Shod or you cannot be Well Dressed We hsve Mime beautiful new Htylns in Peter Deimorn Special. Oxfordx, $2.50 to $3.50 A tine line for men, women and children in Tan and Bliick. Ladies' Muslin Underwear We ft re closing this line out at a great sacri fice. Call and get pick before line is broken. Ladies' white Sleeveless Vests, while they last, each. , , ,5c Ladies' Sleeveless Union Suits each 3oC With long sleeves. .50c Our black Underskirts we sold for $1.25 and $1, going at 90c Si