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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1905)
(r H1TT J T&Ar LI Li L IT We want to say to you that we mean it. We want to say that we believe it. We want to say that we oDly know one way to do business and that is by fair dealings, honest dealings and the best goods for your money. The kind of goods that will bring you back again. The prices hereto appended, back ed up by quality, will make you one among the army of our satisfied custom ers, if you are not already in the racks. Great Dress Goods Sale Danish Cloths in Cream, Tan, Blue and Pink, sold everywnere at 20, our price 16?jc Egyptian Chiffon Voile in all the popular shades, sold everywhere at 35c per yard, our price 25c Egyptian Crepe de Chine, latest novelty in wash fabrics, sold every ; wnere at 30c, our price 20c An immense variety of fancy Mohairs - the latest novelties in spring dress goods, worth 65 and 75c per yard, our price.... .. . ...60c High Novelty Secillian Mohairs, Mixture and stripes, per yd! .$1.25 Japanese Crepes, all colors. For duability and style they are the best production in wash goods of the season. . Per yard ....25c Big lot of Skirt and dress lengts in this season's best styles of black goods at a great reduction. Bagdad Crepes for Kamonas. Ori-nt-Hi patterns imported, direct from Tokio. Per yd ...25o and 35c Ladies' Fabric Gloves in Tan White ; or Black, per pair... 25c New line of ladies' Collars and neckwear. Ladies' ties in all the most desirable styles and colors. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hosiery In endless variety. Athena Mercantile Company South S de Main Street, - . Athena, Oregon THE TERHUNE LUMBER YARD Hunt Avenue. Building Material at Lowest prices. Contracting and Building a Specialty. Estimates Properly Furnished. T. L, Terhune, Athena, Oregon. Press Paragraphs Deputy Sheriff Blakley was up from Pendleton Saturday. Attorney Peterson is attending court ni Pendleton this week. H. A. Barrett commenod harvesting his alfalfa crop Tuesday.. New ads today Royal M. Sawtell, watchmaker and jeweler. H. C Adams went down to Wallula yesterday to attend haying. 1 Mr. and Mrs. . Henry Pinkerton, of Weston, were in town yesterday. "Mrs. Samuel McBride returned to ner home in Walla Walla this morn ing. ' Mrs. W. S. Perry and little daugh ter Minnie came up from Pendleton Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thorn, of Pen dleton, were guests at the Barrett home today. Jack O'Neil, traveling passenger agent of Jtbe O. R. & N. spent last night in the city. Next Saturday is the regular meet ing of the C W. B. M. All members please take notice. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Le Grow re turned last evening from Walla Walla where tbey have been for several days. V Misses Lida and Mary Fletcher were in the city yesterday and attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Hugh Robie. Mrs. Sam McBride and children were iu the city from Walla Walla Friday visiting at the McBride home. Mrs. Florence Alloway, of Weston, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones, in this city. Claudie the youngest sou of Mr. and Mrs. John King, is ill at their home in this city with indications of typhoid fever. Mrs. J. EL Froome and neice, Miss Eva Froome, left this morning for Waitsburg, Wash., on a visit to friends. Mrs. and Mrs. A. Snick left yester day morning for Garfield, Wash., near which place they will visit relatives for a few days. For the Portland excursion this morning, 27 tickets were sold at Mil ton;. 2 3 at Weston; 9 at Athena and none at Adams. Mrs. Tucker, who resides near Boise, Idaho, is here visiting her broth er, David Taylor, and her sister, Mrs. Jackson Nelson. J. N. B. Gerkiug arrived home Sat nrady evening from Crook county where he has been for some time look ing after bis land. ml Youth's and Men's Clothing If you want style, if you want fit, if you want perfection of workman ship combined with quality, at prices that cannot be duplicated, inspect our new spring stock before making your purchase. We have suits for all from $5 for a good wearing serv icable suit up to the latest high grade worsted at $10.50, $12 50, $13.50, $15 and $16.50 per suit. New and up to date line of two piece Outing Suits, double or single breasted, from $1.75 to $12.50 a suit. Men's fancy Vests, white or color ed, new and up to date styles, from $1.50 to $2.50 eacb. Men's Shoes. If you want the very latest in either low. or high cut, in Tans, French Enamel, Vici Kid, Box or Valor Calf, we have them from $2.50 to $5 per. - Also the largest and best line of Work Shoes evei shown, commenc ing at $1.50 per pair to $2.75. Ladies' Shoes. The latest Military heel and Vassar toe. The celebrated Utz & Dunn make. All grades and widths, from $2.50 to $4.50 per pair. OUR LEADER at $1.75 per pair is the wonder of the shoe world and cannot be equaled by any shoe sold at $2. Latest style, high kid top, patent toe, ommon sense heel and extension sole. Try a pair if you want great value for your money. K As a plyer of paint Henry Keen is a class with himself. Henry can mix in several different lines, and paint is one of them. Mrs. W. E. Burnham, mother of Mrs. Dr. Stone, has returned to her home in Walla Walla after visiting in Athena several days. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk went over to La Grande last nigbt where they will spend several days visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Nick Springer of Pendleton, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Worthington. Mrs. Springer is a niece of the former. ' Ora Rhodes returned Saturday from ranch in Crook county and re ceived a hearty welcome from his many friends in Athena. The funeral of P. J. Cavanagh, the Walla Walla attorney who died in a Portland hospital Friday, took place at Walla Walla Sunday. Mrs. Ross King is down from Frank lin county, Wash., visiting Weston friends and will be in Athena this week, a guest of relatives here. Miss Anna Barrett, of Walla Walla, returned home this morning after a pleasant visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barrett. Miss Verna Vanslyke, of Weston, was a gnest yesterday of Miss Gertie Luna. Miss Vanslyke was just re turning from a visit to La Grande. A change in the time card of the W. & C. R, went into effect Sunday. The train on the At Vena branch arrives in Athena at 9:10 and leaves at 9:55. Lost A door key, somewhere be tween the O. R. & N. depot and Bod- j dy'a meat market. Finder please leave at this office and receive suitable reward. W. R. Taylor and Roes Clark left last Thursday for the stock ranch in Crook county. They, have evidently encountered some damp weather on the journey down. jA Wm. Tompkins drove the families or Revs. Baker and McCarty out tothe chmitt home yesterday, where the famed hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt was enjoyed by alL For the Pendleton-Walla Walla ball game at Walla Walla Sunday the O. R. & N. Co. will sell round trip tickets for f 1. Take the regular morn ing passenger train and return on the special in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinkerton have returned from Hood River, where they went about a month ago. It was the intention to remain until the be ginning of harvest bnt illness of a j child caused them to return sooner. fNClr. and Mrs. W. D. Parker and l (laughter Grace are down from their borne near St Johns, Washington, on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. Parker says ' crop ' prospects iu the country where he resides are all that could be desired. Mr. Parker drove down in less than three days. They are accompanied by a niece of Dr. L. DelL Blacksmith Buel has received his axle-boring machine, and it is fast coming into demand. If you have a buggy, hack or cart that is in the least worn in the stubs, Buel and bis machine can soon remedy the defect. irsMrs. B. F. McElroy and her daugh ter, Miss Grace, have returned from a trip to Weiser, Idaho, where mem bos of the family , have taken land. Miss McElroy changed her filings from land near Malheur, and has now secured land in the Weiser country. . On account of the prevailing rains and damp weather, the Sunday school picnic of the Christian church has been postponed indefinitely. The picnic will come off however in the near fu ture, due notice being given in ample time for all to make preparaions. School election this year comes on Monday, June 19. The election for this district will be held in the school house where one director for the term of three years, one director for the term of two years and ; one clerk" for the term of one year will be elected. Mr. Carl Notte, who has been visit ing his uncle, Mr. Henry Koepke, left Friday for Portland. He expects to go to Los Angeles and to stop at other points of interest in the south and middle west, and will return to his home in Hamburg, Germany, the lat ter part of July. . . YWill MoCullum, Sam Trout, Will iflobson and C. O. Henry returned Sun day morning from Weiser, Idaho, without finding suitable land for homesteads. Plenty of "scab" land was encountered, but all worth any thing had long ago been taken, much of it having been deeded. Mr. and Mrs. Curry, eyesight spec ialists of Walla Walla, will make their next professional visit to Athena Wednesday, June 21, at St. Niohols Hotel, for only. This will be their last visit , to Athena for two months. Consultation free. The repairs td 'the Athena opera house are progressing under the su pervision of Contractor Terhune. The roof is being shingled at present There is to be some alteration in the building. The ceiling over the stage will be higher in order to better ac commodate the scenery carried by Seling tronps. v orris Bros. & Christenson, of Port 1, Oregon, were the successful bid ders for Athena's $16,000 water bonds, which are to run for 20 years from July 1, 1905, with 10 year option, at 5 per cent interest payable semi-annually. The bonds are to be in de nominations of $1000, each. The bid was for par or face value of the bonds with a premium of $77. Death of Mrs. Bobie. I "-Mrs. Hugh Robie, who for several I ponths has been ill with consumption, died at ner nome south ol town Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs: Robie, whose maiden name was Julia Rice, was born in the state of Washington. She leaves a husband, one daughter and a son besides a number of rela tives and a large circle of friends ine iunerai services were neid yester day afternoon at the home, interment being in the Athena cemetery. Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that the city of Athena willTreceive sealed bids for hauling crushed rock and sand (by the yard) and cement, pipe and fittings (by the ton) from 'Athena to the res ervoir site and points on the pipe line of the new water system. Bids will be received up to 6 o'clock p. m. Mon day, June 12, 1905. The right is re served to reject any and all bids. The City of Athena, By O. G. Chamberlain, Recorder. If the boxes on yonr buggy, hack or cart have become worn so there is end play, take your rig to Bnel's blacksmith shop and have the axles cut back so they fit up snug and tight 1 Mr. Buel has a machine-for doing the work. Price 2 per set of four axles. , All the grandmothers in the country cau get a cabinet photograph free; As to how old or young you It will make no difference with me. So call at Danner's, Photograph Gal lery during the month of June, !' And you will find me there at all times ready to sing you this tune. If you want a pretty face and delight ful air. Rosy cheeks and lovely hair, Wedding trip across the sea, ' Put your faith in Rocky Mountain Tea. Pioneer drug store. W. S. Buel offers his residence prop erty on Current street for sale. House, practically new, contains six rooms. For further particulars Mr. Buel. If you need fishing tackle, look at the fine display in Worthington & Thompson's show window.. Mrs. P. IL Stumpf has some house- bold goods which she offers for sale. Call at her residence. The only genuine cottage cheese the kind your mother used to make at the Home Bakery. Fresh .bread, buns, doughnuts, cookies and cakes at the Home Bakery. Uo to the Home Bakery ice cream parlors, for pure ice cream. Before buyinjr your vehicle see A. Phillips, Weston, Oregon. Items in Brief. Buy a Samson at Cox & McEwen's. Sterling silver novelties at Manasse's. Fresh bread, cakes, etc., on rule at Gsj's, daily. Buy a Henney buggy aud look swell. C. A Barrett & Co. Try a Flor de Corona cigar at the White House Grocery. C. A. Barrett & Co. are selling the Deering binding twine. That Crescent Cream Coffee is fine. At Worthington Sc Thompson's. Latest novelties in men's ready to wear suits, Athena Mercantile Co. Remember, Ely So Scott are head quarters for rubbers and overshoes. Just received. Men's double-breasted 3-button sacque suits. Athena Mercan tile Co. You should see the fine line of buggies and hacks at C A. Barrett & Co.s., Worthington & Thompson have iust L received a large line of new pipes and poefcet knives. Say Va, Crescent Baking Powder will raise the dough. Get it Ht Worthing ton & Thompson's. Don't forget to. try our Gold Leaf coffee. It is the best 25 cent coffee on the market. Ely & Scott. You will find the best novels by the best modern writers, in the circulating library at the Palace Drug store. W. 0. Miller is again in the harness business in Athena. Ho is, located in the1 Estes building opposite the Athena Hotel. All goods sold at reasonable prices. Workmanship guaranteed. L. A. Githens, agent for Edison pho nographs and records, is prepared to furnish all of the different grades of the Edison maki. Mr. Gitbens always has phonographs on exhibition and is pre pared to give information at any time. It is the fit and finish; the artistic touch that makes the suit. "Internat ional" Made to Measure garments have all of these virtues, including quality as well. Ask the Athena Mercantile Co. to show you their magnificent line of these supplies. Boys, you had better get busy and see Alliens Mercantile Co. who have a com plete "International" line of samples. This famous concern, for whom Athena Mercaneile Co. takes orders and meas ures, builds garments that are as near perfection as human hands can make them. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. ,t;V: ; ". ' Si. No Secret About It.' : It is no secret, that for cuts,' burns, j ulcers, fever sores, sore eyes, boils, i etc., nothing is so effective as Buck-I len's Arnica Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had and it is all O .K. for sore eyes," writes D. L.'- Gregory, Hope, Tex. 26c at Mc Bride 's drug store. To Cure Conntlpatlon Forever. Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25fc if C C. C. (ail to cure, druggists refund inoneS. TOE FA L rW f Tk'jT'S tf'JSY-CURVING WAUVi' MODiiLS 1 M P I I MZKM fl We want everyone in this vicinity to feel at home in this great store. It is your store; it belongs to the public, and we intend that it shall be conducted in a manner consistent from every point with the public's wishes and comfort. Nearly every family in this vicinity thinks firstly of this store when needing any such goods as we sell, because in past years is complete ete and J ft qualities. wV I A & of these iiiXj ent with inspection lines. A clean, of Spring goods. a mm ma mm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmramm it TO Si A simple rule to make life a joy is to When shopping do not forget that can be obtained. For T Cash IWHI Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and high grade Canned Goods a specialte Z3 TiiiuuiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiaiiimiuiuiiiiiiiuiamiiiiujiijiiiuiiuuK See C. Sharp Paint, Oil, ESTABLISHED 1865 Prestori-Farton Milling Co. 1 Our Barley liH Is Now Running. We can roll your Barley while you Wait j Merchant Millers and Grain Buyers Waitsburg, Wash. - - - Athena, Oregon J drink a cup of that elegant Coffee that "99" is the best Coffee sale only at the Grocery Glass, Varnish, Brushes, Etc. Plumbing PENDLETON,. OREGON. PfP9 have found stock prices are consist We invite critical very complete up to date stock Everything is new TOUSE1