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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1905)
AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Twiok-a-Week Tuesday aud Friday r. B. Botd, Publishes. Eutered Kecond-claHB matter, March 1, 1901, at the poitofflce at Athena, Oregon, under an Actot Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription Hat.a: I'm year, In advance $2.00 Siogleoopiei In wrappera,5e. Advertising ft. tea i 1 ..h-"i reading notices, Brat Insertion, 10c per hi. Each iUDsequent Insertion, 5r. A II communication! should be addressed to he PKKHH Athena, Oregon ATHENA, JUNE .. . . . . 9, 1905 NEWSPAPER GAFF. The newspaper gaff is 011 between the big "nns" down at Portland and the things they are saying about each other are "heavy" and fascinating. For iustauce : "Having unmasked hypocrisy in the newspaper business here, the Ore goniau at present has nothing more to say. False pretense, detestable everywhere, ij especially so in journal ism. The Oregonian has made known who the owners and publishers of a corporation aud baukers' newspaper that has been conducted here during three years nnder false pretenses, are. That will do. Only the Oregonian once more will say that nothing else is so reprehensible as publication of a newspaper under false colors. The public always has a right to know who the owners and publishers of a newspaper are. The public then may judge what motives control it In this case there will be no further question about it. Cowardly hypocrisy and hypocrisy is always cowardly has been unmasked. That will do." Then the Journal becomes quite chesty and hurls its harpoon into the tall tower like this: "That will do,' aud so it will. Editor Scott has exposed another mare's nest The 'old man' has not forgotten, it seems, the 'hypocrisy, false pretense and cowardice' he prac ticed on the public a dozen or more years ago, when he turned over the Telegram to a man named Motfett who conducted it in secret for this hypocrite Scott, in a building on the corner of Alder and Sixth streets, op posite the Oregonian building, while masquerading it as a democratic pap er. The 'hyprocriay, false pretense and cowardice,' were so palpable that the publio refused to bite at the bait ed hook, aud so the effort was a costly one to its perpetrators, and it 'died a bornin'." The Telegram was returned to the warm maternal embrace, where it now rests and serves no pur pose other than a burden to the moth erly, though uu-Christianliko old Ore gouiun. THE MAN, NOT PAllTV. The tinio has come when large cities us well as small look not on the par tisan candidate for municipal office, as one to which 1b due support because cf party affiliations. The source of the strength of the caudidate for mu nicipal office hereafter lies in his qualifications as a busiueas mail aud his integrity to conduct the offioe to which he aspires. Because a city is overwhelmingly republican or demo cratic is no reason why a candidate put before the people by machiue manipulation of the dominant party should receive their support simply because he is the partisan caudidate. No better evideuoe of this truism was Expansion Sale NOW IN FULL BLAST This bhIo, the biggest effort we have ever put forth iu the line of special sales, is proving one of the most successful we hvae ever held. We want none of our patrons from out of town to miss it they're welcome to the bargain that are to be had. .. REMEMBER Duriug this sale which is to continue for a few weeks longer, reduced prices will jwrvail iu practically all of our depart nieuta Write, call or telephone us. When goods ordered amount to Mail Orders a Specialty THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Everything to Furnish the Home. 12 H-18-18 20 22 Alder Street, WALLA WALLA, ; WASH. ever presented than in the city elec tion at Portland Monday. The slogan of the Oregonian for weeks has been "vote for Williamson because be is a republican." But Dr. Lane, demo crat, overcame the olhlacle of 6,000 republican majority and was elected mayor of Portland because the people believed in his integrity as a man and voted for him. Another instance of the right man being in the right place is Weaver of Philadelphia. He has shown up the corrupt political machine of that city and the ring leaders are whining for mercy. Dunn of Chicago grasps the situation with an iron band, and corporations that have fattened for years on city fran chises will have to hunt other avenues for fllchiug. You can read it on the wall that its the man and not party prestige that is to hereafter figure in municipal elections. Gilliam county will turn out great crops this year from a largely in creased acreage, and all classes of people are feeling the effects of her great prosperity. Nearly 1,000,000 pounds of wool will be shipped out within the next 30 days over the railroad just extended to Condon. From last year's crop fully 1,000,000 bushels of wheat are in the growers' hands, part of which will go out when the market is right and part be used in a 200-barrel flour mills oon to be erected. A bunch of 2000 cattle rounded up there ten days ago, were sold at good figures aud the ranchers now have the cash. Small tracts in the valleys near the town are turning out a great crop of strawberries, and peaches, pears and apples promise a fine yield. It would be much better for this portion of the state if it contained more land owners. The county could support them and be better for it. Small farming will pay in Umatilla county as elsewhere, and then, any way, a small farm well kept is worth more than a large one poorly cared for. If a young man when he starts out in married life will settle on a small farm and go to work, exercising diligence aud judgment and observ ing Beuj. Frankliu: "Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee," it will only be a few years until he will have a good home and will have assisted in improving the county. This is the kind of laud owners that the county needs and there is room for hundreds of them. The girl who wears hoopskirts can never sit iu a parlor and spoon with her young man. The distance is too great. Albany Times. And yet there were marriages thirty-five or forty years ago. This proposition to have a "sane Fourth of July" ought surely to be approved, if only for the reason that the other kind drives so many people crazy. Adams should act according- ly. It is encouraging to read in a head line iu the financial column that the supply of money is steadily increasing, even though your lower right hand vest pocket doesn't look that way. Valloy papers are giving couutry readers the good advice to buy of home merchuuts instead of peddlers, who sell inferior artioles for three or four prices. $10.00 or more we pay the freight. Mail Orders a Specialty WHAT MOltK CAN ItCMtA LOIE ( Portland Oregonian. ) The influence of sea power on the course of history is illustrated anew by the tremendous naval victory of Japan over Russia, It was literally true that the national existence of Jap n at least her place among the nations was at stake. Had Russia destroyed the fleet of Japan, as Japan baa destroyed that of Russia, the little island empire would have been unable to continue the war, but would have been obliged to seek such terms as Russia might have chosen to give her. Japan has gained the greatest mari time victory the world has known since Trafalgar. Had England lost that battle she would ' have been in nearly such straits as Japan would be had Russia succeeded the other day in destroying the Japanese naval arma ment The great emperor would have found means of invading England, and the course of the world's history wonld have taken a direction very different from that which it has pur sued these hundred yean. The actual problems of maritime warfare have not been greatly chang ed by the introduction of ships armor clad; for power of attack and power of resistance have kept close pace with each other, as formally. Introduction of steam has, however, profoundly changed all conditions, since Nelson's time. A nation cannot without vast expense and enormous risk, send her ships far from her own ports to fight Coal supply is the first indispensable thing. Russia s embarrassment in ber present war with Japan, arising from this condition, has been extreme. The strength of the British navy lies not wholly in the number of ships and guns, but largely in the fact that Great Britain has ports of supply in nearly every part of the globe. The sea is not Russia's element She is not adapted to it Efficiency at sea requires qualities which she has not yet developed. Quickness of in telligence and rapidity of aotion are not characteristics of her people. On land she has long been formidable, through the courage and tenacity of her soldiery qualities better suited to land than sea. Japan never can strike at the vitals of Russia, but probably can expel her from her position on the shores of the Pacific. There is something in the assertion of Russia that she need be in no haste to make peace, for Japan at present can do ber little more barm. Even if Russia should lose Vladivostok, the loss would not be great; for the port is of small use to her. She wnnted Manchuria, played for it, and for the advantages it would have brought ber, and lost it Hav ing also lost her fleet she cannot lose much more to Japan save the lives of some hundreds of thousands of sol diers, and these she holds extremely cheap. aASOtlftB HlIXOLIMBEB. (Portland Journal.) For the first time since its construc tion, the Southern Pacific new gaso line motor car No. 1 has encountered a grade of 197 feet to the mile. The test was on the first official trial trip made over the rails of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company's line, a distance of six miles out on the main road, and then a run of two miles up the grade of the Forest Grove line, from the Union station to the top of the hill. The result was satisfac tory to Harriman officials on the car. The car was operated by the man who brought it on the long journey from Omaha to Portland. A run was made over the Sullivan gulch grade and the car easily made a speed of 80 miles an hour without using morejthan half its power. A trip was then made " over the Fourth street grade of the Southern Pacific, and the entire population along the route laid aside work and business aud viewed the progress of the car through the city. The Fourth street grade ranges from 118 to 197 feet rise to the mile, practically a 3 1-3 per cent grade. The steepest part is on the few blocks near the city hall. Two or three locomo tives are often required to pull an ordinary train up this hill. The design of the car present some new features; it is modeled after the lines of the racing yacht Reliauce, in verted. " The rear of the car is round ed to avoid the formation of the vacnm present with square ended cars. The frpjit tarers to a sharp point. The roof is given a taper from the middle to produce a splitting effect in the atmosphere and minimize resistance. It is entirely smooth except for the Cottier ventilators, which exhaust by suction the air from the interior. The trucks are of original and unique de sign, with many new features, intend ed to embody the best points of both the Pullmau aud street car trucks. The most important is the spring, so constructed as to avoid the teetering action ordinarily experienced in the trolley car. The designers say there is practically no limit to the speed the car will attain, but it is not expected that it will be operated at more than 40 miles an hour. It it driven by a six-cylinder gasoline engine that de velops 125 horse power when running at full speed, the engine shaft mak ing 600 revolutions a minute, turning the wheels at a speed of 400 revolu tions. The engine is designed after the style of those used iu the Standard autoboats that made a wonderful rec ord iu autoboat racing on the Hudson river last Jnue. Large air reservoirs are carried under the car, supplying an air device by which the car is started without jar, aud stopped ab ruptly in an emergency by airbrakes. Watch Repairing I want to call your attention to the fact that I do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing. I do accurate work, get it out quick and guaran tee every job sent out. - Watches and Jewelry I carry a line of cheap and medium price watches that ' will stand rough use and are dust proof ; also a line of jew elry, novelties and silverware. ROYAL M. SAWTELL Jeweler : Athena PETERSON & PETERSON, Attorneys-at-Law A1HENA, - OREGON. J. D. PLAMONDON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Barrett Building, Athena, Oregon Dr. A. B. Stone, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly day or night Office in Post Building, Athena, Oregon S. F. Sharp . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention given to Female Diseases. Calls promptly answered. Office on Tblrd Street, Athena. Oregor Foley's Kidney Cure make kidneys and bladder right. Carries Pure, Fresh Drugs, up-to-date Stationery, Toilet articles, Paints, Oils, Glass; in fact every thing found in a first class drug store in pi m Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. jeasoiitsble reonzdile R. J. BODDY'S MEAT MARKET Kresh Meats. Only ; the Best is Good. I 3 a MM To our Customers We are anxious to have you all know that Vinol is a new form of a very old and valuable remedy. Xt is a Cod Liver Oil preparation, because it contains all the" medicinal elements actually taken from fresh Cods' Livers. By a new process we are able to make it without oil or grease and give you a real Cod Liver Oil preparation as delicious to the taste as a fresh orange. Respectfully, PIONEER DRUG STORE First aiional of Athena CAPITAL STOCK. $50,000 SURPLUS, ............... 12,500 Propel attention given to collections. Deals in foreign and domestic ex change. Fire and burglar-proof vaults and safes no charge for keeping your valuable papers. k T.J 1 H. C. Adarai, President. Kirs, Yloe-rresldeul. F. 8. Lb Grow. Cannier, Vmm- CONTRACTING Hereafter I will engage in Contracting and building in all its branches. I am in a position to carry on this line of business in a thorough and satisfactory manner, in connection with my Lumber Yard. I will employ the best workmen money can secure, and before you let your contract it will pay you to get my figures. - - - A. M. CILUS, THE CILUS Peebler & Chamberlain Successors to the Umatilla Implement Co. Agricultural Implements WAGONS, CARRIAGES, ENGINES, MACHINERY, THRESHERS ETC. ATHENA. Umatilla Lumber Yard Ed Barrett, Manager Building Material Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Brick, etc. Special inducements on orders for carload lots. Fence posts in quantities to suit. : : : : : Roslyn Coal, Puget Sound Wood CONTRACTING. ESTIMATES FURNISED ON ALL KINDS OF BUILDING ON SHORT NOTIFICATION II Bank O. A sarrett,) P. B. Oolbnrn, J- Directors rB. IMlrow,) I. M. Kim p, AniMnt Cnablef jam AND BUILDING; PROPRIETOR, LUMBER YARD i OREGON. PARKER & LAKE'S BARBERSHOP MB Everything- Viral . dun - Ma (I vrn and Tp-tn -d alt SOUTH SIO MAIN STREET ATliCX Everything For House Keeping Purposes See out stock before you buy. Baker Sfolsoni The Complete House Furnisher, Main St.. next to Fostoffice. Pendleton. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. i